HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Firefighters' Relief Fund Schedules to State Auditor CITY OF ROSEAIOUNT EXECUTI�'E SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST l, 2000 AGENDA: FIREFIGHTERS RELIEF FUND SCHEDULES TO AGENDA SECTION: STATE AUDITOR CONSENT PREPARED BY: LINDA JENTINK, CITY CLERK AGEN •� . ,.,�� � ATTACHMENTS: SCHEDULES APPROVED BY• Mark Evenson, on the Board for the Firefighters Relief Association, helped prepare the schedules required by the State of Minnesota Auditor's Office. The Municipal Contribution is reviewed on page 3, Section 3, it shows that no additional contribution is due, which points to a healthy fund program. The City currently pays $26,000 yearly to the fund. The Board has suggested that the City consider an increase to our yearly contribution. City Administrator Burt is considering that and the method of payment for firefighters' hourly wage. Future meetings will be held with the board and its membership to determine a mutual agreement. There is no action required tonight. This is an informational item only. RECOMMENDED ACTIO�`: No action needed. Informational only. COUNCIL ACTION: ' Form SC -00 SCHEDULES I-II FOR LUMP SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING FORM YEAR 2000 DEfERMINATION OF PLAN LIABILITIES & RE6�UIRED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION IN 2001 Firefighters' Relief Association of Rosemount County of Dakota SCHEDULE I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all members based on years of active service with the fire department, with the regular per-year-of-service pension at$ 2600 --------------------�---------------. ._2. ..--------3...-----. ..--4--- ---5-------._...-----6-------- ---�-----------•----8------- 2000 2001 F.D. Lerne of To Er.d o` This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Fnt at Absence Years Ac'�v� Accrued Years Active Accrued Month ::: : Year in Vears Serv:c2 Liabilit Service Liabilit 1. Aker,Scott 48 4 :::: 1982 19 47,944 20 52,000 2. Anderson, Lei h 36 11 i: 1992 E 14,976 9 17,316 3. Anderson, Roberf 50 4 :::: 1983 13 44,148 19 47,944 4. Baiie , Dave 30 4 '::;.; 1989 12 25,012 13 27,82 5. Bu ck,Timoth 33 8 :::::: 1998 2 3,224 3 4,940 6. En eimann,Scott 31 9 ;:::: 1995 5 8,684 6 10,660 7. Evenson, Mark 43 4 :: 1986 15 33,904 16 37,128 8. Ford,Ja 38 7 ;::: 1991 9 17,316 10 19,760 9. Gerntis,Joe 33 7 : ;: 1986 1� 30,784 15 33,904 10. Hae , Mike 43 4 ::: 1982 l Y 47,944 20 52,000 1 l. Hei eson,Scott 44 7 :::: 1991 9 U,316 10 19,760 12. Komovich,Ashle 47 9 !:: : 1982 13 44,148 19 47,944 13. Kro elnicki,Ed 42 8 '::::: 1997 4,940 4 6,760 14. Larson, Kevin 41 9 :::: 1995 5 8,684 6 10,660 15. Lon , Pat 38 12 :;:! 1994 6 10,660 7 12792 16. Lundell, Pete 54 10 ` 1969 3� 80,600 32 83,200 17. Moone ,Te 36 8 :`;: 1990 1G 19,760 11 22308 18. Nelson, Garr 28 8 ::' 1997 3 4,940 4 6,760 19. Noll,Jerr 32 11 :::; 1996 � 6,760 5 8,684 20. Paulson,Wa ne 45 7 :: 1986 1� 30,784 15 33,904 21. Rambo, Kevin 34 12 :::: 1994 6 10,660 7 12792 22. Reis, Mike 41 4 >: 1982 1> 47,944 20 52000 23. Schroeder,Rick 32 8 1997 4,940 4 6,760 24. Sn der, Glenn 31 1 !_' 1992 9 17,316 10 19,760 25. Tucker, Kevin 33 4 ::;:; 1990 11 22,308 12 25,012 Sub3otal of Re iilar Fensioh.Liab�lsty ;. 6a5,696 672.sbs * Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest fuli year. * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will receive entire pension during this year. Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g. '` For installment liability, enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 6 and column 8. * If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions, add interest for 1 year in column 8. '` A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Council before August 1 each year. Page 1 SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAL ACTIVE MEMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 8 ---------------------------------- ------ -------------•------ ----•----- -------------------- 6 ---�---------------20�31------- 2CJ00-..--- F.D. Leave o To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Fn�[�ate Absenc ears Activ Accrued ears Activ Accrued Month i::: Year in ears Service Liabilit Service Liabilit 26. Van Ruler,Jon 23 8 :::::: 1998 2 3,224 3 4,94 27� Voelker,Jim 35 8 [:::: 1997 3 4,940 4 6,7 28• Wendel,Jeff 33 8 :::s: 1997 3 4,940 4 6,76C 29. Zwart. Harold 44 4::::: 1987 14 30,784 15 33,90� 30. •Golla,Roberf 37 1 :::::: 2000 1 1,560 2 3,22� 31 'Samson,Richard 32 1 :::::: 2000 1 1,560 2 3,224 32. 'D son,Chris 35 1 ::::: 2000 1 1,560 2 3.224 33. -Turner,Steve 35 1 :::::: 2000 1 1,560 2 3,224 34. 0 0 0 35. 0 0 0 C 36. 0 0 0 C 37, 0 0 0 C 3g. 0 0 0 39. 0 0 0 C 40. 0 0 0 q�, 0 0 0 C 42 0 0 0 C q3 0 0 0 qq_ 0 0 0 C 45. 0 0 0 C 46. 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 qg p 0 0 49. 0 0 0 50. 0 0 0 C 51 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 53. 0 0 0 54. 0 0 0 � 5,5, 0 0 0 56. 0 0 0 � 57 0 0 0 58. 0 0 0 � 59 0 0 0 60. 0 0 0 b� 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 63. 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 .. Subtotdl ot Re,gular Pe..i�?siQh�lab�qt� ;: ': :`: 50,128 :: �: :: 65.2 Page 2a � SCHEDULE I -ADDITIONAL MEMBERS&TOTAL LIABILITIE: -------------------�------------- --?-- ----3----- ----3a---- ----4---- --4°-- ----Qb---- ----4c---- -------6------- -------8------- Benefit Deferred Deferrad Name Lewe Levei at Non- Pension to pension to Entry paratio of Total time of Forfeitabl the end of the end of A e Date Date Absence Years e aration % this ecr next ear De}erred Pensions 1. Strese,Steve q2 2/2g/7g 3/1/98 20 2500 100% 55,12� 57,881 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 10. � 7 ..eii eruiCns:�:�:�::�:�::::�:�:::�::�::'�::::�:�:�::::�::�::�::::::::::::::�::::::::�:::::::�::::::�:::::: 5 881 $ubfofal:of:Deferr....P. ............................................... ................................. 55,�25 ....................................... - Un aid Installments I t. 2. 3. ( .......................... S:•::::�:::::::::::�:�:»:�::�:�:::�:�:�:::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::.:::�::::::: � S.ubtotal:4f Unpaid:instaltr�ieht..... ......... .............. .... ............... ......... ...... o� o ......... .................................. Eari Vested Pensions I 1. McDonough, Mike q7 g/23/75 4/24/90 1 ear 13 1400 72% 13,1('A 13,104 2. Oxborough,John 47 2/26/80 9/3/90 10 1400 60% B,�CC 8,400 3. Burkhalter, Bryan 35 l U26/85 4/1/96 10 2000 60% 1200C 12.000 4. Corrigan, Dan 35 4/24/84 5/1/97 13 2200 72% 20,592. 20,592 5. 6. 7. � 8. 9. 10. I S .. . e� iohi::�:::>::�::::�::::�::�::::::: ::�>::::::':::::::::::::':>:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. a ................. Sut��otal:qf Eprly:�/e.tect P.ns.................................... .............................................................................. 54,09„ 54,09 Use the columns provided to show calculations. Example,4a x 4b x 4c=deferred pension amount. 2000 2001 Total of Regular Pension Liabilities From pages 1 and 2a �,5•$2�� �3�,828 Total of Deferred, Unpaid, and Early Vested Pensions If Any, from page 2b(above) 109•221 111•977 A. Accrued Liability Through Next ,:.........:.:..:.:.:.:.:.. Year 2001 (total, columr----°------------------°-----------> < 849,805 B. Accrued Liability Through This .; Year 2000 (total, columr--------------------> 76.5,0��: ;: :: :::>:::;:::::: _.... . C. Subtract Line B from Line A (normal cost) �•�� Page 2b Schedule II � $@CtlO� 1 Determination of Ptojected Net Assets for the year ending December; Special Fund Assets at December 31, 1999 1 $ 908,369 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form- 1999) Projected Income to December 31, 2000 a. Minnesota State Aid $ 40,771 (Use 1999 amount, exclude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions $ 26,000 c. Donations (List ) $ � d. Interest and Dividends $ 16-� e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments $ 18-� f. Other income(Includes Supplemental) $ � (List- ) Total 2$ ������� Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 2000 (line 1 +line 2) 3$ 1,010,140 Projected Disbursements through end of year , g. Pensions(If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) $ 0 h. Other benefits � $ 0 i. Administrative $ 16,750 Total 4$ 16,750 Projected Assets at end of year(line 3 minus line 4) 5$ 993,390 Section 2 Determination of ProJected Surp/us(De�cit) as of December 31, Projected Assets (line 5) 6$ 993,390 2000 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) 7$ 765,045 Surplus or(Deficft) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) 8$ 228,345 'Go to Secfion 3 if Surp/us 'Go to Secfion 4 il De�cil Section 3 Determinafion of Mun/c/pa/ Contribution(ifSurp/u Normal Cost(Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C) 9$ 84,760 Calculated Administrative Expense (1999 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. $ 15,103 x 1.035) 10$ 15,632 Less: j. Minnesota State Aid $ 40,771 k. 5% of line 5 $ 49,670 I. 10% of line 8 $ 22,835 Total Subtractions 11 $ 113,276 Municipal Contribution (line 9, plus 10 minus 11) 12$ (12,884) If $1.00 or greater, certify to municipality before August 1, 2000, If negative number, no contribution is due. ::::::R::::=:: � `.Tt�:SEC�[ON�!A�VD:CZ�M..LE�E:::::;�::..:::::::..: :::::CiS3..................................:...:.:...:.:.:...:............�.�.-..... . . . ..... Page 3 Section 4 De�ermination o( Municlpal Coniiibuiion (if Oeficit) Amortization of Deficits. Year Incurred Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Amt Retired 12/31, Leff to Retire 1/l, Original Amount 2000 2001 m. 0 (section 2, line 8) 3 Subto ::::::::::::::::�::::::::::;:;:;::�:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::;:::::::;:::::::::::;::::;:::::::;:;::: ::::::Si�litofcl:::::::::: n. 0 Column tal : : �. : . . . . .. New add'I Deficit 2000 0. 0 (m. minus n.) Totals Step# 1 If line o is positive, enter line o in columns 1 and 3 of New additional Deficit(2000) line. (This is your New additionai Deficit for 2000.) Step#2 If line o is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Deficit Reduction in the instructions. Amortization of Deficit (fota� from Column i x.lo) 13 S 0 Total from Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C-Normal Cosi 14 S 0 Calculated Administrative Expense (1999 Repo�ting Form Adm. Exp. x 1.035) 15 S 0 Subtotal Lines 13+14+15 16 S � Less: p. Minnesota State Aid $ 0 q. 5% of line 5 $ o Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) 17 S 0 Municipal Contribution �ine 16 minus Iine l� 1$S � (!f 0 or negative, there is no municipal contrrbufion) You must certify to municipality before August 1,2000,even if no contribution is due. Section 5 - Test for Maximum Benefit Ailowed Calculation of Average special fund Income per member A+B+C 'Received or Receivable D A B C D E State Municipal 10% of Active Aid' Support Surplus Members Average last year 1999 40,771 26,000 sc-� 18,855 35 2,446.46 2 years ago 1998 39,543 26,000 sc-9e 12435 32 2,436.81 3 years ago 1997 37,545 26,000 sc-o� 7,000 30 2,351.50 Total column E divided by 3 F. S 2,412 Maximum Pension Benefit Under Statute G. S 4,400 ^ To obtain G,look up the resuft of F on page 11 of the instructions,Table III, "Maximum Benefit Under Law" ^ This is your mauimum benefit this year. You may not increase benefits beyond this amount. Page 4 OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION . (Form must be provided to munlcipa! clerk on or before August 1,2000) We, the officers of the Rosemount Firefighters' Relief Association,state that the accompanying schedules have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Minn.Stat. § 69.772,su Further, benefit levels have been established in accordance with the average amount of availabie financin required by Minnesota law. We certify that based on the financial requirements of the Relief Associafion's Special Fund for the calendar 2001 ,the required municipal contrib� $0 . In the event that the bylaws of the Relief Association have changed in the mast recent year, we have attached a copy of the amendment. If municipal approv amendme't is required under Minn.Stat. § 69.772,subd. 6, we have also enclased a copy of the municipal �- Z�—CZ7 Sig ture f eside t Date � � � 7_ ZS_� Signature of Secr t ry Date �',�_ 7 -2S-OD Signature of Treasurer Date , CLERK'S CERTIFICATION (For Municipa!Fire Departments Only) I am the clerk of l:���/ 4� �OSP(I�lOI(1'��. I received on 7 /a�O/ 00(date), the completed � of the State Auditor Schedules I&II frc Rosemount Firefighters' Relief Associafion. I have reviewed Section 2, line 8, Section 3, line 12, and Section 4, line 18 of Schedule II. If line 12 or line 18 reflect a municipal contribution, I certify that I will advise the governing municipal body at its next regularly schedulec ° 7 a� � ignature of Cle ate � (Sl , 3aa -�003 Business Phone WARNING: This document must be fully completed, certified by the relief association o�cers, forwarded to clerk and filed with the O�ce of the State Auditor as iequired by Minn.Stat. §69.771, subd. 3. Failure to Fle whether or not a municipal contribution is due, will result in ineligibility for state Fre aid, as required by Minne: Office of the State Auditoi Pension Oversight 525 Park Street Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55103 Fax number: (651)282-2391 Page 5 � • THlS IS THE EMRIES PAGE SEE DIRECTIONS FOR SCHEDUlES IF UNSURE WHICH NUMBfRS ARE TO BE EMERED 1. Complete Schedule I. Pages 1, 2a, 2b of ihLs Workbodc 2. Compiete Section 5 of Sched,rle 2. Fill in columns$b,c and d in Sectlon 5,at the bonom of 7ie page. "Rds mtst be adjusted manually each year. 3. Enter the benefit amount eNecove far 2000 g 26pp 4. Enter the Special Fund Endng 0.ssets fran ihe Reportlng Form-1999 E 908.369 5. EnterlheMinnesotaStateAid- y qp,77� Use the 1999 anount,exclude supplemenW income 6. Enter ihe calcvlated municipal contribu8on from the 7999 8 2000 Schedules I and II,plus any voluntary contribution received or to be received in-1. S 26.000 7. Donadons-List i. g 2. � 3. S . Total S 0 8. Interest Incame(prajected for 2000)-reeeived to date plus estimate � of additlonal earnin¢s form interest&dvidenck. S 16.500 9. Net appredatim(depreciation)in tar value of invastrnents 2000 S 18,500 10. Other income(projected tor 2000)-Ils[ 1. y (ncludessvpplemantalrelunck 2, y receivadfromthestate) 3. $ subtotal y p 1 i. Enter ihe amount of pension benefi�paid to date plus sstimated penvon paymenCS to be made by December 31,2000 $ 0 7 2. Enter the amount of other benefits(survivor,dsabiiiry or funerei benefits)to be paid in 2000 $ 13. Enter the amount of a�nin e�ense you IXPECT to pay trom fie Special Fund during 2000 (INCLUDE THE AMOUNT PAID TO DATE AND WHAT � YOU EXPECT TO PAY FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR.) S 16.750 . 14. Enter the 1999 Administrative expense from Repor7ng Form for ihe year ended December 31,1999. $ 15,103 15. Fill in the prior yea defidts from the 1999�2000schedules with the amorEZaEOn of defidt for last yex added onta last yeas sched.iles. (Sfart wIM the�arllosl yoar and Iltl In Iha edumns 1 and 2 b�lowJ i.Go to prior yezr schedul�and enter original defidt amounCS of unamortized defici�in column 1. 2 Then in wlumn 2 enter the amaunt 7atired in prior years'from last yeas schedWes plus the defidt amount amortized m last years scheduies 3. When ihis is complete,prea ihe funcCOn key'FT. Now go to page 4 of the Schedulas,fie deBcit teble sho�ld be eomplated NOTE:THE INFORMAiION PREVIOUS TO THIS NEE0.S TO BE COMPLETE FIR51 ' Reter to previous yea schedule Wrrent Deildt to obtain origi�al deficit amanta p DEFICIT TABLE WORKSHEET-RESUlTS PPoNTED ON P.d,SEC.4 Caleualtlons to Determine flnal De}Ielt PRELIMINARY TO APPLICATION OF ANY REDUCTIONS Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Preliminary Amt Calculffion to per{orm Fnal Pmount Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Left to Retlre- Logical Tast(a Amt Lek to Retire H a Year Onginal Amount RaEred Amount Lek Runnin Sum to reduce if Defidt 6 Defidt 6cists Inarred Pmount in Prior Years Before Ad"ustin 7991 ............................................... � 0 0 0 1992 ....... � 0 0 0 ._._.....__......._..........._..... 1993 0 0 0 0 1994 ............................................... � 0 0 0 1995 ............................................... 0 0 0 0 1996 .................. � 0 0 0 ............................. 1997 . . . . . . .. 0 0 0 0 1998 ............................................... � 0 0 0 ��9 0 3,sec2,IineB)m 428 345 0 0 0 ;»>�:�:•::::r,.::My. r�,, . .. m col 3 n. r... ... . ............n.v.i��tifti:?:viiii:i�::�'Ji:�i:�' � ................y:.�.,.................... .....:....:::.:..:.. ::::::::::::.iiiiii:....:.�:.....y::.�:::::: ................. ....::.200����.,-.. ..�::::.�::.�::::•:•: ... .. :i::i:i::iii::::::i.v:::i:::i::iii::i:::::•:•:::::•:.\�:•:: C"� � ::: :....,... . ._...... __.__. ... __... . ............. (m-n) o. -228.345 Totals 0 ���.�0. 0