HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of April 12, 2000 Committee of the Wholej �j ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS i � � COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 12, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Committee of the Whole Council Meeting was held on Wednesday, April 12, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, Edwards, Casper and Cisewski present. Also in attendance were Parks & Recreation Director Schultz, Water Resources Engineer Morris, City Planner Pearson, and Acting City Engineer Weiss. Rosemount Business Council The Mayor and Councilmembers acknowledged members of the Rosemount Business Council who were present. The Councilmembers discussed the efforts to date regarding the Commercial Area Design & Enhancement Plan, participation of the Redevelopment Focus Committee and the Downtown Scoping Committee. The identified concerns relative to the new group were: additional process expectations, special interests of the new group, and especially, the new group receiving superior access to the City Council over individuals and other groups who would participate through the public comment portion of any Council or Commission meeting. It was noted that the Business Council did not represent every business in Rosemount. Councilmembers agreed to accept the letter previously presented with no anticipated changes to current procedures or policies. Kelley Trust Property City Planner Pearson explained the extent of discussions that have occurred between the Cities of Apple Valley and Rosemount concerning the possible swap of land through annexation. The result would give all of the Valleywood golf course currently in Rosemount to Apple Valley. In return, Rosemount would gain six estate lots with peripheral land for utilities and green space, as well as the edge of Birger Pond currently in Apple Valley. The benefit is to gain control of the entire perimeter of Birger Pond for park development. The six lots are at the end of a long cul -de -sac with no other connections to Apple Valley. After some further discussion regarding the merits of additional dwellings on Birger Pond, the Councilmembers agreed that the "swap" of land between the two cities was acceptable. Parks & Recreation Director Schultz discussed the scenario of the Birger Pond Park dedication. The park would include the pond area between the normal water elevation and the 100 -year flood elevation characterized as "the donut ". While it is unusual to acquire a ponding "bounce" area, this situation is special with special amenities including aquatic plantings and educational opportunities. Consistent maintenance and overall control of the entire pond area would also contribute to a better park. Mayor Busho expressed the need for a policy to guide further actions, and ensure that the Birger Pond situation was unique. Discussion ensued concerning the appropriate break down of open spaces. Parks & Rec. Dir. Schultz explained the recommendation of 18.6 acres for Birger Pond and the additional acreage for the scenic overlook. The high -point of the development was considered. The Parks and Recreation Committee dismissed this areas importance because of the post - development views of rooftops. The 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 12, 2000 street design for this part of the estate home neighborhood did not lend itself to redesign. Councilmembers agreed. Director Schultz explained the recommendation for trails, that the city would maintain the trails with an easement in a twenty -foot wide corridor. Most of the rest of the open space should remain public or private open space. Mayor Busho proposed several wetland areas that would become city responsibility, but not necessarily park space. The concern was to ensure that the trails would be accessible to anyone. Craig Rapp of Contractor Property Developers Company (CPDC) indicated that the developer could maintain the open space for 3 -5 years. Then, the Homeowners Association would take over responsibility for maintenance. Councilmember Edwards asked if the developer and the city could enter into a partnership to reimburse the city for maintenance. Other options including escrows were discussed. Some additional discussion with the developer would be necessary. Homer Tompkins of CPDC suggested that the homeowners association would ultimately be responsible for maintenance. The concern of the future homeowners association ability or willingness to be responsible is still at issue. Parks Director Schultz indicated the recommendation to maintain the trails only. Acting City Engineer Weiss mentioned that the city would not likely want to be in a position to have to remove fallen trees after a storm. Councilmember Edwards asked what the city would gain from having responsibility for the amenities. Mayor Busho added the concern for the cities ability to provide higher standards or expectations of maintenance service in the Evermoor area than that which occurs in other parts of the city. Staff will be assembling specific recommendations regarding the ultimate status of all of the various public /private spaces. Councilmember Casper discussed his concerns regarding the need for additional ballfields in the city. The AAA has discussed several alternatives for potentially limiting programs. The Councilmembers discussed the Kelley Trust park dedication and how this need should be met on a city -wide basis. Director Schultz indicated that he had requested that AAA provide demographic projections to assist in future facility planning. Acting City Engineer Weiss explained the staff recommendation regarding street widths. "Street A" would be 32' wide (face to face) except where lots front on the street west of Shannon Parkway. The street would be 36' wide in this area to allow space for passing around turning vehicles.. Most local streets would be 28' wide with parking allowed on one side. There would also be some 24' wide one way only streets, particularly in the traditional neighborhood. 24' wide streets would also have parking on only one side. Parking may be enhanced with "bump - outs or indentations along the street specifically for parking. Striping options were also discussed. Connemara Trail would probably be 52' wide to match the existing, but additional study will be needed to reach final conclusions. Since Connemara is in the second phase, sufficient time should be available to arrive at mutually acceptable solutions. Snow plowing issues were discussed which included several options. There appeared to be consensus for a policy that would create a limited parking ban for snow plowing. Older parts of the city would probably have to be exempt. Such a policy would have to be easy to understand in contrast to Minneapolis and St. Paul snow emergency procedures. After considerable discussion, the Councilmembers found the staff recommendations for street widths to be acceptable. The Councilmembers expressed interest in the recommendation for a tunnel under Connemara Trail. The street connection to 131 st Street West did not have support. It may be 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMrITEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 12, 2000 recommended for a utility connection and possibly a trail. Last of all, the idea of interrupting Street S between Streets BB and U did not have support from the Councilmembers. Commissioner Appointments An add for commission appointments will be placed next week. The goal would be to appoint new Commissioners on or about June 1. The merits of commissions having 3 to 5 members were discussed. The worksession adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rick Pearson, City Planner The City Council's Agenda packet is Clerk's File 2000 -16. 3