HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Adoption of the Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Districta CITY` - OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 2, 2000 AGENDA: Modification to the Tax Increment Financing AGENDA SEC ION: District PUBLIC HEA UNG PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGE 7 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Plan APPROVED BI 01 I The Public Hearing this evening is to consider amending the Tax Increment Financing Districl to increase the level of debt for the project area. The reason the increment or debt level needs to be adjusted i to accommodate future expansion of public improvements. Representatives from Ehlers and Associates, Inc. will be present to answer any questions you ay have. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 'IjHE MODIFCATION TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE BUSINESS PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT. COUNCIL ACTION: i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2000 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFCATION TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE BUSINESS PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRIC BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: i Section 1. Recitals 1.01. The City Council and the Port Authority for the City have heretofore adopted a Development Program for Development District No. 1 and adopted a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Business Park Tax Increment Financing District. 1.02. It has been proposed that the City adopt a Modification to the Tax Incre ent Financing Plan for the Business Park Tax Increment Financing District, all purs ant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, inclusive, as amended, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive a., amended (the "Act"). Generally, the substantive changes to the plan include an increase modification to the budget to account for additional tax increments due to the addition Joa new project and to authorize the issuance of an additional $3,000,000 in bonds. 1.03. The Council has investigated the facts and has caused to be prepared the Tviodification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan of the Business Park Tax Increment Financing District (the "Modification") 1.04. The City has performed all actions required by law to be performed prior t3 the adoption and approval of the proposed Modification, including, but not limited to, notification of Dakota County and School District No. 196 having taxing jurisdiction over the property to be included in the Business Park TIF District, a review of and written comment on the Modification by the City Planning Commission, and the holding of a publi4 hearing upon published notice as required by law. 1.05. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 3, the Council previously chose to calculate fiscal disparities by clause b. I Section 2. Findings for the Approval of the Modifications 2.01. The Port Authority is not modifying the boundaries of Development Distric No. 1 nor the Development Program therefor. l El RESOLUTION 2000 ............ 2.02. The Port Authority is not modifying the boundaries of the Business Park Tax Increment Financing District but is only modifying the Tax Increment Financing Plan to increase the budget to account for additional tax increments due to the addition of a new project and to authorize the issuance of an additional $3,000,000 in bonds. 2.03. The Council reaffirms its original findings for the Business Park Tax Increment Financing District as modified herein, namely that the Business Park Tax Increment Financing District is in the public interest and is an "economic development district" under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subd. 12 and that the proposed development would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and therefore the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary, the Modification conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole, and that the Modification will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the city as a whole, for the development of Development District No. 1 by private enterprise. 2.04. The reasons supporting these findings are that private investment will not finance these development activities due to prohibitive costs, and therefore it is necessary to finance these redevelopment activities through the use of tax increment financing so that other development by private enterprise will occur within Development District No. 1; the Business Park Tax Increment Financing District is properly zoned; the Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the City's comprehensive plan for redevelopment and development; and the development activities are necessary so that development and redevelopment by private enterprise can occur within Development District No. 1. Section 3. Public Purpose 3.01. The Council hereby finds that the Modification conforms in all respects to the requirements of the Act and are intended and, in the judgement of this Council, the effect of such actions will be to help fulfill a need to develop an area of the City which is already built up, to provide employment opportunities, to improve the tax base and to improve the general economy of the State and hereby serves a public purpose. Section 4. Approval of the Modification: Filing 4.01. The Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Business Park Tax Increment Financing District is hereby approved, and shall be placed on file in the office of the Community Development Director. Approval of the Modification does not constitute approval of any project or a Development Agreement with any developer. 4.02 The staff of the City is authorized to file the Modification with the Commissioner of Revenue and the Dakota County Auditor. 2 i RESOLUTION 2000 ............ 4.03 The staff of the City, the City's advisors and legal counsel are authorized d directed to proceed with the implementation of the Modification and for this purpose to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all rther plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary for this purpose. ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, 2000, by the Rosemount City Council. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk CERTIFICATION i I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution prese ' ted to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 2nd day of May, 2000, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession.] (SEAL) Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk i I Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: i Voted against: Member absent: 3 Draft as of April 4, 2000 Draft for Planning Commission Review MODIFIED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR i THE ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK i TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (an economic development district) ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Public hearing: March 6, 1996 District Established: March 6, 1996 11 Modification Public Hearing: May 1, 2000 1 Modification Adopted: Prepared by: EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, Minnesota_ 55113 Phone: (651) 697 -8500 Fax: (651) 697 -8555 E -mail: info @ehlers - inc.com Web Site: www.ehlers- inc.com TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT Subsection 1.1. Forward The City, staffand consultants have prepared the following information to expedite and create the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District, an economic development tax increment financing district, in Redevelopment Project No. L (As Modified May 1, 2000) The Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District is being Modified to incorporate an addition project. Generally, the substantive changes to the plan include an increase and modification to the budget to account for additional tax increments due to the addition of a new project and to in authorize the issuance of an additional $3,000,000 in bonds. The additional fiscal implications due to the new proposed project are stated in Subsection 1.14. Subsection 1.2. Statutory Authority Within the City of Rosemount (the "City") there exist areas where public involvement is necessary to cause development or redevelopment to occur. To this end, the Rosemount Port Authority (the "Authority") has certain statutory powers pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Sections 469.174 through 469.179, inclusive, as amended (the "Tax Increment Financing Act" or "TIF Act ") to assist in financing public costs related to this project. Below is the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Plan") for the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District (the "District "). Other relevant information is contained in the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, as most recently modified on December 20, 1994. Subsection 1.3. Statement of Objectives The District currently consists of 2 parcels of land. Present plans on the site primarily include, but are not necessarily limited to, land acquisition, site improvements and road improvements. The District is expected to achieve many of the objectives set forth in the Redevelopment Plan in regard to land use. They include, but are not limited to: 1. Enhance the tax base of the City and the State. 2. Promote and secure additional employmentopportunities within the Redevelopment Project and for the City residents of the City and the surrounding area, thereby improving living standards, reducing unemployment and the loss of skilled and unskilled labor and other human resources in the City. 3. Encourage the expansion of local businesses. City of Rosemount Modified TW Plan for Ros®amt Busiaess Pak TF District I Subsection 1.4. Development Program Overview 1. Property to be Acquired - All property located within the District is currently owned by the Rosemount Port Authority. 2. Relocation - Complete relocation services are available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117 and other relevant state and federal laws. 3. Upon approval of the developer's plan relating to the project and completion of the necessary legal requirements, the Authority may sell to the developer selected properties within the District or may lease land or facilities to the developer. 4. The Authority may perform or provide for some or all necessary acquisition, construction, relocation, demolition, and required utilities and public streets work within the District Subsection 1.5. Legal Description of Property of the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Fir District The District encompasses all property and adjacent rights -of -way identified by the parcel identii number listed below: PID No. 34- 64550 - 010 -00 PID No. 34 -64550 -010 -01 (As Modified May 1, 2000) This Modification is not increasing the boundaries of the Rosemount Business Park Tax Inci Financing District. However, since the District was certified on April 29, 1996, the parcels Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District have been subdivided. The c parcel identification numbers are listed below. Parcel Numbers: 3464550-010 -01 34 -64551 -010 -00 34- 64551 -020-00 34- 64551- 010-01 34- 64551 -020-01 34- 64551 -030-01 Subsection 1.6. Classification of the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District The Authority and City, in determining the need to create a tax increment financing district in acc with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, find that the District to be establisl economic development district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 12, as below: "Economic Development District " means a type of tax increment financing district which City of Rosemount Modified TIF Wan for Rosemomd Buses Park TIF District in the �rdance Aisan 3 consists of any project, or portion of a project, not meeting the requirements found in the definition ofredevelopment district, renewal and renovationdistrict, soils condition district, mined underground space district, or housing district, but which the authority finds to be in the public interest because: (1) it will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturingfrom moving their operations to another state or municipality; or (2) it will result in increased employment in the state; or (3) it will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the state. The District consists of 2 parcels, approximately 54 acres of develop able area. The project is expected to increase employment in the state and enhance the tax base of the City and the State. Revenue derived from tax increment from an economic development district may not be used to provide improvements, loans, subsidies, grants, interest rate subsidies, or assistance in any form to developments consisting of buildings and ancillary facilities, if more than 15 percent of the buildings and facilities (determined on the basis of square footage) are used for a purpose other than: (1) the manufacturing or production of tangible personal property, including processing resulting in the change in condition of the property; (2) warehousing, storage, and distribution of tangible personal property, excluding retail sales; (3) research and development related to the activities listed in clause (1) or (2); (4) telemarketing if that activity is the exclusive use of the property; (5) tourism facilities; or (6) space necessary for and related to the activities listed in clauses (1) and (5). Subsection 1.7. Propertyto Be Acquired The City of Rosemount Port Authority currently owns all property within the District including interior and adjacent street rights of way. Subsection 1.8. Estimate of Costs Currently under consideration for the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District is a proposal to aid in the developmentofvarious manufacturing/industrial projects. The Authority has previously issued bonds for land acquisition in the amount of $580,000 and for public improvements in the amount of $1,630,000. In order to make development of the land feasible, the Authority has determined that it will be necessary to fmance payment of such bonds in part with tax increments from the District rather than with land sale proceeds and special assessments. It is assumed that there will be a need for an additional $1,700,000 in public costs by the time the project is completed. Estimates of cost within the District are subject to change. No more than 20 percent of the tax increment paid by property within the District will be spent on activities related to public improvements outside the boundaries of the District but within the boundaries of Redevelopment ProjectNo. l (including administrative costs, which are considered to be spent outside of the District). City of Rosemount Modified TW Plan for Rosemount Business Park TW District 4 suosection i .y tsonaea tnaemeaness The Authority has previously issued bonds for land acquisition in the amount of $580,000 and for improvements in the amount of $1,630,000. The Authority is authorized to apply tax increments District toward payment of such bonds. It is assumed that there will be a need for an additional $1,7 in public costs by the time the project is completed The City or Authority may issue tax increment bonds for the remainder of the cost for this I Additional project costs may also be financed through pay -as- you -go tax increment financing. Th principal amount of all bonds payable is whole or in part with tax increments is not expected to $4,000,000. (As Modified May 1, 2000) This Modification is authorizing the issuance of up to an additional $3,000,000 in bonds. authorized for bonds is $5,280,000. Subsection 1.10. Sources of Revenue Public improvement costs, acquisition,' relocation, and site preparation costs and other costs outline( Estimate of Costs (Subsection 1.8) will be financed through the annual collection of tax increments a other revenue source available to the Authority. Subsection 1.11. Original Tax Capacity and Tax Rate Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 7 and Section 469.177, Subdivision City of Rosemount Modified Tff Plan for Rosemount Busimm Park TIF District bond the total Total in the id any 1, the 5 (As Modified May 1, 2000) Following is the Modification to the budget. The increase in public improvement is for the in in costs for road construction. The budget is also being modified to reflect the authorization fo issuance. Qualified Costs As adopted 3/6/96 As Modified 5/1/00 Total Land Acquisition $580,000 $0 $580,0( Public Improvements $3,330,000 $3,000,000 $6,330,0( Contingency $195,000 $0 $195,0( Bond Principal $2,280,000 $3,000,000 $5,280,0( Bond Interest $0 $1,800,000 $1,800,0( Subtotal $4,105,000 $7,800,000 $11,905,0 20% Economic Development Costs $821,000 $300,000 $1.121.0( (including 10% cityadmin.) TOTAL $4,926,000 $8,100,000 $13,026,0 suosection i .y tsonaea tnaemeaness The Authority has previously issued bonds for land acquisition in the amount of $580,000 and for improvements in the amount of $1,630,000. The Authority is authorized to apply tax increments District toward payment of such bonds. It is assumed that there will be a need for an additional $1,7 in public costs by the time the project is completed The City or Authority may issue tax increment bonds for the remainder of the cost for this I Additional project costs may also be financed through pay -as- you -go tax increment financing. Th principal amount of all bonds payable is whole or in part with tax increments is not expected to $4,000,000. (As Modified May 1, 2000) This Modification is authorizing the issuance of up to an additional $3,000,000 in bonds. authorized for bonds is $5,280,000. Subsection 1.10. Sources of Revenue Public improvement costs, acquisition,' relocation, and site preparation costs and other costs outline( Estimate of Costs (Subsection 1.8) will be financed through the annual collection of tax increments a other revenue source available to the Authority. Subsection 1.11. Original Tax Capacity and Tax Rate Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 7 and Section 469.177, Subdivision City of Rosemount Modified Tff Plan for Rosemount Busimm Park TIF District bond the total Total in the id any 1, the 5 Original Net Tax Capacity (ONTC) as certified for the District is based on the market values placed on the property by the assessor in 1995 for taxes payable 1996. The total market value for both parcels is $1,782,520. The tax capacity of the property when the tax increment district is certified in 1996 is estimated to be 81,996. Under Section 469.177, Subd. l (f) of the TIF Act, the County Auditor is required to increase the ONTC each year by the average percent increase in the estimated market value of the TIF District during the five years prior to certification. The applicable adjustment period would normally be assessment years 1990 through 1995. However, the property in the TIF District has been owned by the Authority and tax- exempt since 1994. The property was taxable in assessment years 1990 through 1993, which are used to calculate the adjustment factor for the District in accordance with Minnesota Department of Revenue procedures. Pursuant to Section 469.177, Subds. 1 and 2, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the County Auditor shall certify in each year (beginning in the payment year 1998) the amount by which the original value has increased or decreased as a result of a: I . change in tax exempt status of property; 2. reduction or enlargement of the geographic boundaries of the district; 3. change due to adjustments, negotiated or court- ordered abatements; 4. change in the use of the property and classification; S. change in state law governing class rates. In any year in which the current Net Tax Capacity value of the District declines below the ONTC, no value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable to the Authority. The original local tax rate for the District will be the local tax rate for 1996 taxes. Since the 1996 tax rate had not been certified at the time of plan approval, the tax rate of 1.27969 is being used as an estimate. Subsection 1.12. Estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity Value/Increment Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 Subdivision 4 and Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivisions 1, 2, and 4, the estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity (CTC) of the District upon completion of all phases of the project, will annually approximate $355,351 or an annual tax increment of $429,142. The Authority requests 100 percent of the available increase in tax capacity for repayment of debt and current expenditures, beginning in the tax year payable 1998. The project tax capacity listed is an estimate of values when the construction is completed. City of Rosemount Modified TIF Plan for Rosemount Business Pak Tfi District 6 Average 1990/91 1993/94 Increase % Increase Annual Increase $213,000 $213,000 1 0 1 0% 1 0 Pursuant to Section 469.177, Subds. 1 and 2, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the County Auditor shall certify in each year (beginning in the payment year 1998) the amount by which the original value has increased or decreased as a result of a: I . change in tax exempt status of property; 2. reduction or enlargement of the geographic boundaries of the district; 3. change due to adjustments, negotiated or court- ordered abatements; 4. change in the use of the property and classification; S. change in state law governing class rates. In any year in which the current Net Tax Capacity value of the District declines below the ONTC, no value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable to the Authority. The original local tax rate for the District will be the local tax rate for 1996 taxes. Since the 1996 tax rate had not been certified at the time of plan approval, the tax rate of 1.27969 is being used as an estimate. Subsection 1.12. Estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity Value/Increment Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 Subdivision 4 and Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivisions 1, 2, and 4, the estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity (CTC) of the District upon completion of all phases of the project, will annually approximate $355,351 or an annual tax increment of $429,142. The Authority requests 100 percent of the available increase in tax capacity for repayment of debt and current expenditures, beginning in the tax year payable 1998. The project tax capacity listed is an estimate of values when the construction is completed. City of Rosemount Modified TIF Plan for Rosemount Business Pak Tfi District 6 i Additional Captured Tax Capacity due to new project As approved 3/6/96 As Modified 511100 Estimated Project Tax Capacity $562,581 ' 65,700 Original Tax Capacity 8199 13 23 Gross Captured Tax Capacity 480,585 5 ,477 Fiscal Disparities Tax Capacity (32.0% est.) (145,233 16 793 Net Captured Net Capacity $335,352 3 ,684 The Authority elects the calculation of tax increment under Section 469.177, subd. 3(b), which means that fiscal disparities contribution will be made from inside the District. Subsection 1.13. Duration of the District Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 479.175, Subdivision 1, and Section 469.176, Subd.1, the duration of the District must be indicated within the Plan. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 4 9.176, subdivision 1(b), the duration of the District will be 11 years from the date ofthe adoption ofthe Plan r nine years after the date of receipt of the first tax increment. The date of receipt by the Authority of the f rst tax increment will be :approximately July 1998. Thus, it is estimated that the District, includhig any modifications of the Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after in March 2007 at the latest, with the last full year of increment collected in 2006, or when the goals ofthe Plan have be n met. The Authority does reserve the right to decertify the District prior to the legally required date. Subsection 1.14. Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions The estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions assumes construction which would have occurred ithout the creation of the District. If the construction is a result of tax increment financing, the impact is $0 t other entities. Notwithstanding, the fact that the fiscal impact on the other taxing jurisdictions is $0 due to a fact that the construction would not have occurred without the assistance of the City, the following est mated impact of the District would be as follows if the "but for" test was not met: EVIPACT ON TAX CAPACITY Estimated Captured 1995/96 Proposed Tax Capacity (CTC) Percent. of CT Taxing Jurisdiction Tax Capacity Upon Project to Enti To 1 Completion Dakota County $278,056,035 335,352 0.12% ISD No. 196 99,028,299 335,352 0.37% j City of Rosemount 11.281.985 335.352 Total $388,366,319 335,352 0.09% City of Rosemount Modified TIF Plan for Rosemount Business Pads TW District 7 IMPACT ON TAX RATES 1995/96 Proposed Percentage Tax CApacLty Rates of Total CTC Taxes Dakota County 0.26626 20.7097% 335,352 ` 88,875 ISD No. 196 _0.60830 47.4920% 335,352 203,810 City of Rosemount 0.36055 28.0943% 335,352 120,566 Other 0.05108 3.7040% 335.352 15,896 Total 1.28619 100.0000% 335,352 429,147 The estimates listed above display the captured tax capacity when all construction is completed. The tax rate used for calculations is the 1995/Pay 1996 proposed rate. The total net capacity for the entities listed above are based on Pay 1996 figures. (As Modified May 1, 2000) The estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions assumes construction which would have occurred without the Modification of the District. If the construction is a result of tax increment financing, the impact is $0 to other entities. Notwithstanding, the fact that the fiscal impact on the other taxing jurisdictions is $0 due to the fact that the construction would not have occurred without the assistance of the City, the following estimates are the additional impact of the District due to the new project proposed for the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District if the "but for" test was not met: IMPACT ON TAX CAPACITY Estimated Captured 1999/2000 Proposed Tax Capacity (CTC) Percent of CTC Taxing Jurisdiction Tax Capacity Upon Project Completion to Entity Total Dakota County $267,414,140 35,700 0.013% ISD No. 196 100,355,510 35,700 0.036% City of Rosemount 10,588,514 35,700 0.337% Total $378,358,164 35,700 0.386 % IMPACT ON TAX RATES 1995/96 Percentage Tax CaRaci1y Rates of Total CTC Taxes Dakota County 0.26626 20.7015 % 35,700 9,505 ISD No. 196 0.60830 47.2947% 35,700 21,716 City of Rosemount 036055 28.0324% 35,700 12,872 Other 0.05108 3.9714% 35,700 1.824 Total 1.28619 100% 35,700 45,917 city or ftwmow NbafiW TW wan row Rosanount Bunn= Park Tff Dist is 8 The estimates listed above display the captured tax capacity when all construction is completid. The tax rate used for calculations is the frozen 1995/Pay 1996 rate. The total net capacity for the entities listed above are based on Pay 2000 figures. Subsection 1.15. Modifications to the District In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 4, any reduction or enlargement of the geographic area of the project or tax increment financing district, increase in amount of bonded inde tedness to be incurred, including a determination to capitalize interest on debt if that determination was not a part of the original plan, or to increase or decrease the amount of interest on the debt to be capitalized; ncrease in the portion of the captured tax capacity to be retained by the Authority; increase in total estim ited tax increment expenditures; or designation of additional property to be acquired by the Authority hall be approved upon the notice and after the discussion, public hearing and findings required for approv il of the original plan. The geographic area of a tax increment financing district may be reduced, but sha 1 not be enlarged after five years following the date of certification of the original tax capacity by the county auditor. Modifications to the District in the form of a budget modification or an expansion of the boundaries will be recorded in this subsection of the Plan. Subsection 1.16. Administrative Expenses In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 14, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subdivision 3 administrative expenses means all expenditures of an authority other than ounts paid for the purchase of land or amounts paid to contractors or others providing materials and services, including architectural and engineering services, directly connected withthephysicaldevelopmento the real property in the district, relocation benefits paid to or services provided for persons residing or businesses located in the district or amounts used to pay interest on, fund a reserve for, or sell at a discount bonds issued pursuant to Section 469.178. Administrative expenses also include amounts paid for services pro ided by bond counsel, fiscal consultants, and planning or economic development consultants. No tax increm nt shall be used to pay any administrative expenses for a project which exceed ten percent of the total tax increment expenditures authorized by the tax increment financing plan or the total tax increment expenditure for the project, whichever is less. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subdivision 4h, tax increments may be used to pa for the county's actual administrative expenses incurred in connection with the District. The county may require payment of those expenses by February 15 of the year following the year the expenses were incurred. Subsection 1.17. Limitation of Increment Pursuant to Section 469.176, Subd.1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, no tax increment shall be paid to the Authority for the Tax Increment Financing District after three (3) years from the date of certification of the Original Net Tax Capacity value of the taxable property in the Tax Increment Financing Di- trict by the County Auditor unless within the three (3) years period: (a) bonds have been issued pursuant to Section 469.178, or in aid of the Project pursuant to any other law, except revenue bonds issued pursuant to Section 469.152 to 469.165, or (b) the Authority has acquired property within the Tax Increment Financing District, or i City of Rosemount Mod ied TIF Plan for Rosemount Business Park Tff District 9 (c) the Authority has constructed or caused to be constructed public improvements within the Tax Increment Financing District. The bonds must be issued, or the Authority must acquire property or constructor cause public improvements to be constructed by approximately March 1999. The tax increment pledged to the payment of bonds and interest thereon may be discharged and the Tax Increment District may be terminated if sufficient funds have been irrevocably deposited in the debt service fund or other escrow account held in trust for all outstanding bonds to provide for the payment of the bonds at maturity or redemption date. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subdivision 6, If, after four years from the date of certification of the original tax capacity of the tax incrementfinancingdistrictpursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, no demolition, rehabilitation or renovation of property or other site preparation, including qualified improvement of a street adjacent to a parcel but not installation of utility service including sewer or water systems, has been commenced on a parcel located within a tax increment financing district by the authority or by the owner of the parcel in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel and the original tax capacity of that parcel shall be excluded from the original tax capacity of the tax increment financing district. If the authority or the owner of the parcel subsequently commences demolition, rehabilitation or renovation or othersitepreparation on thatparcel including improvement of a street adjacent to that parcel, in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, the authority shall certify to the county auditor in the annual disclosure report that the activity has commenced. The county auditor shall certify the tax capacity thereof as most recently certified by the commissioner of revenue and add it to the original tax capacity of the tax increment financing district. The county auditor must enforce the provisions of this subdivision... For purposes of this subdivision, qualified improvements are limited to (1) construction or opening of a new street, (2) relocation of a street, and (3) substantial reconstruction or rebuilding of an existing street. The Authority or a property owner must improve parcels within the District by approximately March 2000. Subsection 1.18. Limitation on Use of Tax Increment All revenues derived from tax increment shall be used in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subdivision 4c. The Authority will also comply with the "five year rule" under Section 1763, subd. 3 of the TIF Act, which generally provides that increment will be considered spent on an activity within the TIF District only if (1) the increment is actually paid to a third party within five years after certification of the District, (2) increment is used to pay bonds sold to a third party within the five -year period, (3) increment spent under a contract entered with a third party within the five -year period; or (4) costs are paid within the five -year period and increment is used to reimburse a party for such costs, including interest. For the purposes of this rule, a "third - party" excludes the City, the Authority and the developer receiving the assistance. City of Rosemount Modified Tff Plan for Rosemount Business Park TIF District 10 Subsection 1. 19. Notification of Prior Planned Improvements The Authority shall, after due and diligent search, accompany its request for certification to the Auditor or its notice of Tax Increment Financing District enlargement with a listing of all propertie the Tax Increment Financing District or area of enlargement for which building permits have bee . during the eighteen (18) months immediately preceding approval of the tax increment financing pla municipality pursuant to Section 469.175, Subd. 3, ofthe Tax Increment FinancingAct. The County shall increase the original value of the Tax Increment Financing District by the value of improvers which a building permit was issued. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 4, the Authority has reviewed the ai included in the District and found that no building permits had been issued during the 18 immediately preceding approval of the Plan by the City. If the building permit had been issued w. 18 month period preceding approval of the plan by the City, the county auditor shall increase the oril capacity of the district by the valuation of the improvements for which the building permit was is Subsection 1.20. Excess Tax Increments Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subdivision 2, in any year in which the tax in exceeds the amount necessary to pay the costs authorized by the tax increment plan, including the necessary to cancel any tax levy as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivisic Authority shall use the excess amount to do any of the following: 1. prepay the outstanding bonds; 1. discharge the pledge of tax increment therefor; 3. pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of such bond; or 4. return the excess to the County Auditor for redistribution to the respective jurisdictions in proportion to their tax capacity rate as provided in Minnesota Section 469.176, Subd. 1. Subsection 1.21 Requirements for Agreements with the Developer The Authority will review any proposal for private development to determine its conformance Redevelopment Plan and with applicable municipal ordinances and codes. To facilitate this of following documents may be requested for review and approval: site plan, construction, mechani electrical system drawings, landscaping plan, grading and storm drainage plan, signage system plan, other drawings or narrative deemed necessary by the City to demonstrate the conformance development with city plans and ordinances. Pursuant to Section 469.176, Subd. 5, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, no more than 10 percen by acreage, of the property to be acquired in the Tax Increment Financing District as set forth it increment financing plan shall at any be owned by the City or Authority as a result of acquisit the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to Section 469.178, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, wit City or Authority having, prior to acquisition in excess often percent (10 %) of the acreage, concl agreement for the development or of the property acquired and which provides recourse for the Authority should the development not be completed. County within i issued n by the for to be the tax 13, the taxing ith the ►rt, the al, and nd any of the (10 %), the tax :)n with lout the lded an City or City of Rosemount Modified TrF Plan for Rosemount Business Park TW District 1 Subsection 1.22. Assessment Agreements Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 8, the Authority may enter into an agreement in recordable form with the developer of property within the tax increment financing district which establishes a minimum market value ofthe land and completed improvements for the duration ofthe District. The assessment agreement shall be presented to the assessor who shall review the plans and specifications for the improvements constructed, review the market value previously assigned to the land upon which the improvements are to be constructed and, so long as the minimum market value contained in the assessment agreement appear, in the judgment of the assessor, to be a reasonable estimate, the assessor may certify the minimum market value agreement. Subsection 1.23. Administration of the District Administration of the District will be the responsibility of the Executive Director of the Authority. Subsection 1.24. Financial Reporting Requirements Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivisions 5, 6, and 6(a), an authority must file an annual disclosure report for all tax increment financing districts with the Office of the State Auditor, the county board, school board, and Department of Revenue. Pursuant to Section 469.175, Subd. 5, ofthe Tax Increment Financing Act, the Authority must file an annual disclosure report for the Tax Increment Financing District. The report shall be filed with the County board, county auditor, school board, and the State Auditor. The report to be filed by the Authority shall include the following information: 1. the amount and source of revenue in the tax increment account; 2. the amount and purpose of expenditures from the account; 3. the amount of any pledge of revenues, including principal and interest, on any outstanding bond indebtedness; 4. the original net tax capacity of the Tax Increment Financing District; 5. the captured value retained by the Authority; 6. the captured value shared with other taxing districts; 7. the tax increment received; 8. any additional informationto demonstratecompliance with the tax increment financing plan. Section 469.175, Subd. 5, of the Tax Increment Financing Act also provides that an annual statement showing the tax increment received an expended in that year, the original value, captured value, amount of outstanding bonded indebtedness, the amount ofthe district's increments paid to other governmental bodies, the amount paid for administrative costs, the sum of increments paid, directly or indirectly, for activities and improvements located outside ofthe district, and any additional information the Authority deems necessary shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 6, ofthe Tax Increment Financing Act, the City must annually submit to the State Auditor, on or before 4uly4 August 1, a financial report which shall: 1 provide for full disclosure of the sources and uses of the public funds in the district; 2. permit comparison and reconciliation with the City's accounts and financial reports; City of Rosemount Modified TIF Plan for Rosma mt Business Park TIF District 12 -3. permit auditing of the funds expended on behalf of the tax increment district; and 4. be consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The financial report must also include the following: I . the original net tax capacity of the district; 2. the captured net tax capacity of the district, including the amount of any captured capacity shared with other taxing districts; 3. for the reporting period and for the duration of the district, the amount budgeted ur tax increment financing plan, and the actual amount expended for, at lest, the fol categories: a. acquisition of land and buildings through condemnation or purche b. site improvements or preparation costs; C. installation of public utilities, parking facilities, streets, roads, sid, or other similar public improvements; d. administrative costs, including the allocated cost of the authority; e. public park facilities, facilities for social, recreational, or con purposes, or other similar public improvements; 4. for properties sold to developers, the total costs of the property to the authority and t] paid by the developer; 5. the amount of increments rebated or paid to developers or property owners for pi financed improvements or other qualifying costs. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, subdivision 6a, the City must also annually repot State Auditor before or on- trly -l- August 1 of each year the following amounts for the entire City: tax the price to the 1. the total principal amount of nondefeased bonds that are outstanding at the end of the previous calendar year; and 2. the total annual amount of principal and interest payments that are due for the cuffent calendar year on (i) general obligation tax, increment financing bonds and (ii) other tax increment financing bonds. and for each tax increment financing district within the City: 1. the type of tax increment financing district; 2. date on which the district is required to be decertified; 3. amount of any payments and the value of in -kind benefits, such as physical improv ments and the used of building space, that are financed with revenues derived from increments and are provided to another governmental unit (otherthan the municipality) during the preceding calendar year; 4. the tax increment revenues for taxes payable in the current calendar year; 5. whether the tax increment financing plan or other governing document permits inc ement revenues to be expended outside of the tax increment financing district; 6. any additional information that the State Auditor may require. I Copies of this report must also be provided to the county and school district boards. i City of Rosemount Modified Tff Plan for Rosemount Business Pak TW Dishict 1 13 Subsection 1.25. Municipal Approval and Public Purpose Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 3, before or at the time of approval of the tax increment financing plan, the municipality shall make the following findings and shall set forth in writing the reasons and supporting finds for each determination: 1. Finding that the District is an Economic Development District as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 11. The District qualifies as an Economic Development District because the facilities will increase employment in the state and because less than 15 percent of space necessary in the new and existing facilities will be comprised of unallowable uses. 2. Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the district permitted by the plan. The high costs of new development including land acquisition and assessments for commercial and industrial uses is a detriment to the expansion and attraction of industry in and to the City. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above. Such analysis is on file with the City, and indicates that the increase in estimated market value of the proposed development (less the indicated subtractions) exceeds the estimated market value of the site absent the establishment of the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District and the use of tax increments. (See Cash flow in Appendix C) 3 Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the District conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole. The Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District is properly zoned and the tax increment financing plan will generally compliment and serve to implement policies adopted in the City's comprehensive plan. (As Modified May 1, 2000) The Planning Commission reviewed the Modifications on April 11, 2000 and reaffirms that the Modifications conform to the comprehensive plan of the City. 4. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the District will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of Redevelopment Project No. I by private enterprise. The City's control of the site and utilities and the ability to provide assistance based upon specific City of Rosemount Modified TEF Plan for Rosemount Business Pads Tff District 14 i needs of the developments will increase its ability to promote orderly and high quality cons ction within the City and stable employment for the community as a whole. Subsection 1.26. State Tax Increment Financing Aid Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1399, for tax inchmentfinancingdistrictsforwhich certification was requested after April 30, 1990, a municipality incurs a reduction in state tax increment financing aid (RISTIFA) applied to the municipality's Local Government Aids (LGA) first and, Homestead and Agricultural Aid (HACA) second, in an amount equal to a formula based upon the equalized qua ifying captured tax capacity (QCTC) of the tax increment financing district. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1399, Subdivision 6, for tax increment financing districts certified after June 30, 1994, the City may choose an option to the LGA -HACA penalty. A tax increment financing district is exempt if the City elects at the time of approving the tax increment financing plan to make a qualifying local contribution. To qualify for the exemption in each year, the City must ake a qualifying local contribution to the project of a certain percentage. The local contribution for an Eco omic Development District is 10 percent. The maximum local contribution for all districts in the City is 1 mited to two percent of the City's net tax capacity. i The amount of the local contribution must be made out of unrestricted money of the authority or municipality, such as the general fund, a property tax levy, or a federal or a state grand -in -aid which may be spent for general government purposes. The local contribution may not be made, directly or indirectly, with tax increments or developer payments. The local contribution must be used to pay project costs and cannot be used for general government purposes. The City elects to make the annual local contribution to the project to exempt itself from the LGA -"CA penalty. I Subsection 1.27. Fiscal Disparities Election Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 3, the governing body may elect one ' f two methods to calculate fiscal disparities. It the calculations pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 46 .177, subdivision 3, clause a, are followed the following method of computation shall apply: (1) The original tax capacity and the current tax capacity shall be determined before the a, of the fiscal disparity provisions of Chapter 473F. Where the original tax capacity is e greater than the current tax capacity, there is no captured tar capacity and no tax determination. Where the original tax capacity is less than the current tax capacity, the between the original tax capacity and the current tar capacity is the captured tax capa amount less any portion thereof which the authority has designated in its tax increment plan, to share with the local taxing districts is the retained captured tax capacity of the (2) The county auditor shall exclude the retained captured tax capacity of the authorityfrom the tt value of the local taxing districts in determining local taxing district tax capacity rates. 7 capacity rates so determined are to be extended against the retained captured tax capacity authority as well as the taxable value of the local taxing districts. The tax generated extension of the lesser of (A) the local taxing district tax capacity rates or (B) the origin capacity rate to the retained captured tax capacity of the authority is the tax increment to or ment ,ence This icing wity. :able e tax f the v the I tax f the City of Rosemount Modified 71F Plan for Rosemount Business Pads TIF District is authority. If the calculations pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, subdivision 3, clause b, are followed, the following method of computation shall apply: (1) The original tax capacity shall be determined before the application ofthe)4cal disparityprovisions of chapter 473F. The current tax capacity shall exclude any fiscal disparity commercial - industrial tax capacity increase between the original year and the current year multiplied by the fiscal disparity ratio determined pursuant to section 473F.08, subdivision 6 Where the original tax capacity is equal to or greater than the current tax capacity, there is no captured tax capacity and no tax increment determination. Where the original tax capacity is less than the current tax capacity, the difference between the original tax capacity and the current tax capacity is the captured tax capacity . This amount less any portion thereof which the authority has designated, in its tax increment financing plan, to share with the local taring districts is the retained captured tax capacity of the authority. (2) The county auditor shall exclude the retained captured tax capacity ofthe authorityfrom the taxable value of the local taxing districts in determining local taxing district tax capacity rates. The tax capacity rates so determined are to be extended against the retained captwed tax capacity of the authority as well as the taxable value of the local taxing districts. The tax generated by the extension of the less of (A) the local taxing district tax capacity rates or (B) the original tax capacity rate to the retained captured tax capacity of the authority is the tax increment of the authority. The Authority shall submit to the County Auditor at the time of the request for certification which method of computation of fiscal disparities the authority elected. The City of Rosemount will choose to calculate fiscal disparities by clause b. According to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 3:_ (c) The method of computation of tax increment applied to a district pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) shall remain the same for the duration of the district, except that the governing body may elect to change its election from the method of computation in paragraph (a) to the method in paragraph (b). Subsection 1.28. County Road Costs Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision I a, the county board may require the authority to pay for all or part of the cost of county road improvements if the proposed development to be assisted by tax increment will in the judgement of the county, substantially increase the use of county roads requiring construction of road improvements or other road costs and ifthe road improvements are not scheduled within the next five years under a capital improvement plan or other county plan. The improvements outlined in the Plan serve as notice to the county that the development of the residential facilities will be assisted with tax increment. In the opinion of the Authority and consultants, the proposed development will have little or no impact upon county roads. If the county elects to use increments to improve county roads, it must notify the Authority within thirty days of receipt of this plan. City of Rosemount Modified TIE Plan for Rosemount Business Park W District 16 Subsection 1.29. Economic Develovment and Job Creation The City agrees to comply with Minnesota Statutes, Section 116J.991(to the extent such statute is or remains applicable), which states that a business receiving state or local government assistance for economic development or job growth purposes, including tax increment financing, must create a net increase in jobs in Minnesota and meet specified wage goals within two years of receiving assistance (See Appendix D). Subsection 1.30. Summary I The City and Authority are establishing the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing Disirict to preserve and enhance the tax base of the City and to provide employment opportunities for the residents of the City. The Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Rosemount Business Park Tax Increment Financing District was prepared by Ehlers and Associates, Inc., 3060 Centre Pointe Drive, Roseville, Minnesota 5113, telephone (651) 697 -8500. City of Rosemount Modified TIF Plan for Rosemount Business Park TIF District 17 i I APPENDIX A BOUNDARY MAP OF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I AND THE ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT Appendix A -1 Rosemount Business Park TIF District •— Development District No. 1 Jj •c • ' - City of Rosemount •� Dakota County, Minnesota •�' • OEM,/•., • • ' �4 /� � f , •�. 1. . • l . � • � i • i•!•l�t.i I• j• �• � —�+c�l �-�j 1 w. U-5 r4 NIC /wrte ,�.. •, ��•.•�'•1 « _ k_ j ,. AGMCULTuRAL I Rosemount j( • .r' 4+" Business ••� ... Park TIF District 32-/ STATII d i i APPENDIX B i I LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRIC The District encompasses all property and adjacent rights -of -way identified by the parcel ider tification numbers listed below: PID No. 34- 64550- 010 -00 PID No. 34- 64550- 010 -01 (As Modified May 1, 2000) As stated in Subsection 1.5, the original parcels in the Rosemount Business Park Tax I crement financing District have been subdivided. Listed below are the current PID numbers for that roperty: Parcel Numbers: 34- 64550 - 010-01 34- 64551- 010 -00 34- 64551- 020 -00 34- 64551- 010 -01 34- 64551- 020 -01 34- 64551- 030 -01 i Appends B-1 s APPENDIX C CASH FLOW FOR ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT Following is the cash now that represents the captured tax capacity for the additional project only. City of Rosemount Base EXISTING DISTRICT - AT REDUCED CLASS RATES Gross Fiscal Net T.I.F. CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS - LOCAL MATCH Admim. Semi - Annual PAYMENT DATE Inflation Rate: 0.0000% Tax Tax Taxable Bond Rate: 7.750% Capatured Gross Tax Tax Extension Rate Current: 1.261450 PERIOD ENDING Yrs. Tax Extension Rate Certified: 1.281619 Capacity ci Fiscal Disparities - Clause B: 32.00% Pay 19 Increment Original Tax Capacity Inflation Rate: 0,000/0 Yrs. Mth. BASE VALUE INFORMATION 0.0 02-01 2000 Market Class Tax Percent Value Rate Capacity Used Net Tax Capacity Payab Year e 3464551- 010 -00 388,900 2.4 % -3.40/2 13,223 100.00% 13,223 Pay 199 0 0.0 08-01 2000 0.0 PROJECT VALUE INFORMATION 2000 13,223 13,223 Total Sq. Ft. Market Total Class Total Year Year 0 S . Ft. Value Tax Capacity Rate Market Value Started Payab e Industrial 70,000 $32.00 65,700 2.0% -3.00/a 2,240,000 2000 2002 2001 13,223 13,223 0 0 TAY 1fW!" 0 AdT. Wm 11 A CZI Tcr d% X7 0 0 0 Page RM100.02 Prepared by Publ' �D Inc. PLAN -2000 Base Project Gross Fiscal Net Semi - Annual Admim. Semi - Annual PAYMENT DATE PERIOD BEGINNING Tax Tax Capatured Disparities Capatured Gross Tax at Net Tax PERIOD ENDING Yrs. Mth. Yr. Capacity ci Tax Capacity 32.00% Tax Capacity Increment 10.25% Increment Yrs. Mth. Yr. 0.0 02-01 2000 13,223 13,223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 08-01 2000 0.0 08 -01 2000 13,223 13,223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 02 -01 2001 0.0 02 -01 2001 13,223 13,223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 08-01 2001 0.0 08-01 2001 13,223 13,223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 02 -01 2002 0.0 02 -01 2002 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684. 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 0.5 08-01 2002 0.5 08-01 2002 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 1.0 02 -01 2003 1.0 02-01 2003 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 1.5 08-01 2003 1.5 08.01 2003 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 2.0 02 -01 2004 2.0 02 -01 2004 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 2.5 08-01 2004' 2.5 08-01 2004 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 3.0 02 -01 2005 3.0 02-01 2005 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 3.5 08-01 2005 3.5 08 -01 2005 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 4.0 02-01 2006 4.0 02 -01 2006 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 4.5 08-01 2006 4.5 08-01 2006 13,223 65,700 52,477 (16,793) 35,684 22,507 (2,307) 20,200 5.0 02 -01 2007 5.0 02 -01 2007 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.5 08-01 2007 5.5 08-01 2007 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.0 02 -01 2008 6.0 02 -01 2008 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5 08-01 2008 6.5 08-01 2008 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.0 02 -01 2009 7.0 02 -01 2009 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.5 08-01 2009 7.5 08-01 2009 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.0 02 -01 2010 8.0 02 -01 2010 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.5 08-01 2010 8.5 08-01 2010 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.0 02 -01 2011 Totals 23,070 202,000 Present Values 16,172 141,607 RM100.02 Prepared by Publ' �D Inc. PLAN -2000 APPENDIX D MINNESOTA BUSINESS ASSISTANCE FORM (MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) AMSMIR D-1 rITV nG RncFn/Ln1 INIT AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE FOR SECTION 31 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #317 CITY HALL ?875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 P one:651- 423 -4411 ri g Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 lFax: 651 - 423 -5203 I i STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Linda Jentink, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Ros mount, Minnesota. On April 21, 2000, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and on April 21, 2000 deposited in the United States Pot Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing regarding the proposed .Section 31 _Sanitary Sewer Improvements and appurtenant work for City Project #317, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses lis ed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. c v Linda Jentin City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnes to Subscribed and sworn to before me this :Z / day of April, 2000. wws CINDY DORNIDEN N0rARYPt M- MItVtEMMS Notary Public UsCmduim WpinJon.34, 2== s a CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 31 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #317 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, M will meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Monday, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to the following improvements: City Project #317 .- Section 31 Sanitary °Sewer Improvements The nature of- improvements, shall include the construction of sanitary se; appurtenant work. The total estimated cost of said improvements is $220,000. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would br- area generally described as the following Parcel Identification Numbers: 34 012 -73; 019 -70; 014 -70 011 -65; 023 -70 as recorded in the City of Ros Dakota County, Minnesota Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improN will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinion will be considered. Dated this 18th day of April, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. CITY WALL 5 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068.4997 one: 651.423 -4411 I Impaired 651- 423 -6219 ax: 651.423 -5203 inesota Oay 2, )nsider r and all that )3216 mount, ements Linda Jentink, '1ty Clerk' City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Auxiliary aids and services are available - Please contact City Clerk at (65 1) 22- 2003, or TDD No. (651)423 -6219, no later than April 26, 2000, to make a request. Examples of auxiliary aids or services may include: sign language interpreter, assistive listening kit, accessible meeting location, etc MAILING LIST SECTION 31 SANTIARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #317 PID NUMBER LAST NAME FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS CITY,STATE,ZIPCODE 34- 03210 - 012 -73 MAPCO, INC. 15938 So Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 34- 03210- 019 -70 Car Nav five 2238 Edgewood Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55426 34- 03210- 014 -70 Murgic Michael S 3670 155th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 34-03210-011-65 Hammel Dottie S 206 Central Ave Wayzata, MN 55391 34- 03210 - 023 -70 Car Nav Five 2238 Edgewood Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55426 The Rosemount Town Pages CITY BOF ROSEMOUNT LICNOTIC PUBLIC NOTICE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 31 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEA IENTS CITY PROJECT #317 Chad Richardson, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is an authorized To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts which are xoilcE is HEREBY GIVEN, that the city Cc the City ofRosemotmt , Minnesota will meet at8: uncil of o'clock stated below: pm. or as soon thereafter as Possible, Monday, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 May 2, 145th (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting Street west, to consider the followingimprovemen qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statutes city Project #317 - Section 31 Sanitary Sewer 331A.02, 331A.07,j1d other applica le laves, as amended. Improvements (B) The printed `` `� �. O �?l.om n RA `Q , `-' The nature of improvements shall include the construction of sanitary sewer and appurtenant work. The total estimated cost of said improvements is $2 20,000. The area proposed to be assessed for the lbregoing improvements Parcel Id ratification Numbers: 3 the following Parcel Identification Numbers: 3 'bed as 32]0. which is attached, was cut from the columns of said ews a er, and was [� p ptinted and published once each week for successive p 012 -73; 019 -70; 014 -70; 011.65; 023.70 as recorded the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota in eeks, it was first published -and a eo me 000 and waslthe e fte 1 published onaeve y pr � im rov�, nts will be h as ie� Fri a including Friday, the — ------------------- - - - - -- day of 2000; and printed below is a copy of the Dated this l8th day ofApa 2000. lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. ; acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: c LinaaJentink city clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Auxiliary aids amd services are available - Please ontact city Clerk at (651)322-2003, or TDD No (651)4 -6119, alweafghijklumupyrstuvwsyz no laierthanApri126,1000, to make a request. simples ojatudliwy aids or services may inchide: sign lan age interpreter, asststtve listening kit, accessible meet' ig location, etc Subscril2ed and sworn to before me on this t` u day of _ 2000. Notar ublic AFFIDAVIT DAWN M SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC • MINNESOTA My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2005