HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.e. Commercial Zoning DistrictCITY OF ROSEMOUNT t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS DISCUSSION AGENDA NO.: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: JULIE HOIUM, INTERN' COM0MUNrrY DEVELOPMENT ATTACHMENTS: TABLE & SUMMARY OF PROPOSED APPROVED BY: CHANGES; DISTRICT MAPS; CURRENT ORDINANCE Over the past few months the Community Development Department has been working on revisions to the commercial zoning ordinance. At this point staff has begun to write draffts for each commercial district As part of this process, ordinances from cities throughout the metropolitan area have been researched. Some of the ordinances examined include cities such as Anoka, Hastings, Oakdale, Plymouth, Richfield, Shakopee, Stillwater, and Woodbury, ` Attached are summaries of the changes made to each commercial district along with a table illustrating how the districts have been modified. The proposed revisions expand the scope of some districts, further restrict or define other districts, and add some additional design. standards to all districts. Before going ahead further staff would like Council's input, vision and direction on how to proceed with the commercial ordinance revisions. RECOMMENDED ACTION/ NOTES: C -1: CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Summary: There are currently three C -1 sites in Rosemount (MAP 1). The purpose of the C -1 district is to provide convenience shopping to surrounding residential neighborhoods. It is intended to serve a small market area, specifically residents within walking distance and not to serve the entire community. Staff is proposing to expand the uses allowed in the C -1 district, thus legitimizing the existing neighborhood businesses located in this district. The proposed changes would make Topps Pizza and a laundromat conforming uses and would allow additional neighborhood business to move into the vacant site. Under the current ordinance the only permitted use would be a convenience store or gas station. Table 1 illustrates the proposed changes to the ordinance. In addition to broadening the permitted uses, conditional uses have been added to this district thus allowing the city the ability to impose additional design criteria to specific uses. Staff is proposing to increase the minimum lot area from 15,000 sq. ft. to 20,000 sq. ft. to correct an error in setback measurements. Currently, the ordinance has a minimum width of 150 sq. ft. and depth 125 sq. ft. Together these figures equal a lot area of 18,750 sq. ft., which is greater than the current standard. Landscaping, building and design standards have been added to increase the quality of building spaces. TAnLC 1: C -1 Convenience Commercial District Current Permitted Uses: Proposed Changes Additions: w = Correction, „,3,, /1VId'diflcatia► Ex "an lion • Convenience stores Permitted Uses Increase Minimum Lot Area Conditional Uses • Gas stations with car washes • Bakery • Flower Shop • 20,000 Sq. Ft. • Day Care • Beauty/Barber Shop • Offices • Gas Station • Book Store • Tailor • Restaurant (Deli or Sit -down) • Convenience Store • Video Rental • Dairy/ Grocery Store (small scale) • Dry Cleaners/Laundromat Location Required Yard Setback Corner of Dodd Blvd. & • Residential Buffer Yard 145` St. W. Design Requirements • Aesthetic Standards for Buildings • Access & Parking Standards • Lighting Signs C -2: DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Summary: Rosemount's traditional downtown area along the Highway 3 and 145`x' Street corridors make up the C -2 district (MAP 2). Historically, this district has been the commercial core of Rosemount offering diverse commercial and civic opportunities. Staff is proposing changes that improve the quality of buildings and public spaces, enhance the appearance of downtown, and allow for wide variety of specialty business, both commercial and institutional. The intention is to strengthen the small town character of Rosemount and also to achieve a higher level of design quality. For example, hotels, membership organizations, museums and parks have been added as permitted uses. Many of these promote increased civic interaction. To accommodate non -auto oriented uses, all automotive parts, retail services and sales have been restricted, except when the parts sales are a small percentage of existing store revenue or floor space. Staff is proposing to add a farmers market or seasonal market that could provide a way to strengthen Rosemount's commercial viability and community interaction. Suggested design requirements include adding a 5 foot green space between parking lots and sidewalks, a concrete sidewalk along all streets, and exterior design standards to buildings. T A Qi V 7. 1 7 Pie «F rliefrin* Current Permitted Uses: Fro osed Chan es' • Accessory Apartments sa Permitted Uses • All automotive parts, retail, sales Conditional Uses • Business Offices • Civic Centers • Museums and service, except when sales • Child/Adult Care • Custom Manufacturing • Hotels • Parks comprise of only 10 %o of revenue • Custom Manufacturing • Outdoor Sales & Display • Libraries • Professional Offices or floor space of permitted use. • Farmers /Seasonal Market • Retail Services • Medical Clinics • Veterinarian • Video Arcades • Membership Organizations Location Required Yard Setback Along Hwy. 3, North • Residential Yard Buffer Design Requirements of C.R. 42 • Green Space of 5ft. • Concrete sidewalk along streets • 100% brick on front facade and 50 % on all sides (excluding metal C -3: HIGHWAY SERVICE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Summary: The C -3 district consists of individual parcels distributed along Highway 3 (MAP 3). The purpose of this district is to provide areas for businesses that rely on a large amount of outdoor storage or passing motorists. In the past, Rosemount has used this district as away to legitimize existing uses. The ordinance revision process has provided an opportunity to examine this district. There is very little of C -3 mapped and there is no vacant land to map additional C -3 commercial uses. Options for this district are to leave the mapped C -3 as is, or to expand the district Staff is proposing to expand the uses in this district to provided for a greater variety of commercial businesses. TABLE 3: C -3 Highway Service Commercial District Cux'rent Periitted Use ; Pro used Chan es 1 • Automotive Sales and Services Permitted Uses Conditional Uses • Commercial Outdoor Recreation (mini -golf) • Communication Businesses • Commercial Outdoor Recreation • Gas Stations and Car Washes • General Repair Services • Custom Manufacturing • Hotels • Landscaping Services • Veterinarian • Outdoor Sales & Display • Parks Accessory Use • Restaurants (including drive -thru) • Retail Sales • Apartments • Self - Service Storage • Video Arcades • Outdoor Sales & Display Location Required Yard Setback Increase minimum lot area from 5 acres to: Sites along Hwy 3, North of C.R. 42 • Residential Yard Buffer • 1 acre Potential Expansion Areas Design Requirements Increase minimum district size from .5acres to: Hwy 54/42 Intersection • Concrete sidewalk along streets • 2 acres Hwy 55/42 Intersection Hwy 3, South of C.R. 42 Akron Ave & C.R. 42 C -4 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Summary: The C -4 District is located south of Highway 42 and west of Highway 3 (MAP 4). The purpose of this district is to accommodate a broad range of retail goods and services for the entire community. This is a general district, which has the most inclusive list of permitted and conditional uses of any commercial district. The main change staff is proposing is to tighten standards. Higher architectural and landscape standards would work to increase the quality of buildings and spaces. Newer commercial development is found along the County 42 corridor. Increased building standards, and design elements such as sidewalks and decorative lighting could be used to tie this area into the traditional downtown. Additional landscaping requirements would further enhance the quality of commercial development and could also work to screen conflicting uses. TABLE 3: C -4 General Commercial District Current Permitted Usess Pro "'' osed Chan ° es • Apartments • Lumber Yards SAM . E "tis>lon/Modifi tid'ri • Agricultural Implements • Offices Permitted Uses Conditional Uses • Automotive Sales "& Service • Outdoor Recreation • Parks • Custom Manufacturing • Banks • Outdoor Sales & Display • Veterinary Services ` Business Schools • Pet Shops/Clinic • Business Services • Repair Shops Accessory Use • Clubs/Lodges • Restaurants • Apartments • Communication Services • Retail • Gasoline Sales Additional Standards for Outdoor Displays • Day Care ` Salon /Health Spa • Truck storage • Outdoor Sales & Display ` Funeral Homes • Tavem/Nightclub ` Semi Trailer Parking • Health Care • Theater • Indoor Recreation • Video Arcade ` Laundry Services • Wholesale Centers Location Required Yard Setback South side of C.R. 42, • Residential Yard Buffer East of Hwy 3 Design Requirements • Sidewalks & Decorative Lights • Screening • Building Exteriors OWZ ' lZ;sn6ny :agep deal - Aunoo mo)iea 'pooz 34xL(doo dV 1 , F t-0 N Zf'ON Wr" TI! I I H t r I m r� a 3 i 1 11®®! Moslem ■ M INE moll I - 1VION3WWOO 3ON31ANO3 : VO C -Z: CENTRAL BUSINESS COMMERCIAL DISTRICT I C-2 G2 G C = G2 C-2 i V G2 G 14MSTW -�-- G2 N !Y N N N C = V t? v v C-= G2 G2 i I LJ C-= G2 G2 C-2 G2 G2 C-2 G2 G2 G2 G C -2 jj G2 C-= i } v G2 C- G2 C -= C -2 G2 G2 G2 G2 N N G2 Tl V V C -2 G2 I LONER 14TTH ST w { i G2 G2 G2 N G2 G2 r C -2 1 l ~ H 1 y i N MAP 11 Copyright 2000, Dakota County - Map Date. August 21, 2000 OWZ 'tZ lsnBny me0 dew - 4xx* gmpo '000Z lq&A ft N III ddlN r 11 ilm m SEERS = MIS HL99% IL 1�1?11SI41V1O213WW0O 33IA213S At/MHJIH :E-3 Current Zoning Ordinance 6.10: C -1 CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: A. Purpose and Intent: The purpose of the Convenience Commercial District is to provide convenience shopping and self-service gasoline services to a sub -area of the community. B. Uses Permitted by Right: 'L Self-service gasoline and fuel stations, convenience store, motor fuel station including accessory car washes subject to the following restrictions: a. Except -for gas pumps, all operations shall be conducted within the principal building. City of Rosemount Page 72 b. Where abutting an' R" District, a screen wall or fence five feet (5) in height and having ninety percent (90 %) opacity shall be required along the common property line between the uses. Said fence shall be properly maintained by the owner or lessee. c. Parking and maneuvering areas shall be paved and curbs six inches (6 ") abovegrade shall be provided no less than five feet (5) from all property lines which adjoin a public street. d. The site shall be planned so as not to permit water from a car wash to run into a public street or accesses thereto. A drainage system shall be installed subject to the approval of the City. e. Pump islands and canopies shall conform to yard requirements or a minimum of twelve feet (12') from a street right of way whichever is greater. L Parking for employees, customers and stacking shall be provided in accordance with Section S. g. Artificial lighting shall be accomplished so as to have no direct light source visible from a public street or an "R" District. (Ord. B, 9- 19 -89) 6.11: C -2 COIV MU`ITY COiNLtiIERCLkL DISTRICT: A. Purpose and Intent: This District correlates only with Downtown Rosemount which is intended to serve the entire City. The downtown area is intended to be a diversified commercial center which offers the full range of comparison goods, sales and services, cultural and civic, entertainment, financial and offices and public uses. Because the downtown is an area of relatively higher intensity development and consists of buildings and uses which pre -date zoning regulations, the City is intended to play a role in the provision of parking and related public improvements. Thus, normal yard, parking and lot requirements do not apply within this District B. Uses Permitted by Right: 1. Accessory apartments. 2. Professional and business offices. 3. All retail goods and service establishments conducted within structures but excluding automobile and equipment sales, services and repair establishments; City of Rosemount Page 73 truckstops; drive - through restaurants; gasoline and fuel sales; car washes; and commercial outdoor recreational uses. 4. Custom manufacturing not to exceed a gross floor area of two thousand (2,000) square feet with at least one - thirteenth (1/13) of said space to be used for retail sales and display purposes. 5. Outdoor display of merchandise for direct sale, rental or lease provided said merchandise consists only of finished products and not disassembled merchandise parts or junk; except that new products which are customarily sold unassembled and are intended for consumer purchase and assembly are permitted to be displayed. 6. Video arcades subject to the following restrictions: a. Any arcade with fifteen (15) or more machines shall have an adult supervisor on duty during all hours of operation. b. No arcade shall be operated within five hundred feet (500) of a school, church or residence unless it is an integral part of a shopping center and does not have an entrance except from within the shopping center. C. Uses Permitted by Planned Unit Development' (PUD): Commercial developments involving multiple parcels, structures or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. Refer to Section 12 for PUD requirements. (Ord. B, 9- 19 -89) 6.12: C -3 HIGHWAY SERVICE CONB ERCIAL DISTRICT: A. Purpose and Intent: This is a highly specialized district which is located in high vehicular traffic zones with high visibility. It is primarily intended to satisfy the needs of passing motorists. B. Uses Permitted by Right: 1. Automobile equipment sales and repair shops 'including transmission, body, paint, muffler, engine, glass, battery and tire sales and services. 2. Eating establishments including truckstops and drive -ups. 3. Hotels and motels and accessory uses. City of Rosemount Page 74 _ ............................. 4. Car washes including drive - through and conveyor types subject to the special restrictions established for self- service gasoline stations in the C -1 District. Refer to Section 6.9.B.1. 5. Full- service gasoline and fuel stations subject to the special restrictions established for self - service stations in the C -1 District Refer to Section 6.9.B.1. 6. Outdoor display of merchandise subject to the special restrictions established for the C -2 District Refer to Section 6.10.B.5. 7. Recreation, commercial- outdoor provided all improvements conform to setback requirements for principal buildings in the district and no facilities are_ closer than fifty feet (50') to an "R" District boundary. 8. Self- service Storage Facility subject to the following standards: a. All storage shall be maintained in the storage space and there shall be no outdoor storage of any products, equipment or other materials within the storage facility. b. The perimeter of the storage facility shall be entirely enclosed by a combination of buildings and decorative fencing. Chain link, barbed wire or wood privacy fencing shall not be permitted as a decorative material, except as may otherwise be approved by the Planning Commission. For the purposes of calculating foundation planting requirements, the decorative fencing shall be included in the building perimeter calculation requirement. c. All storage space openings shall be oriented internally to the facility and shall not directly face a public street or adjoining property. d. Green space, planing clusters and berming shall, where possible, be strategically designed and located around openings between storage facility structures. e. The self- service storage facility shall be required to provide 1.25 times the required minimum number of Overstory Tree plantings so as to satisfy the requirements of 8(d) above, and provided the minimum interval spacing requirement at the boulevard is satisfied and met All landscaped areas shall be required to include the proper installation of an underground irrigation system. City of Rosemount Page 75 9L aaud aunowasoy fo 100 •sloogos ssoutsng •s Iuivai put aotAlas `salts A Put al!gotuoiny •t, . •sdogs iiudai put salts ivatudmba aligotuoiny •£ , so:)IAIas put salts uatualdun lumilnouay .Z •siu2u=dt tiossa:)oy •l =�gaRt Xq paiituuad sash •g • siaaus softtu Ruolu puno3 aio3ai01i alt puu orlJ"JO satunlon ao -Ml Al2APL11W put , ?q `fitliqusaoot poo.9 uo puadop AoU `sans otnpjtnq iuopuodoptn Xdnaoo of puai put $tnptitisaa-g Xlanutlai alt ioulstQ snp to sassauisnq `AIQAtsnloxa iou tjanotLL - 4!unurmoo aniva otp oAjos gonlm saotAias put spoo8 irtiaijo avuBl p t aiupotutu000t o papuaaut s iouis siq,L :ivaiuj put asodmcl .d :J.Drd .LSIQ 7 1VO I MAJOO 'I.MNIHO t. £ I *9 (68 `H - Pi0) 'sluaivaimbai and Io3 ZI uopoaS of sa3ag •ampaooid Qnd otp asn of pannbai oq ITgs sash so samimuis `slo=d oldpintu atnnlontii sivatudolanap Iuto12tutuo0 :Qnd Xq paiituuad sash (96 `ZL 7 00:11 Put 'urr 00:9.Io smog aip uomgaq of paiouisai aq lags Aiding aotiois aotnlas;las otp loj uoiitiado ;o smog atl.I, tl •gsng pot iddt tioiot3 aAtiPJooap tjo istsuoo Iltgs tlonim Mom jo oq hin `saotds dons uaaAgoq stnunloo put sloop aotds a8tiois agi 2uipnlout put `loop ptagiano otp jo doi aip n►olaq jo it paitool air words aguiois atp oiogm s2ot3ms JIUM K 3ou2 tn„ 2tt1, *slowed aiolouoo isuoaid io aotld m isuo aiaiouoo lumioaitgozc auois `)loolq DA `1:)uq jo isisu Ilgs ioafoid iva tudolanap agi asudtuoo gaigM samaotuis BtnPItnq tit 3o s2orims jlrm louajxa o LL •g •samion4s 4iltot3 aftiois fjossaom put Itdiouud otp jo itgi goiutu Ilugs sltuaittu Sutpltnq ioualxa aip put sasodmd ivatuaSEUtin put f4unaas ivapisw J03 pasn Aluo si it paptnoid `dill }ot3 22usois t tpten paiituuad oq 4mtu aouaptsas ixfcj se0 fjossaoot uy 3 6. Business services and repairs including office supplies and equipment. 7. Clubs and lodges - private. 8. Commercial recreation- indoor bowling alleys, pool halls, racquetball and tennis courts and roller rinks. 9. Communications services including radio and TV broadcasting stations and studios but excluding towers. 10. Construction materials sales including lumber yards and building supply stores. • 11. Day care centers, nurseries and Montessori Schools. 12. Eating and drinking establishments including drive -ups and taverns. 13: Entertainment facilities: nightclubs, theaters, movie theaters. 14. Financial institutions and banks. 15. Food and beverage retail sales. 16. Funeral homes and mortuaries. 17. Health care facilities: hospitals, nursing homes and- extended care facilities. _ 18. Health spas and reducing salons. 19. Home furnishings stores. 20. Hotels and motels. 21. Laundry establishments. 22. Offices, business and professional, 23. Printing and duplicating shops. 24. Repair services including bicycles, furniture, appliances, shoes, etc. City of Rosemount Page 77 25. Wholesale businesses and supply centers. 26. Animal sales and services including pet hospitals, pet shops, kennels and veterinary clinics provided they have no outdoor runs. 27. Gasoline stations and car washes including drive - through and conveyor types, subject to the special restrictions established for the C -1 District. Refer to Section 6.9.B. I. 28. Commercial recreation - outdoor subject to the special restrictions for the C -3 District. Refer to Section 6.123.7. 29. Outdoor display of merchandise subject to the following restrictions: a. The sale is conducted by the owner or lessee of the premises or with his or her written permission. b. The sale is no longer induration than two (2) days. c. The goods are those customarily sold within that structure in the C -4 District. d. The merchandise and vehicle do not occupy the required parking area of the principal use. 30. Video arcades subject to the following: a. Any arcade with fifteen (15) or more machines shall have an adult supervisor on the premises during all hours of operation. b. No arcade shall be operated within five hundred feet (500') of a school, church or residence. C. Uses Permitted by PLJD: Commercial developments involving multiple parcels, structures or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. Refer to Section 12 for PUD requirements. (Ord. B, 9- 19 -89) 7: DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: 7.1: DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS (For Additional Requirements, refer to Section 72, Supplementary Regulations; Section 8 Off - Street Parking; and Section 9, Special Overlay Regulations) - Minimum Lot Size (ft) Minimum Yards (ft) GUOS/Unit (sf)" - Other Standards . _ Districts Zone Width (ft) Area Depth Front Sidee .- - Rear '= Marc. Density btas. _ Bldg. Ht. (ft) buy- Lot Corer° GUOSI Usk(st) AG WA 300 23 ac 30 30 30 1110 ac 50 WA WA AG - P N/A 300 40 ac 50 30 30 1/40 ac 50 WA WA RR N/A U -300 P-200 U-5 ac P -2S ac 40 30 30 115 ac 35 WA WA RL WA 110 20,000 180 30 15 30 WA 35 30% NIA R -1 N/A C -95 I-W C -12AM I- 10 12S 30 I0 30 WA 35 30e/s WA R lA N/A C-95 I-80 C-12M I -10.0w 125 30 T -10 S-5 25 WA 35 30% WA R-2 R-2 N/A N/A 100 120 12,000 18 120 150 30' 30 10 30 30 30 &ac 61ac 35 35 %e 75% NIA WA R-3 N/A 150 22- 150 30 30 30 121ac 35 75% 500 R-4 N/A 150 22,500 ISO 30` 30 30 401ac 35 75% 500 . C -1 1 ACe . 150 15 Q00 125 30 10 10' N/A 35 75% WA C -2 N/A X-A WA WA N/A NIA WA WA 35 NIA WA C -3 .5 ac 120 .5 ac 30 IV 10' NIA 35 75% WA C-4 BP -2 BP-4 I ac 120 20,000 30 10 10 WA 35 75% WA BP -1 BP -3 5 ac WA .5 ac 30 30 30 WA 40 75% WA WM 10 ac WA 5 ac 75 50' 50 WA 75 50 WA IG 10 ac NA Sac 75 50' 50 WA 75 50 75 %" WA P WA WA WA 30 301 WA 40 75% WA FP N/A WA WA WA t ; � j WA W A WA WA WA %P: uapmm:m a. - a.aaar Um a - sw aacq . PFlaacd 1 -leak S- Sisglessry I Single A 2 Family D Muldoc Family andudmgTaeaimc Comer ba in R-1 AM hrm aa® of IZOW scpm lea is an • Refer m Section 7 2C4s for mhGhed Rest 2ade TWO FaadyDWCWNW- 30% Single Family Deadied Doeffap -40% Single Family A=dwd Dwc5sgs -70% • Sec Section 7.C2.a. and ASS 30 fact minus® side or mwyadwkm Arming and - r Dimiu ' Refer to Secdon 7.C2.a forhaaldngs weeding 35 fm slight May exceai50% let care pspaastmnnoaf73% Imam+ erageffstmwaatawRismtagedmtimsamdaieewd hCmySta+da� " Insewacda aswhiinMt3AQiaaa duipsided aaaoraphaad 3ddidOM aiheMUSAsdaCMFTJ "t G "'s Includes sw mev.pwedpatigwm&*-*c , adodmtitpaviosssafaeet -° Miaia "mkawidib for less isCawnryImbis 6T City of Rosemount Page 98