HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. 2001 Waste Abatement Community Funding• j CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 17, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 2001 Waste Application Abatement Community Funding AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Alyson Morris, Water Resource Engineer AGENDA NO: i , a' APPROVED BY: ATTACHMENTS: Application With your approval the attached application for the 2001 Waste Abatement Grant will be submitted to Dakota County. Rosemount has participated in this program since 1988. The County makes these funds available to cities to help defray the costs of administering a solid waste /recycling program. Our maximum funding for 2001 is $ 12,059. The application includes a breakdown of the program budget and what Rosemount must do to satisfy the funding requirements. We have achieved these goals in the past and will continue to be successful in 2001. The County plays a key role in the success of the program by providing recycling containers, published information and expertise on recycling and solid waste management. I encourage your continued support of this program and recommend approval of the application. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the application to Dakota County for funding the City of Rosemount's 2001 Waste Abatement Program COUNCIL ACTION: A RESOLUT FUNDING CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2000 — AUTHORIZIING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR CITY OF ROSEMOUNT' S 2000 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, according to! the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City Council of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 2000 Landfill Abatement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of program which promotes encourages landfill abates NOW THEREFORE BI approves the 2000 Landfi and its distribution to Dal ADOPTED this 17'' day ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted osemount has established and desires to maintain a landfill abatement - cycling, waste reduction and reuse opportunities in the community and ent; and IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby Abatement Funding Application authorizing the necessary signatures thereon eta County. f October, 2000 Cathy Busho, Mayor Second by: 4 Dakota County, 2001 Waste Abatement Community Funding uidelines -and Application g - Form .Funding Period: January 1, 2001 -Dec ember 31 , 2001 i ikota County, Physical Development Division ,nmental Management Department - August, 2000 For additional information contact ►nmental Specialist - Mike Trdan at 952- 651 -7021 Email- mike.trdan @co.dakotamn.us DAKOTA COUNTY 2001 WASTE ABATEMENT COMMUNITY FUNDING GUIDELINES AND APPLICATIONS FORM BACKGROUND The Dakota County Board of Commissioners has provided landfill abatement funding assistance to communities in Dakota County since 1989. Dakota County Board Resolution No. 88-651 states that the County's portion of funding recycling implementation and operating costs incurred by cities and townships will be through performance -based funding. These Guidelines are consistent with the Dakota County Waste Abatement Community Funding Plan 2001 -2004 approved by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners on August 15, 2000 (Resolution # 00- 457). Landfill abatement assistance to communities is contingent upon available funds. Contents Section Title Pages I. Base Fund 2 A. Application and Revision Procedure B. Funding Allocation C. Eligible Expenses D. Reimbursement I1. Container Fund 4 A. Application Procedure B. Funding Allocation and Eligible Expenses C. Disbursement III. Sustainable Environment Grants (Optional) 4 A. Application, Funding Allocation and Eligible Expenses B. Reimbursement IV. Community Responsibilities 5 A. Responsibilities and Evaluation .Criteria B. Adjustments C. Annual Report Attachment Title Attachment A: Application For Base Fund 8 Attachment B: Application For Container Fund (Optional) 12 Attachment C: Application for Sustainable Environmental Grants (Optional) 13 Attachment D: Annual Report Form 15 SECTION 1. BASE FUND A. Application and Revision Procedure for Base Fund I. Application for Base Fund Applications for the Base Fund must be submitted by October 15, 2000. Applications will consist of a completed Attachment A (Application Form) and an Official Resolution or copy of the Proceedings (the official action from the governing body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). 2. Revisions to Base Fund If a community has substantial changes to the original request for funding, a community shall submit its revisions in writing prior to implementation for approval by the County. 3. Electronic Versions On -line or disk versions of these Guidelines are available from the County upon request. B. Funding Allocation The 2000 maximum reimbursement amounts by community are listed below. Housing counts for 1999 are based on Metropolitan Council estimates released June 2000. 1. Formula and Amounts for Communities over 5,000 population Communities over 5,000 population are eligible to receive a $5,000 base per community plus $1.60 per household, based on 1999 household estimates. City 1999 Housing Count 2001 Base Fund Apple Valley 15,296 $ 29,474 Burnsville 23,004 41,806 Eagan 22,971 41,754 Farmington 3,923 11,277 Hastings 6,507 15,411 Inver Grove Heights 10,849 Lakeville 12,937 12, 937 25,699 Mendota Heights 3,865 11,184 Rosemount 4,412 12,059 Rural Solid Waste Commission 5,475 13,760 South St. Paul 8,096 17,954 West St Paul 8,752 19,003 2. Formula and Amounts for Communities under 5, 000 population Communities under 5,000 population are eligible to receive a $500 base per community plus $1.60 per household, based on 1999 household estimates. city 1999 Housing Count 2001 Ulydale Base Fund 420 $1,172 Mendota 71 614 Sunfish Lake 170 772 Dakota County Total 126,748 $264,297 i 2 C. Eligible Expenses for Base Fund 9. Eligible Administrative Expenses Administrative expenses are the salary and benefits of personnel only while working directly, part-time or full-time, on the planning, implementing, and promoting of eligible programs and include mileage for reasonable use of personal vehicles. The salaries; benefits, and mileage for consultant services /temporary help are eligible administrative expenses with prior approval from County staff if related to solid waste abatement activities. Computer software, subscriptions, memberships, dues, and training, (not including out -of -state travel or lodging) are eligible expenses if related to solid waste abatement activities. 2. Eligible Promotion /EducatfonallCapital Expenses Eligible promotional /educational/capital expenses are the costs of design, production and distribution for flyers, brochures, newsletter articles, posters, advertisements} videos, billboards, promotional items (pencils, magnets, etc.) necessary to promote recycling /reduction programs. Cost of capital and operational expenses for items currently banned from the landfill are not eligible. If you have a question, please contact the Environmental Management Department. Activities include, but are not limited to: • Commercial recycling/reduction education • Residential recycling /reduction education • HHW disposal /recycling /reduction education • Residential recycling education for community clean up days • The percentage of the cost of a municipal newsletter or ads devoted to recycling/reduction information • Special Events ((displays, performance fees) • Backyard composting education and bins • Residential recycling containers and related needs • County approved multi- family and commercial recycling containers and related needs • School /community /parks recycling containers • Yardwaste reduction education • Evaluations of the effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of landfill abatement programs Community public education materials shall credit the Dakota County Board of Commissioners and the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (OEA) as funding sources. D. Reimbursement The municipality may spend funds on waste abatement activities only. Communities with an approved Application Form (Attachment A) and Annual Report (Attachment D) from the previous year will receive 100% of net eligible costs which will be distributed in one installment. A Joint Powers Agreement must be fully executed. Net eligible costs are project costs after deducting other grants received for the project, and any other revenues, including the sale of recyclable materials. Dakota County will make payments by February 28, 2001. 3 SECTION If. CONTAINER FUND (OPTIONAL) A. Application Procedure for Contalner Fund Attachment B (Container Fund Application) must be submitted by October 15, 2000. Communities should indicate the number of containers required and the City Administrator or Manager must sign the application form. B. Funding Allocation and Eligible Expenses The maximum amount available in the Container Fund is $26,000 in 2001. Communities apply once a year and will be required to arrange for container storage and distribution. The County will place. a priority on new growth areas. Two types of containers are allowed as an eligible expense from this fund: containers for curbside recycling containers, and containers for multi - family recycling. Communities will provide multi- family containers only to units upon agreement between building owners or managers and the City. Communities will distribute multi- family containers in coordination with informational meetings for residents. If you have a question about an eligible expense, please contact the Environmental Management Department. C. Disbursement of Containers The County will purchase containers after determining the total number required in 2001 and will distribute containers to community identified storage locations after January 1, 2001. SECTION Ill. SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL GRANTS (OPTIONAL) A. Application Procedure, Funding Allocation and Eligible Expenses Communities must submit applications by September 1, 2001 and the City Administrator or Manager must sign the application form. Funds must be used for projects that expand, enhance or improve existing programs and result in increased amounts of materials collected or additional types of materials collected. Sustainable Environmental Grants are available on first come, first serve basis after approval of the Environmental Management Director. The total annual amount available to all communities is $40,000 and no single community may receive more than $10,000. Individual type residential recycling containers are not an eligible expense. If you have a question about an eligible expense, please contact the Environmental Management Department. A partial list of eligible expenses includes: • Additional solid waste abatement educational opportunities • Salary, benefits, and mileage of personnel working directly, part-time or full -time are eligible expenses • The salaries, benefits, and mileage for consultant servicesitemporary help are eligible administrative expenses with prior approval from County staff if related to the sustainable environmental grant activities • Commercial recycling capital costs, education and special events • Multi- Family education • Recycling Drop Off equipment/subsidy for recyclable materials neither collected at the curb nor banned + t 4 • Material Exchanges • Industrial Waste Abatement • Matching funds for other related grants such as the OEA grant program • Projects which provide examples of government leadership • Projects which demonstrate innovation in solid waste education • Source - separated organic composting • Organized collection • Other projects with prior approval of County staff B. Reimbursement Communities may receive payment of up to seventy (70 %) percent of the amount requested after approval by the Environmental Management Director. The remainder of the payment to a community will be provided after the community supplies a written report at the conclusion of the Sustainable Environmental Grant project and documentation of expenditures. Communities must expend the funds by December 31, 2001 unless prior approval is received from the Environmental Management Department, and submit a final report by January 31, 2002. Net eligible costs are project costs after deducting other grants received for the project, and any other revenues, including the sale of recyclabe materials, or cost savings. SECTION IV. COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES Community performance will be evaluated based on each community's 2001 Annual Report and a community's achievement of the criteria below. The County may adjust payments to a community in the following year based on the evaluation of its performance1or the current year. Dakota County reserves the right to request documentation for information submitted. A. Responsibilities for Communities and Evaluation Criteria Communities are responsible for maintaining the level of service outlined in the Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan (as amended) and maintain a Targeted Community Program that includes at least bi- weekly recyclables collection for single family and multi- family households using a recycling container. The Targeted Community Program requires collection of the following recyclables; newspaper, corrugated cardboard, residential office paper, magazines, cans (food & beverage), plastic containers with a neck, and three colors of glass.. If a community does not maintain the above level of service, the County will accept the responsibility for community recycling programs and will assess the residents of the community for costs incurred (including the County administrative, monitoring, and public education costs). Other community responsibilities are divided into three areas (Recycling operations, Solid Waste Education, and Government Leadership) and depend upon the size. of the community. 1. Communities over 5,000 population - Evaluation of a community's performance also is determined by the following criteria: i rInvommRnt Leadershin Responsibilities (28 Points Total) Community must complete all 7 Points Each 1. Complete annual checklist of environmental leadership activities (new). Manage waste from its facilities as outlined in the Regional/Dakota County 2 Solid Waste Master Plan. - Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under its control 3 State law). •: 3 for Improvement (choose one annually) — (7 Points) the amount of products purchased that are made with post - consumer yena materials. • ate sustainable building practices into the deconstruction, construction or Pareconsibilities ling of public facilities. 3. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of community activities (2002 and 2004 only). e the toxic/hazardous character and amount of chemic2ls use program. Category B - Community must complete five activities (5 Points Each) the amount of waste and recyclables generated on a per employee basis. 3. nd expand a vermiculture program. • Increase eco- printing techniques in community publications and documents on an ongoing basis. Make presentation. Increase the reduction, reuse or recycling opportunities of MSW generated from Sponsor a community clean up event. community facility operations. /l. ReCVCHna C)nora}inne PmannncM;H#O /77 O.. s.. T_s_n Community must complete all — (9 Points Each) 1 Attain a level of residential waste stream recycling that supports a 50% recycling goal for the County. 2 Assure recycling service in all multi- family buildings that include✓ all recyclables 3. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of community activities (2002 and 2004 only). collected through the curbside collection program. program. Category B - Community must complete five activities (5 Points Each) Continue the curbside recycling of the following materials: newspaper, magazines, 3. mixed mail, corrugated cardboard', steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and Make presentation. plastic containers with a neck. Solid Waste Education Checklist (45 Points Total) Cateaory A - CnMmllnitu muct nmmnlnin -mil />; D-;-#- C-61 1 Produce and distribute one written communication piece to each household, including all new residents and multi - family buildings: 2. Actively participate and contribute to monthly Local Solid Waste Stan meetings. 3. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of community activities (2002 and 2004 only). 4. 1 Support and promote Dakota County's integrated solid waste management program. Category B - Community must complete five activities (5 Points Each) • Make presentation to city employees regarding a government leadership activity. • I Make presentation. • Make presentation. • Make presentation. • Make presentation. • Sponsor a community clean up event. • Sponsor a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people —counts as two. Sponsor a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two). • Sponsor a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two). Sponsor a community event for OEA's Source Reduction Campaicn (Pf attended by over 100 people -- counts as two). Sponsor a community event for other County - approved campaign (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two). Produce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi- family buildings. P uce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi- family buildings. • Distribute annual targeted public education topiclCounty /developed materials. Z Communities under 5,000 population - The evaluation of communities with under 5,000 households (Lilydale, Mendota, Sunfish Lake, and the RSWC) is determined by the following criteria: Small Community Checklist- community must complete all (15 Points for.each for item, except 10 points for item six) Promote implementation of policies that comply with the State law that requires all 1 residences to have waste collection service. Attain a level of residential waste stream recycling that supports a 50 % recycling 2 goal for the County. Assure recycling service in all multi - family buildings that includes all recyclables 3 collected through the curbside collection program. Continue the curbside recycling of the following materials: newspaper, magazines, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic 4. mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, containers with a neck. Produce and distribute a minimum of written communication piece to each household 5.1 (including units in multi - family buildings). 6. 7. Bi- monthly contact with County staff. Support and promote Dakota County's integrated solid waste management program. C. Adjustments Adjustments to community payments will be based upon the following Performance -Based Funding Schedule: 50 Points = 50% of net eligible costs reimbursed 51 -75 points = 75 % of net eligible costs reimbursed 76 -90 points = 90 % .of net eligible costs reimbursed 91 -100 points = 100% of-net eligible costs reimbursed D. Annual Report All communities must submit an Annual Report (Attachment D) to the County by February 15, 2002. Communities will be asked to return funds to Dakota County if expenditures or activities were not consistent with these Guidelines. 7 ATTACHMENT A 2001 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT APPLICATION FOR BASE FUND Program: January 1. 2001 through December 31 2001 City/Township: .1O5P YYI0uSr& Population (1999): 1 2190 Number of Households (1999): f2, Date Submitted:_ Amount of Funds Applied for.. Address: !45`x'` Rq& E -mail Address Qiu �2iS �'' rh0uwlt.� Contact: ( Phone Number 1$1-3Z7 _Z,r p Fax Number. �. Attach a copy of the Official Resolution/Proceedings (an official action from the goveming body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM FOR 2001 (Communities over 5,000 population) Provide a summary of proposed activities for 2001 in each of the following areas: A. Government Leadership Responsibilities Checklist — These activities apply to city in- house operations and facilities. Describe governmen tal- leadership activities proposed for 2001 for each checked item on next page. Check Items Community must complete all (7 Points Each) Complete annual checklist of environmental leadership activities (new). 2. Manage waste from its facilities as outlined in the Regional /Dakota Co unty Solid V/ Waste Master Plan. 3 Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under its control (State law). Responsibilities for Improvement (choose one annually - 7 Points) ✓ Increase the amount of products purchased that are made with post - consumer recycled materials. Incorporate sustainable building practices into the deconstruction, construction or remodeling of public facilities. • Decrease the toxic/hazardous character and amount of chemicals used. the amount of waste and recyclables generated on a per employee basis. +Decrease Initiate and expand a vermiculture program. Increase eco- printing techniques in community publications and documents on an ongoing basis. - Increase the reduction, reuse or recycling opportunities of MSW generated from community facility operations. 0 Describe governmental leadership activities proposed for 2009 COM 1 A(At jP e&C e- c.r m as 'in �eac, &Po-r4 "av: f' P Pr�c�uc� nnadt wI�N- �s�'- consc�nr+ �`'1 art rorrx 'e ale ae- a4 -'he- ieAU(r01%-**4e 0'a-1 t P r asn 61�de_ e�isfi'i bcc-�� � -pr-eArr -all. . B. Recycling Operations Check Items Community must complete all Attain a level of residential waste stream recycling that supports a 50% recycling ✓ goal for the County. Assure recycling service in all multi- family buildings that includes all recyclables 2 collected through the curbside collection program. Continue the curbside recycling of the following materials: newspaper, 3. magazines, mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steellaluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers with a neck. i. Curbside recyc ling operadons — Describe your community's curbside recycling operations. Communities are responsible for maintaining a Targeted Community Program that includes at least bi- weekly recyclable collection for single family and multi - family households using a recycling container. The Targeted Community Program requires collection of the following recyclables: newspaper, corrugated cardboard, residential office paper, magazines, cans (food & beverage), plastic container with a neck, and three colors of glass. c; open �W�ty- S q Sfem - o,1 1 �;n business wig -hin �-�he. e� t� rho f� rnu8d -he, ice ns�d . to Sc- r 'r inca;u� je— re c l c�abl� cad o{- i +erns I t sect aboYe, and proVtd.e. infOrma.;ion. en FeMict.+n3 p rora -M. + � u �i u. ciDrop — offs — List the operators, addresses, days/hours of operation, and materials collected at drop- off centers located in the community. PP C. Solid Waste Education - Indicate on the checklist below your community's public educational/promotional activities proposed for 2001. For each item indicated in the following checklist, please describe the activity. Check Hems d Category A - Community must complete all 1. IProduce and distribute one written communication piece to each household, including all new residents and multi- family buildings. 2. j Actively participate and contribute to monthly Local Solid Waste Staff meetings. 3. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of community activities (2002 and 2004 only). j 4. ( Support and promote Dakota County's integrated solid waste management program. Category B (Community must complete five activities)— (5 Points Each) • Make presentation to city employees regarding a government leadership activity. Make presentation. • ( Make presentation. • Make presentation. • Make presentation. Sponsor a community clean up event. Sponsor a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two. ISponsor a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two). • Sponsor a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people counts as tvio). lSponsor a community event for OEA's Source Reduction Campaign (if attended by over 1 100 people - counts as two). Sponsor a community evert for other County - approved campaign (if attended by over 100 people —count as two. Produce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household ' including multi- family buildings. The piece was: Produce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi- family buildings. The piece was: i • ' Distribute annual targeted public education topic/County /developed materials. ; Describe public educational /promotional activities proposed for 2001 D. Work Plan Provide a work plan for 2001 on an additional page (if needed) that lists the specific development objectives to be met and the indicated dates for completion. 10 SECTION il. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM FOR 2001 (Communities under 5,000 population) Indicate on the checklist below your community's proposed acUR es for 2001. For each item in the following checklist, please provide a summarybelow of the activity. A. Recycling Operations - Desaibe your community's recycling operations. Communities are responsible for maintaining a Targeted Community Program that includes at leastbi- weekly recyclable collection for single family and multi - family households using a recycling container. The Targeted Community Program requires collection of the following recyclables: newspaper, corrucafted cardboard, residential office paper, magazines, cans (food & beverage), plastic container with a neck, and three colors of glass. B. Solid Waste Education - Desaibe your community's public educational/promotional activities proposed for 2001. C. Work Plan - Provide a work plan for 2001 on an additional page (if needed) that lists the specific development objectives to be met and the indicated dates for completion. 11 SECTION 111. BUDGET — BASE FUND Administrative Costs- Direct Salaries Direct Membership/Training & Subscriptions Consultant Services and/or Temporary Help Software Other (List & Describe) Promotional Education- Printing Costs Distribution Costs Advertisements Videos/Billboards Share unity Share* TOTAL I OM OD 35�? • as tsh CID D D Promotional Items '<00 • CD Special Events (Displays, Performance fees, Etc.) zOCR�.C4� Other (List & Describe) 5iCR3a. tiD E= �16U . oa D D 36co.ao 245q •tSD TOTAL $ 1 Z059.W $ 10100 - mo =2-2-.15q.Ob Amount of Base Fund $ Requested from County*'* Communities may list program contribution in this column (community contributions are not required). ` Unexpended 2001 Base Fund amounts may not be carried over to 2002. Base Fund Request may not exceed that amount shown on page 2. 12 D DD D D D D D I L D I OM OD 35�? • as tsh CID D D Promotional Items '<00 • CD Special Events (Displays, Performance fees, Etc.) zOCR�.C4� Other (List & Describe) 5iCR3a. tiD E= �16U . oa D D 36co.ao 245q •tSD TOTAL $ 1 Z059.W $ 10100 - mo =2-2-.15q.Ob Amount of Base Fund $ Requested from County*'* Communities may list program contribution in this column (community contributions are not required). ` Unexpended 2001 Base Fund amounts may not be carried over to 2002. Base Fund Request may not exceed that amount shown on page 2. 12 ATTACHMENT B 2001 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT APPLICATION FOR CONTAINER FUND (OPTIONAL) Program Period: January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001 City/Township: Rnsemaurc - Population (1999): j2, "(R Ci Number of Households (1999): 4q IZ Date Submitted: OC, btr 3 .2-mm Contact: a Phone Number. 65 ax Number: Address:_(f+ =Sf- 1Zi o5e{�'�i 550�� E -Mail Address: Fri '.r-p, Approval of City Administrator or Manager �L I. Number of containers reg1uiired in 2001 Single Family 7 �0 Multi- family -0— 11. Delivery Location — List address for container delivery 2 6*7 5 114 5+1^ St W, 'DWMau�- III. Distribution Method - Indicate the distribution method for the containers Note: Multi- family apartment containers are provided only upon agreement between building owners or managers and the City. Communities will distribute multi - family apartment containers in coordination with informational meetings for residents. }fie. �cler• -�- p�ct�. up � 11 ATTACHMENT C 2000 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT APPLICATION FOR SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL GRANT (OPTIONAL) Program Period: January 1,2001 through City/Township: Population - (1999): Number of Households (1999): Date Submitted: Amount of Funds Applied for Address: E- Mail-Address Contact: Phone Number. Fax Number. Approval of City Administrator or Manager Please provide a brief overview of the proposed project for a 2001 Sustainable Environmental Grant. Include a brief description of the project including a budget breakdown, projected start date -of project, duration of project, location, and organizations involved. Also show how the project supports sustainability and provide expected results from the project, including estimates of how it will expand and improve existing programs or will result in greater amounts or types of materials collected (use additional pages if needed). 1. Project Description II. Evaluation Method of Project Ill. -- Start-Date and Duration of Project 14 IV. Location V. Organization Involved VI. Projected Results /How Does The Project Support Sustainability Include how the project will result in expansion and improvement, will result in greater amounts or types of materials collected, or supports sustainability. V11. Budget Breakdown /Show How Grant Will Be Expended 15 City/Township: Address: ATTACHMENT D 2001 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT ANNUAL REPORT Date Contact Person: Phone: E -Mail Address: Fax Number. SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM FOR 2001 (Communities over 5,000 Population) Provide a summary of completed activities for 2001 in each-0-Me following areas: A. Government Leadership Responsibilities - Provide a summary of your community's Governmental Leadership Efforts. Indicate in the following chart the efforts undertaken in 2001, describe the efforts below and submit examples of materials produced. 1R } B. Recycling Operations Describe the status of your community's recycling activities forthe following- operations below and indicate in the following chart the efforts undertaken in 2001. Check Items Community must complete all J --A—tta—ine-d a level of residential waste stream recycling that supports a o . recycling goal for the County. 2 Assured recycling service in ail multi-family buildings that includes all recyclables collected through the curbside collection program.. Continued the curbside recycling of e following materials: newspaper, 3. magazines, mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel/aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers with a neck. 1. Curbside Recycling Operations 2. Drop Off Operations— Cities will provide recycling totals for drop-off locations. Please provide the drop off locations. Please provide the drop -off name, location, and types of material accepted and tons collected in 2001. I Estimated Total Residential Drop -off Recyciables Collected: tons 17 C. Solid Waste Education - Describe your community's public educational/promotional activities undertaken in 2001. For each item indicated in the following checklist, please describe the activity and submit examples of materials produced. Check Items J ( Category A (Community must complete all) 1. (Produced and distributed one written communication piece to each household, including all new residents and multi - family buildings. 12. 1 Actively participated and contributed to monthly Local Solid Waste Staff meetings. 3. Continued to evaluate the effectiveness of community activities (2002 and 2004 4. only). Supported and promoted Dakota County's integrated solid waste management program. Category B (Community must complete five activities) — (5 Points Each) . Made presentation to city employees regarding a govemment leadership activity. • Made presentation. • ( Made presentation. . Made presentation. • Made presentation. (• Sponsored a community dean up event. Sponsored a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two. Sponsored a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two). Sponsored a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two). 1 Sponsored a community event for OEA's Source Reduction Campaign (if attended by over I 100 people -- counts as two). Sponsored a community event for other County- approved campaign (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two. Produced a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi- family buildings. The piece was: Produced a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi - family buildings. The piece was: • Distributed annual targeted public education topic/County /developed materials. D. Commercial /industrial Recycling Status (Optional) — Describe any independent commerciaUndustrial recycling activities undertaken in 2001. 18 I SECTION 1111. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM FOR 2001 (Communities under 5,000 population) Provide a summary below of activities undertaken in 2001. Tnaicate in the following chart the efforts undertaken'in 2001. Check Small Community Checklist -community must complete all Points or eac or Items Item, except 10 points for item six) �1 1 romo ed imp ementahon of policies that comply with the State law that requires all residences to have waste collection service. 2. acne a eve o residential wastes ream recycling a supports a o recyc ing goal for the County. 3. Assured recy ing semce in all multi-family buildings that includes a recyclables collected through the curbside collection program. Continued the curbside recycling of e following materials: newspaper, magazines, 4. mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers with a neck. Pro du and distributed a minimum of wn en communication piece to each 5 household (including units in multi - family buildings). Had i -monthly contact—w-iffi County staff. an promote Dakota oun s integrated solid waste management - 7 program. A. Recycling Operations — Describe your community's recycling operations. B. Solidi Waste Education - Describe your community's public educational/promotional activities undertaken in 2001. For each item indicated in the checklist, please describe the activity and submit examples of materials produced. Q SECTION III 2001 Residential Recycling Expenditure Report —(Show all expenditures and revenue) Administrative Costs County Share Community Share* TOTAL Direct Salaries Direct Mileage _ Direct Me mbership/Training & Subscriptions Consultant Services and/or Temporary Help Software Other (List & Describe) Printing Costs Distribution Costs Advertisements Videos /Billboards C —] Promotional Items Special- Events (Displays, Performance fees) Other (List &. Describe) B. TOTAL EXPENDITURES C. 2001 Base Funds Received from County D. Program Revenue /Other Funding E. If the Total Expended is less than the amount of Base Funds received from the County, the difference in amounts will be returned to the County. Enter amount here — 'Community program contributions must be Gated in this column 0:LSwS=01- 04C0mmFundGd1 ON 4