HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. City Hall Building Plans/Scope of ServiceCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: JANUARY 12, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: CITY HALL BUILDING PLANS /SCOPE OF AGENDA NO. 2.C. SERVICE DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR ATTACHMENTS: REVISED LETTER OF PROPOSAL, BUILDING PHASE DRAWING i Vanney Associates architectures have been working with staff to formulate a design that would improve work areas to accommodate improved customer service as well as add space to accommodate existing and future growth. All city staff has reviewed the plans and has had the opportunity to give input into the plans. The next step is to formalize the process and enter into a formal agreement with the Architect to perform work needed to prepare plans and specifications. The ten year Capital Improvement Budget has established funds for remodeling the City Hall. Vanney.Associates prepared a proposal which outlines the scope of work to be preformed by the Architect, and identifying the phasing of the remodeling. Conceptual plans will be brought back for City Council approval. It would be advantageous to bid the job in late winter for completion in the fall. I will bring plans to the meeting for further City Council discussion. Jan -05 -00 12:17P Varney Associates 651 222 4642 Vanney Associates Architects FAX COVER SHEET P_01 Designers To From fte VA[AF Compan � � �U Date I . L . w Project: You should receive page(s) including this one. If you do not receive all pages, please call Message: W A a t A A I i 1--»_ Copies: 360 N''orth Rohort Street Suite #201 S Paul, Min nesota tat =,:22-4442; Fax (612)222 -3034 - 5510 Jan -05 -00 12:18P Vanney Associates 651 222 4642 P_02 Vanney Associates Architects Planners 15 December 1999 (Revised 1 -5 -00) Mr. Tom Burt City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 Dear Mr.Burt: LETTER OP PROPOSAL (Revised 1 -5 -00) The following shall constitute letter of proposal to the City of Rosemount, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, and Vanney Associates ,Inc., hereinafter referred to as VA, for provision of Professional Design services to remodel the existing city hall office space, remodel the police department, add office space over the existing police department garage and add an eight car one story, 5,500 sq.ft. (approx.) garage to the north side of the existing city hall building in Rosemount, Minnesota. Scope of Work Phase IA: Add floor structure in the existing city council chambers to create a 2nd floor. The new floor space will.become the new council chambers. The 1st floor space (former council chamber) will become the new reception and office space for the police department. Phase IB: Construct a new 9 car, 70 78' police department garage north of the existing garage. The new garage will have a partial second floor for storage and future office expansion. An alternate fee is included as part of this proposal to add a second floor above the entire garage. Add a second level above the existing police department garage for expansion of the existing office space. Phase II: Remodel the city hall front offices and reception area. Add a new floor structure in the two story entry to create additional second floor space. Separate the front office functions for the building /planning departments from the licensing /utilities /finance departments. Saint ?anl Klnnssote 340 Korth Robert Street, suite 201 55101 (651)222 -4612 CAX (631)222 -3036. Jan -05 -00 12:18P Vanney Associates 651 222 4642 15 December 1999 (Revised 1 -5 =00) Mr. Tom Burt City of Rosemount Page 2 Scope of Work (cant.) P_03 Phase III: Renovate the existing second floor city office space to create more offices and work spaces. Design spaces to create better functional adjacencies between individuals and departments. Evaluate the existing lighting and HVAC systems and redesign the lighting and HVAC to accomodate the new design and better serve the existing spaces. Phase IV: Renovate the existing first floor police department office space to create more offices and work spaces. Design spaces to create better functional adjacencies between individuals & uses. Evaluate the existing lighting and HVAC systems and redesign the lighting and HVAC to accomodate the new design and better serve the existing spaces. This proposal shall be based on the providing VA a complete set of construction documents for the existing city hall building. These drawing shall include topography, site plan with property lines, architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical drawings. VA will provide a bid set of construction documents. This proposal does not include sprinkler engineering, traffic studies, platting services, landscape design, or engineering /specifying emergency communication systems. A. VA SERVICES A.1 VA shall provide the following professional services. Each service within the described scope of work will be referenced as a phase • Client Meetings - Meetings with Department • Programming - Meetings with City Management & Department Heads. • Conceptual Design • Schematic Design. • Attended all required Planning Commission and city Council Meeting. • Design Development. • Color and Material Selection. • Contract Documents /Bidding. • Civil Engineering. • Survey & Topography. • Structural Engineering. • Electrical Engineering. * Mechanical Engineering. * Soil Testing to determine Soil Conditions & adincr, Capacity_ for Design. (Revised 1 -5 -00) (653.)222 -46 rax (6s1)222 - - 5 03 . V)Jltfty hggOCSaTE9 Saint Faul, Minnesota 55101 360 NOrth Robert Street, quite 201 Jan -05 -00 12:18P Vanney Associates 651 222 4642 15 December 1999 (Revised 1 -5 -00) Mr. Tam Burt City of Rosemount Page 3 A. VA SERVICES (cont.) * Construction Administration /Observation (which includes the following number of site visits and hours for construction observation); - Architectural 8 visits @ 3 hours per visit. Civil Engineering 3 visits @ 3 hours per visit. Structural Engineering 3 visits @ 3 hours per visit. - M.E.P. Engineering . . 3 visits @ 3 hours per visit. * Contractor Submittal Review. * Project Closeout. A.2 VA shall not provide the following services under this agreement: (Revised 1 -5 -00) • Architects or Consultants Attendance at Weekly or Monthly Construction Meetings • Wet Land Delineation • city Submittals related to Wet Lands. • Applications or Submittals to MPCA, Watershed District, Health Department, County or State Access, DNR, Army Corp of Engineers or Any Railroads. • Earthwork Quantity Takeoffs or Balance. • Traffic Study. • Sprinkles Engineering (Design Build). * Soil Testing during Construction (Revised 1 -5 -00) * Special inspections as outlined in the UBC. Furniture Selection. * Furnishing Selection. * Equipment Selection. * Design /Selection of Emergency Communication Systems. * Design /Selection of Calbe TV or Intercom Communication Systems. * Design /Selection Fire Alarm or Security Monitoring Systems.. * Selection of Fire Alarm or Security Monitoring Service. * Platting Services. * Landscape Design. P_04 - (651)222 - 4642 Fax (651)222 -3 VANNEY ASSWIXTES 6aint Paul, XLnnsaots 66101 360 North .Robert Street, Suite 201 Jan -05 -00 12:19P Vanney Associates 651 222 4642 15 December 1999 (Revised 1 -5 -00) Mr. Tom Burt City of Rosemount Page 4 P.05 8. THE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITIES The Owner shall provide VA with the following: • Designate the Owner representative at beginning of project • Program material sufficient to clearly establish design goals • A description of any special requirements, regarding functional prerequisites, or similar constraints which the Owner considers absolutely essential to its program • Existing conditions plan which includes topography, utilities, survey information, and soil tests. • A complete set of construction documents for the existing city hall building. These drawing shall include topography, site plan with property lines, architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical drawings. • Special Inspections as outlined in the UBC. • Designate completion date of project (occupancy) • Instruct VA as to whom to send invoices C COMPENSATION The Owner shall compensate VA on fixed fee basis for Professional Design Services in the amount as follows; • Architectural Services . . . . . . . $69,950.00 • Architectural Services . . . . . . . . $6,850.00 (Alternate to add 2nd fir. above new garage) • Survey /Topography . . . . . . . . $ 1,500.00 • civil Engineering . . . . . . . . $ 9,200.00 • Structural Engineering(Base Fee) . $14,500.00 • Structural Engineering . . . . • . • $1,250.00 (Alternate to add 2nd f1r. above new garage) • Mechanical & Electrical Engineering . . $23,500.00 (Base Fee) $2,875.00 • Mechanical & Electrical Engineering . (Alternate to add 2nd fir. above new garage) • soil Testing $20,200.00 If the work is abandoned or suspended, VA shall be compensated for the work performed up to the point of suspension based on the percentage of work completed. (651 )222 -/642 Des (651)222 VXW 3stSOCIATRB amine D &uL, Xinnoseta Sr.1ni 360 North Robert street, suits 201 Ja6-05 -00 12:19P Vanney Associates 651 222 4642 P.06 15 December 1999 (Revised 1 -5 =00) Mr. Tom Burt City of Rosemount Page 5 C. COMPENSATION (cont.) VA shall be compensated on an hourly basis for additional services described in C.2 at a rates listed in the Hourly Rate Schedule in section C.1. The.,owner shall reimburse VA for reimbursable expenses as described in Section C.2 at a rate of -1.15 times the direct cost of the expense. VA shall invoice the owner on a monthly basis. The amount of the invoice shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days of the date on the invoice. Interest on the unpaid balance of the invoice shall accrue at a rate of 1.5 % per month simple invoice amount shall be based on the percentage of interest. The work completed during the month. Payment to VA shall not be contingent on project funding by the Owner or withheld pending the Owner securing funds from a financial institution. C.1 Architectural Hourly Rate Schedule • Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 /Hour • Architect . . . • - • . . . . . . . $75.00 /Hour • CAD Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 /Hour • Draftsman . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 /Hour • Clerical . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 /Hour Structural Engineers Hourly Rate • Principal Engineer . . $90.00 /Hour • Project Engineer . $75.00 /Hour • Design Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 /Hour • Technician . . - . . . . . . . • . $45.00 /Hour • Drafter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 /Hour Mechanical and Electrical Engineers Hourly Rate • Principal . . $90.00 /Hour • Engineer $75.00 /Hour • Senior Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 /Hour • Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48.00 /Hour • Drafter . . . . . . . . . . . . $38.00 /Hour • CAD, Station . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 /Hour Civil Engineers Hourly Rate $ 75.00 /Hour * Registered Land Surveyor $55.00 /Hour * Senior Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00 /Hour * Technician . . . . . . . . . . $88.00 /Hour * Two -Man Survey Crew . . . . . . . . . . $111.00 /Hour * Three -Man Survey Crew . . * Registered Engineer . . . . . . . . . $75.00 /Hour * Wetlands Specialist . . . . . $65.00 /Hour * Engineer . . . . $55.00 /Hour * Word Processing $28.00 /Hour $0.35 /Mile * Mi l e a ge . . (651)222 -4442 rax(651)222 -3034 VABNEY'ASSOCIATES Saint Paul, Kinnaaota 55101 360 North Robert Street, Suits 201 Jan -05 -00 12:20P Vanney Associates 651 222 4642 15 December 1999 (Revised 1- 5=-00) Mr. Tom Hurt City of Rosemount Page 6 C.2 The Owner shall. pay VA additional compensation for the following: (Revised 1 - 5 - 00) * Changes in the scope of work requested by the owner occurring after acceptance of the work in a previous phase. The Owner and VA shall sign off at each appropriate stage of design. (See Section A. VA SERVICES). * Any perspective, plan and other presentation materials requested by the Owner. * Printing plans, reproduction, postage and deliveries * Travel and Lodging * Mileage, parking, and any other authorized expenses * City submittals related to preliminary and final platting and site plan review. * Construction observation beyond the hours listed in section A.I. (Revised 1 -5 -00) P.07 D. TERMINATION (Revised 1 -5 -00) The Qw may terminate this agreem at any time. Such vn a�i. termination shall be in writing and shall take effect upon receipt. At that time, all compensation shall be due and payable based on the percentage of work completed to date of receipt of termination in writing. VA may terminate this Agreexient for just cause. Submitted b�: Accepted by: Wmq,ey Associ tes, Inca City of Rosemount OBERT - F -- EY, RA Mr. Tom Burt RESIDENT City Administrator ATE • ' Q DATE: VANNEY ASSOCIATES (6_5_1)222 -4602 FAX (651)222 -303 360 North 20bmrt.Strut, Suite 201 Saint Paul, Hinnonot 56101 t P 71Z I!!-