HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. 10 - Year Captial Improvement Plan (CIP)CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING DATE: October 11, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 10 -Year Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) AGENDA SECTION: Working Program PREPARED BY: Jeff. May, Finance Director AGEND ATTACHMENTS: 10 -Year CIP Working Program Summary APPROVED BY: Pages, Memo on City Hall Remodeling Attached for your consideration this evening is the summary of a draft of the 10 -year CIP Working Program. The introduction for this document describes in detail the background and the process that was followed in completing this working document that will be used by Council and staff to plan for the future. This is the fifth 10 -year CIP that has been completed. We have for your review a summary of the 10 years of the plan. We will continue to do individual sheets on each project/item after the CIP is set but the summary pages, will in many cases, provide all of the information necessary to review the CIP. Please note that the Public Works section of this CIP has not changed much from last year's finished product. We have made changes that we knew needed to be made, such as the Dakota County projects that were part of their CIP, but in the absence of a Public Works Director, it is difficult for the rest of staff to do that portion of the CIP total justice. Because this is a working program that constantly changes and evolves, we felt that it was appropriate to continus'on in this manner at this time. Also, we would like to continue discussion on the City Hall remodeling. I have received updated numbers from Springsteds that show current financing rates and payments. These numbers tie into the 10 -Year CIP future funding. We are hoping to proceed forward with this project early next year. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. COUNCIL ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: October 5, 2000 TO: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: City Hall Remodeling In looking at the funding for the City Hall remodeling, there are a few factors that should be considered before proceeding: 1) There are 3 years of debt currently left to pay on the original City Hall bonds Year 2000 - $ 5,833 (8/1 Interest Payment) Year 2001 - $ 138,870 (2/1 P &I Payment & 8/1 Interest Payment) Year 2002 - $ 138,038 (2/1 Final P &I Payment — Taxes Collected in 2001) 2) There is current and future funding built into the Building CIP Fund that could be used for the remodeling: Year 2000 - $ 64,400 for City Hall Improvements Year 2001 - $160,000 for Lease - Purchase Payments on City Hall Improvements Years 2002 & On - $180,000 for City Hall Lease - Purchase Payments 3) We are looking at issuing Lease Revenue (L/R) Bonds or doing a Lease- Purchase (L/P) to fund the remodeling. As of 10/2/00, 10 -Year L/R Bonds were estimated to be issued at 5.48 % and 15 -Year L/R Bonds were estimated to be issued at 5.64 %. 10 -Year or 15- Year L/P's were estimated at 5.7% to 6.0 %. 4) The total cost of the remodeling is estimated at $2,000,000. 5) Annual payments on 10 -Year or 15 -Year financing would range from a low of $211,119 to a high of $282,691 if the whole $2,000,000 was financed. Those payments could be lowered if a portion of the total cost was bought down. This has been discussed by using water and sewer utility funds to contribute towards the cost of the remodeling. Another possibility would be to use General Fund reserves to buy down the total. City Hall Remodeling - Page 2 At this point there are different options that are available in proceeding with this project. In giving these options, I am making the assumption that we are going to do our best at minimizing the impact on the taxpayers. In making these assumptions I am also going to assume that the Water Utility Fund and the Sewer Utility Fund would each contribute $100,000 and the General Fund would contribute $300,000 to the cost of the remodeling reducing the total financing needed to $1,500,000. Following are some of the options that have been looked at:: 1) Proceed forward in 2001 and complete the project issuing L/R Bonds or doing a L/P. First payment would not be until August of 2001 and we would use 2000 & 2001 General Fund and Building CIP Fund monies encumbered/budgeted during those 2 years to make the 2001 payment. The years 2002 and beyond payments would be made as part of the Building CIP Fund budget and would increase the taxes for only the difference between the lease - purchase payments and the $138,000 that we levied in 2000 for the final 2001' collection (2/1/2002 payment) for the original City Hall bonds. This is because the original bond issue for the City Hall would be paid off and replaced by levy for the remodeling. This option would have as minimal an increase in taxes that I can see. Also, we would look at the Water Utility Fund and Sewer Utility Fund each contributing a yearly amount if they do not contribute a lump sump payment up front(much like the Public Works building expansion project): 2) Get an estimate of each cost of the phasing that the architects have come up with and incorporate those costs into future CIF's and pay for the project as we go. This would be difficult to do because of the varied phasing costs and could take many years to complete. City Hall could look like it was under constant construction for 5 to 10 years. At this point in time, it would appear to me that Option #1 above would be our best choice. We would finance $1,500,000 to complete the work, issuing the debt sometime in early 2001 with the first payment coming in August, 2001 using funds budgeted/encumbered from 2000 & 2001. Years 2002 and beyond payments would be from Building CIP levies that will be made that replace the original City Hall bond issue. The taxes should increase minimally for the citizens because of the remodeling project. 10 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BACKGROUND Historically, the City of Rosemount has usually had some form of 5 -year CIP in place to utilize for its capital improvements. There have been times where just a single year's capital improvements have been addressed and funded. As the City continues to grow, we believe that the careful development and continuous utilization of a realistic Capital Improvement Plan is essential to the proper management of the City. As we looked at developing a new 5- year CIP, it became apparent that the dilemma that the City of Rosemount faces is one of continued growth combined with restoration/reconstruction of the older portions of our city. This being the case, it was almost impossible to develop a plan for a 5 -year period that was very realistic. As work continued on the plan, we decided to explore the possibility of looking out farther and developing a longer plan that would more realistically allow us to plan for the City's fixture. What has evolved is the following 10 -year Capital Improvements Plan. We believe that great strides have been made to more accurately plan for the future of the City of Rosemount. This document is only a working guide that is utilized by the City Council and its staff to prepare for the fixture. The first year of the plan will be included as part of the formal budget that is prepared yearly as part of our Truth -in- Taxation process with the following years developed as a working tool for future years' discussions. GENERAL /ADMINISTRATIVE DESCRIPTION The CIP provides for specific funding of items, the nature of which is not considered "current" in their use or life expectancy. These items are generally of a higher estimated cost than $5,000 and will have a life expectancy of 3 years or greater. The source of funding for these expenditures is typically the general tax levy. In some instances, other funding is utilized. For example, beginning in 1996, revenues received from user fees are being designated in various CIP funds for capital improvement /equipment purchases. If these revenues are realized, the equipment or project will be completed and if the revenue is not realized the equipment will not be purchased. Individual departments are designated for each item proposed for purchase in this plan. TYPES OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS Another area of change for the CIP is the implementation of three separate funds to isolate and better track the types of capital improvements being planned for. The following briefly describes each of the three: Building CIP Fund - This fund is used to account for the on -going capital improvements and possible additions to government buildings. Street CIP Fund - This fund is used to account for the on -going street construction and reconstruction projects within the City and all other major maintenance items related to both paved and unpaved streets including, but not limited to, street lights, signal lights, sidewalks and gravel road resurfacing. Equipment CIP Fund This fund is used to account for the on -going replacement of and additions to City equipment. Total Levy - Year 2001 1,052,700 2001' Proposo a 10 -year inasmpurchano offant by a 5 -yoar tonnmpurchnno oxplrin0 In your 2.000 (1) Skate Tile funding comes from Arena Fund operationstreserves. (2) Funding for the Commercial Streetscape - Phase 2 Is unknown at this time. (3) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from 5K13 User Fees. (4) Other funding for the Chippendale Street Reconstruction Project comes from the County for their share of the project. (5) Other funding for the South Rose Park Area Improvements comes from SKB User Fees and County contributions. (6) Other funding for the CSAH 42 Improvements Project comes from the County for their share of the project. MSA F unds :Bul Street Equpmnt Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm_ Total Year Item - Desc;gptlonL__ Department vy CIP Levy CIP_Levy _Assess - _Fund _ _ State Core Core _Core USIiy Utlilty Donations Cost - _UtIII ` Other 2001 Replace Skate Tile Arena - 28,000 28,000 2001' Replace Arena Ice Resurfacer (Electric)______Arena' ___ _ __ Arena _ __ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 78,000 78,000 2001 Commercial Streelscape - Phase 2 Co m m Dev - 3,200,0_00_ 3,200,000 2001 2001 1 Lease - Purchase ( 1996 Lease Purchase (10- Years) Council Council 50,800 64,900 _ _ . __ ... _ 50,800 84,900 2001 2001 Building Lease- PurchaseJ15 Years) _ Council _ 160,000 - -- _ - 160,000 2001 PC Printer Replacements {From 1993 -94) Finance _ 10,000 _ _ _ _ _ 10,000 2001 PC Workstation Upgrades (1997 & Older) Finance 35,000 _ _ _ _- _ _^ _ 35,000 2001 Refurbish Unit #35183 (Pumper - 15 Yrs Old) Fire 60,000 60,000 2001` Pumper Replacement ('78 Vehicle) Fire - - _,. __ _ __ __ _._ _ ____- __ -- - -; - -- 325,000 325,000 2001 Repair Community Center Brick Park & Ruc 18,000 18,000 2001 Update Parks Master Plan Park & Roc 25,000 25,000 2001 Dallara Upgrades (ADA Upgrades) Park & Rec 30,000 30,000 2001 Biscayne Pointe Park Improvements (New Park) Park & Rec 60,000 60,000 2001 8 Hand -Held Radios (New) Police 5,000 5,000 2001 1 Squad (Sell Back 1 - #9680) Police 25,000 25,000 2001 PW Bldg Add'n Lease /Purch (Yr 3 of 20) Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 7001' Sidi /Sant1 Ilulkling Pi h Workn 50,000 50,000 2001 2001 tilnuaurul Ovoilays en Uldur Shouts Street Recon- Chippendolo 0 CSAH 42 Pub Wurka Pub Works 1 /,0101 50,000 225,000 m),(1n0 100,000 (17,00t) 375,000 2001 2001_ South Rose Park Area Improvements Street Recon -Dodd Blvd -S/P to D elft Av __ Pub Works Pub Works ___ _ 420,000 _ 140,000 100,000 _ 20,000 50,000 _ - 90,000 100,000 100,000 0 1 20_,000 _ 80,000 60,000 420,000 760,000 20 CSAH 42 Improvements (Hwy 3 to DR) Pub Works 150,000 200,000 100,000 175 000 550,000 1,175,000 2001 70 KW Generetor(Replace #2� (P_W_Buliding) Pub Works_ 30,00 - - - - -- _ - - - -- - 30,000 2001' Dum Truck (Rep lace #428 ) (1990 Vehicle Pub Works -- - - -- - -� - -- ' - - 100,000 100,000 2001' Du Ta ndam (Replace #429 1991 Vehicle Pub Works _ 1.00_000 100 2001' Grader (Replace #413 - 1986 Grader Pub Works 200,000 200,000 2001' Backhoe Re lace #407 Pub Works 40.0001 40,000 40,000 120,000 2001 Well #12 - _ _ - -- Pub Works ___ -- - 300,000 410 000 30 _Totals_ - -- 202,000 ,- -_ - 570,000 - - -- 280,700 _ - 507,000 - 115,000 -- - 325,000 130,000 375 000 10,000 30,000 80,000 4,881,000 7 915,700 Total Levy - Year 2001 1,052,700 2001' Proposo a 10 -year inasmpurchano offant by a 5 -yoar tonnmpurchnno oxplrin0 In your 2.000 (1) Skate Tile funding comes from Arena Fund operationstreserves. (2) Funding for the Commercial Streetscape - Phase 2 Is unknown at this time. (3) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from 5K13 User Fees. (4) Other funding for the Chippendale Street Reconstruction Project comes from the County for their share of the project. (5) Other funding for the South Rose Park Area Improvements comes from SKB User Fees and County contributions. (6) Other funding for the CSAH 42 Improvements Project comes from the County for their share of the project. Total Levy - Year 2002 1,199,700 (1) Other funding for Police Squad Cars is from the DUI Forfeiture Fund to pay for the radars for the new squads. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. MSA Funds _..: Year -v I tem Description Department Building QIP Levy Street _ CIP Levy Equlpmnt_ CIP Levy_ ..,, _Assess _ Park Imp _ Fund From State _ Water - Core -- Sewer Core Storm _ - Core Water Utility_ Sewer Utility_ Storm Utility _�;! Donations !_, Other Total _Cost 2002 1995 Lease - Purchase 10 -Years ��_ -1- Council 50,800 - j -. 50,800 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1998 Lease- Purcfiase (10- Years) 2001 Lease Purchase (1U ):ears) _ ,- _ -- _ ---__ 2001 Bufkiing - Lease _Purchase tl5_Years) _ Council Designated R Street Reserves _ _ Hurst Tool Attachments CouncO Council ..._ CouncN Council _ Fire _ 180,000 _ -_ 64,900 _ 150000 28,000 _ ._ :__ - -- ---- _ -. -.-- - -- _ _-- - -, - - -- - - : -- -- _ _ -. _. -._- --- . -_- . __ _ - --- -...- _04 150,000 - 180,000 _ -__- _ . __ _ _300,000 - 2002 _ R eplace Res Room Fixtures at C/C Park & Rec 8,000 __ - _ __- __ - -_ - _- -__ -- _ - 8,000 2002 Community Center Audio Visual Equip ment Park & Rec 9,0 00 9,000 2002 Replace Dallara Park Basketball Court Park & Rec 25,000 25,000 2002 Replace 7 Cellular Phones in Squad Cars Police 4,000 4,000 2002 Special Tactical Equipment Police 5,000 5,000 2002 Mobile Radios for 3 Squads Police 6,000 6,000 2002 1 Property & Evidence Control Software Police 10,000 10,000 2002 33 Squads( Sell Back 3 - #9560, 9920 & 9970 Police 80,000 8,000 88,000 2002 PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch Yr 4 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2002 Structural Overlays on Older Streets _ Pub Works 17,000 -__ _ 50,000 67,000 2002 2002 - Street Const Biscayne_Conn to RR Tracks - Pub Pickup - Replace #332)t1989 Vehicle) _ -- Works Pub Works - - -.__ _ __ _ _. - _ --- _22,000 200.000 _ _ _ 300,000 - - - _ -- -_- _ _ - -- - - - -- _ - - . -- - -- - - - - -�- _ : _ _ 500,000 _22,000 - - -- -- _2002 2002 2002 2002 20- Van (Replace P20 irrigation)_ _ . _ . Pickup (Replace #337) - - - -- -- Pickup (Replace #340) - -= . : :_ Municipal Tractor (Replace #4081___ Mower (Replace #88) - - _ _ __. -- Pub Works. Pub Works Pub Works_ Pub Works Pub Works _ _ _ . _. 27,000 000 _ . - __ - . _ _.. _ _ - _ - :- __._ -_ v: -_ _. _ _._ .: _ _ _ _ - - _ -. - - -�_. -- - - -__ -- - -: =2T. 33 ,000 -_ - -�__ :. _ . - ,- ____M'000 _ >. - - -_ - 33, 70,000 _ 70,000 - _ _ _. _ .; -- -- - - -- -- - - - - 33,000 -- _ : _�__ -- . -::�- - -: -. -- -- . - -:.. - - -_ ._ -_ - -- - �_. - -- - -- 70 - -- - ,70,000 _ ... -_ -- -` . Y . Totals 1 212,0001 300,0001 887,700 217,000 300,000 10,000 10,000 58 000 1 794 700 Total Levy - Year 2002 1,199,700 (1) Other funding for Police Squad Cars is from the DUI Forfeiture Fund to pay for the radars for the new squads. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Total Levy - Year 2003 1,181,700 (1) Other funding for Police Squad Cars is from the DUI Forf eiture Fund to pay for the radars for the new squads. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. MSA Funds Year Item - Description Department Buildi CIP Levy Street CIP Levy E u�mnt CIP Levy Assess Palk Im Fund From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water utility Sewer Utility Storm Utility Donations Other Total Cost 2003 2003 1995 Lease- Purchase 10 -Years 1 996 Lease - Purchase (10- Years) Council Council 50,800 _64,900 50,800 64,900 2003 2001 L ease - Purchase (10- Years) Council 150,0001 150.000 2003 2 001 Building L ease - Purchase (15- Years) Council 180,000 _ 180 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 _ 2003 2003 _2003 _2003_ 2003 - 2003 2003 2003 PC Printer Repl acements (Fro j!L9j8__ PC File Server Replacement (Programs)_ PC Workstation Upgrades (From '9 &'99) Replace City Software Radio Replacements (Replace Obsolete) Erickson Park Upgrades (ADAUpgrades) Mobile Radios for 3 Squads Emergency Equipment W3 Squads 3 Squads (Sell Back 3 #030, 040 & 080) PW Bldg Add n (Yr 5 of 20)_ Str Overlays on Older Streets Street Conet- Bleoayn ac cee H ., 42 to Hwy 6 Motor Pool Vehicle . (Repla 0,305) Y - __ . ce Pickup (Additional Unit #344) -._ _ _ _ -_ _ Van Re la #319_ Park & flee ( _.p _ ) Plckup_(Replace #341)_ __ -- - Pickup (Replace #339) Snowblowor for Loador (Roplaco $1220) (1087) ffinanc Finance Finance Finance Fire Park & Roc Polity Police Police Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works 24,000 _ _ _ _ _ _, - _ 15,000 15,000 50,000 300,000 85,000 0,000 78,000 20,000 23,000 27,000 � 33,000 00,000 17,000 400,000 _ 30,000 - 400,000 - -- _ - - : - - - - 15,000 ` -.._.. - 15,000 - -- - -- - - -" 10,000 - -- - - 10,000 -- - - -'- _ - - - -- - - - - 12,000 50,000 _ - - -- - 1 5,000 95,000 50,000 300 85,000 30,000 6 12,000 �g o00 - 44,000 - 87,000 e00,000 _20,p00 23,000 - -- 27,000 _ 3 0 ,000 33,000 00,000 Totals 1 1 204,000 1 977,700 - 417,000 30,000 - 40 - 0 - ,0001 15,000 15,0061 10,0001 10,0001 1 62,000 2,140,700 Total Levy - Year 2003 1,181,700 (1) Other funding for Police Squad Cars is from the DUI Forf eiture Fund to pay for the radars for the new squads. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. N O o. 0 m m N N a 3 U m W CL E o. `o w U v m &A Z L V m C a R E N j'O m Q LL. G E C.1 g m W $ Q o ¢�m� N Q t W E0 O` Ems" E � cwint� � mm m m.9� E c m 2 0000 oo of ,00 00 0'0 o 0 S oto oo.0 a C 00 p 8 Cp 0 0 t o C a 0 ppG C 0 0 0 0 0 m o d r: uilaimm�nioo e- co N N is N. I I N m O p O o Q I ct C0.0 i Cl N I0 C iW ( co ` i� O Oi ° p O) O 0 { m � ono 0 ° v II I I r ^ i n n� ° oo oromo 00 o ° o ° oo ° So ° ° 0o i:000000o ° o ° ol o 0 r Z CL N �n b �. N coo 0tn OI ODI' M.? M W U 1 I 1 I <O U.V im I J O m a I o co N! , N L G 14) C c L d YIY Y m�W W W N O O > O O O O O 3 I N Y,YI yy O O D. m O Q:Q IA O7 ®�m�';== U (J V U M U.�Li a O �� aaaa'aaaaaaal s a a a a. cL L a a !a a a a m m � V � m o c ° m � >c mmc ro ON' co F mma E CD LU M 7 c Lo p E 7 m E m m ® a co c cq f m O+�= c ~� f ft cc o E Q. f- g c ErZZcgD amlrmoc"ia o : =,�' �� N c � I c Ff�� E mmOm Imt/1. ` = 0D o m!m mmEg l CA E w a ' o '» � g s r �cVUiiIUU3tnvip ( o m a n n •= C3�C3. my > - mom m m � Z m wI— O m m m e 7 a c� a �EI�aJ�m~C�Lm pp e,I�c�al7om�2Y mrnmm °o °o x010 m2us 3l� ° L� mm U�U 10 , . NNz @ ,E r - QI(ga dm }� } M p a' o N N N N NNEN o °o +�o!000 C',R °oSl °o i NjN cl i NNNNN�N N O o. 0 m m N N a 3 U m W CL E o. `o w U v m &A Z L V m C a R E N j'O m Q LL. G E C.1 g m W $ Q o ¢�m� N Q t W E0 O` Ems" E � cwint� � mm m m.9� E c m 2 0000 2 2 21 21 2( Yl r 700. _ Total Levy - Year 2005 1,229,700 (1) Funding for the New Fire Station #2 will come if a referendum is passed on the Issue and bonds are issued. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. IVISA - - _ - Funds - - - -- - -- -- --- -- Building Street Equipmnt _ _ Park Imp - From Water Sewer Storm Water_ Sewer Storm _ _ _Total ar Item - Descriptio DeQartment CIP Levy CIP Le_ - CIP LevZr Assess_ Fund State Core Core Core Utility UtiBt Utilli Donailons Other Cost id 1995 1 Lease - Purchase 0 -Years Council rs )051996Lease- Purchase 10 -Yea -__ - -- rs L - 64,900 >05 2001 Lease Purch - - -- Council - " ase 10 -Yea Council � - -- - -- - 150,000 - -- - - - -'- -- - -� ' � - -- - -` -- - - -� - - - -- -- - i66 2001 Building p - Lease Purchase (15- Years) - Council 180,000 - - - - -- sa s _150,000 . - _ -- -_ 105 PC P rinter Re pla ce ( From -- ) 20 01 __ -_- Finance 180,000 - - __ 15,000 -_- _ ' ' -' _ - - -- - -'"-- � -- -- -- 15,000 106 PC File Server Replacemen Internet - 1998 Finance 15,000 - - - - "- -` -- - - -- -- - 105 PC Workstation Upgrades From 2001) Finance 50,000 15,000 105 New Fire Station #2 Flre - 50,000 105 AE Unit Defibulator 5,0 Fire 1,000,000 1,000,000 _ , 105 Refurbish Unit #3590 (15 Years Old) Fire 25,000 000 - - -- -- _ -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- 5 105 Rescue Truck Replacement ('70's Vehicle) Fire 145,000 25,000 105 MCD Replacements __ Police 48,000 145,000 i05 2_Squ (Sell Back 2 - #220 & 27Q) -_ _.- - Police - - -_ - -_ - 55,000 000 67,000 -- _ - - -`_ -- -- 50, 4 8 ,0 00_ 105 PW Bld A dd'n Lea (Yr 7 of 20) Pub Works 24,000 -- - 55,000 i05 Structu Overlays on Ol der Streets Pub Works 17,000 - 10, 000 10,000 44 000 X05 Street Recon - Camero Lane Pub Works 41,000 59,000 05 Street Recoe - Cambrian Avenue - -- - Pub Works _ -- - 46,000 - __. 100 000 86,000 - - -- - -- - -- -- -- <__ 05 Trailer (Replace #513) Pub Works 15,000 1321000 05 Dump Truck (Replace #430) Pub Works 100,000 15,000 05 Loader (Replace #419) Pub Works 200,000 _ . 100,000 500,000 05 Paint Chippendale Water Tower Pub Works - 200,000 - 500,000 Totals 204,000 87,000 938,700 :182,000 - . _ 500,000 10,000 __ 10,000 1 . _ 2,981 Total Levy - Year 2006 1,238,300 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Year 2006 2006 2006 2006 _2006 2008 2006 2006 Itom - Description _ 1996 Lease - Purchase (10- Years) . _ 2001 Lease - Purchase (10- Years) 2001 Building Lease-Purchase (15 - Years) _ Refurbish SCB Com pressor SCBA Unit Replacements (1991 Units)_ Replac C/C Floor S crubbe r bopartmont Council Council Council Fire Fire - Park & Rec Building CIP Levy _ 180,000 7,000 10,000 Street CIP Levy _ , _ Equtpmnt CIP Levy 64,900 150,000 5w 000 Assess Park Imp fund MSA Funds From state Water Core Sewer Coro _ - . .Storm Core . - - '- - Water _ Utility - Sewer lJtllity „_ - 'Storm Utllliy Oonalbns _ _..... — ._ Other Total - _ COW - , 150,000 ._..._180 -000 5,000 85,000 7 000 _ _...____ GC Ba uet Room Floor Work Pa Rec rk & 10, 2006 4 S uads Sell Bark 4 - #260, 330, 340 & 380 Police 11 0 000 2006 PW Bld Add'n Lease/Purch Yr 8 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2006 Structu Overlay on Older Streets Pub Works 7,000 _ 50,000 67,000 2006 Street Recon -Dodd Bbd -132nd to 120th Pub Works 396,400 365,000 T 761,400 2006 70KW Standby Generator(Replace #54)(City Hatt ) Pub Works 30,000 30,000 2006 Paver (Replace #128 Pub W orks 30,000 .30,000 2006 Picku (Replace #331) _ Pub Works 33,000 33,000 2006 Pickup Replace #3 Pub Works 33,000 33,000 2006 Mower (Replac #73) Pub Works 80,000 80,000 - - -- - -- Tot als - _ - T_ Lfk�6 _ I 507000 221 ,000 396,40 0 382,0 00 __ __ _ - — ___ - 10 000 _ 10,000 — __=_ — 11690,300 Total Levy- Year 2007 1,222,000 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKS User. Fees. - MSA - - -- -- -.__.- -- _ Funds __ Year 2007 20 07 Item - Description 2001 Lease Pumhase(l0- Years) 2001 - Bu tklln� - ease- Purch 1( 5-Yearsj__ Oe artment Council Council Building CIP Levy 180,000 Street CIP Le E ui mnt CI P L 150000 - Assess _ -: - .a_-- --- Park Imp Fund - ._..- -- From State _ W ater Core Sewer Core Storm Core _- Water U81i -- - Sewer Utili Storm ' Utility Donations Other Total Cost 150 1 80,000 2007 PC Printer Replacements From 2003 Finance 15,000 _ ^; _ 15,000 2007 PC File Server Replacement (Programs - 2003 Finance 15,000 _ 15,000 2007 PC Workstatio Upgrades From 2003 Fina 50,000 50.000 2007 Hurst Jaw 8 Rams (Replace Original) Fire 12 000 12000 3007 4x4 Grass RI Re lacement '97 Vehicle Fire 35,000 35,000 2007 Ta nker (Addition) Fire 190,000 190,000 2007 2 Squads (Sell Back 2 - # 431 & 98 70) Police 56,000 _ - _ 56,000 2007 PW Bid Add'n Lease%Purch Yr 9 of 20) _ Pub Works 24,000 _ 10,000 10,000 __ 44,000 2007 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Pub Works 17,000 1 1 50,000 67,000 2007 Biscayne Way Reconstruction Pub Works 200,000 90,000 100,000 100,000 70,000 560,0 2007 Comp actor (la #103) Pub Works 9,000 9,000 2007_ 2007 2007 2007 Sign Board, ._ „_ -- __. _ Roller (Replace #132) Pickup (Replace #338) Pickup place #3 �8j� Pub Works Pub-Wo-rks Pub Works Pub Works - -- -_ - -- 20,000 25,000 33,000 - 20,000 25,000 33 000 2007 Skid Steer Loader (Replace #420 Pub Works 35.000. 35 000 2007 Jetter Truck (Replace #435 Pub Works 40,000 _ 40,000 80,000 2007 Dump Truck (Replace #427 Pub Works 100,000 100,000 Totals 204,000 200,000 818,000 107,000 40,000 110,000 110,000 70,000 50,000 1,709,000 Total Levy - Year 2008 1,220,000- (1) Compressor and Refrigerator & Concession Equipment funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. - MSA Year 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 -- 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 Item - Description Department ,arena Aren Council Council Fi Fire Police Police Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Building CIP Levy _ 180,000 24,000 Street CIP Levy - - - E ul mnt CIP L@yy 150,000 6,000 350,0 50,000 90,000 -- 20,000 50,000 80,000 110,000 110,000 Assess 17,00 Park Imp Fund Funds From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water utility Sewer utility Storm Utility Donations Other Total Cost Compresso i � ^ � A Refrig erator & Concession Equipment _ 2001 Lease - Purchase 10 -Years 2001 Buildin Lease - Purchase (15 -Years) Hose Re Pla cement Pumper Addition -- MDT Upgrades (Software) 3 Squads (Se118ack 2 #520 & 570)_ PW BIB Add'ri Lease/Purch Yr 10 of 20 - Structural Ovedays on Older Streets Trailer (Replace #514 Tractor (Replace #406 Mower (Replace #88 Sweeper (Replace #443 Dump Truck Re lace.#431 - - - -- - - - -- 10,000 _ 10,000 - _ -- 10 000 10,000 101000 10,000 150,000 180 000 6,000 350,000 000 - -- 44,0 67,000 20.000 50.000 80 000 110,000 110,000 _ - - -� - -_ -- 50,000 - 17,000 - -- — Totals 204,o - 1,016,000 _ - -- - — 0 _ _ 70,000 1,327,000 Total Levy - Year 2008 1,220,000- (1) Compressor and Refrigerator & Concession Equipment funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Total Lovy - Your 2000 1,254,000 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. CIP Levy Assess Imp Fund - M SA Funds From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Total CIP Levy Year Item - Description 6epirtmini CIP Levy SifaW Core -- - ore - - 'Core — --- - - Utili ty Utility Utlll!y Donations Other Cost _ 2009 2001 Lease-Purchase (10-Years) Counc 150,000 150,60-0 2009 2001 Building Lease-Purchase (15-Years) Council - 180,000 180,000 2009 Council Designated - Street Reserves Council 700,000 700,000 2009 PC Printer Replacements From 2005) Finance 15,0001 15,000 2009 PC File Server Replacement (Internet - 2005) Finance 15,000 15,000 2009 PC Workstation Upgrades From 2005) Finance - 50,000 50,000 2009 4M Grass Rig Replacement ('00 Vehicle) Fire 30,000 30,000 2009 3 Squads (Sell Back 3 - #630, 640 & 680) Police 90,000 90,000 2009 P Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch (Yr 11 of 20) Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2009 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Pub Works 17,000 50,000 67,000 Totals 204,000 700,000 350,000 17,000 10,000 10,00 50,000 1,341,000 Total Lovy - Your 2000 1,254,000 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. MSA - -- Year 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 - - - -- --- Item - Description _ ._ 2001 Lease - Purchase (10- Years) 2001 Building Lease - Purchase (15- Years) _ , Council Designated_Street_Reserves_ - -- 3 Squads (Sell Back 3 #190, 650 & 731)_ _(Sell lease /Punch (W 12 of 20) PW Bldg Structurai Ovorinys on Oklor Stmnts — Department Council Council Council _ Police Pub Works Pub Works - - - -- ,Building GIP Levy 180,000 —_ 24,000 - -- Street CIP Levy 800,000 - -- Equipmnt CIP_ Levy 150,000 _ _ _ 90,000 - -- Assess _ Park Imp Fund __ Funds From State _ . Water Core Sewer .,_ Core _ . _ —_ - _Storm _Core_ _ ......_ ._ _ Water . _ Utility _ _ Sewer _ UtiNty_ — Storm Utility _ . Total Donations __.._ — ___._..._ _ Other _ .: _ _ _ Cost_ 150,000 _.._.180,0 800,000 - _ _— 90,000 _ _ 17,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 44,000 07,000 Totals _M4,0001_800,000 240,000 17,000 10,000 10,000 w _: _ 50,000 1 1,331,000 Total Levy - Year 2010 1,244,000 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. 0 0 m N m r m J O cl- h