HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. McNamara Addition Rezonings: Outlots A, B, C, DCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: July 18, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: McNamara Addition Rezonings: Outlots A, B, AGENDA SECTION: C & D Old Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGEND , ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance; Comp Plan Excerpt, Maps APPROVED BY: Applicant: Location: Property Owner(s): - Area in Acres: Number of Lots: Comp. Guide Plan Desig.: Current Zoning: Requested Zoning: Planning Comm. Action: U Comp Plan Implementation Undeveloped land south of CSAH 42, between Walgreens' and the Rosemount National Bank, north of 151S Street West ( Outlots A, B, C & D McNamara Addition. Chippendale 42 Partnership 23.51 total acres: Outlot A - 3.65 ac.; Outlot B - 9.67 ac.; Outlot C - 7.39 ac.; Outlot D - 2.8 ac. 4 outlots Commercial Agriculture C-4, General Commercial Recommendation of Approval (4 -0) SUMMARY Pending commercial development of the vacant land along CSAH 42 provides immediate motivation for these proposed rezonings. The PUD Concept for the property was approved in early 1997, which included commercial use of the land north of 151 Street West, between Chippendale Avenue and Shannon Parkway. Subsequently, Walgreens and KinderCare were rezoned at the time of Site Plan Review. The Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive Plan designated the land for commercial land use, which means that the City should rezone the land as part of the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Several people attended the public hearing for the rezonings. However, they were concerned about the pending site plan review for the Cub Foods project, and stated few concerns about the the rezoning to General Commercial. Staff did explain that the City has standards for landscaping, lighting, and setbacks etc. The few negative comments received to date have been focused on the Cub proposal. Therefore, there should be a good turnout on July 25, 2000 for the Cub Foods PUD Amendment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt an ordinance rezoning Outlots A, B, C & D McNamara Addition to C-4, General Commercial in conformance with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: t City of Rosemount 5.1 Implementat Plan The Comprehensive Plan will be translated from a policy document into management process via an implementation plan. The implementation a growth involve modifications of city controls and policies, especially zoning amendments, nts including both ordinance amendments and rezonings. Additional studies go beyond the scope of the Comprehensive Plan but ( influence aspects of the plan such as the Commercial Center revitalizati n plan ongoing and future transportation studies and occasional initiatives externally by various applicants. generated The Plan also has an amendment process to consi to the plan as a result of new ideas, strategies, or relevant development initiatives. 5.1.2 implementation Plan Components Land Use `--- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Update the official "tools ° (eg., zoning and subdivision ordinances) to accomplish broad and specific objectives in this Plan. Rezone land in conformance with new land use objectives established_ in the 2020 Land Use Plan. Achieve Livable Communities objectives, which are local goals within regional housing framework, established by the Dakota County H RA. a Participate in current/future transportation studies including the CSAH 42 Corridor Transportation Plan, the STH 52 Corridor Plan and the STH 3 Corridor Plan. Complete a conceptual design strategy for the Commercial corridor ri of -way along State Highway 3 and County Road 42. ght- Use public financing resources to -assist those economic development projects that achieve high value to the city, including redevelopment opportunities and job creation. Utilize and update the city's capital improvement plan in conjunction with development objectives in this Plan. Evaluate public and private impacts to urban service expansion north of Highway 38 (east of Highway 3). Develop stronger ties with the University of Minnesota in relationshi to cooperative uses in or near their research property. P 164 .z 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update 10. Utilize the "premature subdivision' section of the City's subdivision ordinance to control growth in an orderly manner. 5.1.3 Implementation Plan Components - Public Facilities 1. Work directly with Dakota County and Mn /DOT to pursue and coordinate transportation projects identified in this plan. 2. Develop a water supply system that services existing /proposed development needs in eastern Rosemount based upon a feasibility analysis. 3. Evaluate the feasibility of a sanitary sewer system that will service those areas identified in this plan as Rural Residential with "sewer needs'. 4. Conduct an active park development program and a limited park acquisition program based on development patterns and resource protection needs within Rosemount. 5. Update the City's capital improvement program annually in order to address short- and long -term public facility needs throughout MUSA and non -MUSA areas. 5.1.4 Implementation Plan Components - Zoning Ordinance A copy of the city's current zoning ordinance is attached for review. The land use plan (Figure 3.1 -C) will require amendments to the zoning map and ordinance in order to be consistent. These amendments will be initiated and substantially completed within one year of the Plan's official adoption. Major amendments will include: 1. Zoning Map. Change all Agriculture areas guided for Rural Residential; change all Agriculture areas guided for Urban Residential; change all Agriculture areas guided for Business Park; and, change all Agriculture areas guided for General Industrial or Industrial/Mixed Use. 2. Zoning Ordinance. Add new districts for'Industrial /Mixed Use' and "Agriculture Research'; eliminate the outdated Industrial Park (IP) district, and amend existing zoning districts as a required update process. A listing and description of all zoning districts with each corresponding land use category is provided as follows: 165