HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. 2001 Budget- s r e CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: AUGUST 9, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 2001 BUDGET AGENDA NO. 2. A. PREPARED BY: THOMAS D BURT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: MEMO & New Pages to the Proposed Budget APPROVED . J At the continued discussion of the proposed 2001 Budget the following department budgets will be reviewed: Community Development Police Fire Public Works CIP I have attached revised pages to the budget which reflect changes to the CIP for the proposed remodeling of City Hall. Once the review is complete staff will make any revisions and at the first meeting in September the preliminary levy for the budget will be set. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: FUNDING REQUMENIENTS - USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) (With Proposed Changes to the CIP's and the Arena) August 9, 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Proposed +/- Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget 586,318 S85,500 ($818) -0.95% Administration Budget 273,000 283,900 10,900 3.99% Elections Budget 11,600 10,000 (1,600) - 13.79% Finance Budget 156,700 182,700 26,000 16.59% General Government Budget 280,700 292,800 12,100 4.31% Community Development Budget 484,200 567,800 83,600 17.27% Police Budget 1,366,300 1,490,700 124,400 9.10% Fire Budget 192,400 192,400 0 0.00% Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 276,800 282,000 5,200 1.88% Fleet Maintenance Budget 337,100 357,800 20,700 6.14% Street Maintenance Budget 749,100 798,700 49,600 6.62% Parks Maintenance Budget 350,100 369,700 19,600 5.60% Park & Rec Budget - General Operating 610,800 64.4,500 33,700 5.52% Park & Rec Budget - Special Programs 83,200 89,500 6,300 7.57% Total Operating Budgets - General Fund _ $5,258,318 55,648,000 $389,682 7.41% Building CIP Requirements 161,400 202,000 40,600 25.15% Street CIP Requirements 230,000 570,000 340,000 147.83% Equipment CIP Requirements 516,600 280,700 (235,900) - 45.66% Insurance Budget Requirements 185,000 190.000 5,000 2.70% Bonded Indebtedness 780,513 798,179 17,666 2.26% Bonded Indebtedness - Fire Station Levy 155,715 152 - (3,207) -2.06% Armory Anticipatory Levy (Value 7/17/00) 152,940 162,481 9,541 6.24% * *S95,000 + ($845,627,200 x.00798%)** Total Funding Requirements 57,440,486 S8,003,868 $563,382 757% NOTE: Special Levies include (I)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS - SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) (With Proposed Changes to the CIP's and the Arena) August 9, 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Proposed +/- Types Budget Budget Difference Percentage Local Government Aid (LGA) $396,549 S394,493 ($2,056) -0.52% Homestead & Agricultural Aid (HACA) 577,497 577,497 0 0.00% Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 390,700 461,700 71,000 18.17% Intergovernmental 403,289 413,089 9,800 2.43% Charges for Services 410,300 441,100 30,800 7.51% Fines & Forfeits 100,000 100,000 0 0.00% Recreational Fees 195,900 201,600 5,700 2.91% Miscellaneous Revenues 70,200 80,400 10,200 14.53% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0.00% Total Internal Revenues 1,573,889 1,701,389 127,500 8.10% Levy Sources: - - Special Levies 1,089,168 1,113,168 24,000 2.20% General Levy 3,803,383 4,217,321 413,938 10.88% Total Le,v $4,892,551 55,330,489 S437,938 8.95% Total Revenue Sources $7,440,486 757% 58,003,868 $563,382 NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2000 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2001 (With Proposed Changes to the CIF's and the Arena) GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND $2,974,621 BUILDING CIP FUND $202,000 STREET CIP FUND $570,000 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $280,700 INSURANCE FUND $190,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $4,217,321 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991A (Authorized - $10,250) $10,250 G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C (Authorized - $99,393) $99,393 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D (Authorized - $7,923) $7,923 G.O. MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 1992E (ICE ARENA) (Authorized - $258,818) $258,818 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1993A (Authorized - $2,536) $2,536 G.O. MUNICIPAL BLDG REFUNDING BONDS 1993D (Authorized - $148,129) $148,129 G.O. BONDS 1993E (Port Authority) (Authorized - $66,518) $66,518 G.O. BONDS 1994A (Port Authority) (Authorized - $171,597) $171,597 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1995A (Authorized - $19,935) $19,935 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1998C (Authorized - $4,055) $4,055 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1999B (Authorized - $9,025) $9,025 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $798,179 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM -1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G.O. FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A (Authorized - $152,508) $152,508 TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY $152,508 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000+ ($845,627,200 x.00798%)) $162,481 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $162,481 GRAND TOTAL 2000 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $5,330,489 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) (With Proposed Changes to the CIP's and the Arena) (Proposed) 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Funding Requirements 6,708,325 6,995,146 7,440,486 8,003,852 Less: Internal Revenues 1,225,600 1,404,750 1,573,889 1,761,389 Less: Market Value Based Levy - Fire Station (See Below) 156,135 153,363 155,715 152,508 (4) Equals: Revenues Needed 5,326,590 5,437,033 5,710,882 6,149,955 - City adjustments (All Subtractions): Local Government Aid (LGA) 380,488 381,988 396,549 394,493 (2) Homestead & Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) 550,773 550,493 577,497 577,497 (2) Local Performance Aid (LPA) 16,266 15,466 0 0 (2) Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 4,379,063 4,489,086 4,736,836 5,177,965 County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions): Fbscal Disparities Distributuion Levy (Metro Area) 475,045 530,667 581,379 581 ,379 (3) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate 3,904,018 (1) 3,958,419 (1) 4,155,457 (1) 4,596,586 Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy 139% 4.98% 10.62% Nlarket Value Based Referendum Levy - Fire Station 156,135 153,363 155,715 152,508 (4) (I) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2001 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Department of Revenue (Using LMC Estimates for Now!) (Year 2000 & 2001 LPA is rolled into LGA as the LPA was repealed by the legislature) (3) 2001 Number Provided by Dakota County (Using 2000's for Now!) (4) Market Value Based Levy for Fire Station. - Based on $152,508 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12/31/00 Last Update from Dakota County 7117/00 Shows the Levy of $152,508 / $845,627,200 = $.1803 per $1,000 as our Estimate Last Update - 7/31/00 CITY OF ROSEMOU14T WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAXES (ISD #199 FIGURES) (Beginning with 1999 Tax Credit for School Districts Included In calculations-See Below) (With Proposed Changes to the CIP's and the Arena) Market Value 76,000 115.000 138.000 150,000 Year 1999 2000 .2001 Est 1999 2000 2001 Est 1999 20DO 2001 Est 1999. 2000 2001 Ell Tax Capacity 767 760 760 1,430 1,404 1,404 1,821 1,783 1,783 2,025 1,961 1,981 Tax Capacity Rates: City 41.710% 39.335% 36.337% 41.710% 39.335% 36.337% 41.710% 39.335% 36.337% 41.710% 39.335 %. 36.337% County 28.322% 27.247% 27.247% 28.322% 27.247 %. 27.247% 28.322% 27.247% 27.247% 28.322% 27.247% 27.247% School District 56.311% 53.231% 53.231% 56.311% 53.231% 53.231% 56.311% 53.231% 53.231% 56.311% 53.231% 53,231% Miscellaneous 6.702% ._..._»_»_.. .............. 6.455% 6.455% ...__....... 6.702% 6.455% 0.455% 0,702% 6.455% 0.455% 6.702% 0.455% 6.455% Totals 133.045% ;aa- ease ;;- 120.268% ;- a-- a- aaaa;--- 123.270% aaa.II- ..._..»...__... __._............_. 133.045 %. ;;- ;- ;a- aa- a;C 126,268% ;;a ;a -aa »......_._... 123.270% IIa;a- a-a-aa ..'.'.._._.._...._ .. ............................. 133.045% 126.268% a ; - aa ..... ;..... »_ 123.270% IIIIII;- - ,...._......... �. 133.045% - ; ;a-- a -- - --; ......_.�............_.......�_ 126.268% .................... 123.270% City Market Referorxlwn 0,0002342 0.0002142 0.0001003 0.0002342 0.0002142 0.000100.7 0,0002342 0.0x12142 0.0001803 0.0002342 0.0002142 0.0001603 ISO 190 Market Rot 0.01001)074 0.0011000 0.0071900 0.0000074 0.0011900 0.0011900 0.000W74 0.011000 0.0011900 0.0000074 0.0011000 0.0011900 Properly Taxes: City 320 299 276 596 552 510 700 701 648 845 779. 720 County 217 207 207 405 382 382 516 480 400 574 540 540 School District 251 167 187 485 357 357 705 559 559 an 605 ' 665 Miscellaneous 51 » - 49 � - 49 96 91 91 122 115 115 - 136 426 128 - Total Properly Taxes 742 720 1,583 . 1,382 _.._. 1,340 ~ ^~ 2,103 -1,801 _ ... LOW ^ 2,374 2,111 .y �2.052 City Market Referendum 18 16 14 27 25 21 32 30 25 35 32 27 ISO #196 Markel Ref 61 91 91 93 138 138 111 165 165 121 180 180 Grand Total All Taxes z- -Bats a - 5850 _IIaaaa s_a :a 51,702;; --; 1,545 as 51,498 :IIaa 52,240:: ;200' ;ass 51,989 tea 52,530 =_ua $2,323 i6LID (2,250 Market Value » »» 2W,000 250,000. _ History of Ac Iu; - J Tax Capacity Rates (Using ISO also Rates) Year 1999 2WO 2001 Est 1999 2000 2001 Est _1990 1900 1880 1999 2000 2001 Est Tax Capacity 2,875 2,000 2,800 3,725 3,031 3,631 ~^ _ Tax Capacity Rates: City 41.710% 39.335% 30.337% 41.710% 39.335% 36.337% 36.055% 35.627% 40.428% 41.710% 39.335% 36.337% (1) Count 28.322% 27.247% 27.247% 28.322% 27.247% 27.247% 2 6,626% 25.721% 27.349% 28.322% 27.247% 27.247% (2),(3) School District 56.311% 53,231% 53.231% 56.311% 53.231% 53.231% 00.830% 58.189% 58.402% 96.311% 53.231% 53.231% (2),(3) Miscellaneous 6.702% 6.455% 6.455% 6.702% 6.455% 6.455% 5.108% 4.995% 5.797% 6.702% 6.455% 6.455% (2),(3) Totals 133.045% s;u----- u- ------ 126.208% -u--u-u 123.270% ---u 133.045% ...ou.auoau;.aauo..;;raua 126.266% 123.270% 128,819% 124.532% -- -o-----a- ---o---a;-- 132.036% --- -- -- ;- 133.045% u--u--u--a-----;--------oxu-- 126.266% 123.270% City Market Referendum 0.0002342 0.0002142 0.0001803 O.W02342 0.0002142 0.0001803 0.0002968 0.0002706 0.0002532 0.0002342 0,0002142 0.0001803 (2),(4) ISO 0195 Market Ref 0.0008074 O.W11986 0.00t1986 0.0W8074 0.0011986 0.0011986 0.0012239 .0.0010809 0.0009567 0.0008074 0.001 19M 0.0011986 (2),(3) Property Taxes: City 1,199 1,104 1.020 1,554 1,428 1,319 Net Tax Capacity Percentages County 814 765 765 1,055 989 989 For Residential Homesteads: School District 1,299 1,104 1,104 1,778 1,543 1543 Miscellaneous 193 161 181 250 234 234 First $75.000 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% Total Property Taxes 3.505 3.153 3,069 4.636 4,195 4,006 575,000.576,000 Over $76,000 1,70% 1.70% 1.00% 1.65% 1,00% 1.65% City Market Referendum 47 43 36 59 54 45 ISO 0196 Market Ref 161 240 240 202 300 300 z =IIII= aIIS =a aag Tax Credit or Homestead Properties: Grand Total All Taxes $3,713 $3.436 $3,345 $4,896 $4,548 =II 5031 (Based on %of Taut Capacity) -- : : ;z ; ; ;- ;z ;a - -- aaaz - ;a -a ; a Less Than lMBat Value of Tax Capacity 23.551% 28580% 26.580% (2),(3) Over Irxtiai Value (Maximum Allowed) $320 $390 $390 (2).(3) Initial Value Used to Calculate Credit $109,900 $112,650 $112,650 (2),(3) (1) This Figure Derived Using Figures Provided by Dakota County: (a) 2009PIOjected levy Less Fiscal Disparities as of 8/9700 4,598,566 1 12,849,858 z 0.363371 (b) Net Tax Capacity Figure as of 7717700 14,810,640 (c) Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity as of 7127100 (233.403) (d) Contribution b Fiscal OlsWiles as of 7127/00 (1,727.379) 12,649.800 Last Updated • 7131100 (2) These Figures Provided by Dakota County (3) 2001 Numbers Not Yet Available - Using 2000 Numbers or Estimating (4) City of Rosemount Estimated MV Based Referendum as of 7127700 152.508 / 845,027.200 0.0001003 Total Lovy - Yoar 2001 1,052,700 2001' Propose a 10 -year lease- purchase offset by a 5 -year lease- purchase expiring in year 2000 (1) Skate Tile funding coming from Arena Fund reserves. (2) Funding for the Commercial Streetscape - Phase 2 is unknown at this time. (3) Other Funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (4) Other Funding for the Chippendale Street Reconstruction Project comes from the County for their share of the project. (5) Other Funding for the South Rose Park Area Improvements comes from SKB User Fees and County contributions. (6) Other Funding for the CSAH 42 Improvements Project comes from the County for their share of the project. MSA Funds - _ Buildin Street Equipmnt _ Park Im From Water Sewer Storm Water Storm Total Year 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 Item - Description -__ Replace Skate Tile - .. Commercial Streetscape - Phase 2 1995 Lease Purchase (10-Years) _ _..,_ _ _ _ 1996Lea_e_P chas e(10- Years) -_ 2001 Building Le ase- Purch 515- Years) PC Pr inter R (F 1 9_9 3 -94 Department Arena - Comm Dev Council council C IP Lev _ - -__ 160,000 CIP Levy __.__. CIP Levy _ 50,800 Assess _ ..__ ._. _ - , _ Fund State - .... -._.__ Core -_ Core -__ ---__ Core -- Udtity_ _._ _Sewer Utility _ _._ Utility Donations Other Cost - - 28,000 3,200,000 - - -- - - -- - 28,000 3,200,000 50_,800 _ - 64,900 16 0,000 Council Finance 10,000 _ _ _ 10,000 2001 PC W orkstation UQ g rades (1997 & Old er)_ Finance 35,000 _ _ _ 35,000 2001 Refurbis Unit #35183 ( Pumper - 15 Yrs Old ) Fire 60,000 -_ 60,000 2001' Pumper Re Ie acemen!T78 Vehicle Fire _ 325,000 325,000 2001 Repair Commu "_Center Brick Park & Rec 18,000 _ _ 18,000 2001 Dailara Upgr (ADA Upgr ades _ -_ Park &Rec 30,000 30,000 _2001 Bisc Po inte Park Improvements New Park Park & Rec _ 60,000 - 60,000 2001 8 H and -Held Radios (New) Police 5,000 5,000 2001 1 Squad (Sell Back 1 - #9680) - - Police - 25,000 25,000 2001 PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch (Yr 3 of 20) Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2001' 2001 SaldSand Building Structural Over lays on Older Streets _ -_ Pub Works 17,000 50,000 50,000 Pub Works _ 50 67, 000 2001 2001 2001 Street Recon- Chipp Q CSAH 42 Pu Wor ks 50,000 225,000 _ 80 _ 100,000 60,000 375,000 420,000 South Rose Park Area Improvements ____ Street Recon -Dodd Blvd - S /P to Delft Ave Pub Works - - 140,00 20,000 _ 90,000 - 100,000 100,000 20,000 Pub Works 420, 100,000 50,000 _ _ 760,0 2001 _ Z661 2 I CSAH 4 H�Ny 3 to D /P) ___Pub Works 150,000 2C 100,000 175,000 550,000 1,175,000 70 KW Gener ator Replac #2j (P Bui ldin P Work 30,000 _ _ _ 30.000 2001' Dump Truck (Replace #428) ( 1990 Vehi cle)- - - - Pub Works _- - - 100,000 100,000 2001' Dump Tandem SRepiace #429) 51991 Vehicle Pub Works _ _- _ _ __- _ _ - 100,000 100,000 2001' 2001' 2001 Grader ( Replace #413- Grader) - _ -,- Backhoe tRepla #407 Pub Works_ Pub Works _ 40,000 40,0 _ 206,000 40,000 _ 200,000 120,000 _ Well #12 Pub Works 300,000 _ 300, 000 _ -- To 202,000 570,000 280,700 507,000 _ 90,000 325,000 410,000 130,000 375,000 10,000 _ - 30,000 _ 80,000 _ 4,803,000 7,812,700 Total Lovy - Yoar 2001 1,052,700 2001' Propose a 10 -year lease- purchase offset by a 5 -year lease- purchase expiring in year 2000 (1) Skate Tile funding coming from Arena Fund reserves. (2) Funding for the Commercial Streetscape - Phase 2 is unknown at this time. (3) Other Funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (4) Other Funding for the Chippendale Street Reconstruction Project comes from the County for their share of the project. (5) Other Funding for the South Rose Park Area Improvements comes from SKB User Fees and County contributions. (6) Other Funding for the CSAH 42 Improvements Project comes from the County for their share of the project. MEMORANDUM DATE: July 7, 2000 TO Mayor & City Council FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator SUBJECT: 2001 Propos Budget As part of my performance standards the Council identified _a zero percent increase to the 2001 budget. During the discussion I explained why the budget would show increases and also indicated that justification for the increases would be presented at the time of the first draft of the budget. The attached draft of the budget reflects a very conservative budget that has line item increases where increases are appropriate to maintain a level of service. The greatest increase in the general fund budget is as a result of increases to benefits and wages that attribute approximately $296,100 or 76 % of the proposed $389,682 increase. The remaining $93,582 increases are outlined. As you review the budget if you have questions please call or if you would like to meet to discuss any part of the budget, please let me know. EXPENDITURES: Council 101 41110 xx 103 S1,100 As a result of the City Council eliminating per diem pay. 10141110 xx 433 +800 League of Minnesota and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities have had dues increases. Total Department budget has decreased by $818 or .9 %. Administration 101 41320 xx 101 +10,900 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases. Total Department budget has increased by $10,900 or 3.99 %. Elections This is an off year for elections however to prevent the budget from having spikes up and down money is budgeted for future election equipment purchases. Total Department budget has decreased by $1,600 or 13.79 %. Finance 101 41520 xx 101 +$23,000 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases, in addition a part-time employee was put on as full -time. 101 41520 xx 391 +$3,000 Software was upgraded from a DOS based program to a Windows format in 2000 and the cost of support increased for the software. Total Department budget has increased by $26,000 or 13.79% General Government 101 41810 xx 301 +3,000 Increase in auditing cost. 10141810 xx 319 +1,700 As part of issuing debt our cost of continuing disclosure reporting is expected to increase. 10141810 xx 329 +7,400 The City shares in the cost of a Cable Coordinator who represents the Cities of Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount. This increase reflects a cost of our commitment to the Joint Powers Agreement. It is anticipated that Council and Commission meetings will begin broadcasting in 2001. Total Department budget has increased by $12,100 or 4.31% Community Development 10141910 xx 101 +81,500 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases, in addition a Code Enforcement Specialist has been added. 101 41910 xx 103 - +800 Adjusted for salary increase. 101 41910 xx 435 +200 101 41910 xx 437 +100 Police 101 42110 xx 101 +$104,500 101 42110 xx 103 +$2,700 101 42110 xx 241 - $1,100 Cost of purchasing new International Building Code books. Increase cost of conferences. Total Department budget has increased by $83,600 or 17.27% Adjusted for salary and insurance increases, in addition a Police Officer has been added beginning in mid 2001. Staff has applied for a grant from the Federal Government and if the grant is awarded a corresponding revenue will be budgeted. The grant is for approximately $75,000 spread over the first 3 years. Adjusted for salary increase. Reduced to reflect 2001 needs. 101 42110 xx 242 - $1,000 Reduced to reflect 2001 needs. 101 42110 xx 306 +$3,000 Attend career and recruiting fairs per the recruitment plan to hire new officer. 101 42110 xx 316 +$9,800 Increase reflects actual cost of animal impounds and care of animals. 101 42110 xx 319 - $6,500 This account reflects a decrease as a result of moving Mobile Computing Devises ( MCD's) to account 396. However, the cost of dispatch has increased by $7,000. This increase is due to our growing population. 101 42110 xx 396 +$12,500 LOGIS costs have increased by $3,000. Moving MCD's to this appropriate line item causes the majority of this line items increase; MOD's maintenance has decreased by $4,500. MCD's connection charges increased by 500. Total Department budget has increased by $124,400 or 9.10% Fire 101 42210 xx 103 +$1 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases 101 42210 xx 208 +$1 The increase is to purchase a new printer for the department. 101 42210 xx 229 - $1 Reflects department needs for 2001. 101 42210 xx 230 +$300 Small tool repairs increased. 101 42210 xx 241 +$200 To closer reflect history of spending this line item was increased. 101 42210 xx 305 - $1,100 As a result of required testing this security contract for building. 101 42210 xx 306 +$500 It's planed to hire 6 firefighters during 2001 to fill vacancies. 101 42210 xx 308 - $1,000 Less firefighters need re- certification in 2001 so the budget has been changed to reflect their needs. 101 42210 xx 310 -$900 This line item fluctuates from year to year based on the equipment needing testing. In 2001 the aerial and ladder trucks need to be tested. 101 42210 xx 313 +100 The increase is to cover added cost of the security contract. 101 42210 xx 331 -1,000 As a result of less training needs in 2001 the cost of travel to the conferences has also been reduced. 101 42210 xx 439 +100 Public Works Food and coffee for the firefighters has been increased. Total Department budget has no increase from 2000 Government Buildings 101 41940 xx 101 - $1,600 As a result of staff turn over there is a slight decrease in this line item 101 41940 xx 102 +3,000 Overtime 101 41940 xx 208 +$2,500 Budget reflects history of spending needs. 101 41940 xx 219 -$500 Budget reflects history of spending needs. 101 41940 xx 242 +2,000 Purchase new carpet cleaner. 101 41940 xx 601 +$2,400 Bond Principal for Armory 101 41940 xx 611 - $1,600 Bond Interest for Armory 101 41940 xx 621 - $1,000 Agent fees. Total Department Division budget has increased by $5,200 or 1.88 % Fleet Maintenance 101 43100 xx 101 +$6,700 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases 10143 100 xx 212 +$10 Increase in gas price. 10143 100 xx 221 +$5,000 Budget reflects history of spending needs. 101 43100 xx 384 - $1,000 Budget reflects history of spending needs. Total Department Division budget has increased by $20,700 or 6.14% Street Maintenance 101 43121 xx 101 +$29,100 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases. 101 43121 xx 303 +$18,000 The transportation plan needs to be updated. 101 43121 xx 391 +$500 Software maintenance agreement for pavement management software 101 43121 xx 405 +2,000 Increase inroad miles adds to the cost of street striping. Total Department Division budget has increased by $49,600 or 6.62% Parks Maintenance 101 45202 xx 101 +13,600 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases. 101 45202 xx 216 +$2,000 Because additional parks have been added more chemicals are need for maintenance. 101 45202 xx 221 +$1 As the park shelters get older additional maintenance is required in addition this increase closer reflects the history of what the cost of maintenance are. 101 45202 xx 242 +$2,500 This is for to replace the fertilizer spreader. Total Department Division budget has increased by $19,600 or 5.6% Park & Recreation 101 45100 xx 101 +1$,000 Adjusted for salary and insurance increases. 101 45100 xx 103 +$3,900 Adjusted for salary increases. 101 45100 xx 219 +$700 Increase is for additional recreation supplies. 10145 100 xx 221 +$1,500 As the Community Center gets older we are beginning to experience more repairs. 101 45100 xx 223 +$1,300 As the Community Center gets older we are beginning to experience more repairs. 101 45100 xx 229 - $2,000 Reduced to reflect department needs for 2001. 101 45100 xx 349 +$10,500. Added cost in newsletter and flyers to promote recreation programs. 101 45100 xx 412 -$200 Decrease in rent payments to the National Guard. Total Department budget has increased by $33,700 or 5.52% REVENUE Local Government Aid (LGA): has decreased by $2,056. Internal Revenue Generated: has increased by $127,500 this is due anticipated increase in building, we could budget for more revenue in building permit revenue, however, caution should be used because this is not a stable form of revenue.