HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of July 18, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS �. ���` REGULAR MEETING »'��f� �� JULY 18, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, July 18, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Council Members Cisewski, Caspar, Klassen and Edwards present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Parks and Recreation Directar Schultz, City Planner Pearson, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Community Development Director Parsons, Human Resource/Communication Coordinator Graff and Engineering Consultant Weiss. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Human Resource/Communication Coordinator Graff. The agenda was amended by adding an item to the Consent Agenda, 6.q. Resignation of Employee; Item 6.e. Hiring of Part-Time Building Inspections Secretary was removed from the Consent Agenda; additional information was provided for Item S.a. Rosemount Storm Damage Report and the resolution for Item 7.a. Mineral Extraction Permit Amendment, Lance Johnson & Shafer Contracting Co. was revised. Public Comment Charlie Koehnen, 12255 Rich Valley Boulevard, had concerns about the berm to be built around the Lance Johnson Mining property. Koehnen was not in favor of the development of a berm near his property. Koehnen wanted to know where the 15,000 tons of dirt would come from. Ken Marcotte, 12931 Shannon Parkway, thanked the City and the developer of the Kelley Trust property for paying for the pump necessary to remove water from his yard. Marcotte submitted three letters for Council review. Marcotte related that when he purchased his home in 1990 the pond area was bone dry. In 1993 he asked for assistance with water runoff. City staff at that time examined the situation and said that a lift station would be required, but cost prohibited installation at that time. Marcotte asked the City to examine its current Stormwater Master Plan. Also, he would like to know when a lift station is installed, who determines when and if it should be shut off? - Staff will follow up on these comments and return at a future City Council meeting with response. Rosemount Storm Damage Report City Administrator Burt reported that the storms of July 7 through 10,were the biggest rain event that has ever hit Rosemount. Some reports showed 11 inches of rain. Eagan received 9 inches within a four-hour period. Hawkins Pond filled faster than it could be pumped on Saturday, July 8. Saturday night the firefighters of Rosemount and Lakeville were called to sandbag homes around Hawkins Pond. Koch Refining offered use of a very large pump for which it was hard to locate enough hosing for. However, this was accomplished and it did aid tremendously in lowering the water level by 2,000 gallons per minute. Over 5 million gallons of water were 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 18, 2000 removed. Hawkins Pond lift station motor burned out when it went underwater, so this will have to be repaired. Marcotte Pond had tree trunks under water and Homer Tompkins, developer for Evermoor, responded generously by offering to reimburse the homeowner for pumping the water level down. Fahey Avenue, on the eastern side of Rosemount, was totally washed away and will be closed for about ten days until a contractor can come out to repair it. Burt said that the Public Works Department did an outstanding job and spent many additional hours in order to protect homes and streets. Firefighters also did a fine job to aid residents. The Police Department also helped with traffic control and was available for first aid. Even the developer of Evermoor went "above and beyond" what was expected. A sincere thank you is directed at all who participated in helping. The residents around Hawkins Pond were kind to the Public Works Employees and made sure that they had some food and water to get them through. There were a total of ten homes severely affected by the floodwaters and many others that had water in their basements. Burt noted that the long-term stormwater plans will be looked at and consideration will be given to accelerating the installation of a lift station by Marcotte Pond. Review also of the"emergency process"will be made in order to improve it where necessary. Mayor Busho thanked staff and surrounding communities for the effort made to help residents in Rosemount. Busho highlighted the successes of cooperation to move water and maintain streets. Dakota County is acting as a clearinghouse for federal and state disaster assistance available. Consent Agenda MOTION by Edwards to approve the amended Consent Agenda with the addition of Item 6 q. . Resignation of Employee, and removal of 6.e. Hiring of Part-Time Building Inspections Secretary. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion Carried a. Minutes of July 5, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting b. Bills Listing c. Emergency Contract for Pumping d. Hiring of Public Works Maintenance Worker e. Hiring of Part-Time Building Inspections Secretary—removed,position not accepted f. Notice of Intent to Franchise Cable Services g. Revisions to Personnel Policy h. Completion of Probation for Beth Richtsmeier,Patrol Officer i. Code Enforcement Official j. Receive Bids/Award Contract for 2000 Bituminous Overlay Improvements, City Project 315 k. Receive Feasibility Report/Approve Project/Order Plans & Specs/Approve Plans & Specs/Auth. Advertisement for Bids for Broback 3rd Addition Storm Sewer Project, CP 319 1. Budget Amendments m. 2000A G.O. Water Revenue Bond Issue/Authorize Issuance and Setting Bond Sale n. Authorize City to Pledge the Full Faith and Credit for the 2000B G.O. Bonds for the Port Authority o. Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the Rosemount VFW 9433 p. Leprechaun Days Service Agreement and Authorization for Street Closings q. Resignation of Employee -Dan Fick,Public Works Director 2 ' ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 18, 2000 Mineral Extraction Permit Amendment: Lance Johnson (owner) & Shafer Contracting Co City Planner Pearson reported on the changes to the Shafer Contracting Company's request for an amendment to the mineral extraction permit for the Lance Johnson property. This had been tabled from the July 5, 2000 City Council meeting in order to incorporate City Council and Planning Commission restrictions on sound and safety. Attorney LeFevere also prepared a resolution clarifying the approval with findings of fact. Pearson noted additions to conditions F. and Y. of the Extraction Permit Renewal. An additional sentence was added to Item F. covering the trimming of vegetation at intersections for better visibility. And Item Y. included a gate installed at County Road 71 in cooperation with Koch Refining. Pearson had liability concerns on restricting the jake brakes and presented some language in item AA. for"use in emergencies." Pearson also developed a form showing approval of the Extraction Permit and stating the length of duration including certification by the City Clerk. Council was satisfied that all issues were resolved with the resolution and conditions of the permit renewal. City Planner Pearson addressed the berm issue brought up by Charlie Koehnen in the Public Comment this evening. The berm is intended to mitigate noise and direct eye-line sight into the mine. If Mr. Koehnen is not concerned about this, then Shafer Contracting would not be required to build the berm. The materials to build the berm would come from the mine area. Scott Spaceck of Shafer Contracting Co., noted they had no objections to the additional requirements to the mining permit. MOTION by Cisewski to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT TO THE MINERAL EXTRACTION PERMIT FOR LANCE JOHNSON AND SHAFER CONTRACTING COMPANY concerning the 2000 mineral extraction pernut for the Lance Johnson property. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Cisewski, Busho, Caspar, Edwards. Nays: None. Motion carried. McNamara Addition Rezonings: Outlots A, B, C, & D City Planner Pearson showed the Land Use Plan 2020 map showing commercial property along County Road 42 from Shannon Parkway to Highway 3. This land has been guided for commercial since the Planned Unit Development was approved in 1997. A legislative mandate in 1997 also required zoning changes to bring the land into conformance with the Comprehensive Guide Plan for 2020. This rezoning will change the land now zoned Agricultural to Commercial as required. Councilmember Klassen noted that residents that commented at the Planning Commission Public Hearing for this were concerned about the proposed development not the zoning issue. MOTION by Edwards to adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE rezoning Outlots A,B, C & D for McNamara Addition to C-4, General Commercial in conformance with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Cisewski,Busho, Caspar,Edwards, Klassen. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 18,2000 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Busho noted that Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) has cancelled its July 19 meeting and re-scheduled it to August 2, 2000. On July 26th, the Farnungton Extension Office will host a speaker on preserving farmland. Leprechaun Days has a full schedule of events from July 21 to July 30. There will be a dance, food, and crafts on Friday July 28 and July 29 will have the Pazade at 1 p.m.; dance, food and crafts, with fireworks at about 10 p.m. Check you local paper for the full schedule. Mayor Busho adjourned the meeting at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2000—27. 4