HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Code Enforcement - Code Changes/Powers4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING DATE: November 15, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Code Changes / Powers AGENDA NO. PREPARED BY: Sheila O'Bryan, Code Enforcement Official �. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Changes Draft Ordinance Some changes to the City Code and Zoning Code have been suggested. A meeting with Tom Burt, City Administrator, Jim Parsons, Community Development Director, Rick Pearson, City Planner, Gary Kalstabakken, Police Chief, Mick Kaehler, Building Official, and Sheila O'Bryan, Code Enforcement Official was conducted to go over the changes. It was then decided to take these changes to a Council Workshop to discuss the changes more in depth. The codes chosen are those most common in violation with in the City of Rosemount and Sheila suggested some changes be made in order to enforce them more efficiently. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: •sapoo Rio apaoluG AleAipa a of Aiessaoeu aae sa6ue43 asayl, •96ue43 yoea JOI u9ni6 si uoileueldxa japq y -so//e4/ ui �xeu palsg aae suorlippe /sa6uego pasodoad eqj uagl `lsag pals!l si eoueuipio juaaano eq.L* uorliuge(] aloiyan Nuns I sgoegIeS •e 96e.iols ialiejl 10ialsiQ lelojawwoo •g 6uNJ8d •g ales jol seloiyan jo Aeldsio •t, salidpooM •E paugap sleuajew uoilona}suoo •e 96eaolS aoopino •Z uoiliugap pue a6eiols •e s910149A uoi}eaa09�d seBuey3 opoo pasodoad Recreation Vehicles 4.9 c (page 28 currently states) RVs shall not be stored outdoors in any but the "AG" and "R" Districts. Within "R" Districts RVs shall not be stored in the front yard or nearer the front lot line than the principal building Or less than five feet (5) from a lot line. RV storage is limited to RVs owned by those residing on the premises. Proposed Change Except as otherwise permitted, recreational vehicles shall not be stored outdoors in any but the "AG" and "R" Districts. Within "R" Districts recreational vehicles shall not be stored in any portion of the front yard. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked on public property, public right -of --way or the boulevard. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked on the street between the hours of 2a.m. and 6a.m. Parking setbacks must be followed as designated by district. This storage is limited to recreational vehicles owned by those residing on the premises. Reason for Change This gives citizens the opportunity to park their recreational vehicles on their property. Many residents currently have one or more recreational vehicle stored on their property. Recreation Vehicle Currently Defined (page 20) A vehicle which meets the criteria for "recreation" class registration and license plate as established by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Proposed Change Recreational vehicles include, but are not limited to: travel trailers, stock car trailers, campers, motor homes, tent trailers, vehicles converted to motor home, boat trailers, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailer, boats, watercraft, all- terrain etc. 1 Z •opa swa4! &gdeospue/ `saa/sdwnp `s/eua/ew 6uyoo r `s/oo4 `a4aaouoo `)/ouq `poomAld `ol pe#Lgy jou eve pq `epn/oui s/eua;ew yons 10 sa/dwex3 •e4!s fiu/pl!nq io fiuipJmq a jo 6uideospuei ao fiu//powaa `wedau `uggona4suoo eyl ui pasn Aluowwoo aje le yl s/eualepV peugop Xguaiino you pau4aQ sleyelew uoipnilsuoo }aai }s a4} ui jou Apadoid 944 uo :go paddojp aq 1pm Aa4} ells a le go paddojp aje slepajew u94M 1egj eap! 941 s:poddns osle siyl •auop 6uiaq sl Bonn a4j e11gm slepajew aiayj Ind of eoeld e paau aldoad 'ajojaja41 •uol}onalsuoo sawoo gjmojB gjjm '6uigj pooh a si gWoaE) a ue4o aol uoseajj •psuo /s are etay/ you lm uo Apedoid etp uo uQgonl;suoo u/ asn aol eq Isnw slepa jew yons pue `uQgongsuoo B unp Aluo scoop /no pajo /s aq Aew slepajew uQgomjsuoo •asn /e/ /uap/sai q#m papposse se /uawdmbe punoiBIfe /d pue sa/gej oruold `em�lwnj unne/ `sa /od au►/sapo/o ol Ajdde jou saop uolslnoud s!yl •u/aaay pauyap se sam;ona /s wtj#m paaols eq //eys slonpoid pays/uy -!was pue paysigy pue `./unf pue ysea,/ `sa/o/yan Yunf `sa/o/yan pesuao!/un `sal/ddns `s/eua4ew `eslpueyoaaw ;uewdinbe ye `eoueuipao si Aq pazuoy /ne Alleoyloads se 4deox3 a ue4o Paso vad •asn le! }uaplsai gjIm paleposse se juawdinbe punoi6Aeld pue sa qel oluo!d `aml!wnl umel `selod eullse4lolo of Aldde jou saop uolslno id siyl •uiajeq paugap se sainjoru }s u14l!m pajols aq lle4s slonpoid pe4siug -!was pue pagsiug pue `Nunf pue 4seJI 'salot4an Nunf 'salo14an pasuaogun 'sallddns 'slepajew 'asipue4ojaw 'juawdlnbe lie 'aoueupo s4j Aq p9zuo4jne Alleo41oads se 1d9ox3 safe }s Allueum gZ 968d) 6-t, a eaojg aoopino E •Ieligey juepoi e6einoosip of palenala jo eoejjns piey uo paxoe }S •poomaig eq o} seq 3! }eyg sa}els Alleogpeds pue sNoels 941 jo j46i94 ayj sl wig a ueya aol uoseeN •p reze y Ajejes a e�njgsuoo of jou se peuie;uoo os aq Heys pue IyAiey u# (g) jaaj xis paaoxe Jou Heys syoejS •punoa5 eyl Uo (up,) sayoui inol jsea/ 4e pajena1a eq jo eoejjns paey a uo payoels aq Heys poomWi_q •auil 4o/ a woaj (5) ;eel antj uey; ssal jo Bgipl!nq /ediouud a y4 ue yl aui/ 4ol 4uoaj a yl Jaaeeu jo paeA luoul eyl ui paao4s eq jou Heys poomeW-4 SAID sIp He u/ a uey3 PGs0cl0Jd aug 101 a waJ (,g) 1991 ang Uey} ss91 jo 6uippq lediouud ayl uegj euil job luoal ay} Jajeau jo pjeA luoil ay} w paaols aq IOU pet's A94-L •uoiysel Al iepio pue ales: ` ;eau a ui pauieluiew eq pet's salidpooM `d salels lluenno 9Z a e g'� h saki poo Display of vehicle for sale8 -2 -2 G (currently states) Unauthorized Parking of Vehicles or display of vehicles for sale shall not be permitted on public property or publicly zoned property. Proposed Addition Vehicles offered for sale in residential zoning districts shall comply with the following: 1) The vehicles sold in residential areas shall be personal property of the occupant or owner of the premises. 2) Vehicles for sale shall be parked on an approved parking surface. Reason for Addition This will keep the vehicle on the owner's property. States that parking needs to be on an approved surface. Keep cars for sale off public property. Setbacks for Parking (currently states) AG: 5 feet RR: 5 feet RL: 15 feet R -1: 10 feet R -1 a: 10 feet R2: Single &two family 5 feet Multiple, townhouse 10 feet Proposed Change R -1 5 feet R -1: 5 feet Reason for Change Many residents are already parking within 5 feet from the property line. This gives people the opportunity to park there and not be in violation. The current ordinace for RV storage allows parking to be with in 5 feet from the property line. 4 S •ua��ege }s�e}� ja!go aogod Aq p9}s966ns PUB suoseaJ kaJes a01 si siyl •1461U aano JaaJJs 941 ui 6uiVed jol molle IOU saoo u011ippd col uoseaH -w -e g pue -w -e Z jo srnoy ay/ ueemleq jeeu4s o//gnd a uo paped eq o; papiwied aae aapul uoijeenej aayloao `aa//ej/ ;eoq ` ja// e.►,/ A; r //noN:fiw.yaed.►al/erl/e► /uap/sea u0R!ppv •ssei6 ayl uo pue spjeA iiayl ui 6uiNied woal aldoed sliq!yoJd uoi}ippy aol uoseaH -saaned )/ouq ao snou/wn ;►q `a./aaouoo jo ooeuns paned a uo eq /snw fiu/3ped //y uollippv -spunod 000`61ano IyA/am ssoa5 pesuaoy a 6u/ney u/aaaq peuyap se snq jo uen `ja/!ea4 -/was `jojoej )janij ` .Vona/ y. pauijap Xguialino ;ou pauijaa 915iy9n lepaawwoo }sails ao ABM9nUp 941 ui sJ91ieJI pue saJoiyan NOM 10 6upped atal sligiyoJd •spooyaog46i9u ui s91 0149n pnol sl!giyad uoilippy /a ueyo aol uoseaH -arn/oni /s pez/aoylne paso/oue A/inj a u/ peyved ueyM pue ao/iues a Buuapuaa /o `fiuipeoiun `fiu/peo/ ue yM 4deoxe jb/a/s/p /eguep/sei ao /e/ /uep/saa /e rn r a ui pejols uo pa)/aed eq //eys 4uawdinbe ao .ra/ieal `a/o/ yan /e/o rewoo ON IV H £-Z-8 sG3BIlaGJ pue seulgwoo •aanjonjis peziaoglne pasoloue Alinj a ui poked p ideoxa 'spilsip 6uiuoz leiluapisaj ui Apedoid 91BAud uo peNied eq of pa:4iwjad aie uoileuigwoo jaliea}!u.wes jo jo}owl- Non.il ON :spooyjoggBleN 1e1lu9pisau salels . Iluenno i S -Z -g u!Wd •49doid ao slam }s of iiedaa op jo peolun ao peon of ideoxe `spilsip 6uiuoz lei}uepisaj ui slaails oilgnd uo palied aq of pa:41wiad aie uoileupwoo jelpiliwes jo jo eil -Nonal `s )lonil ON :s}994g 1eilu9pisGU SOIBIs Iluaa, nD H £ -Z -9 UNJed 9 •91is uo p9lols sNorul pue sJaIieaI BUiney w011 SIO!JIsip 1813JOWWOO ay4 u{ sesseuisnq s:pq!goad si4j uoi}ippv col uose9�j 'seeae 6u)peo/ pe;eUBISep W aOwes a fiuuapuaJ ao fiu►peolun `fiutpeoi el!gm Ideoxg -s lno y (q p) IgAle -Apoi uew JeBuo/ pe.jo4s jo/pue peped eq of peMolle eae suoileuigwoo jeyegwes _ -jo `pope j - .yonjj `sionrl /eioaawwoo ON :sRIJ AIQ 1e!0-'awwoO He of p9ss9appe nlluenno IOU) 9MOIS a91iea1 SP!JIsIo 1e13a9uaua00 Definition Change Junk Vehicle (page 13 currently states) Any vehicle, as defined in this section, which does not have lawfully affixed or attached thereto an unexpired State registration or license plat or plates, or the condition of which is wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled, in operative, abandoned or discarded. Proaosed Change Any vehicle, as defined in this ordinance, which is not properly licensed or registered for operation, or the condition of which is wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled, used for sale of parts, or as a source of repair or replacement parts for other vehicles, or which is .kept for scrapping, or has flat tires or is otherwise inoperative. Reason for Change More descriptive and specific. 7 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1 OF THE CITY CODE BY ADDING NEW CHAPTER 9 The City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, ordains as follows: Section 1. Rosemount City Code is amended by adding new Chapter 9 to Title l as follows: CHAPTER 9 AUTHORITY TO ISSUE CITATIONS Section 1.9.1. Authority to Issue Citations. A. Except as expressly modified by this Section, no person other than a peace officer, constable, or part-time peace officer may issue a citation in lieu of arrest or continued detention, ask a person receiving a citation to give a written promise to appear in court, or take a person into custody as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 629.34. B. The City Code Enforcement Official or Building Official may issue a citation in lieu of arrest where the Code Enforcement Official or Building Official has probable cause to believe that a person or corporation to whom the citation is issued has violated any of the following provisions of the Code of the City of Rosemount, or any state statutes that relate to the same subject matter and provide for a criminal penalty: 1. Title 5, Chapter 2 (Weed and Vegetation Control). 2. Title 8, Chapter 2 (Parking) 3. Title 9, Chapter 4 (Building and Property Maintenance). 4. Ordinance B (Zoning Regulations). Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED this day of , 20 Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk Published this day of , 2000 in the "Rosemount Town Pages."