HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Travel Policy (per diem)CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 12, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: TRAVEL POLICY AGENDA NO. PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2. A. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Policy, Brooklyn Park Ordinance Attached is a draft policy for travel regulations and reimbursement. Please review the policy and prepare questions or concerns that you may have. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE TRAVEL REGULATIONS AND REIMBURSEMENT POLICY NUMBER: F - 5 PROPOSED BY : ADNIINISTRATION DATE APPROVED n py BY COUNCIL 2 2000 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the reimbursement of money spent on official city business. APPLICABILITY` This policy is applicable to City employees and elected officials. REGULATIONS Reimbursement of travel expenses are intended to refund actual costs incurred by City employees while traveling as representatives of the City of Rosemount. The following regulations will govern all travel and mileage reimbursement. 1 Only the costs of single occupancy will be reimbursed. if a double occupancy occurs (i.e. a spouse or guest accompanies the employee), the employee is responsible for the additional cost of double over single occupancy. Advance approval by the City Administrator mush be obtained if an employee wishes to take this step. 2. Compensation for the use of a private vehicle for a city purpose will be at the same rate per mile as the Internal Revenue Services' permitted basic mileage deduction. Mileage will be paid for by the direct routes only. 3. An annual conference travel plan shall be developed by the department director, submitted to the City Administrator, and approved as part of the budget process. 4. Payment of expense for transportation by personal vehicle for out -of -state travel shall be made on the basis of current commercial airfare. 5. When a personal or City vehicle is used in lieu of air commercial transportation, reimbursement for meals and lodging shall be limited to the period of time required if commercial air transportation were used. 6. All travel outside the metropolitan area must be approved by the Administrator. r City of Rosemount Policy Policy F -5 Page 7. Air transportation shall be tourist or coach except when this is not available. If a reservation is not going to be used, it must be canceled immediately. 8. There shall be a maximum "living" expense of $35 per day, or a higher amount as set by the Internal Revenue Service as an allowable deduction, for all individuals who attend meetings or conventions for a city purpose. This $35 per day is basically for meals plus incidental expenses, and it includes items listed in Procedures (2). The intent is to reimburse actual expenses and if breakfast, lunch or dinner is included within the registration fee, this $35 shall be reduced $6, $8, or $16 respectively. The remaining $5 is to cover incidentals such as newspapers, phone calls, and gratuities. 9. There will be no fixed amounts for hotel or motel accommodations, but charges shall be reasonable and consistent with the facilities available. 10. For trips longer than one day, lodging and meals will be reimbursed, but there will be no additional per diem reimbursement except for the City Counilmembers as provided by city ordinance. 11. The City may advance to any authorized person the estimated costs of traveling to meetings both within and outside the state on official business at the $35 per day living rate above. Advances should be considered the exception; we encourage the use of credit cards by the employee and prompt claim for reimbursement submitted so reimbursement is received before payment on employee's credit card is due. An itemized claim of expenses must be presented to the Finance Department after the expenses are incurred. The balance shall either be reimbursed by the City or, as in the case of advancing too much money, refunded to the City by the individual. In the latter case, the amount may be deducted from the wages or salary. 12. Newly elected officials (City Council and Mayor) will be eligible to attend out -of -state conferences prior to being sworn into office subject to prior approval of the Council. 13 Reimbursement for car rental is an option for out -of -state travel. The following situations must be weighed in justifying car rental: If the airport is located a considerable distance from the conference destination, it may be more cost effective to arrange for car rental than to pay for a taxi or shuttle service to and from the airport, especially if more than one employee is traveling together. The same consideration would apply if restaurants are not close by and a taxi must be used. City insurance will not be the substitute for waiving the insurance option on the car rental agreement. If you are the driver, and your personal auto insurance would be the one to check for proper coverage. PROCEDURES 1. An itemized expense report must be completed, approved by the department head, and submitted to the Finance department within thirty (30) days following the date of return from a trip. Expense forms are available in Purchasing and Administration and should be obtained before the trip is taken. -, City of Rosemount Policy Policy F -5 Page 3 2. Receipts shall accompany the expense report for the following expenses: a) Transportation costs, except taxi fare, must be itemized as "from" and "to" when possible. b) Lodging. c) Registration fees. d) Any unusual items for which advance approval has been obtained. 04/24/00 14 :21 FAX 1 612 493 8140 CTY OF BRKLYN FK [J oy= Section 115 :00 y ,�d'T Section 115 - Salaries of Mayor and Council Memb 19W<— Section 115:00. Mayor and Council Member Salaries. The monthly salary of each council member shall be $780 per month until January 1, 1999, at which time it shall be $803 per month until January 1, 2000, at which time it' shall be $827 per month and the monthly salary for the Mayor shall be $1170 per month until January 1, 1999, at which time it shail be $1205 per month until January 1, 2000, at which time .it shall be $1241 per month. The salary schedule as set forth above is established on the basis that the offices of Mayor and Council Member in this City are part -time positions. The Mayor and /or Council Members are sometimes required to attend municipal functions or to take time from their regular employment to perform services beneficial to the City. Additional compensation shall be paid to the Mayor or Council Members in those cases subject to the following conditions: 1. The activity and number of days for which a Council Member is to be pro ed shall be approved by the Ci Council riot to their artici ation. 2. The Mayor and Council Member shall be paid $50 per day as supplemental compensation for each day approval and for which the member is in �+ attendance at the approved activity, 3. Repealed. Effective Date. The changes in salary contained herein shall, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 415.11, become effective on January 1, 1997 and January 1, 1998. c -- Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1975- 213(A) Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1977- 255(A) Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1980- 312(A) Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1980 341(A) Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance # 198 3 -4 3 5 F 7��K Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1985- 489(A) Section 115 :00 amended by Ordinance #1987- 553(A) Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1988- 590(A) Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1988- 609(A) Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1990- 643(A) Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1992 -690 Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1994 -763 Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1996 -817 Section 115:00 amended by Ordinance #1998 -880