HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. 160th Street Growth IssuesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 160' Street Utility Extension AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGENDAIM . 2 B ATTACHMENTS: LETTER APPROVED BY: Dakota County has asked the City to consider extending utilities into Empire Township to serve the County's new proposed maintenance facility. At a previous works session the City Council asked staff to inform the County that the city would not extend services to this area and a meeting should be set between Rosemount and Empire Township to review development issues along our boarders. This issue is before the City Council again, at your request, for review and to determine if you would like to have a joint meeting with the Empire Township Board. If such a meeting does take place it would be important to invite Metropolitan Council representatives because this area is designated as agricultural preserve in the Regional Blue. rom a design side this area can be serviced with sewer and water, however, would require Met Council approval. Other issues that should be address, if utilities are extended, is the indirect service needs that will exist. Presently the City of Farmington provides fire protection and the County provide police protection to this area. Because of proximity it is very likely we would be called in the event of fire or other emergencies under mutual aid. If the City Council does not wish to extend services to this area the County will be forced to look for another site. At previous meetings the City Council has indicated they would not be interested in this facility being located in Rosemount, however, the City Council may want to reconsider this to help facilitate the County's needs. NOTES: C O U N T Y December 23,1999 Thomas Burt, City Administrator City of Rosemount County Administration 2875 145th St. West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dakota County Administration Center Dear rft: 1590 Highway 55 Y Hastings, MN 55033 -2372 On December 21, 1999, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners authorized staff to complete negotiations for the purchase of a site for the new Highway Shop Operations Facility. The site is x651. 651.438. 4418 433 8.4405 south of 160 Street between Highway 3 and Biscayne Avenue in Empire Township. A copy of Fax 651. the resolution and a location map are enclosed. www.co.dakota.mn.us We appreciate the cooperation that we received from the City of Rosemount during our site search. It has been a long and exhaustive process. We are eager to move forward with the next steps in the project. The Highway Shop Operations Facility will be the core of the County's highway maintenance activities. It will include vehicle maintenance bays, office space for operations staff, warm and cold storage, and a salt/sand storage building — nearly 100,000 square feet in all. We plan to begin construction during the summer of 2000, with completion by spring of 2001. With this in mind, there is a great deal of planning that needs to occur during the next few months. The County's purchase of the site on 160 Street is contingent upon an agreement between Dakota County, the City of Rosemount, and Empire Township on the delivery of City water and sewer to the site. We would like to schedule time with you to discuss the City's expectations and to develop a process for reaching agreement. At this meeting, we would like your recommendations for the next steps to take with your City Council. Please contact Deanna Newman (651/438 -8137) or Ken Harrington (651 /438 -4542) to arrange a date. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Jack Ditmore, Director Operations, Management, and Budget CC: Joseph Harris, Commissioner District 1 Will Branning, Commissioner District 7 Gerald Stelzel, Empire Township Cathy Busho, Mayor of the City of Rosemount' Brandt Richardson, County Administrator ; Lou Breimhurst, Director, Physical Development Don Theisen, Highway Engineer Ken Harrington, Capital Planning Deanna Newman, Capital Planning 0 Printed m rx, : .ter wld, 3G%P�T- crs.— r..mss. AN EWk�'�• =' •' 1 DAKOTA COUNTY ADMINIFINANCE/POLICY COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 7.2 Authorization To Negotiate The Purchase Of A Slte�For The Highway Shop Operations Facility Meeting Date: 11/30/99 Item Type: Regular- Action . Division: OPERATIONS, MANAGEMENT, AND BUDGET Department: Capital Planning And Program Management Contact: Ken Harrington Telephone: 651- 438 -4542 Prepared by: Reviewed by: N/A NIA PURPOSEIACTION REQUESTED Impact: - ❑ None ❑ Amount included in current budget ❑ Budget amendment requested FTE included in current complement ❑ New FfE(s) requested —N /A Other To authorize staff to complete negotiations for the purchase of•a site for the Highway Shop Operations Facility SUMMARY In March 1998, the Board authorized staff to negotiate with property owner in the Rosemount/Empire area for the relocation of the Rosemount Highway Shop and to report back to the County Board for authority to sign a purchase agreement. At that time, several sites had been identified near the comers of Biscayne Avenue and Highway 3 on 160' Street that met the selection criteria (Attachment 2). However, subsequent to the Board's action, the City of Rosemount indicated that two of the sites being explored were in the City's proposed Business Park/ TIF area and were not suitable for a County highway shop. This left only the site at the intersection of Highway 3 and 160' Street.' In April 1999, staff updated the Board on other potential sites, including a site near the Koch Refinery in Rosemount. At that meeting, the Board directed staff to continue with negotiations. A third site near the intersection of Highway 3 and 160' Street was identified subsequent to the meeting. Attached is a summary of the appraisals, soil borings, and environmental and site development assessments for each property (Attachment 3). In September, purchase agreements were presented *on the following sites: Site 1: Intersection of Highway 3 and 160 Street — 52 Acres - Empire Site 2: East of Intersection of Highway 3 and 160' Street - 80 Acres - Empire Site 3: Intersection of CSAH 42 and Akron Avenue- 40 Acres - Rosemount The owners of Sites 1 and 3 were unwilling to sign the contingent purchase agreement and have made no counter offer. The owners of Site 2 have signed a conditional purchase agreement. Staff will present further information at the committee meeting regarding the negotiations with the owners up to the time of the meeting. Staff will present three options: e Complete negotiations with the owners of Site 2 ■ Condemn Site 1 including the 14 acres needed for Highway 3 Right -of -Way (to be reimbursed by MNDOT) r Continue to look for an appropriate site Staff considers both Sites 1 and 2 to be good locations for the Highway Shop Operations Facility. However, both sites pose fiscal and legal risks that will impact the final decision. EXPLANATION OF FISCAUFTE_IMPACT The 1999 -2003 Capital Improvement Program included $600,000 (40 acres @$15,000 per acre) for the purchase of a site for the Highway Shop. Both Sites 1 and 2 are larger than 40 acres. Therefore, either site will cost more to purchase. The unused portion of Site 2 could be sold at a later date to offset the additional expense. Site 1 may have offsetting costs from the highway right -of -way condemnation. Staff will present a fiscal analysis at the committee meeting. 12/06/1999 11:15 AM Agenda Page No. o:lomb dMcppm Urfplhwyk11- 30sitese!ecLdoc r.' Supporting Documents: Previous Board Action(s): Attachment 1: Timeline of the Highway Shop Operations Facility Attachment 2: Site Selection Criteria ' Attachment 3: Potential Site Evaluations RESOLUTION Authorization To Negotiate The Purchase Of A Site For The Highway Shop Operations Facility WHEREAS, in March 1998, the County Board authorized staff to negotiate with property owners in the Rosemount/Empire area for the relocation of the County Highway Shop and to report back to the County Board for authority to sign a purchase agreement; and WHEREAS, staff repeatedly explored all the potential sites that met the search criteria; and WHEREAS, appraisals, soil borings, and environmental and site development assessments were prepared for the potential sites; and WHEREAS, purchase agreements were presented on three sites; and WHEREAS, only the owners of Site 2 have signed a conditional purchase agreement. Alternative Resolution One NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes staff to negotiate a final purchase agreement with the owners of Site 2, subject to the approval of the County Board at future County Board meeting. Administrator's comments: ❑ Recommend Action ❑ Do Not Recommend Action ❑ Reviewed —No Recommendation ❑ Reviewed- Information Only Submitted at Commissioner Request • County Attorney's Office • Financial Services • Risk Management • Employee Relations ❑ Information Technology ❑ o:iomb dhAcppm \1*\hwy111- 30stteselect.doc ^!Jul lua rays 1 ,4u. 666LJL£l01:Wtepon sited L6 0661 x4ow=o4d m isv 6661'PoRwaa0 —0 ae{y i iV 6L411S 000080 Vn 3N d0 ZtL M :NOLLdld3S30 XYi 613°JNY8 v L t NML S NOLLO3S 3WYN 1Y zuawueda0 uo4euuolul Pue'1 put fanmg JtwnoO elolte0 toquao aseold 'pupa; ere sopuedarnlp $1 WU.Muw uwa4 s*;Dw=eul lue M alglsuodsat You st AuncO etmle0 14ua --dsnd — pi gat Paso al M SI Pug W-45 — atp 6upal}e VG=05 MPO Put SoDwo wets put */4unoo Palo snopen ul paLeoo1 elep pue uopeuuopn'rrooatto uopq dwoo a st 6uwe1P sf4+ -suo sa pasn aq of popuatul Sou sl pue /arms a iou dew pepioaaj Ant5al a ro4alau $I Suunevp s.t j f4unoO gome0'666114WdoO 100 ISM? u of popuna Suolsuown BION s0 c o ti f ,c J II uNnoWY =IYO alts 031dnYno istn ESAR1 NOI11IWaA .10IN.ISIO 03HShS1YM s_t3DY 1NWSY OOOZ 13Y kVd OY=JS3WOHNON Sn1Y1SOY -IS3WOH000 1�'9LE'C YSRXYi1Y101 OWD S.DaViSS3SSV 1VIO3dS 6 L-tr 1 Vn NOLIZSS V43N VILMN :NOLLY001 M' - 91£'L XYS13N Os fA d CVOH 96-Vet 961 U101wSI0 IOOHOS sSWI6661313VAYd SSHOY'IYi01 LO'O3 ld OS 1Y101.08E'S87'£ 003'691 -1Y101 Z""9099 NW 1NnOVaROM IONIOlins 3AV 03IWO Oo"'M 318Y - IIVAY VIVO ON 101 'ONYI A +L3 Mvi B ©Ncnlri - cSNiAO 3i :bDOZ 319YAYd) NOUMMOdNI JNIO11n8 6661 (0002315YAYd) s3n1YA SA VW 031VWLS3 666L m - - tearm 01 Al2a3dO dV AI 31