HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. 2001 Budget: Setting 2001 Levies & Budget (if Truth & Taxation Hearing not continued)CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of 2001 Budget: Setting 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Levies & Budgets Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGEND . L r . - - ATTACHMENTS: Three Resolutions APPROVED BY: 1 � T Attached for Council consideration are the resolutions setting the 2001 levies and budgets for the City of Rosemount. The first resolution approves the 2001 General Fund Operating Budget, the three 2001 CIP Budgets, the 2001 Insurance Fund Budget and the 2001 levy for the general operations and the special levies for Bonded Indebtedness, the Armory Indebtedness and our market value based referendum levy for the new fire station. The last two resolutions concern the Armory Anticipatory Levies for the City. Bringing these resolutions before you this evening meets the Truth -In- Taxation requirements that stipulate that all levies and budgets must be approved at a meeting subsequent to the Public Hearing on Budgets. That hearing was held Monday, December 4th, and closed that same evening. Passing the resolutions tonight will allow us to certify the levies to the County in a timely fashion, as well as to finalize all of the other reporting requirements that we have with the State and the County. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2001 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET, THE 2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS (CIP), THE 2001 INSURANCE BUDGET AND THE 2001 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION LEVYING A TAX FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STATE ARMORY BUILDING. Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL TAX LEVY FOR FUNDING OF AN ARMORY. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2000 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2001 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET, THE 2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS (CIP), THE 2001 INSURANCE BUDGET AND THE 2001 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and special needs for the year 2001 will be in the amount of $6,905,900 for the General Operating Fund, the three CIP Funds and the Insurance Fund; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for Bonded Indebtedness (including market value based referendum levies) and the Armory Project total $1,1 13,168; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $2,688,592; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that budgets for all Debt Service Funds total $4,929,013; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the budget for the Arena Fund to be $270,000; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received the Port Authority and the Utility Fund budgets approved by the Rosemount Port Authority and the Utility Commission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total levy certified to the Dakota County Auditor shall be $5,177,968 for the regular levy and $152,508 for the market value based referendum levy; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the 2001 General Fund departmental budgets as presented to them at the Budget Hearing held December 4, 2000; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the three 2001 CIP Fund budgets, the 2001 Insurance Fund budget and the 2001 Arena Fund budget as presented to them at the Budget Hearing held December 4, 2000. RESOLUTION 2000 - ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 2000. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 5th day of December, 2000, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Motion by: Voted in Favor: Voted Against: Members Absent: Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk Seconded by: •apew uaaq sey AAal xel ayl leyl aleo!:PaJao saollpnV ayl ulelgo of pue `aainbaa lleys jollpny ayl se uollewaojul Jaylo yons yl1M a9yl96ol ejosauujVy `Alunoo eloNeQ jo aollpnV Alun00 ay} ylaM uollnlosai slyl jo Adoo pegpeo a elg of polowip Agajay sl lial0 ayl •v -Anal of pezljoylne aslMaaylo sl Allledlolunw jo Alunoo yons yo1yM saxel jo alea jo lunowe 9416u111w1I uolslnojd J9:pey3 jo Aaolnlels Aue of pie6ai lnoyllM pajoalloo pue palAal aq Aeua saxel yons pue `ssaupelgapul jau ao Ielol sll 6u1liw1l aalJeyo Sll 10 JO Mel 10 UOISIAoid Aue jo 6ulueew ayl my11M A110 ayl jo sseupalgapul ue alnlllsuoo of pewaap aq IOU pet's Saxel ayl aano Aed pue `1091103 `AAai of A110 ayl jo uollebilgo ay1 -£ -Aaowie alels Mau a jo Uollonalsuoo ayl 6ulpunj jo asodind ayl aol pesn aq llegS AA91 94110 spaaooid ayl Z -pagslles uaaq aney Aaowie ayl jo uollorulsuoo ayl aol sluawaalnbei bulpunj Ile pun bulnupoo pue £666 ul buluul6aq lunowesoa jo A110 ayl ul saxel Alaadoid lexaueb aaylo toped se pue yl1M pajoalloo pue slloa xel ayl uodn peaads enleA la�Jew elgexel leyl jo lueoaad 96LOO.010 lunowe ayl ul xel waaOleA pe Ienuue loei p a A110 ayl ul Apedoid elgexel ayl }o ale uodn palAal Agaaay Sl 9J9gl `Z uo1S1A1pgnS `5171,•£66 uolloaS `salnjejS elosauurw 411M eouepj000e ul •1, :sMO11oj se lunowasojj jo A110 ayl jo Ilouno0 Allo ayl Aq Q3A -1OS3H 1138 `21HOA31113H1 `MON -enleA laNaew algexel jo lueoaad 96LOO.0 paaoxa lou lleys `Alunoo a Aq palAal sselun `yolyM xel a `sieeA ot, 6ulpaaoxo IOU `poped pal}loods a jol Allenuue 6ulloolloo pue 6ulAAa1 JO} aplAoid Algeoonaaal Apoq 6ulwano6 Sll1O uollnlosei Aq Aew japunaaay palorulsuoo aq of sl ao palonulsuoo uaaq sey Ajowie ue go14M ul Alliedlolunw e leyl `}Jed ul saplAoid `Z uo1s1A1pgnS `5176 -£66 uolloaS `salnlelS elosem' `SV3N3HM qunowaso�j to Al!0 ayl u!yllm AJOwJV pienO leuol}eN AwjV ue lonalsuoo of pJenO leuO11eN ALUJV elosauulUV ayl yl1M luaw99J6e ue Olul paJalue sey lunowaso�l }o Al!0 ayl }o Ilouno0 Al!0 941 `SV3213HM JNimin8 ANOWMV 31VIS V AO NouoniaSNOO NOA XVl V JNIAA371 NoamOSEIH V - OOOZ NO11(11OS3m V1OS3NNIW `AINf10O V10)IVa 1Nnow3S021 :iO Am Y RESOLUTION 2000 - ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 2000. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 5th day of December, 2000, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in Favor: Voted Against: Members Absent: ,.. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2000 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL TAX LEVY FOR FUNDING OF AN ARMORY WHEREAS, the Minnesota Army National Guard has selected the City of Rosemount as the location of an Army National Guard Armory; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount, by its Resolution No. 1990- 24, adopted March 20, 1990, approved the establishment of an Armory within the City and is desirous of seeing this project completed; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 275.50, subdivision 5, clause (d) authorizes the City of Rosemount to levy an amount up to $95,000 for taxes levied beginning in 1990 for the purpose of acquiring an armory and to be serviced by the levy without regard to, the limits on debt service and debt otherwise provided by Minnesota Statutes, chapter 193 or 475; and WHEREAS, the Rosemount City Council has held the required public hearing and met all public notice requirements for this special levy as set out in Minnesota Statute Section 275.50, subdivision 5, clause (d ). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby authorizes a special tax levy to be levied in 2000 and collected in 2001 in the amount of $95,000 for the purpose of meeting funding requirements for the construction of an Army National Guard Armory. t RESOLUTION 2000 — ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 2000. ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk Cathy Busho, Mayor CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly !authorized meeting thereof, held on the 5" day of December, 2000, as disclosed ',by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Motion by: Voted in Favor: Voted Against: Members Absent: Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount Ci y Clerk Seconded by: I