HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.f. BudgetCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: July 12, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 2001 Budget AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGE N ft& Z a F ATTACHMENTS: Memo & Proposed Budget APPROVED r The proposed budget is attached which identifies all proposed increases to the budget. The discussion this evening will review Council, Administration, Elections, Finance, General Government and the Parks budgets. The August work session will review Community Development, Public Safety, Public Works, CIP and Revenues. Once the review is complete staff will make any revisions and at the first meeting in September the preliminary levy for the budget will be set. DATE. MEMORANDUM July 7, 2000 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator SUBJECT: 2001 Proposed Budget As part of my performance standards the Council identified a zero percent increase to the 2001 budget. During the discussion I explained why the budget would show increases and also indicated that justification for the increases would be presented at the time of the first draft of the budget. The attached draft of the budget reflects a very conservative budget that has line item increases where increases are appropriate to maintain a level of service. The greatest increase in the general fund budget is as a result of increases to benefits and wages that attribute approximately $296,100 or 76% of the proposed $389,682 increase. The remaining $93,582 increases are outlined. As you review the budget if you have questions please call or if you would like to meet to discuss any part of the budget, please let me know. EXPENDITURES: Council 101 41110 xx 103 - $1,100 As a result of the City Council eliminating per diem pay. 101 41110 xx 433 +800 League of Minnesota and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities have had dues increases. Total Department budget has decreased by $818 or .9 %. Administration 101 41320 xx 101 +10,900 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases. Total Department budget has increased by $10,900 or 3.99 %. Elections This is an off year for elections however to prevent the budget from having spikes up and down money is budgeted for firture election equipment purchases. Total Department budget has decreased by $1,600 or 13.79 %. Finance 10141520 xx 101 +$23,000 10141520 xx 391 +$3,000 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases, in addition a part-time employee was put on as full -time. Software was upgraded from a DOS based program to a Windows format in 2000 and the cost of support increased for the software. Total Department budget has increased by $26,000 or 13.79% General Government 101 41810 xx 301 +3,000 Increase in auditing cost. 101 41810 xx 319 +1 1 ,700 As part of issuing debt our cost of continuing disclosure reporting is - expected to increase. 10141810 xx 329 +7,400 The City shares in the cost of a Cable Coordinator who represents the Cities of Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount. This increase reflects a cost of our commitment to the Joint Powers Agreement. It is anticipated that Council and Commission meetings will begin broadcasting in 2001. Total Department budget has increased by $12,100 or 4.31 % Community Development 101 41910 xx 101 +81 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases, in addition a Code Enforcement Specialist has been added. 101 41910 xx 103 +800 101 41910 xx 435 +200 10141910 xx 437 +100 Police 101 42110 xx 101 +$104 101 42110 xx 103 +$2,700 101 42110 xx 241 - $1,100 Adjusted for salary increase. Cost of purchasing new International Building Code books. Increase cost of conferences. Total Department budget has increased by $83,600 or 17.27% Adjusted for salary and insurance increases, in addition a Police Officer has been added beginning in mid 2001. Staff has applied for a grant from the Federal Government and if the grant is awarded a corresponding revenue will be budgeted. The grant is for approximately $75,000 spread over the first 3 years. Adjusted for salary increase. Reduced to reflect 2001 needs. -.J 01 42110 xx 242 $1,000 101 42110 xx 306 +$3,000 101 42110 xx 316 +$9,800 10142110 xx 319 $6,500 101 42110 xx 396 +$12,500 Reduced to reflect 2001 needs. Attend career and recruiting fairs per the recruitment plan to hire new officer. Increase reflects actual cost of animal impounds and care of animals. This account reflects a decrease as a result of moving Mobile Computing Devises (MCD's) to account 396. However, the cost of dispatch has increased by $7,000. This increase is due to our growing population. LOGIS costs have increased by $3,000. Moving MCD's to this appropriate line item causes the majority of this line items increase; MCD's maintenance has decreased by $4,500. MCD's connection charges increased by 500. Total Department budget has increased by $124,400 or 9.10% Fire 101 42210 xx 103 +$1 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases 101 42210 xx 208 +$1,100 The increase is to purchase a new printer for the department. 101 42210 xx 229 41,400 � Reflects department needs for 2001. 101 42210 xx 230 +$300 Small tool repairs increased. 101 42210 xx 241 +$200 To closer reflect history of spending this line item was increased. 101 42210 xx 305 - $1,100 As a result of required testing this security contract for building. 101 42210 xx 306 +$500 It's planed to hire 6 firefighters during 2001 to fill vacancies. 101 42210 xx 308 - $1,000 Less firefighters need re- certification in 2001 so the budget has been changed to reflect their needs. 101 42210 xx 310 -$900 This line item fluctuates from year to year based on the equipment needing testing. In 2001 the aerial and ladder trucks need to be tested. 101 42210 xx 313 +100 The increase is to cover added cost of the security contract. 10142210 xx 331 - 1 As a result of less training needs in 2001 the cost of travel to the conferences has also been reduced. '10142210 xx 439 +100 Food and coffee for the firefighters has been increased. Total Department budget has no increase from 2000 Public Works Government Buildings 101 41940 xx 101 - $1 As a result of staff turn over there is a slight decrease in this line item 101 41940 xx 102 +3,000 Overtime 101 41940 xx 208 +$2,500 Budget reflects history of spending needs. 101 41940 xx 219 -$500 Budget reflects history of spending needs. 101 41940 xx242 +2 9 000 = Purchase new carpet cleaner. 101 41940 xx 601 +$2,400 Bond Principal for Armory 101 41940 xx 611 - $1,600 Bond Interest for Armory 101 41940 xx 621 - $1 Agent fees. Total Department Division budget has increased by $5,200 or 1.88 % Fleet Maintenance 101 43100 xx 101 +$6,700 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases 101 43100 xx 212 +$10 Increase in gas price. 101 43100 xx 221 +$5 Budget reflects history of spending needs. 101 43100 xx 384 - $1 Budget reflects history of spending needs. Total Department Division budget has increased by $20,700 or 6.14% Street Maintenance 101 43121 xx 101 +$29,100 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases. 101 43121 xx 303 +$18,000 The transportation plan needs to be updated. 101 43121 xx 391 +$500 Software maintenance agreement for pavement management software 10143121 xx 405 +2,000 Increase in road miles adds to the cost of street striping. Total Department Division budget has increased by $49,600 or 6.62% Parks Maintenance 10145202 xx 101 +13,600 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases. 10145202 xx 216 +$2 Because additional parks have been added more chemicals are need for maintenance. 10145202 xx 221 +$1 As the park shelters get older additional maintenance is required in addition this increase closer reflects the history of what the cost of maintenance are. 10145202 xx 242 +$2,500 This is for to replace the fertilizer spreader. Total Department Division budget has increased by $19,600 or 5.6% Park & Recreation 10145100 xx 101 +18,000 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases. 10145100 xx 103 +$3,900 Adjusted for salary increases. 10145100 xx 219 +$700 Increase is for additional recreation supplies. 10145100 xx 221 +$1,500 As the Community Center gets older we are beginning to experience more repairs. 10145100 xx 223 +$1,300 As the Community Center gets older we are beginning to experience more repairs. 10145100 xx 229 - $2,000 Reduced to reflect department needs for 2001. 101 45100 xx 349 +$10,500 Added cost in newsletter and flyers to promote recreation programs. 101 45100 xx 412 -$200 Decrease in rent payments to the National Guard. Total Department budget has increased by $33,700 or 5.52% REVENUE Local Government Aid (LGA): has decreased by $2,056. Internal Revenue Generated: has increased by $127,500 this is due anticipated increase in building, we could budget for more revenue in building permit revenue, however, caution should be used because this is not a stable form of revenue. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS - USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATM LEVY) July 12, 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Proposed +/- Departments Baiget Budget Difference Percentage - Council Budget 586„318 $85,500 ($818) -0.95% - Administration Budget 273,000 283,900 10,900 3.99% Elections Budget 11,600 10,000 (1,600) - 13.79% - Finance Budget 156,700 182,700 26,000 16.59 - General Government Budget 280,700 292,800 12,100 4.31% Community Qevelopment Budget 484,200 567,800 83,600 17.27% Police Budget _ _ 1,366,300 1,490,700 124,400 9.10% -Fire Budget 192,400 192,400 0 0.00% Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 276,800 282,000 5,200 1.88% Fleet Maintenance Budget 337,100 357,800 20,700 6.14 0 /9 Street Maintenance Budget 749,100 798,700 49,600 6.62% Parks Maintenance Budget 350,100 369,700 19,600 5.60% - Park & Rec Budget - General Operating 610,800 644,500 33,700 5.52% -Park & Rec Budget - Special Programs 83,200 89,500 6,300 7.57% Total Operating Budgets - General Fund $5,258,318 $5,648,000 $389,682 7.41% Building CIP Requirements 161,400 134,000 (27,400) - 16.98% Street CIP Requirements 230,000 570,000 340,000 147.83% Equipment CIP Requirements 516,600 308,800 (207,800) - 40.22% Insurance Budget Requirements 185,000 190,000 5,000 2.70% Bonded Indebtedness 780,513 688,961 (91,552) - 11.73% Bonded Indebtedness - Fire Station Levy 155,715 152,508 (3,207) - 2.06% Armory Anticipatory Levy (Value 5/7100) 152,940 162,465 9,525 6.23% * *$95,000 + ($845,428,600 x .00798°/*) ** Total Funding Requirements S7AA486 $7,854,734 $414,248 557% NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, MFue Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS - SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) July 12, 2000 2000 2001 Adopted , Proposed +/ Types Budget Budget Difference Percentage Local Government Aid (LGA) $396,549 $394,493 ($2,056) -0.52% Homestead & Agricultural Aid (HACA) 577,497 577,497 0 0.00 Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 390,700 461,700 71,000 18.17% Intergovernmental. 403,289 413,089 9,800 2.43% Charges for — Services 410,300 441,100 30,800 7.51% Fines & Forfeits 100,000 100,000 0 0.00% Recreational Fees 195,900 201,600 5,700 2.91`1. Miscellaneous Revenues 70,200 80,400 10,200 14.53% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0.00% Total Internal Revenues - - -M 1,573,889 1,701 127,500 8.10% Levy Sources: Special Levies 1,089,168 1,003,934 (85,234) - 7.83% General Levy 3,803,383 4,177,421 374,038 9.83% Total Levy $4,892,551 $5,181,355 $288,804 5.90% Total Revenue Sources $7,440,486 $7,854,734 $414,248 557.1. NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2000 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2001 GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND BUILDING CIP FUND STREET CIP FUND EQUIPMENT CIP FUND INSURANCE FUND TOTAL GENERAL LEVY BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991 A (Authorized - $10,250) G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C (Authorized - $99,393) G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D (Authorized - $7,923) G.O. MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 1992E (ICE ARENA) (Authorized - $258,818) G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1993A (Authorized - $2,536) G.O. MUNICIPAL BLDG REFUNDING BONDS 1993D (Authorized - $148,129) G.O. BONDS 1993E (Port Authority) (Authorized - $66,518) G.O. BONDS 1994A (Port Authority) (Authorized - $171,597) 'G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1995A (Authorized - $19,935) G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1998C (Authorized - $4,055) G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1999B (Authorized - $9,025) TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM -1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G.O. FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A (Authorized - $152,508) TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000 + ($845,428,600 x .00798 %o)) TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS GRAND TOTAL 2000 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $2,974,621 $134,000 $570,000 $308,800 $190,000 $4,177,421 $10,250 $99,393 $7,923 $149,600 $2,536 $148,129 $66,518 $171,597 $19,935 $4,055 $9,025 $688,961 $152,508 $152,508 $162,465 $162,465 $5,181,355 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) (Proposed) 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Funding Requirements 6,708,325 6,995,146 7,440,486 7,854,734 Less: Internal Revenues 1,225,600 1,404,750 1,573,889 1,701,389 Less: Market Value Based Levy - Fire Station (See Below) 156,135 153,363 155,715 152,508 (4) Equals: Revenues Needed 5,326,590 5,437,033 5,710,882 6,000,837 City Adjustments (All Subtractions): Local Government Aid (LGA) 380,488 381,988 396, 394,493 (2) Homestead & Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) 550,773 550,493 577,497 577,497 (2) Local Performance Aid (LPA) 16,266 15,466 0 0 (2) Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 4,379,063 4,489,086 4,736,836 5,028,847 County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions): Fiscal Disparities Distkbutuion Levy (Metro Area) 475,045 530,667 581,379 581,379 (3) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate 3,904,018 (1) 3 ,958,419 (1) 4,155,457 (1) 4,447,468 Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy 139 %a 4.98% 7.03% Market Value Based Referendum Levy - Fire Station 156,135 153,363 155,715 152,508 (4) (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2001 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Department of Revenue (Using LMC Estimates for Now!) (Year 2000 & 2001 LPA is rolled into LGA as the LPA was repealed by the legislature) (3) 2001 Number Provided by Dakota County (Using 2000's for Now!) (4) Market Value Based Levy for Fire Station - Based on $152,508 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12/31/00 Last Update from Dakota County 5/7/00 Shows the Levy of $152,508/ $845,428,600 = $,1800 per S1,000 as our Estimate Last Update - 6/30/00 , FILE No.693 05/26 '00 07 :58 ID:ASSESSING SERVICES FAX: PAGE 2 05/07/00 DAKOTA COUNTY JOB XAS823 REPORT XAS023E3 -1 PACE 26 COUNTY USAGE CLASSIFICATION REPORT DAKOTA COUNTY PROD " REAL ESTATE AW.PERSONAL PROPERTIES 34 ROSEM0tw MfT -YEAR: 2000 PAY -YEAR: 2001 TAXABLE - NET TAX USAGE SCH MKT VALUE CAPACITY NUM TOTAL NO MR VALUE TAX CPC CO CLASS DIS LMV LMY NSiD PROP No COMST. NEW CONST A RESIDENTIAL 196 6381399,900 8,449,270 • 3,960 4,837 49,351,204 687,866 S COMMERCIAi. 1% 42,924,600 1,311,051 0 140 2;122,300 72;165 C INDUSTRIAL 1% •34,068,600 1,126,3.2 b �_ 67 • 582,100 19,791 D UTILITY 196 551,000 • 17,725 14 0 0 F AGRICULTURAL 196 20,558,300 222,663 34 166 0 • J APARTMENTS 796; 16,691,000 290,265 b 22 K. RAILROAD$ 196 713,800 24,269 • 3 t 0 296 750,307,200 11,441,545. 4,424 5,249 52,054,800 779,812 A M UENTiAL 199 243,900 3,667 0 ,3 • 0 8 COAL 199 27,700. 602 0 1 • 9 C INDUSTRIAL 199 65 2,269,287 0 44 8 0 D UTILITY 199 6,784,800 .227,598 0 10 • 0 F AGRICULTURAL 199 613,700 6,881 1 4 0 t 199 72,974,460 2,4481 1 62 0 • A RESIDENTIAL 200 105,100 1,392 • 1 0 0 JP F AGRICULTURAL 200 600,0.0 5524 1 4 0 • 200 705,100 1,916 1 3 • • 823,986,704 23,896,49/ 4,016 5,316 52,064,800 779,812 P PERSONAL PROP 196 15,764,800 515,=06 4 81 0 t 196 }5,704,800: 815,806 4 81 0 • P PERSONAL PROP 199 3,946,100 134,167 b 10 • 0 199 3,94/,100 234,167 • 10 0 t P PERSONAL PROP 200 1,791,000 i0,t94 • 5 •' • 200 1,791,000 600894 0 5 • • 21,443)900 71b,867 4 % 0 • 845)420,600 14,647,363 4,621 5,412 52,054,•00 779;812 �,�,,,k.P.4y z 7 llci�5� /,avJ I>.5 /S:V lb..l4 Page One July 12, 2000 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Aunt # Description 10131010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 10131040 00000 Fiscal Disparities 2000 Total Taxes (Tax) 1013340100 000 Local Government Aid (LGA) Detail Total LGA (Lga) 10133402 00000 Hstd & Ag Credit Aid (HACA) Budget Total HACA (Hasa) 1013342400 000 Local Performance Aid (LPA) 380,488 Total LPA (I pa) 10132110 00 000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses (L) 10132160 00000 Licen,cas to do Business (L) 1013216100000 Licenses to do Bus - Kennels (L) 10132180 00000 Cigarette Licenses (L) 10132210 00000 Building Permit Revenue (L) 1013221100 000 Coates Bldg Official Reimb (L) 1013 -12 00000 Mineral Extraction Permit (L) 101 32220 00 000 Electrical Permit Revenue (L) 10132230 00 000 Plumbing Permit Revenue (L) 10132 00000 Animal Licenses (1.) 10132- 00 000 Sewer Permit Revenue (L) 10132255 00000 County Recording Fee - City's (L) 10132260 00000 HVAC Permit Revenue (L) 101 32290 00 000 Other Non -Bus Lic & Permits (L) 25 Total Licenses & Permits (L) 10131010 00000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes (1) 10131010 00000.1 MSABC Armory Payments 10131020 00000 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes (1) 101 31030 00 000 Mobile Home Taxes (I) 10131710 00000 Gravel Taxes (1) 10131810 00 000 Franchise Taxes (1) 10131810 00000.1 Normal Franchise Fees 10131810 00000.2 PEG Fees 10131920 00000 Forfeited Tax Sale Apportionment 10133100 00 000 Federal Grants & Aids (1) 10133403 00 000 Mobile Hone HACA (1) 101 33416 00 000 Police Training Reimbursement (1) 10133416 00000.1 Post Board Training Reimb 10133416 00000.2 State Aid (Tied to PERA) 101 33418 00 000 MSA for Streets - Maintenance (1) 10133423 00000 - Ag Preserves Credit (I) . 10133-425 00 000 Other State Grants & Aids 10133620 00 000 Other County Grants & Aids (I) 10133630 00 000 Police Services Levy -ISD # 1% (1) 20133630 00000.1 D.AILEJLiaison Funding 1013610100 000 Principal - Special Assessments (1) 101 36102 00 000 Penalties & Interest - S/A (1) 2,500 Total Intergovernmental (1) 12,014 PAGE TOTALS 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 2,480,494 2,710,383 2,974,621 $2,046,035 $1,949,827 $2,129,004 $2,393,242 From County 475,045 530,667 581,379 581,379 ' From County 2,521,080 2,480,494 2,710,383 2,974,621 380,488 381,988 396,549 394,493 From State 380,488 381,988 396,549 394,493 550,561 550,493 577,497 577,497 From State 550,561 550,493 577,497 577,497 16,266 15,466 0 0 From State - Rolled into LGA 16,266 15,466 0 0 12,792 14,166 15,000 15,000 1,900 2,150 1,000 1,000 Garbage Haulers, Peddlers Lic, e 25 50 0 0 192 0 0 0 273,322 479,029 315,000 355,000 0 0 0 0 1,640 2,275 500 1 ,500 10,114 21,543 9,000 15,000 20,475 36,934 18,000 25,000 3,407 2,190 2,500 2,500 12,014 24,039 10,000 15,000 150 230 200 200 25,082 39,358 18,000 30,000 2,125 1,500 1,500 1,500 Alarm Permits 363,238 623,463 390,700 461,700 90,000 91,000 90,000 90,000 Included in Debt Levy Figure 90,000 60,197 36,624 20,000 20,000 From County 11,196 11,744 10,000 10,000 From County 10,432 7,003 7,000 7,000 From County 45,965 125,757 71,000 84,000 From Cable Company 75,000 9,000 200 0 0 0 From County 79,487 21,250 7,200 0 Grant for 1 Officer 22,463 22,987 22,000 22,000 From State 93,936 94,847 85,000 90,000 From State 5,000 85,000 27,900 27,900 27,900 27,900 From State 944 0 0 . 0 From State 14,091 30,233 12,889 12,889 From State - PERA Aid 11,341 11,619 11,300 11,300 Dakota County Recycling Funds 30,930 35,091 37,000 38,000 38,000 From LSD #!96 165 0 2,000 0 42 0 0 0 From County 499,290 516,055 403,289 413,089 4,330,923 4,567,959 4,478,418 4,821,400 Page Two 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES July 12, 2000 2000 2001 Object 1998 1999 Adopted Det ul Account # Description Actual Actual Budget Amount 101 34103 00000 Zoning &Subdivision Fees (C) 101 34104 00 000 Plan Checking Fees (C) 101 34105 00000 Sales of Maps & Publications (C) 101 34106 00 000 Deputy Registrar Fees (C) 101 34107 00 000 Assessment Searches (C) 101 34108 00 000 Admin Fees - Other Funds (C) . 101 34108 00000.1 Applicable Funds Except COnst. 101 34108 00000.2 Construction Funds 101 34109 00 000 Other Charges for Service (C) 101 34110 00 000 Service Chg on Returned Chks (C) 101 34112 00000 Utility Permit Application Fee (C) 101 34160 00 000 National Guard Maint Fees (C) 101 34160 00000.1 Shared Space Rental Agreement 101 34160 00000.2 Building Maintenance Contract 101 34201 00000 Special Police Services (C) 101 34202 00 000 Fire Services - Burning Permits (C) 101 34203 00000 Accident Reports (C) 101 34204 00 000 Day Core Inspection Fees (C) 101 34206 00000- Other4olice Services (C) 101 34207 00000 Other Fire Protection Services (C) 101 34207 00000.1 U of M Fire Contract 101 34207 00000.2 Coates Fire Contract 101 34207 00000.3 Other Billed Fire Calls 101 34303 00000 Mow Weeds (C) 101 34306 00 000 Other Highway & Street Rev (C) 101 34407 00000 City Share of Metro SAC Chgs (C) 0 Total Charges for Services (C) 101 35101 00000 Court Fines (F) 17,874 Total Fines & Forfeits (F) 10134720 00000 Park Reservations (R) 101 34721 00000 Softball Revenues (R) 10134722 00000 Volleyball Revenues (R) 101 34724 00 000 Tennis Revenues (R) 101 34725 00 000 Tiny Tot Revenues (R) 101 34726 00000 Pom Pom Revenues (R) 101 34727 00 000 Field Trip Revenues (R) 101 34728 00000 Broomball Revenues (R) 101 34729 00000 Skating Lesson Revenues (R) 101 34730 00000 Fun Runs, Walks & Bike Rides (R) 101 34732 00 000 Adult Basketball (R) 101 34733 00 000 Other Programs Revenues (R) 101 34735 00000 Summer Camps (R) 101 34736 00 000 T -Ball (R) 101 34790 00 000 Other Recreation Revenues (R) 101 38080 00 000 Banquet Room Fees (R) 101 3808100000 Auditorium Fees (R) 101 38082 00 000 Gymnasium Fees (R) 101 38084 00 000 Pistol Range Fees (R) 101 38086 00 000 Classroom Fees (R) 101 38096 00 000 Liquor Provider Fees (R) 101 38097 00 000 AN Rental Fees (R) 101 38150 00 000 Open Gym Fees (R) 101 38152 00000 Jazzercise Fees (R) 101 38154 00 000 Teen Night Revenues (R) 16,751 8,068 15,000" 100,000 127,574 228,930 165,000 1,100 1,130 404 - 700 37,500 26,M 31,418 26,000 9,500 85 327 200 1,300 106,754 140,088 87,000 16,000 2,538 2,307 2,500 25,000 3,442 4,534 2,200 60,000 3,169 2,069 3,000 0 180 180 100 800 150 150 200 1,000 0 16,000 68,600 800 7,198 9,218 2 16,000 0 0 0 52,600 17,874 23,503 20,000 3,200 3,787 4,183 2,000 0 462 513 500 52,500 588 292 200 12,600 0 23 0 20,000 20,373 25,188 20,000 4,700 27,364 25,108 21,000 4,700 I,790 1,540 2,000 3,100 808 835 700 12,200 294 529 0 1,000 24,492 150 0 0 1,704 4,365 1,800 4,400 351,650 486,379 410,300 72,084 .91,441 100,000 2001 Proposed Budget Comments 10,000 200,000 65% of Building Permit Fees 500 27,000 200 85,000 4,000 100 200 68,600 New Agreement for 2000 20,000 Contractual OFT for Officers 3,000 500 200 0 20,000 0 0 1,800 441,100 100,000 From County 72,084 91,441 100,000 100,000 1,123 890 1,100 1,100 42,031 44,138 37,500 37,500 7,431 6,717 9,500 9,500 957 1,375 1,300 1,300 11,413 12,506 13,500 16,000 2,538 2,307 2,500 2,500 3,442 4,534 2,200 2,200 2,350 1,170 0 0 336 602 800 800 2,152 1,714 1,000 1,000 1,080 1,020 800 800 7,198 9,218 2 2,800 0 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 3,200 45 0 1,000 0 51,003 55,499 52,500 52,500 13,462 12,200 12,600 12,600 17,269 17,470 21,000 20,000 2,516 3,750 4,700 4,700 27,364 25,108 21,000 22,000 I,790 1,540 2,000 2,000 808 835 700 700 805 0 2,400 1,000 201 0 600 0 4,040 4,985 4,400 4,400 Total Recreation Fees (R) 201,352 207,578 195 201,600 PAGE TOTALS 625,086 785,398 706,200 742,700 Page Three 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES July 12,2000 2000 2001 Object 2001 I998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings - Investments (141] 76,015 83,426 60,000 70,000 1013621400000 Net Change in FV- Investments (M) 2,104 (31,095) 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 10136215 00000 Interest Earnings (M) 1,543 1 800 1,000 From Checking Account 101 36220 00000 Rents & Royalties (141) 3,380 4,056 4,400 4,400 US West Antenna Rent 10136230 000.00 Contribution/Donations (M) 51,032 55,315 0 0 10136260 0000 Other Revenue (NO 6,365 3,417 5 5,000 Total Misc Revenues (141) 140,438 116,651 70,200 80,400 1013920200000 Contribution from Enterprises (f) 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Arena - Bldg & Grounds XWat Total Transfers In (1) 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 PAGE TOTALS $143,938 $120,151 573,700 $83,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $5,099,947 $5,473,508 S5,258,318 $5,648,000 INTERNAL REVENUES $1,631,552 $2,045,066 $1,573,889 S1,701,389 Grand ' Total Less: Ad Valorem, LGA, HACA_ . LPA & Fiscal Disparities Page Four 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES July 12, 2000 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34108 00 000 General Fund Admin Fees $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 101 34108 00000.1 Fund 201 6,000 10134108 00000.2 Fund 202 2,500 101 34108 00000.3 Fund 203 2 ,500 101 34108 00000.4 Fund 206 2.500 101 34108 00'6W.5 Fund 207 2,500 101 34108 00000.8 Fund 605 1,000 10134108 00000.9 Fund 606 1,000 10134108 00000.11 Fund 607 1 > 101 34108 00 000.12 Fund 650 6,000 Admin Fees Breakdown Totals $25,000 525,000 $25,000 S25,000 $25,000 Page One July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10141110 103 Salaries &Benefice $20,513 $18,781 $26,500 $25,400 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41110 01 307 Management Fees 13,509 19,781 15,560 3,000 15,500 10141110 01307.1 Newsletter 500 101 41110 01307.2 Chamber of Commerce Directory 12,000 101 41110 01 307.3 101 41110 01 319 Resident Survey Other Professional Services 2,,539 024 2 15,700 3,700 15,700 101 41110 01319.1 Education Reimbursement 12,000 101 41110 01 319.2 Long -Range Planning Consultant 0 0 1998 - Resident Packets Costs 10141110 01329 Other Communication Costs 12, 130 0 300 300 101411 I0 01331 Travel Expense 101 41110 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 10,833 11,546 10,800 7,000 11,500 10141110 01433.1 LMC Dues 4.000 10141110 01433.2 AMM Dues 500 101 41110 01433.3 NDCC Dues 0 62 100 100 10141110 01435 10141110 01437 Books & Pamphlets Conferences & Seminars 2,926 4,946 3,000 1,800 3,000 101 41110 01437.1 Registration & Hotel -LMC Conf 1,200 101 41110 01437.2 Miscellaneous Conferences 14,600 19,294 0 0 101 41110 01439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41110 01 598 Council Designated 129,695 21,160 14,418 14,000 14,000 1998 - Encumbrances 101 41110 01598.1 Yearly Contingencies _---- PAGE TOTALS $206,563 $98,107 $86,318 $85,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $206,563 $98,107 $86,318 r $85,500 Page One July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments M All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10141320 101 Salaries & Benefits $233,962 $263,673 $258,600 S269 = : , W Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 10141320 102 Full -Time Overtime 1,286 667 2,000 2.000 101 41320 01 207 Training & Instructional Supplies 704 270 1,900 1.900 101 41320 01 207.1 Safety Committee 200 101 41320 01207.2 Right to Know 1,200 101 41320 01 207.3 101 41320 01 209 Employee Training Other Office Supplies 284 252 300 500 300 Miscellaneous Purchases 101 41320 01 307 Management Fees 3,114 3,207 4,000 4.000 Labor Consultant 101 41320 01 33 1 Travel Expense 53 1,086 600 600 101 41320 01 33 1.1 State Conference - LMC 50 101 41320 01 33 1.2 State Conference - MCMA 50 101 41320 01331.3 Personnel Workshops 100 101 41320 01 33 1.4 ICMA Conference 400 101 41320 01 341 Employment Advertising Publication 0 3,432 0 661 0 1,500 0 1:00 Codification of Code 101 41320 01 353 Ordinance 101 41320 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 960 1,256 1,200 1100 101 41320 01 433.1 MCMA Dues 50 101 41320 01433.2 MAMA Dues 50 101 41320 01 433.3 MCFOA Dues 200 101 41320 01 433.4 IIMC Dues 50 101 41320 01433.5 IPMA Dues 50 101 41320 01433.6 ICMA Dues 48 60 100 800 100 101 41320 01 435 101 41320 01 437 Books & Pamphlets Conferences & Seminars 2,191 1,692 2,800 2 -800 101 41320 01 437.1 Registration & Hotel - LMC 300 101 41320 01437.2 Registration & Hotel - MCMA 200 101 41320 01437.3 Personnel Conferences 500 101 41320 01437.4 Staff(1)Each 200 101 41320 01437.5 Miscellaneous seminars 400 101 41320 01437.6 Registration & Hotel - ICMA 1,200 101 41320 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 PAGE TOTALS $246,035 $272,822 $273,000 $2,K- A DEPARTMENT TOTALS $246,035 $272,822 $273,000 S2V 9W Paget One 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS July 12, 2000 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 10141410: 103 Part Time Salaries $7,658 $0 $7,800 $0 Election Judges 10141410 01203 Printed Forms & paper 423 0 600 0 Ballots & Programming 101 41410 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 450 0 600 0 Election Purchases 101 41410 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 332 0 300 0 Rolls for Election Judges 10141410 01242 Minor Equipment 0 0 2,000 0 Booths & Signs 101 41410 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 200 0 101 41410 01 321 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 0 101 41410 01 351 Legal Notices Publishing 41 0 100 0 Election Publications 101 41410 01 409 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 2,640 0 0 0 101 41410 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 .0 101 41410 01 580 Other Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 10,000 PAGE TOTALS $11,543 50 $11,600 $10,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $11,543 $0 $11,600 $10,000 Page One July 32, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments ._ All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10141520 101/103 Salaries & Benefits $98,038 $104,284 $113,000 $136,000 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 10141520 1021104 Full -Time Overtime 65 164 500 500 101 41520 01 319 Other Professional Services 6,850 5,800 5,800 5,800 Fixed Asset - Total Reinventory 101 41520 01331 Travel Expense 438 185 800 800 101 41520 01 331.1 Finance Director 600 National Convention & Misc 101 41520 01 33 1.2 Staff 200 101 41520 01 391 P.C. Maintenance 23,392 28,324 27,000 30,000 101 41520 01391.1 Civic Systems Applications Support 7,000 101 41520 01391.2 Civic Systems System Support 2,000 101 41520 01391.3 General Network Support 17,000 200 Hours of Support Time 101 41520 01391.4 Motor Vehicle S/W Maint 1,000 101 41520 01391.5 Fixed Asset Maint Contract 1 101 41520 01 391.6 Miscellaneous P.C. Repairs 2,000 101 41520 01 392 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 3,552 1,077 3,000 3,000 City System Supplies 101 41520 01 393 P.C. Hardware Purchases 0 831 2,000 2,000 101 41520 01 394 P.C. Software Purchases 1,342 2,631 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 409 Other .Contracted R & M 318 140 300 300 Cash Register Repairs 101 41520 01 433 - Dues & Subscriptions 483 277 600 600 101 41520 01433.1 MDRA Annual Fees 200 101 41520 01433.2 MGFOA - Finance Director 50 101 41520 01433.3 MGFOA - Staff 50 101 41520 01433.4 GFOA - Finance Director 200 101 41520 01433.5 Magazine Subscriptions 100 - 101 41520 01 435 Books & Pamphlets 172 33 200 200 101 41520 01435.1 Accounting Related Books 100 101 41520 01435.2 Finance Related Books 100 101 41520 01 437 Conferences & Seminars 2,213 1,109 2,000 2.000 101 41520 01437.1 MDRA Conference (For 2) 200 I01 41520 01437.2 MGFOA Annual Conf (F/D) 300 101 41520 01437.3 GFOA National Conf (F/D) 1 101 41520 01437.4 Miscellaneous Seminars 500 101 41520 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 48 166 500 500 Contigencies PAGE TOTALS $136,909 5145,020 $156,700 $182,700 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $136,909 $145,020 $156,700 5182,700 Page One 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT July 12.2000 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41810 01 202 Duplicating & Copying 54,913 $8,627 311,000 S11,000 101 41810 01 202.1 Microfilming 2.000 101 41810 01 202.2 Copying Costs 9. 000 101 41810 01 203 Printed Forms & Paper 9,034 3,925 9,600 9,600 101 41810 01 203.1 Copy Paper 2,100 101 41810 01 203.2 General Receipt Books 1,200 101 41810 01 203.3 Purchase Orders 1,200 101 41810 01203.4 Payroll Checks 1.100 101 41810 01 203.5 A/P Checks 2 ,200 I01 41810 01 203.6 Greenbar Computer(30 Boxes) 1,800 101 41810 01 204 Envelopes & Letterheads 1,737 2,689 3,100 3,100 101 41810 01204.1 Letterhead 1,000 101 41810 01204.2 Plain Envelopes 400 101 41810 01 204.3 AJP & Payroll Envelopes 700 101 41810 01 204.4 10 x 13 Envelopes 600 101 41810 01 204.5 10 x 15 Envelopes 400 101 41810 01 209 Other Office Supplies 11,355 13,558 15,000 15,000 General Office Supplies 10141810 01221 - Equipment Parts 314 95 500 500 City Hall Equipment Repairs 101 41810 01 242 Minos' Equipment 1,621 734 1,200 1,200 101 41810 01242.1 State Purchasing Program Yearly Fees for Program 101 41810 01 242.2 Fax Machine Maint Agreement 250 101 41810 01242.3 HP 5si Printer Maintenance 600 101 41810 01 301 Auditing & Accounting Services 28,357 33,466 31,000 34,000 101 41810 01301.1 2000 Audit & General Consulting 30,000 Increased GASB Requirements 101 41810 01301.2 Dakota County Assessment Fees 3,000 101 41810 01301.3 Printing of Budget Books 1,000 101 41810 01 304 Legal Fees 73,909 44,118 75,000 75,000 General City Legal Fees 101 41810 01 319 Other Professional Services 29,077 28,942 28,600 30,300 101 41810 01319.1 Fire Relief Association 26,000 101 41810 01319.2 Flex Admin Plan Fees 11000 101 41810 01319.3 SW WC Co- operative Dues 300 Insurance Plans 101 41810 01 319.4 Continuing Disclosure Fees 3,000 Fees Paid to Springsted (Bonds) 101 41810 01 321 Telephone Costs 41,642 47,910 49,000 49,000 Monthly Billings 101 41810 01 322 Postage Costs 16,322 14,936 16,000 16,000 101 41810 01 329 Other Communication Costs 0 0 21,000 28,400 Cable JPA Payment 101 41810 01 339 Other Transportation Expenses 1,120 253 800 800 General Costs 101 41810 01 351 Legal Notices Publishing 3,804 4,624 5,600 5,600 101 41810 01 351.1 Costs for Public Notices 3,400 All Departments 101 41810 01351.2 Truth in Taxation Notices 1,000 Billing from Dakota County 101 41810 01351.3 Budget & Audit Publications 1,200 State Mandated Publications 10141810 01439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 23,113 115 0 0 1998 - Escrow Refunds 101 41810 01 580 Other Equipment Purchases 5,725 11,102 13,300 13,300 Copy Machine Leases - All Bldgs (Fax Machine & Postage Meter) PAGE TOTALS 5252,043 $215,094 5280,700 $292,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 5252,043 $215,094 $280,700 $292,800 Page One Interns 10141910 103.2 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS 10141910 103.3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT July 12, 2000 Office Accessories 101 41910 01 202 1998 1999 Account # Description Actual Actual 10141910 101 Salaries & Benefits 5317,010 S320 ,369 10141910 102 Full -Time Overtime 0 %8 10141910 103 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits 38,039 31,463 101 41910 103.1 Interns 10141910 103.2 P/f Building Secretary 10141910 103.3 Planning Commission Members 101 41910 01 201 Office Accessories 101 41910 01 202 Duplicating & Copying 101 41910 01 203 Printed Forms & Paper 101 41910 01 205 Drafting Supplies 101 41910 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 41910 01 209 Other Office Supplies 101 41910 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 101 41910 01 241 Small Tools 101 41910 01 312 Contract Inspection Fees 101 41910 01 319 Other Professional Services 4, 101 41910 01329. Othef Communication Costs 101 41910 01 331 Travel Expense 101 41910 01 341 Employment Advertising 101 41910 01 391 P.C. Maintenance 101 41910 01 392 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 101 41910 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 1 101 41910 01 433.1 APA/AICP 101 41910 01433.2 ICBO 101 41910 01433.3 North Star 101 41910 01433.4 Lake Country 101 41910 01433.5 IAPMO - National & State 101 41910 01433.6 Trade Magazines 101 41910 01433.7 Planner's Journal 101 41910 01 433.8 Sensible Land Use Coalition 101 41910 01433.9 Secretaries Association 2000 2001 Object Adopted Detail Budget Amount $408,800 3;000 48,400 17,500 26,700 5,000 0 2 2,020 5 500 16 9 99 5 500 446 1 1,057 2 2,500 72 0 0 2 200 12 0 0 2 200 27 1 121 3 300 85 1 143 3 300 0 2 250 5 500 0 2 20,768 0 0 621 1 1,740 1 1,000 280 8 863 1 1,500 847 3 305 5 500 664 8 8,737 1 1,000 0 8 80 5 5,000 0 2 2,016 1 1,000 101 41910 01435 Books & Pamphlets 981 147 1,000 101 41910 01 437 Conferences & Seminars 1,910 3,502 5,300 101 41910 01437.1 State Bldg Official School 10141910 01437.2 Spring & Fall Code Updates 101 41910 01 437.3 ICBO Seminars (2 Times/Year) 101 41910 01437.4 Computer Training 101 41910 01437.5 Clerical Seminars 101 41910 01 437.6 Planning Seminars 101419 tO 01 437.7 ISTS Training 101 41910 01 437.8 State Planning Conference (2) 101 41910 01437.9 Planning Commissioner Training 101 41910 01 437.10 Gen? Seminars (Motivational) 101 41910 01 437.11 Other Bldg. Inspection Training 101 41910 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 10141910 01 S70 Office Equipment & Furnishings 357 176 500 374 0 500 600 350 150 100 50 100 100 150 100 2001 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $490,300 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 3,000 49,200 500 Calendars, Planners, etc. 500 Annual Codification - Zoning Ord 2,500 Forms, Stickers, Tags, etc. 200 Zipatone, Spray Mount 200 Calculators 300 Dictation Devices & Tapes 300 Film & Development 500 Inspectors' Tools 0 Fees fof Conuzcted/Temp Sery 1,000 Planning Consultant 1,500 Cellular Phone & Pagers 500 1,000 6,000 Maintenance of New Programs; 1,000 Upgrade to 3 -Year Septic Cycle Permitworks Tech Support 1,700 1,200 New IBC Code Books; Man/Ref 5,400 500 300 900 3 Persons Ca, S 150 400 500 500 500 800 300 200 500 500 Contingencies 500 PAGE TOTALS $367,274 $395,845 $484,200 S567,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $367,274 $395,845 $484,200 5567,800 357 176 500 374 0 500 600 350 150 100 50 100 100 150 100 2001 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $490,300 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 3,000 49,200 500 Calendars, Planners, etc. 500 Annual Codification - Zoning Ord 2,500 Forms, Stickers, Tags, etc. 200 Zipatone, Spray Mount 200 Calculators 300 Dictation Devices & Tapes 300 Film & Development 500 Inspectors' Tools 0 Fees fof Conuzcted/Temp Sery 1,000 Planning Consultant 1,500 Cellular Phone & Pagers 500 1,000 6,000 Maintenance of New Programs; 1,000 Upgrade to 3 -Year Septic Cycle Permitworks Tech Support 1,700 1,200 New IBC Code Books; Man/Ref 5,400 500 300 900 3 Persons Ca, S 150 400 500 500 500 800 300 200 500 500 Contingencies 500 PAGE TOTALS $367,274 $395,845 $484,200 S567,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $367,274 $395,845 $484,200 5567,800 500 300 900 3 Persons Ca, S 150 400 500 500 500 800 300 200 500 500 Contingencies 500 PAGE TOTALS $367,274 $395,845 $484,200 S567,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $367,274 $395,845 $484,200 5567,800 P age one July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10142110 101 Salaries & Benefits 1,050,757 1,069,400 $1,084,000 $1,188,500 Salary, Taxes, PEPA & Benefits 10142110 102 Full -Time Overtime 41,699 66,280 47,000 47,000 10142110 102.1 Regular Overtime Hours 25,000 10142110 102.2 Contracted O/T 22,000 10142110 103 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits 18,051 23,161 29,000 31,700 P/T CSO's Total 60 Hrs/NW 10142110 01 202 Duplicating & Copying 334 589 500 500 Film Developing 10142110 01 203 Printed Forms & Paper 408 766 500 500 Evidence Logs, Animal Licenses, etc- 1014211001 204 Envelopes & Letterheads 167 108 200 200 10142110 01 207 Training & Instructional Supplies 2,022 3,247 2,500 2,500 10142110 01 207.1 Practice Ammunition 2.000 10142110 01 207.2 Service Ammunition 500 10I 42110 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 7,570 4,007 0 0 Donated & Forfeited Funds 10142110 01 209 Other Office Supplies 1,144 1,620 2,000 2,000 Video & Audio Tapes 101 42110 01 211 Cleaning Supplies 434 31 400 400 10142110 01 211.1 Blanket Cleaning 100 101 42110 01 211.2 Squad Interior Cleaning 300 10142110 01 217 Clothing Allowance 0 0 3,000 3,000 CSO's/Reserves/Chaplains Uniforms 10142110 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 1,025 2,613 1 1,000 Evidence Bags, 1 st Aid, & Drug Kits 10142110 01 221 Equipment Parts 2,531 691 2,500 2,500 Squad Emergency Equip Repairs 10142110 01 241 Small Tools 0 339 2,600 1,500 Crime Scene Kit Supplies 10142110 01 242 Minor Equipment 0 0 2,500 1,500 Entry Tool, Less Than Lethal Equip 10142110 01 304 Legal Fees 54,996 54,996 56,000 56,000 Prosecution 10142110 01 305 Medical & Dental Fees 567 034 1,000 1,000 10142110 01 305.1 Miscellaneous Fees 500 10142110 01 305.2 Narcotic Testing 500 10142110 01 306 Personnel Testing & Recruitment 0 2,657 1,500 4,500 Career/Recruiting Fairs; Officer Hire 101 42110 01 316 Animal Care Services 0 13,293 4,200 14,000 Impound & Care Fees 10142110 01 319 Other Professional Services 50,296 55,344 64,000 57,500 10142110 01 319.1 Dispatch Services 56,000 10142110 01 319.2 MCD's 0 Moved to (396) Below 10142110 01 319.3 Radio Repeater Phone Lines 1 1 5 101 42110 01 321 Telephone Costs 4,019 8,784 14,500 14,500 10142110 01 321.1 Cell Phones 3,400 10142110 01 321.2 Pagers 600 1014211001 321.3 LOGIS TI Line 10,500 101 42110 01 323 Radio Units 2,903 1,903 3,000 3,000 Radio & Radar Repairs 10142110 01 331 Travel Expense 1,230 2,252 2,000 2,000 10142110 01 331.1 MCPA Conference 300 10142110 01 331.2 IACP Conference 1,000 10142110 01 331.3 Outstate Investigations 400 1014211001 331.4 Juvenile Officers Conference 300 10142110 01 333 Freight & Express Expenses 65 95 200 200 Repairs 10142110 01 341 Employment Advertising 0 676 500 1,000 Officer Hiring 10142110 01 349 Other Advertising 0 0 0 0 101 42110 01 394 P.C. Software Purchases 0 0 500 500 10142110 01 396 Computer Maintenance 14,779 17,711 27,500 40,000 101 42110 01 396.1 LOGIS Records & CAD. 26,000 10142110 01 3%.2 CJDN Connection Charges 2500 10142110 01 396.3 MCD Connection Charges 2 -500 10142110 01 396.4 MCD Maintenance Charges 9,000 Moved from (319) Above PAGE TOTALS 1,254,996 1,331,897 1,352,600 1,477,000 Page Two July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001. Proposed Budget Comments 101 42110 01 409 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 2,571 0 0 - 0 101.42110 01 415 Other Equipment Rental 15,615 0 500 500 10142110 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 1,363. 453 1,600 1,600 10142110 01 433.1 Mutual Aid Assistance Group go 10142110 01 433.2 IACP Chiefs Dues 100 10142110 01 4333 MN Chiefs of Police Dues 150 10142110 01 433.4 Dakota Cty Chiefs of Police 50 101 42110 01 433.5 Wakota CAER Dues 20 10142110 01 433.6 Metro Emergency Managers 25 10142110 01 433.7 MN Sex Crimes Investigators 30 101 42110 01 433.8 Tri-County Investigators 50 10142110 01 433.9 Miscellaneous 375 10142110 01 435 Books & Pamphlets 475 53 300 300 Statutes, Crime Prevention 101 42110 01 436 Towing Charges 569 (31) 200 200 101 42110 01 437 Conferences & Seminars 8,404 8,692 10,000 10,000 10142110 01 437.1 DCTC Contracted Training 4,500 15 Officers @ 5300 Each 101 42110 01 437.2 Firearms Training 11000 10142110 01 4373 -Elriefs Spring Training 500 101 42110 01 437.4 Chiefs Fall Conference 200 10142110 01 437.5 IACP Conference 400 10142110 01 437.6 Emergency Management 400 10142110 01 437.7 Miscellaneous 3 10142110 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 569 500 500 Food & Beverages - Meetings 10142110 01 580 Other Equipment Purchases 0 329 600 600 Office Furniture PAGE TOTALS $28,997 $10,066 $13,700 $13,700 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $1,283,993 $1,341,963 31.366,300 $1,490,700 Page One July 12, 2000 Account # I01 42210 103 10142210 103.1 10142210 - 103.2 10142210 103.3 10142210 103.4 10142210 103.5 10142210 103.6 10142210 01 202 10142210 01 202.1 10142210 01 202.2 10142210 01 202.3 10142210 01 204 10142210 01 204.1 10142210 01 204.2 10142210 01 204.3 101 42210 01 208 101 42210 01 208.1 10142210 01 208.2 10142210 01 208.3 101 42210 01 208.4 10142210 01 208.5 101 42210 01 208.6 10142210 01 211 1014221001 211.1 101 42210 01 211.2 10142210 01 211.3 10142210 01 211.4 1014221001 218 10142210 01 219 101 4n1001 219.1 10142210 01 219.2 1014221001 219.3 10142210 01 219.4 10142210 01 219.5 10142210 01 219.6 10142210 01 229 1014221001 229.1 101 42210 01 229.2 10142210 01 229.3 10142210 01 229.4 10142210 01 230 10142210 01 230.1 10142210 01 230.2 10142210 01 230.3 10142210 01 230.4 10142210 01 230.5 10142210 01 230.6 101 42210 01 241 101 42210 01 241.1 10142210 01 241.2 101 42210 01 241.3 10142210 01 305 10142210 01 306 1014221001 306.1 101 42210 01 306.2 10142210 01 306.3 10142210 01 306.4 10142210 01 308 10142210 01 308.1 10142210 01 308.2 1014221001 308.3 101 42210 01 308.4 10142210 01 308.5 101 42210 01 308.6 10142210 01 308.7 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE Description Salaries & Benefits Salaries Training Pay can Pay Class Pay Explorer Coordinators Salary Pfr Fire Marshal Duplicating & Copying Copy Toner Laser Printer Fax Machine Envelopes & Letterhead Envelopes Letterhead Forms MisceUanemu Supplies Laser Printer - Inspection Forms Fr7n- Developing Firs Schools Code Update Classes Safety Equipment Consumables Cleaning Supplies Sov Chamois, Towels, etc. Sponges, etc. SCBA Cleaner Fire Department Clothing Other Operating Supplies Gloves Bandages Equipment Tyvek Suits Coostmmmable Medical Oxygen Other Maintenance Supplies Aerial- Pumpers - Tanker Pickup Trucks Rescue & Other Vehicle Modifications Equipment Repair Materials Light Bars Smoke Machines Lanterns Small Toot Repairs Opticom Station Small Tools Axes, Bars & Other Grass Fire Miscellaneous Medical & Dental Fees Personnel Testing & Recruitment New Physicals (6) Hepatitis Shots (6) Background Checks (6) Drug Testing (6) Instructors' Fees Fire Fighter 1(4) Fine Figbter I Certificates (4) Fire Fighter Re- Certificates (6) Furst Responder (4) Furst Responder Rnfiesher (W) Outside Schools (SR) Haz-Mat Training (4) PAGE TOTALS 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $99,117 $104,666 $135,500 $136,600 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 18,600 19,000 70,900 3,500 500 24,100 66 136 100 100 25 25 50 39 108 100 100 25 25 50 1,951 2- 2300 3,400 Supplies for Fire Marshal 1,500 300 500 600 200 300 197 80 200 200 35 100 25 40 733 123 300 300 5 Uniforms @ $60 Each 625 564 800 800 Medical Supplies 200 80 100 70 200 150 8,461 12.351 6,500 5,100 4,100 400 300 300 1,468 1,441 1,200 1,500 100 150 150 500 300 300 522 834 500 700 150 290 300 2,890 1330 2,900 1,800 Annual Medical Tests(33 @ $55 -85) 740 467 2,100 2,600 1,550 750 150 150 9,272 0632 9,300 8,300 1,200 140 60 1,000 1,400 3,500 1,000 126,081 131,612 161,800 161,500 Page Two 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE A.ly i2, 2000 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42210 01 310 Testing Services 869 1,778 2,000 1 10142210 01 310.1 Aerial (Next 2003) 1-)1 42210 01 310.2 Ladders (Next 2003} 500 10142210 01 310.3 Pumpers (3) (Next 2002) 0 10142210 01 310.4 SCBA Hydro Testing (Next 2003) 0 101 42210 01 313 Temporary Service Fees 981 1,065 1,300 1,400 101 42210 01 313.1 SCBA Contract 400 10142210 01 313.2 SCBA Maintenance 200 101 42210 01 313.3 Copier Contract 400 10I 42210 01 313.4 Security Contract 400 10142210 01 319 Other Professional Services 1,950 1,712 1,900 1,900 Fire Prevention Education 10142210 01 319.1 School Literature 250 10142210 01 319.2 Door Prizes 250 10142210 01 319.3 Fire Prevention Week Promos 1,000 .0142210 01 319.4 Food at Open House 150 01422 01 319.5 Community Outreach Program 250 Adult Extension Classes ;01 42210 01 321 Telephone Costs 214 225 300 300 101 42210 01 321.1 -Chief 40 1014221001 321.2 Assistant Chief 40 101 42210 01 321.3 Rescue 70 :0142210 01 321.4 Numeric Pagers 150 10142210 01 322 Postage Costs 104 0 100 100 UPS Costs 30142210 01 329 Other Communication Costs 1,078 391 1,000 1 :0142210 01 329.1 Base Repairs 200 :0142210 01 329.2 Pager Repairs 200 .0142210 01 329.3 Hand Held Repairs 300 :0142210 01 329.4 Mobile Repairs 300 :0142210 01 331 Travel Expense 3,313 2,115 6,500 5,500 ;0142210 01 331.1 Minnesota Chiefs Conference 750 :0142210 01 331.2 State Fire Conference 1,200 30142210 01 331.3 Outside Schools 3550 ;0142210 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 525 541 700 700 :014221001 433.1 Capital City 35 :Oi 42210 01 433.2 VFBA Insurance 160 :0142210 01 433.3 State Fire 120 :014221001 433.4 State Chiefs 100 :0142210 01 433.5 DCFC 30 :0142210 01 433.6 WAKOTA Mutual Aid 20 :0142210 01 433.7 Purchasing Consortium 35 *40142210 01 433.8 NFPA 100 Fire Marshal Dues ,01 42210 01 433.9 MN Assn Fire Marshals 100 Fire Marshal Dues 301 42210 01 437 Conferences & Seminars 530 270 700 700 '0142210 01 437.1 State Fire Conference 490 :0142210 01 437.2 State Chiefs Conference 210 :0142210 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 1,097 706 1,100 1,200 ;0142210 01 439.1 Food & Coffee 190 :0142210 01 439.2 Extinguisher 400 :0142210 01 439.3 Plaques 20 :01 42210 01 439.4 Paint 50 :0142210 01 439.5 Station Needs 540 :0142210 01 580 Other Equipment Purchases 16,012 12,358 15,000 17,000 aI 42210 01 580.1 Bunker Gear (9) 9,000 .014221001 580.2 Pagers (6) 3,000 10142210 01 580.3 Hose Replacement 2 :0142210 01 580.4 Replace as Damaged Items 11000 .0142210 01 580.5 Fan, Chain Saw, Rescue Dummy 2,000 1014221001 581 Other Equipment Purchases 5,906 1,709 0 0 1998 - Sign Outside Station PAGE TOTALS $32,578 $22,871 $30,600 $30,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $158,659 S154,482 $192,400 $192,400 Page One July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GOVERNMENT BUH.DINGS Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detaz7 Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10141940 10.1 Salaries & Benefits 541,982 $45,268 $45,800 $44,200 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41940 77 101 Administrative - 4,800 101 41940 79 101 Maintenance 39,400 10141940 102 Full -Time Overtime 3,671 2,523 0 3,000 101 41940 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 13,542 16,084 13,000 15,500 Cleaning Supplies, Towels, etc. 101 41940 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 500 0 101 41940 01 223 Building Repair Supplies 656 3,164 4,000 4,000 101 41940 01 225 Landscaping Materials 0 0 500 500 Trees & Shrubs 101 41940 01 241 Small Tools 0 0 200 200 Hand Tools, Bits, Blades, etc. 101 41940 01 242 Minor Equipment 0 0 0 2,000 Carpet Cleaner Replacement 101 41940 01 302 Architects' Fees 0 572 1,000 1,000 Estimates 101 41940 01 319 Other Professional Services 17,072 20,650 18,800 18,800 10141940 01319.1 Elevator Maintenance 1,000 101 41940 01319.2 Heating/Colling Maint Contract 2,500 101 41940 01319.3 Annual RPZ Inspection 1,500 101 41940 01 319.4 - Pest Control 500 101 41940 01319.5 Fire Extinguishers 1,000 101 41940 013119.6 Fire Suppression System Check 1,000 101 41940 01319.7 Janitorial Service-Feat Fire Station 3,500 101 41940 01319.8 Janitorial Service -P.W. Building 7,800 101 41940 01 38 1 Electric Utilities 3 32,680 34,000 34,000 101 41940 01 383 Gas Utilities 10,544 16,333 24,000 24,000 101 41940 01 384 Refuse Disposal 1:278 15,135 28,000 28,000 101 41940 01394.1 General Buildings & Parks 18,000 101 41940 01384.2 Recycling/Spring Cleanup 10,000 101 41940 01 389 Other Utility Services ? 947 2,613 , 3,000 3,000 Floor Mats -Monthly Charges 101 41940 01 401 Contracted Building Repairs 2&832 30,768 12,000 12,000 101 41940 01401.1 Garage Doors 5,000 101 41940 01401.2 City Hall HVAC 2,000 101 41940 01401.3 Electrical Repairs 1,500 101 41940 01401.4 Miscellaneous Siren Repairs 1,500 101 41940 01401.5 Miscellaneous Repairs 2,000 101 41940 01 412 Building Rental 12.000 6,000 0 0 U of M Storage (To CIP) 101 41940 01 415 Other Equipment Rental 107 0 I 1,000 Scaffolding, Cleaners 101 41940 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 188 1,000 1,000 Contingencies 101 41940 01 601 Bond Principal 242I0 26,632 26,700 29,100 MSABC Payment (2/1) 101 41940 01 61 1 Bond Interest 65.035 63,666 62,200 60,600 MSABC Payments (2/1 & 8 /1) 101 41940 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 1,100 100 MSABC Payments (2/1 & 8/1) PAGE TOTALS S260009 $282,277 5276,800 $282,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 5266,009 $282,277 $276,800 $282,000 Page One July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FLEET MAINTENANCE Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10143100 101 Salaries & Benefits $110,067 $116,201 $124,400 $ 131,100 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 43100 77101 Administrative 24,700 101 43100 79 101 Maintenance 106,400 10143100 102 Full -Time Overtime 4,324 7,993 7,000 7,000 101 43100 99 103 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 0 0 4,000 4,000 10143100 01211 Cleaning Supplies 550 517 500 500 Shop & Vehicles 101 43100 01 212 Motor Fuels 41,275 41,171 50,000 60,000 101 43100 01 213 Lubricants & Additives 2,949 7,464 5,500 5,500 101 43200 01 215 Shop Materials 8,265 15,201 10,500 10,500 101 43100 01 221 Equipment Parts 73,791 87,245 75,000 80,000 101 43100 01 222 Tires 10,061 19,293 15,000 15,000 101 43 100 01 241 Small Tools 1,707 4,364 4,000 4,000 101 43100 01 242 Minor Equipment 3,539 14,254 4,000 4,000 101 43100 01 321 Telephone Costs 321 1,019 0 0 101 43100 01 323 Radio Units 175 1,612 2,000 2,000 Repair/Replace Units 101 43 100 01 33 1 ?ravel Expense 0 5 500 500 Overnight Training 101 43100 01 341 Employment Advertising 0 333 0 0 101 43100 01 384 Refuse Disposal 51 417 2,000 1,000 Shop Hazardous Waste 101 43100 01 394 P.S. Software Purchases 0 485 500 500 General Software Support 101 43100 01 404 Contracted Mach & Equip Repairs 26,578 22,428 30,000 30,000 10143100 01416 Machinery Rental 0 125 1,000 1,000 101 43100 01 417 Uniforms Rental 78 83 0 0 101 43100 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 88 0 0 0 101 43100 01 435 Books & Pamphlets 352 619 200 200 101 43100 01 437 Conferences & Seminars 180 523 1,000 1,000 PAGE TOTALS $284,352 S341,352 $337,100 $357,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $284,352 $341,352 $337,100 $357,800 Page One July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET M4114T'ENANCE Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10143121 101 Salaries & Benefits $297,483 5304,024 S347AW $376,500 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 43121 77 101 Administrative 81,000. . 1014312178101 Technical/Clerical 55,000 101 43121 79 101 Maintenance 240,500 I0143121 102 Full -Time Overtime 10,375 10,772 15,000 15,000 Maintenance 101 43121 99 103 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 26,513 22,903 19,000 19,000 10143121 01201 Office Accessories 16 0 700 700 101 4312101203 Printed Forms & Paper 27 28 700 700 101 43121 01 203.1 R/W Permit & Inspection Forms 500 101 43121 01 203.2 Work Orders 200 101 43121 01 205 Drafting Supplies 1,806 1,386 1,600 1,600 101 43131 01 205.1 Paper for Plan Reproductions goo 101 4312101205.2 Off -Site Reproductions 350 1014312101205.3 Film & Developing 100 101 43121 01 205.4 Miscellaneous Tools 350 Inspection Equipment 101 43 121 01 209 Other Office Supplies 7 20 200 200 Door 1:ags 101 43121 01 216 Chemical & Chemical Products 11,313 18,576 25,000 25,000 De -Icing Chemicals (Salt) 1014312101224 StreetblaintenanceMaterials 71,164 62,592 1,500 1,500 101 43121 01 224.1 Paint 500 101 43121 01 224.2 Mail Boxes 500 101 43121 01 224.3 Light Bulbs/Lenses 500 101 43121 01 225 Landscaping Materials 824 3,003 6,300 6,300 101 43121 01 225.1 Sod 3 > 000 101 43121 01 225.2 Seed 300 101 43121 01 225.3 Black Dirt 2,000 101 43121 01 225.4 Trees 1,000 101 43121 01 226 Sign Repair Materials 337 139 5,000 5,000 101 4312101231 Bituminous Patching Materials 0 0 15,000 15,000 101 43121 01 232 Crushed Rock 0 0 18,000 18,000 101 43121 01 233 Dust Control Materials 0 0 20,000 20,000 101 43121 01 234 De -Icing Sand 0 0 51000 5,000 101 43121 01 235 Shouldering Gravel 0 0 3,000 3,000 101 43121 01 241 Small Tools 729 667 1,000 1,000 Shovels, Brooms, etc. 101 43121 01 242 Minor Equipment 3,519 5,629 2,700 2,700 VCR, Vehicle Acc, SaSrty Equip 101 43121 01 303 Engineering Fees 3,309 3,517 10,500 28,500 101 43121 01 303.1 General Non - Project Related 8,500 Benchmark Update 101 43121 01 303.2 Transportation Plan Update 20,000 5 & 10 Year Plans 101 43121 01 304 Legal Fees 246 20 2,000 2,000 Appeals of Closed Projects 101 43121 01 305 Medical & Dental Fees 0 380 600 600 Employment Physicals 1014312101310 Testing Services 58 334 1,200 1,200 101 43121 01 319 Other Professional Services 700 670 1,500 1,500 Random Drug Testing 101 43121 01 321 Telephone Costs 641 279 1,200 1,200 Cellular Phones & Pams 101 43121 01 324 Messenger Services 24 0 100 100 101 43121 01 331 Travel Expense 22 339 1,000 1,000 APWA & Miscellaneous 101 43121 01 341 Employment Advertising 901 2,375 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 381 Electric Utilities 73,365 76,423 75,000 75 101 43121 01 381.1 Street Lights 71,000 101 43121 01 381.2. Signal Lights & Sirens 4 101 43121 01 384 Refuse Disposal 361 306 2,600 2,600 101 43121 01 384.1 Hazardous Waste Disposal 1,000 101 43 121 01 384.2 Roadside Garbage 1,000 101 43121 01 384.3 Tree Disposal 600 101 43121 01 391 P.C. Maintenance 4,011 6,279 3,200 3,700 101 43121 01 391.1 Gopher State One -Call 2 ,200 101 43121 01 391.2 State Aid 1,000 101 43121 01 391.3 Pavement Plus S/W Support . 500 101 43121 01 392 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 0 0 300 300 101 43121 01 394 P.S. Software Purchases 591 0 600 600 General Software Support PAGE TOTALS 508,341 520,659 587,900 635,500 Page Two July Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments 1014312101402 Street Seal Coating 0 0 30,000. 30,000 1014312101403 Contracted Repair & Maintenance 71,353 145,260 7,000 - 7,000 . 101 43121 01 403.1 Street Lights 6,000 1014312101403.2 Signal Lights 500 101 43121 01 403.3 Light Replacements Soo 101 43 121 01 405 Street Striping 0 0 17,000 19,000 101 43121 01 406 Street Sweeping 0 0 6,500 6,500 101 43121 01 407 Bituminous Overlays 0 0 45,000 45,000 101 43121 01 408 Street Crack Sealing 0 0 10,000 10,000 101 43 121 01 409 Tree Trimming 0 489 5,000 5,000 101 43121 01 410 Concrete Sidewalk/Curb Repairs 0 0 5,000 5,000 10143121 01411 Snow Removal- Community Center 0 780 6,000 6,000 101 43121 01 415 Grader/Dozer Rental 0 0 2,000 2,000 101 43121 01 416 Snow Plow Loader Rental 0 18,391 13,000 13,000 101 43121 01 418 Snow Plow Rental 0 0 2,000 2,000 101 43121 01 420 Truck Rentals 0 0 2,000 2,000 101 43 121 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 385 604 900 900 101 43121 01 433.1 _APWA 225 _ 101 43121 01 433.2 RMAA 10 Request for Mutual Aid Assb 101 43121 01 433.3 City Engineers' Association 150 101 43121 01 433.4 Professional Secretaries 90 101 43121 01 433.5 MSPE 300 1014312101433.6 ASCE 125 101 43121 01 435 Books & Pamphlets 220 216 800 800 101 43121 01 435.1 MUTCD 200 101 43121 01 435.1 MN Dot Updates 600 101 43 121 01 437 Conferences & Seminars 798 2,667 4,000 4,000 101 43 121 01 437.1 APWA - 1,050 101 43 121 01 437.2 Computer Training 500 101 43 121 01 437.3 Clerical 156 101 43121 01 437.4 Gravel Road Maintenance 150 101 43121 01 437.5 City Management Training 500 1014312101437.6 CEA.M 500 101 43121 01 437.7 MN Pavement Management 400 101 43121 01 437.8 MN Dot 300 101 43121 01 437.9 Miscellaneous Training 450 Safety Training 10143121 01439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 25 2,000 2,000 Contigencies 101 43121 01 570 Office Equipment & Furnishings 0 547 3,000 3,000 PAGE TOTALS $72,756 $168,978 5161,200 5163,200 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $581,097 $689,637 S749,100 5798,700 Page One 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE July, 12, 2000 Account # Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10145202 101 Salaries &Benefits $206,398 $197,224 $243,300 $256,900 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 1014520277101 Administrative 19,900 101 45202 79 101 Maintenance 237,000 10145202 102 Full-Time Overtime 9,033 10,780 15,000 15,000 101 45202 99 103 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 17,234 25,410 24,000 24,000 101 45202 01 205 Drafting Supplies 0 0 100 100 101 45202 01 216 Chemical & Chemical Products 6,453 10,488 3,000 5,000 101 45202 01216.1 Herbicides(General Park Use) 2,000 101 45202 01216.2 Fertilizer 3,000 101 45202 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 4,814 10,173 7,000 7,000 101 45202 01219.1 Seed, Sod, etc. 2,000 101 45202 01219.2 Red Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc. 5,000 101 45202 01 221 Equipment Parts 11,789 4,547 5,000 5,000 101 45202 01221.1 Playground Equipment Repair 1,000 101 45202 01221.2 Irrigation Repau(Non- Contract) 1,000, 101 45202 01221.3 Miscelianeous(Player Benches) 3,000 101 45202 01 223 Building Repair Supplies 4,520 6,375 3,500 5,000 101 45202 01223.1 Paint, Stain, etc. 1,500 101 45202 01223.2 Shingles, Boards, etc. 2,000 101 45202 01223.3 Miscellaneous 1,500 Calk, Hardware, etc. 101 45202 01 225 Landscaping Materials 1,670 5,408 3,600 3,600 101 45202 01225.1 Trees, Shrubs, Sod, etc. 1,600 101 45202 01225.2 Timbers, Fence, etc. 2,000 101 45202 01 226 Sign Repair Materials 0 0 500 500 101 45202 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 3,134 4,222 3,000 3,000 Paint, Chalk, Bases, Field Dry, etc. 101 45202 01 241 Small Tools 2,751 4,849 2,000 2,000 Hand Tools, Blades, Bits, etc. 101 45202 01 242 Minor Equipment 0, 3,269 0 2,500 Fertilizer Spreader Replacement 101 45202 01 303 Engineering Fees 1,096 0 0 0 101 45202 01 321 Telephone Costs 0 0 500 500 Cellular Phone Bills 101 45202 01 323 Radio Units 0 0 500 500 Walkie- Talkies 101 45202 01 33 1 Travel Expense 0 0 100 100 Seminars & Workshops 101 45202 01 381 Electric Utilities 11,287 10,564 13,000 13,000 101 45202 01381.1 Skating Rinks 5,000 101 45202 01381.2 Softball Fields 5,000 101 45202 01381.3 Irrigation 3,000 101 45202 01 383 Gas Utilities 1,210 1,155 0 0 1014520201403 Contracted Repair & Maintenance 3,551 15,052 4,000 4,000 101 45202 01403.1 Irrigation Repairs 1,500 101 45202 01403.2 Electrical Repairs 1,500 101 45202 01403.3 Miscellaneous Repairs 1,000 101 45202 01 409 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 0 0 8,000 8,000 Lawn Services 101 45202 01 416 Machinery Rental 13,370 14,869 13,000 13,000 Mower Leases 101 45202 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 150 35 200 200 101 45202 01433.1 Memberships - MRPA 100 101 45202 01433.2 Miscellaneous Dues 100 101 45202 01 435 Books & Pamphlets -129 0 100 100 101 45202 01 437 Conferences & Seminars 445 593 500 500 101 45202 01437.1 Seminars & Workshops 300 101 45202 01437.2 School & Tuition 200 101 45202 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 200 200 Contingencies PAGETOTALS $299,036 $325,014 5350,100 $369,700 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $299,036 $325,014 $350,100 $369,700 Page One 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION July 12, 2000 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10145100 101 Salaries & Benefits 5276,010 $280,334 $335,800 5353,800 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 10145100 102 Full -Time Overtime 1,534 2,117 4,700 4,700 101 45100 103 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 107,075, 103,625 122,600 126,500 101 45100 08 103 P/T Secretary 25,700 101 45100 10 103 P/TReceptionist 23,100 101 45100 12 103 Building Attendants 51,800 101 45100 83 103 Playground Recreation Leaders 14,900 101 45100 94 103 Warning House Attendants 8,500 101 45100 99 103 Park & Rec Committee 2,500 101 45100 01 205 Drafting Supplies 872 437 1,000 1,000 Film, Developing & Laminating 101 45100 01 207 Training & Instructional Supplies 0 0 200 200 Books, Tapes, etc. 101 45100 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 582 730 500 500 Meeting Supplies 101 45100 01 209 Other Office Supplies 1,192 909 1 1,000 Envelopes, Forms, Rulers, etc. 10145100 01211 Cleaning Supplies 3,472 4,341 4,500 4,500 101 45100 01 216 Chemicals & Chemical Products 838 1,765 1,200 1,200 101 45100 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 2,277 2,030 2,800 3,500 Rec Programs, 1st Aid Supplies, et 10145100 01221 Equipment Parts 2,646 3,710 4,000 5,500 101 45100 01 223 Building Repair Supplies 2,687 4,433 4,200 5,500 101 45100 01 229 OtherMaintenance Supplies 1,281 1,312 2,000 0 101 45100 01 305 Medical & Dental Fees 292 0 800 800 Employment Physicals 101 45100 01 312 Contract Inspection Fees 0 0 4,500 4,500 Custodial Services - Banquet Room 101 45100 01 315 Special Programs 5,651 5,121 6,500 6,500 101 45100 01315.1 Sunday Night Specials 1,700 Performances 101 45100 01315.2 Leprechaun Days 200 Trophies & Awards 101 45100 01315.3 Halloween 200 Supplies 101 45100 01315.4 Ground Pounders(Running) 400 Ribbons & Mailings 101 45100 01315.5 Nature Pr ugrams(Arbor Day, etc.) 500 Trees 10145100 01 315.6 Puppet Programs 200 Tapes, Fuses, Puppets, eta 101 45100 01315.7 Special Events 1,000 Publicity & Supplies 101 45100 01315.8 Adopt- A-Park Program 1,400 Flyers, Trees, Signs 101 45100 01315.9 Miscellaneous Programs 500 Start Up Costs 101 45100 01 315.10 ADA Programs 400 ADA Program Supplies 101 45100 01319 Other Professional Services 2,458 8,153 500 500 ADA Services 101 45100 01 321 Telephone Costs 1,255 1,403 1,600 1,600 Pagers & Cellular Phones 101 45100 01 331 Travel Expense 413 390 200 200 101 45100 01 341 Employes Advertising 2,369 4,227' 2,800 2,800 General Employment Ads 101 45100 01 349 Other Advertising 16,284 13,531 11,800 22,300 101 45100 01349.1 Brochures 16,500 City Newsletter 101 45100 01349.2 Flyers 1,500 School Flyers 101 45100 01349.3 Yellow Pages 3,400 Rec Ads 1014510001349.4 Special Marketing 900 New Program Flyers 101 45100 01 381 Electric Utilities 15,204 14,878 20,000 20,000 101 45100 01 383 Gas Utilities 11,511 12,850 13,000 13,000 101 45100 01 384 Refuse Disposal 4,063 3,988 4,000 4,000 10145100 01401 Contracted Building Repairs 6,142 5,485 6,000 6,000 101 45100 01 404 Contracted Mach & Equip Repairs 4,437 5,377 5,000 5,000 10145100 01409 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 0 0 17,000 17,000 Air Handler Maintenance Contract 101 45100 01 412 Building Rental 17,000 13,200 17,000 16,800 Monthly Rent Payments to Guard 101 45100 01 415 Other Equipment Rental 12,254 10,234 12 12,300 Portable Toilets & Other Rentals 101 45100 01 433 Dues & Subscriptions 964 1,194 1,200 1,200 101 45100 01433.1 MRPA Dues 800 Minn Recreation & Parks Assn 101 45100 01433.2 Miscellaneous 400 Paper, Magazines, JC Dues, etc. 101 45100 01 435 Books & Pamphlets 0 144 100 100 101 45100 01437 Conferences & Seminars 1,548 1,694 2,000 2,000 101 45100 01437.1 MRPA State Conference 1,500 101 45100 01437.2 MIAMA State Conference 300 101 45100 01437.3 Workshops, Schools, & Tuition 200 101 45 100 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 20,984 37,405 0 0 Donation Account 101 45100 01 580 Other Equipment Purchases 562 0 0 0 PAGE TOTALS $523,854 $545,017 $610,800 $644,500 General Operating DEPARTMENT TOTALS 5523,854 $545,017 $610,800 $644,500 Page Two July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments $89,500 1014510081 Softball 533,718 $42,109 $37,500 $37,500 10145100 82 Volleyball 6,405 5,327 9,400 9,400 10145100 84 Tennis 738 930 1,300 1,300 101 45 100 85 Tiny Tots 13,527 16,559 13,500 16,000 10145100 86 Porn Poms 2,661 2,044 2,500 2,500 10145100 87 : Field Trips 2,757 3,131 2,200 2,200 10145100 88 Broomball 2,093 1,055 0 0 10145100 89 Skating Lessons 405 169 800 800 10145100 90 Fun Runs, Walks & Bike Rides 1,966 1,794 1 1 10145100 91 Summer Camps 0 0 0 3,000 10145100 92 Adult Basketball 767 0 700 700 101 45100 93 Other Programs 7,375 5,984 2,800 2,800 101 45 100 95 T -Ball 0 0 0 3,200 10145100 96 Teen Night 4,107 4,026 4,400 4,400 101 45100 97 Open Gym 1,076 0 2,400 0 10145100 98 Pistol Range 0 0 4,700 4,700 77,597 83,128 83,200 89,500 101 45100 81 103 Part -'dime Salaries 15,973 21,190 24,125 24,125 101 45100 81 219 Operating Supplies 9,813 13,478 11,000 11,000 101 45100 81 311 Officiating Fees 5,098 3,842 0 0 101 45100 81 319 Other Professional Services 2,834 3,600 2,200 2,200 101 45100 81 322 Postage Costs 0 0 25 25 101 45100 81 359 Other Printing & Binding Costs 0 0 150 150 101 45100 82 103 Part-Time Salaries 479 429 800 800 101 45100 82 219 Operating Supplies 1,724 664 1,500 1,500 10145100 82 311 Officiating Fees 4,005 3,836 6,000 6,000, 101 45100 82 319 Other Professional Services 198 399 900 900 101 45100 82 322 Postage Costs 0 0 50 50 101 45100 82 359 Other Printing & Binding Costs 0 0 100 100 101 45 100 82 415 Other Equipment Rental 0 0 50 50 101 45100 84 103 Part-Time Salaries 608 755 1,150 1,150 10145100 84219 Operating Supplies 131 175 150 150 10145100 85103 Part-Time Salaries 12,539 15,834 12,500 14,700 10145100 85 219 Operating Supplies 988 630 700 1,000 101 45100 85 339 Other Transportation Charges 0 95 200 200 10145100 85 412 Building Rental 0 0 100 100 101 45100 86 103 Part-Time Salaries 1,984 1,408 1,950 1,950 10145100 86 219 Operating Supplies 678 636 500 500 10145100 86 359 Other Printing & Binding Costs 0 0 50 50 10145100 87 219 Operating Supplies 1,100 2,879 0 0 101 45300 87 339 Other Transportation Charges 1,657 252 2,200 2,200 101 45100 88 219 Operating Supplies 72 132 0 0 10145100 88 311 Officiating Fees 2,021 923 0 0 101 45100 89 103 Part-Time Salaries 405 169 740 740 10145100 89 219 Operating Supplies 0 0 30 30 10145100 89 359 Other Printing & Binding Costs 0 0 30 30 10145100 90219 Operating Supplies 1,966 1,794 1,000 1,000 1014510091 103 Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 , 1,000 101 45100 91 219 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 2,000 10145100 92219 Operating Supplies 767 0 600 600 101 45100 92 322 Postage Costs 0 0 50 50 10145100 92 359 Other Printing & Binding Costs 0 0 50 50 101 45100 93 103 Part-Time Salaries 1,901 1,023 0 0 101 45100 93 219 Operating Supplies 5,474 4,961 2,750 2,750 101 45100 93 359 Other Printing & Binding Costs 0 0 50 50 101 45100 95 103 Part -Time Salaries 0 0 0 2,200 10145100 95 219 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 1,000 10145100 96219 Operating Supplies 4,107 4,026 4,400 4,400 101 45100 97 103 Part-Time Salaries 1,076 0 2,400 0 101 45100 98 103 Part-Time Salaries 0 0 2,700 2,700 103 45100 98 219 Operating Supplies 0 0 2,000 2,000 SPECIAL PROGRAM TOTALS 77,597 83,128 83,200 89,500 GRAND TOTAL - PARK & REC $601,451 $628,144 5694,000 $734,000 Total Levy- Year 2001 1,012,800 2001 Propose a 10 -year lease- purchase offset by a 5 -year lease- purchase expiring In year 2000 (1) Cooling Tower funding coming from Arena Fund reserves. (2) Funding for the Commercial Streetscape Phase 3 is unknown at this time. (3) Other Funding for Structural Overlays comes from Safety -Ween User Fees. (4) Other Funding for the Chippendale Street Reconstruction Project comes from the County for their share of the project. (5) Other Funding for the CSAH 42 Improvements Project comes from Safety -Kleen User Fees and the County for their share of the project. MSA Funds Year Item - Descri do De artmem juilding P Le Street CI P Le E ui nt CIP Le Assess Park Imp Fund From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water Utiii Sewer UUII Storm Utility Donations Other Total Cost 2001 2001 2001 2001 _2001 2001, _ 2001 2001" 2001 2001 ]Biscayne 2001 2001 2001 2001' 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001' 2001' 2001 2001 Commercial Streetsca - Phase 3 1995 Lease - Purchase 10 -Years 1 996 Lease - Purchas (10-Years) 2000 Building Lease - Purchase (I 0-Years), _. ,. _ PO Pdinler Replacements (From 1993.94) _ _ „ PC Workstation Opgrades (1997 & Older) blsh Unit #35183 (Pump Refurer- 1B Yrs Ol d)_ . _ _ -_.._ . . Pu__ RePleceme �/ehicie Oallore U grades (ADA Uegrades) Poin Park P E ui ment New Park 16 Hand -Held Rad (R eplacementsa .. 3 Squads (Sell Beck 3 - 51860 920 & 980)- PW 81d jg Le ase/Purch (Y� 3 of 20,x _- Sa1USsnd Building __ ._ __._ .._ _- Structural Overla_s on Older Streets Street Recon -Chi ndele ®C 42 Street Const -Bisca ne -Conn to RR Tracks St reet Recon -Dodd Blvd -S/P to Delft Ave Street Co nst- Bi scayne -Hwy 42 to Hwy 46 CSAH 42 improvements fHwy 3 to D/P 70 KW Generator (Replace 2 Dump Truck Replace - #428) Du mp Tandem (Replace #429) -- - -- - Grader (Replace 11413 - 1988, Grader) __- _ Well #12 Comm Dev Council Cou Council Finance Finance Fire -_._. _ Fire ._ - -- Park & Rec Park 8 Rec Police Police _._ .. Pub Works Pub Works_ Pub Worka Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works; Pub Works Pub Worka Pub Works , -__ -- 110,000 _ _ _.. - - - - -_- _- _ 24,000 �,. _ - - -- - - _- ^._ _... - - - -_- _ -. - 420,000 _. - . 00 - _150,0 50,800 64,900 10,000 32,100 40,000 .- -- --- - 16,000 85 _ _ -_ -. -- _ - -- _ __- __. 17,000 50,000 200,000 100,000 400,000 -- -,.._- _ 30 35,000 __ � - -_ _ _ _ _- --- -- -_ -- „ _ _ - -_---- _ - _ _225,000 _ 300,000 -_ __ 400,000 100,000 _ -- _ -_-- _ ___.. --._ - _. __ _ _ 50,000 -- _.--- _._� _.. i _ 90,000 - _ .._- __. 100,000 175 000 - - -- _ __.. _ - _ _ -_ 10 , 000 - _ _ _ 10 000 -- _ _ _ .. .. _ __� - . __ __ _ �� - - __-_ - 500,000 _. _326 000 50,000 60 _ - 75,000 - 225 000 500.000 50,800 0 1 1 ,9 . .10,000 _ 340,000 - _ 30, M0 36,000 44 000 - 80, 67,000, - 350 U00 500,000 - 760,000 800,000 _ 850,000 30,000 - 100,000 100.000 200,000 300,000 -__. ____ -_ 30,000 _ _ __. _ -� -_ __- - _200,000 _- 300,000 _ 100,000 100.000 200,000 - 967,000 65,000 1,025,000 350,000 Totals 134,000 570,000 308 800 90,000 275,000 10,000 10 000 1,625,000 5,429,800 Total Levy- Year 2001 1,012,800 2001 Propose a 10 -year lease- purchase offset by a 5 -year lease- purchase expiring In year 2000 (1) Cooling Tower funding coming from Arena Fund reserves. (2) Funding for the Commercial Streetscape Phase 3 is unknown at this time. (3) Other Funding for Structural Overlays comes from Safety -Ween User Fees. (4) Other Funding for the Chippendale Street Reconstruction Project comes from the County for their share of the project. (5) Other Funding for the CSAH 42 Improvements Project comes from Safety -Kleen User Fees and the County for their share of the project. Page One July 12, 2000 Account # 206 31010 00000 206 36210 00000 206 3621400000 206 3621500000 206 36260 00000 2000 BUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE- REVENUES Description Current Ad Valorem Taxes Interest Earnings-Investments Net Change in W- Investments Interest Earnings Other Revenue FUND TOTALS INSURANCE - EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments $187,000 .$180,000 $185,000 $190,000 16,971 .20,911 10,000 10,000 1,283 (10,312) 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 329 475 200 200 34,585 36,200 20,800 20,800 Insurance Refimds'Dividends 240,168 227,274 216,000 221,000 Medical & Dental Fees 1,225 INSURANCE - EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 Object 2001 - 1998 1999 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 206 49006 01 221 Equipment Parts $1,125 $659 $2,000 $2,000 Liability & Auto Deductible Pymts 206 49006 01 304 Legal Fees 10,248 I29 2,500 2,500 Unreimbursable Legal Fees 206 49006 01 305 Medical & Dental Fees 1,225 6,135 5,000 7,000 Work Comp Deductible Pymts 2064900601317 General Fund Administrative Fees 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Yearly Fee Per Policy F -3 206 49006 01 319 Other Professional Services 10,000 9,667 15,000 15,000 Risk Management Consultant 206 49006 01 365 Worker's Compensation Insurance 34,343 28,784 .. 50,000 50,000 Annual Premium 206 49006 01 369 Other Insurance 112,111 114,805 120,000 125,000 Annual Premium - General Liability 206 49006 01 409 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 4,129 7,565 8,000 8,000 Liability & Auto Deductible Pymts 206 49006 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 14,119 1,084 0 0 1998 - Storm Daaases FUND TOTALS 189,799 171,329 205,000 212,000 NOTE: Levy of $190,000 covers costs for consultant fees and all insurance premiums. All other expenditures covered through interest earnings and insurance refunds/dividends. Page One 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS - ARENA- REVENUES July - ;2.2000 2000 2001 Object 2001 1998 1999 AdoFed Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Budgm Amount Budget Comments 6S03101000 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $109,200 $114,900 Sl_ %•+00 $149,600 6503621000 000 Interest Earnings- Investments - 0 0 200 200 650 36215 00 000. Interest Earnings 19 , 109 200 200 6S03626000 000 Other Revenue 13,355 11,943 0 13,000 Learn to Skate Program (LTS) 650 3806000 000 Prime Time Ice Fees 229,855 229,097 2:4. 230,500 650 3806100 000 Non -Prime Time Ice Fees 0 0 0 0 650 38063 00 000 Open Skating Ice Fees 5,628 4,834 6`=00 6,300 650 38065 00 000 Other Events -Arena 0 500 1? 5W 5,500 Dry Floor Events 650 3806600 000 Advertising Revenue -Arena 11,800 9,275 L_100 13,100 650 3806700 000 Skate Sharpening Revenue -Arena 3,288 2,823 2" 2,800 650 38090 00 000 Concessions 4,860 3,196 5.000 5,000 650 3809100 000 Vending Machine Revenues 11,484 10,684 9900 9,900 650 3809500 000 Pro Shop Revenues 904 721 I.I00 1,100 Tape, Laces, Mouthguards, etc. 650 39103 00 000 Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal 1,536 0 0 0 650 39201 00 000 Transfer From General Fund 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 391,929 388,082 r= =900 437,200 Page One ' July 12, 2000 Account # 2001 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARVi4 - EXPENDITURES Description 1998 Actual 1999 Actual 2000 Adopted Budget 2001 Object Detail Amount 2001 Proposed Budget Comments 650 45130 101 Salaries & Benefits $54,431 554,545 570,600 $75,300 All Salary Costs Inclusive of Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 650 45130 77 101 Administrative 7,200 650 45130 78 101 Technieallaerical .19,200 650 4513079 101 Maintenance 48,900 650 4513079 102 Full-Tnoe Overtime 1,234 1,786 2,000 2,000 650 45130 103 Part-Tana Salaries & Benefit 51,167 38,828 46,600 46,600 650 45130 89 103.1 Learn -To -Skate Program 8,500 650 4513099 103.2 Building & Skate Guard Attendants 38,100 650 45130 01 207 Training & Instructional Supplies 50 0 200 200 650 45130 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 155 855 800 1,500 650 45130 01 208.1 Learn m Skate Program Supplies 500 650 45130 01 208.2 Skate Vagnets 200 650 45130 01 208.3 Other Supplies 800 650 45130 01 211 Cleaning Supplies 3,121 2,562 3,000 3,000 65045130 Ol 212 Motor Fuels 2,008 1,941 2,400 2,400 Propane 650 45130 01 216 650 45130 Ol 219 Chemicals & Chemical Products Other Operating Supplies 387 1,238 642 484 800 800 Assorted Floor Products 65045130 01 221 Parts 1,324 0 1,000 2,800 1,000 Events,Su lies pp 650 45130 01 223 Burldiag Repair Supplies 1,766 3,294 2,800 3,400 4,000 650 45130 01 241 Small -Toots 332 43 400 0 65045130 01 242 Minor Equipment 69 0 200 0 650 45130 01 265 Other h=s for Resale 734 723 800 800 Pro Shop Supplies 650 45130 01 305 Medial & Dental Fees 70 0 500 500 650 45130 Ol 317 6504513001 321 General Fund Admin Fees Telephone Cost 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Yearly Fee Per Policy F -3 650 45130 01 322 Postage Cost 1,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 300 1,000 650 45130 01 331 Travel Expense 0 100 100 0 100 650 45130 01 341 Emplo)m= Advertising 0 0 500 500 650 45130 01 349 Other A N ertising 75 61 500 800 65045130 01 359 Other Ping & Binding Cost 0 0 500 0 650 45130 01 365 Workers Comp Insurance 1,219 1,136 2,000 2,000 650 45130 01 369 Other lnsunmce . 7,341 5,729 13,000 13,000 650 45130 01 381 Electric Utilities 32,257 34,465 43,000 43,000 650 45130 01 383 Gas Utilities 11,511 12,883 15,000 15,000 650 45130 01 384 Refuse Disposal 3,499 3,424 3,500 3,500 650 45130 01 401 Contracted Building Repairs 4,850 2,116 5,000 5,000 650 45130 Ol 404 Contracted \Mach & Equip Repairs 14,244 5,581 5,000 5,000 650 45130 01 415 Other Equipment Rental 168 165 300 300 650 45130 Ol 433 Dues & Subscriptions 600 734 900 900 MIAMA Dues 650 45130 01 437 Conferences & Seminars 0 400 400 400 M1AMA Seminars 650 45130 Ol 439 Other bfscellaneous Charges 553 0 500 500 Contingencies 650 45130 Of 601 650 45130 01 611 Bond Principal Bond haaest 30,000 0 0 0 1999 - Moved to Transfers 650 45130 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 146,515 0 0 0 0 0 0 1999 - Moved to Transfers 0 1999 - Moved to Transfers 650 45130 01 710 Transfers 3,500 183,428 191,500 198,700 650 45130 01 710.1 Yearly Maintenance 3,500 650 45130 01 710.2 654 45130 01 710.3 Bond Principal (1992E Issue) Bond hnerest (1992E Issue) 55,000 2/1 Principal Pymt(Arena Share) 140,200 2/1 & 8/1 Int Pymts(Arena Share) FUND TOTALS 381,417 362,923 423,900 437,200