HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.f. Community Development: Comprehensive Plan ImplementationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: June 12, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: AGENDA NO. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2. F. IMPLEMENTATION PREPARED BY: JB4 PARSONS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECT . ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: J Council discussion is sought regarding the following components of the Rosemount Comprehensive Plan: A. Affordable Housing. The comp plan calls for the city to implement its affordable housing goals by continuing to participate in the Dakota County HRA cluster. The comp plan calls for the Dakota Co. Community Development Agency (CDA) to continue to be the main provider of housing programs in Rosemount. It also calls for more multi - family housing to be built in Rosemount. The 2020 land use plan map in the comp plan shows areas where multi- family housing could be built and estimates the land area at 180 acres. To implement this component of the comp plan, the City will have to work closely with the Dakota Co. CDA to identify specific areas for multi- family housing. B. Commercial. The comp plan forecasts a demand for 350,000 to 1,000,000 square feet of additional commercial space in Rosemount by the year 2020. The plan sets out 7 primary objectives for accommodating this demand in a managed way; they fall under the headings of identity, commercial and civic center, linkages, redevelopment, appearance, streetscape and surrounding uses. Some of the actions that must betaken in order to meet these objectives include tying all the commercial areas together with a new streetscape, redeveloping underutilized properties or non - conforming uses and setting new design standards to enhance the commercial area's appearance and identity. Implementation of the plan is underway with the Highway 3 streetscape proposal now under consideration. It is important that the city continue to move forward to set new design standards, because that action is relatively inexpensive, it is largely under the control of the City and it must be in place before the next round of substantial commercial development and redevelopment occurs. 1 of 2 C. Mixed Uses. The comp plan identifies over 900 acres of land in the vicinity of the intersection of Co. Rd. 42 and US Highway. 52 as industrial/mixed use. The plan calls for a new zoning district to be created for this area, and for the elimination of the out -dated Industrial Park (IP) zoning district. The plan calls for the industrial/mixed use area to compromise heavy industry, light industry, and some highway commercial development. The provision of city water to this area will be a major implementation step. D. Pre - Zoning. To implement the 2020 land use plan map in the comp plan, the City should completely revise its zoning map. By doing so the City can pre -zone significant areas for future development. This zoning map revision should be completed by the end of the year. E. Downtown Redevelopment. The comp plan provides a detailed analysis of the redevelopment potential for downtown Rosemount. It calls for the Port Authority to use tax increment financing (TIF) and other resources to redevelop sites on a project - by- project basis in cooperation with private interests. As Rosemount's population grows, the market for downtown business projects will grow. The City and Port Authority must monitor the market closely so that they neither underestimate it nor do projects prematurely. F. Parking Lot Uses. The comp plan does not devote a great deal of attention to parking lot uses. The total available parking downtown is considered to be more than adequate; however, there are site - specific parking issues and challenges downtown. G. Mining. Rosemount contains within its borders several areas with significant sand and gravel deposits. While these are not identified in the 2020 comprehensive plan, the City expects to continue to have considerable mining activity well into the planning period (to 2020). It is crucial to the redevelopment of mined areas that the City plan for uses, services and access well before the mining activity concludes. The current work with a consultant on this issue is needed and timely. RECOMMENDED ACTION/NOTES: 2 of 2 r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING DATE: June 12, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive, Plan Implementation PREPARED BY: Thomas Burt, City Administrator; Rick Pearson, City Planner ATTACHMENTS: Map, Comp Plan excerpt Now that the Comprehensive Plan has been adopted, the next step is implementation. The attached excerpt from the plan text lists the various components of the plan that require attention. There are several different arenas of activity that are all part of the process: 1. Rezoning land in conformance with the land use designation of the plan. 2. Amending the zoning ordinance to create new zoning districts or modify existing districts as needed based upon the new policies. 3. Cooperating with other agencies concerning specific development, housing, infrastructure and transportation related issues. For example, Met Council for sewer treatment capacity, Dakota County and MnDOT for transportation; HRA and Housing for Humanity for housing issues. 4. The city will also focus internally as capital improvement plans and work programs are assembled which will reflect new policies. Given all of the objectives, staff recognizes the need to prioritize and focus efforts to accomplish the goals in a timely manner. Three immediate needs are apparent: 1. Continue the zoning ordinance "overhaul" process starting with the Commercial Districts. 2. Create the "Mined -use Industrial District" for the Highway 521CSAH 42 corridors. 3. Rezone land in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan with the focus on land that has the most anticipated pressure for development. Balancing the demands of these priorities with development related applications influences the timing of the completion of various components of the comp plan implementation. Work will be initiated as soon as possible with the objective of completion of these components in the fall. Spring and summer are usually the busiest times of the year based upon the demands of the construction season and development cycles in general. Fall is normally the optimum time to resume and complete work plan objectives as development pressure usually dissipates. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Intended for discussion only. COUNCIL ACTION: �,,��,. l ��� City of Rosemount 5.1 Implementation Plan -5.1.1 Introduction The Comprehensive Plan will be translated from a policy document into a growth management process via an implementation plan. The implementation plan will involve modifications of city controls and policies, especially zoning amendments, including both ordinance amendments and rezonings. Additional studies go beyond the scope of the Comprehensive Plan, but will influence aspects of the plan such as the Commercial Center revitalization plan, ongoing and future transportation studies and occasional initiatives generated externally by various applicants. The Comprehensive Plan also has an amendment process to consider changes to the plan as a result of new ideas, strategies, or relevant development initiatives. 5.1.2 Implementation Plan Components Land Use I. 2.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Update the official "tools "(eg., zoning and subdivision ordinances) to accomplish broad and specific objectives in this Plan. Rezone land in conformance with new land use objectives established in the 2020 Land Use Plan. Achieve Livable Communities objectives, which are local goals within a regional housing framework, established by the Dakota County HRA. Participate in current/future transportation studies including the CSAH 42 Corridor Transportation Plan, the STH 52 Corridor Plan and the STH 3 Corridor Plan. Complete a conceptual design strategy for the Commercial corridor right- of-way along State Highway 3 and County Road 42. Use public financing resources to assist those economic development projects that achieve high value to the city, including redevelopment opportunities and job creation. Utilize and update the city's capital improvement plan in conjunction with development objectives in this Plan. Evaluate public and private impacts to urban service expansion north of Highway 38 (east of Highway 3). Develop stronger ties with the University of Minnesota in relationship to cooperative uses in or near their research property. 164 ai r 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update 10. Utilize the "premature subdivision" section of the City's subdivision ordinance to control growth in an orderly manner. 5.1.3 Implementation Plan Components Public Facilities 1. Work directly with Dakota County and Mn/DOT to pursue and coordinate transportation projects identified in this plan. 2. Develop a water supply system that services existing /proposed development needs in eastern Rosemount based upon a feasibility analysis. 3. Evaluate the feasibility of a sanitary sewer system that will service those areas identified in this plan as Rural Residential with "sewer needs". 4. Conduct an active park development program and a limited park acquisition program based on development patterns and resource protection needs within Rosemount. 5. Update the City's capital improvement program annually in order to address short- and long -term public facility needs throughout MUSA and non -MUSA areas. 5.1.4 Implementation Plan Components -- Zoning Ordinance A copy of the city's current zoning ordinance is attached for review. The land use plan (Figure 3.1 -C) will require amendments to the zoning map and ordinance in order to be consistent. These amendments will be initiated and substantially completed within one year of the Plan's official adoption. Major amendments will include: 1. Zoning Map. Change all Agriculture areas guided for Rural Residential; change all Agriculture areas guided for Urban Residential; change all Agriculture areas guided for Business Park; and, change all Agriculture areas guided for General Industrial or Industrial/Mixed Use. 2. Zoning Ordinance. Add new districts for "Industrial /Mixed Use" and "Agriculture Research "; eliminate the outdated Industrial Park (IP) district, and amend existing zoning districts as a required update process. A listing and description of all zoning districts with each corresponding land use category is provided as follows: 165 996 i (UH) le-Wap!saa 4suaa 461H = tio6alea ash Pue (ti-b) le!luep!seU A1!su90 46 = P!Jls!a 6u!uoZ I arse jad spun 0'Z 6 = A!suep ssoi6 wnwlxeW 6u!sno4 pe4oe4a A1!we4 al6u!s pue saxeldnp `swnlu!wopuoo `sluaw}*edy (11H) le!luap!sab A!suaa 461H = tio6alea ash pue (£-a) lepap!saa Apsuea wn!paW = lops!a 6uiuoZ •9 axe jad s1lun o•9 = Apsuep ssoiB wnwlxeW 6u!sno4 papage pue. pe4oelep 'Al!we} al6u!g bl PUs (aft) lenuaplsou uegjtl = tio6alea ash pue (Z - u) leguamou Avsuaa aleJapoW = louis!a 6u!uoZ •9 arse lad spn g•Z = ,f4!suap ssa6 wnw!xeW A4!1!gpcag �pMes 41im 6u papelop Al!we} a16ulg (an) Ie!luep!seU uegjn = tio6aleo ash puel Wvu) fenuep!saa Ai!suea mol = louisla 6uluoZ •tr ajoe jad spun 9'Z = A4!suep ssoi6 wnw!xeW 6u!sno4 pe4oelep Al!we; aifts bl Pue (un)1ellueppeN ueq.,a = tio6alea ash Pue (vu) le!luep!saN Aj!suaa mol = 1op1s!a 6wuoZ 'E (Poupied 6uu9jsnp) arse jed pun b = Apsuep ssoiB wnwmVi 6u!sno4 pe4oelep Al!wel ai6u!S (aid lerivap!sau uoil!suej1= tio6alea ash Puel (1a) lequaplsaa Apsuaa mop tiara = loops!(] 6uluoZ .Z sane 9 jed pun 1, = Appop ssoi6 wnw!xeW ses=4 jo 6u!dawl pue 6u!sno4 pepelep Alpel ai6u!S (Hu) laqueppaN Ieina = tio6alea ash Pue (H N) le!luep!saa le ina = lopjs!a 6u!uoZ : Idi1N3a1S3U sa oe otr jed pun l = Apsuep sso.,6 wnw!xeW 6u!sno4 A1!wel al6uls `toy samasaJd 6y 41!m sa!ldwoo 1e41 ainilnouBv (Jb) a inllnouBv = tio6alea ash Puel •Z (d-E)V) anJasaJd lei njlnou6y = pools!(] 6uluoZ same off, jad llun _ A4!suep sso 6 wnw!xeW 1 6u!sno4 payoelap Alpej ai6u pue 6u!waej `aml1nopBV (E)V) ajnllnou6y _ tio6aleo ash pu 1 (Jb) le.injlnou6y = }oulsia 6u!uoZ 1 � _ �321f11"Iflal?1J�d wnowasou p kjo r r r r r r r r r r 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update Apartments, condominiums, assisted living and,congregate housing Maximum gross density = 40 units per acre COMMERCIAL: 1. Zoning District Convenience Commercial (C-1) Land Use Category = Commercial (C) Neighborhood commercial retail and services 2. Zoning District = Community Commercial (C-2) Land Use Category = Commercial (C) Downtown commercial retail and services 3. Zoning District = Highway Commercial (C -3) Land Use Category = Commercial (C) Highway oriented commercial uses ... gas stations, mini- storage, etc. 4. Zoning District = General Commercial (C-4) Land Use Category = Commercial (C) Regional commercial retail and services INDUSTRIAL: 1. Zoning District = Business Park (BP) Land Use Category = Business Park (BP) Limited industrial, warehouses, offices and limited commercial 2. Zoning District = General Industrial (IG) , Land Use Category = General Industrial (GI) Heavier industries, generally located in eastern Rosemount 3. Zoning District = Industrial Park (IP) Land Use Category = Business Park (BP) Older zoning district that is being replaced by the new BP District e e e e e 1 e e OTHER: 1. Zoning District = Waste Management (WM) Land Use Category = Waste Management (WM) Waste disposal industries 2. Zoning District = Public and Institutional (P) Land Use Category = Publictinstitutional (PI) 3. Zoning District = Flood Plain (FP) Land Use Category = varied uses along the Mississippi River 167 City of Rosemount 5.1.5 Implementation Plan Components — Housing The following strategies are provided in order that Rosemount meets or exceeds its housing goals as identified in Section 2.3.3. (Goals) and Section 3.3 (Housing): 1. Maintain the city's partnership within the Dakota County cluster for the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act (LCA). 2. Evaluate the city's housing goals related to LCA based upon the adopted comprehensive plan and further research on local affordable housing conditions/needs. 3. Limit multi- family housing units between 1995 -2020 to no more than 25 percent of all units. 4. Distribute affordable housing units throughout the MUSA with some targeting for multi - family units (i.e., new collector /arterial roadways and commercial areas). 5. Maintain rural residential areas on conforming lots as an important housing choice and land use character in Rosemount. 6. Initiate new housing improvement programs that encourage reinvestment in older homes, which preserves affordable housing opportunities. 7. Allow apartments in single family homes under a conditional use permit process as another approach for affordable housing opportunities. 8. Support new rental housing opportunities in order to maintain 20 percent of all housing as renter occupied. 9. Strengthen the downtown commercial area with additional high- density housing development at targeted locations. 10. Support mixed use developments within areas designated as commercial in order to provide housing, employment and shopping connections within compact areas. 168