HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of June 20, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting1 t' ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, June 20, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 2875 145"` Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Council Members Cisewski, Caspar and Edwards present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, City Planner Pearson, Police Chief Kalstabakken, City Engineer/Public Works Director Fick, Human Resource Coordinator Graff and Engineering Consultant Weiss. Homer Tompkins, developer of the Kelley Trust property, led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended by adding to the Department Head Report, Item 5b- League of Minnesota Cities Achievement Awards; Consent Agenda Items 6q.- Addendum to the SKB Environmental, Inc. Contract; additional information to Item 6g.- Temporary On -Sale Liquor License for American Legion Post 65; and, New Business Item 9a.- Mining Moratorium had the Ordinance draft from the City Attorney. No one presented public comment and there was no response to prior public comment. Completion of Probation Human Resource Coordinator Graff reported to Council that Mick Kaehler, the Building Official, will have successfully completed his one -year probation period on June 28, 2000 and that his Department Supervisor has found his performance to be satisfactory. MOTION by Cisewski to accept recommendation of the Department Supervisor for the successful completion of probation of Mick Kaehler, Building Official. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Four. Nays: None. Motion carried. League of Minnesota Cities 2000 City Achievement Awards James Klassen presented the City with the City's first Achievement Award for Innovation of Excellence of Citizen, Community and Youth Involvement for the City's participation in the on -going youth resources directory. This was received at the League of Minnesota Cities conference last week. Mr. Klassen wanted to "thank" the Council and Staff for allowing him to present this award and for their involvement with the youth program. Park and Recreation Director Dan Schultz presented an honorable mention for the Innovation of Excellence in Housing, Economic Development and Community Spaces for the Family Resource Center. This was also received at the LMC conference. The Mayor extended Council's "thanks" to Human Resource Coordinator Graff for submitting the applications for the two awards. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2000 Consent Agenda MOTION by Edwards to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of Item 6q. Addendum to the SKB Environmental, Inc. Contract for Operation and Maintenance of the Yardwaste Facility. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Four. Nays: None. Motion Carried a. Minutes of June 6, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting b. Bills Listing c. Expenditure Approval from Donation Account for Leprechaun Days d. Expenditure Approval from Donation Account for Parks & Recreation Dept. e. Hiring of P/T Parks & Recreation Receptionist f. Medical Leave for Firefighter g. Temporary On -Sale Liquor License for the Rosemount American Legion Club #65 h. On Sale Liquor License on Public Premise i. Travel Policy j. Receive Bids/Award Contract, Rosemount Business Park Phase 2 Street & Utility Improve. C. Proj. 308 k. Receive Bids/Award Contract, 2000 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project 316 1. Evermoor Payment Method for Trunk Water and Sewer Fees m. Addendum to 1999 Utility Rate Study n. Henry Fox, 15391 Emery Ave. Common Boundary Line Relocation o. Michael & Elisabeth Sullivan Lot Split & Combination for Rural Residential Use p. Business Park Second Addition Revised Final Plat q. Addendum to SKB Environmental, Inc., Contract for Operation and Maintenance of the Yardwaste Facility Evermoor PUD Agreement City Planner Pearson explained the continuation of the process to accept the PUD Agreement for Evermoor. The majority of the PUD describes the neighborhoods and different types of housing units. This included a 24' street (width exception) with one -way traffic and parking on one side of the street and landscaping issues. The developer has submitted two different concepts or changes to the Innisfree area and the Crosscroft area. These changes would be looked at as an amendment to the PUD after the initial PUD is adopted subject to incorporation of revisions recommended by the City Attorney. Changes can be made to the PUD through developer petition and would be made either through public hearing for major changes or administratively for minor amendments. Mr. Pearson presented two options to the Council: 1) Authorize subject as written to the PUD Amendment Process, or 2) Remove the specific sections from the Agreement as referred to as Innisfree and Crosscroft. City Attorney LeFevere apprised the Council that there is no right or wrong way to proceed with this, however one main PUD would be a guide for all to use. Any changes would be incorporated into the PUD through the amendment procedures. 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2000 City Engineer Fick told the Council that if Innisfree was deleted at this point for a new PUD, the developer wouldn't be able to begin grading. Homer Tompkins, the developer for the project, wants the project to move forward and would like to go through the amendment procedure if that would be necessary. Council Member Edwards felt this was a huge conceptual change, removing setbacks, etc. He asked for a quick tutorial as to the amendment process to a PUD. Mr. Pearson reviewed the process: 1. Developer applies to the City for the amendment providing the City with new drawings. 2. A Public Hearing is held by the Planning Commission 3. If accepted by the Planning Commission it is referred on to the Council for approval. The Mayor noted she wanted the Developer to understand that the underpass under Connemara Trail will have to be made under today's standards, not the standards that were used for the underpass under Shannon Parkway. MOTION by Caspar to authorize the execution of the PUD Agreement for Evermoor subject to incorporation of revisions as recommended by the City Attorney. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Edwards, Cisewski, Busho, Caspar. Nays: None. Motion carried. Evermoor Detachment/Annexation of Property with Apple Valley City Planner Pearson presented the "land swap" between Rosemount and the City of Apple Valley. By annexing this land Apple Valley would have their golf course entirely within their City limits and the portion of Birger Pond that is in the Apple Valley area would now be located within the City limits of Rosemount. The City of Apple Valley has already approved of the annexation and detachment. MOTION by Edwards to adopt a Joint Resolution requesting concurrent detachment from Rosemount and annexation to Apple Valley, and Joint Resolution requesting concurrent detachment from Apple Valley and annexation to Rosemount of property pursuant to Minn. Statutes Section 414.061. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Cisewski, Busho, Caspar, Edwards. Nays: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: 2000 Bituminous Overlay Improvements, City Proiect #315 Mayor Busho explained the Public Hearing procedure and confirmed with Recording Secretary Dormiden that the affidavits of public notice and publication were on file. City Engineer/Public Works Director Fick presented an overview of the project area including Delft Avenue, Upper 148' Street West and Upper 145 Street West. The total project cost is $65,430 with 65% being funded by the Street C.I.P. budget. The remaining 35% will be covered by assessments to benefiting properties at an estimated cost of approximately $450 per unit. Mayor Busho opened the floor for clarification questions. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS IV REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2000 Leigh Anderson, 14940 Delft Avenue, asked why his street was being reconstructed when the street just east of his (Danville) is in worse shape than his. He would like to know the criteria that is followed when choosing the streets. City Engineer/Public Works Director Fick apprised Mr. Anderson and Council that the City has a Pavement Management System in place which is used to determine the age and condition of the various streets in Rosemount. Mr. Anderson's section of Delft is not in as poor condition as the northerly end of his street, but it is more cost effective to do the whole street at one time than to short and have to come back a different year. The Danville section will more than likely be done next year with the Dodd Boulevard project, however at this time the City doesn't want to shut a whole neighborhood down. Mr. Anderson then asked how the assessments are calculated because his property is a corner lot on Delft and Dodd. Consulting Engineer Weiss of WSB & Associates reported that the assessments are on a per unit basis, divided among the units within the area whose properties access the road by driveway. Mr. Anderson would only pay for his access onto Delft Avenue and not be assessed next year for Dodd Boulevard because he has no driveway access to that road. Mayor Busho opened the Public Hearing. Bill Millard, 14918 Delft Avenue, wasn't sure if his question was for clarification or not, but he was wondering if curb work was going to be done and also if the City would do private driveways if the residents pay for the extra work. Again, Consulting Engineer Weiss responded by informing Mr. Millard that the City does not do the private driveways, however it is up to the homeowner if he'd want to approach the contractor on the job to see if they could do the work privately during the project. Usually it would be costly for the contractor to do the job properly. Mr. Millard also asked if the road was going to be bumpy like it is now or if there will be a smooth finish. The sealcoating, which has been done, is what has given the road the bumpy texture. Once the overlay is complete the road surface will be smooth until sealcoating has to be done, usually 5 -7 years out. MOTION by Edwards to close the Public Hearing for the 2000 Bituminous Overlay Improvements, City Project #315. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Four. Nays: 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Edwards to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROJECT, ORDERING THE PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS, RECEIVING THE PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID FOR THE 2000 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #315. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Busho, Caspar, Edwards, Cisewski. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mining Moratorium City Planner Pearson apprised the Council of the proposed moratorium. The study being done will address general resources. City Attorney LeFevere informed the Council the ordinance is straight forward and can be enforced for a maximum of 18 months, however if the study is completed and agreed with, the moratorium can be lifted at Council discretion. F11 KA ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2000 MOTION by Edwards to adopt an interim ordinance establishing a moratorium on new mining operations in the City of Rosemount. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Caspar, Edwards, Cisewski, Busho. Nays: None. Motion carried. Receive Bids /Award Contract, East Side Water Tower, City Proiect #302 City Engineer/Public Works Director Fick informed the Council of the bids received on May 31, 2000 for the two styles of water towers and several alternates that were bid. The Utility Commission met on June 12, 2000 and after their discussion they recommend that the Council go with the spheroid style plus all alternates. A brief discussion about the lettering and the logo took place. Staff is also recommending the spheroid and all alternates. Dick Foster of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates is the Consultant on the project. He informed the Council this is a 500,000 gallon tower (Connemara Tower is a million gallon tower) and will service the east side water needs once the East Side Watermain Improvements are done. As progress continues eventually a new well will be needed. Mr. Foster answered questions as to the construction of the tower. Once footings are in erection will probably start in January. Mayor Busho introduced Bradley Veath of Chicago, Bridge & Iron (CB & I), the apparent low bidder of the project. He said they would be looking at a July 1, 2001 completion with weather cooperating. WSB & Associates for the East Side Watermain Improvements are doing the Feasibility Report. Mr. Weiss apprised the Council that the watermain improvements are scheduled to be complete and ready to go the same time as the water tower. MOTION by Caspar to adopt A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE EAST SIDE WATER TOWER, CITY PROJECT #302. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Busho, Caspar, Edwards, Cisewski. Nays: None. Motion carried. Liquor Ordinance, First Reading City Administrator Burt informed the Council that the changes that the Council directed Staff to make at the work session had been incorporated into the ordinance. Staff changed #2 of the ordinance to reflect "6,500 of attained city population," and this ordinance will be on the next Council agenda under "Consent for approval. Massage Ordinance, First Reading City Administrator Burt informed the Council that the ordinance in place today is very outdated. Massages are now referred to as "therapeutic massages ". This ordinance had also been discussed in work session and will be placed on the "Consent" agenda of the next regular Council meeting. Council Member Edwards had concerns about Item 6g.- Temporary On -Sale Liquor License for Rosemount American Legion Club 65. Chief Kalstabakken had discussed all issues with the Legion and 5 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS r REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2000 feels comfortable with the permit being issued. There will be two access points outside, a total of three with the front door facing Burma. The fencing will be run from the main building to the garage and around the pavilion. If problems arise, the temporary liquor license would be revoked done and it will be at the discretion of the Council if it should be renewed next year. City Administrator Burt apprised the Council that Council Members can initiate action. The Police plan to be more visible at the local establishments. , In the past they have centered their efforts at Central Park because that's where most of the planned activities are taking place, but they feel they need to be more visible at the other establishments as well. ANNOUNCEMENTS MVTA — 6/21; Chamber of Commerce, small business luncheon, City Limits award — 6/22; Camfield Park playground dedication — 6/25: 6:30 p.m.; Splatter Sisters in Camfield Park — 6/25:7:00p.m. No Council meeting on July 4, 2000, however it is rescheduled for July 5, 2000. Mayor Busho adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden, Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2000 — 24. C1