HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Review of City Administrator Work PlanDATE: TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM September 29, 2000 Mayor & City. Council Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator SUBJECT: Performance Standards Update Organizational Management • Develop a performance evaluation for department heads. This was reviewed and approved by council and currently being used. • Develop a "check -off list" for developers from all departments. This was reviewed and approved by council and currently being used. • Continue team - building efforts with City Staff. This is an ongoing priority. The monthly meetings continue to be well received and have proven to be a good way to keep employees informed and involved in current issues. We will also be using this session for training. This time will be used for safety training, to review emergency operations plans, etc. Fiscal Business Management • Develop aplan to implement a 0 % increase for 2001 budget. The budget process is underway and a very conservative budget was presented that reflects the work priorities of the City Council. The overall tax capacity rate for the city portion of the tax bill is estimated to go down. • Create a process and procedure for the transfer and movement for budgetary items with Council Approval. This needs to be discussed at the October work session as we continue the budget discussion. In addition, the statutory purchasing requirements have changes and direction for the City Council is needed. • Create a system whereby Council is made aware of the relationship of incurred debt and how it relates to the City's vision and Council goals. Council approved the debt management plan in June. Program Development • Develop a systematic approach to implementing the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. This is an ongoing process that has begun with the pre - zoning of land. At the October 3` Council meeting Business Park land was pre -zoned reflect the Comp Plan. The mix use industrial zoning classification is scheduled for discussion in October. The Commercial zoning sections of the code has been before the Council in September and progress continues to be made to the revisions A long -range redevelopment plan for the historic commercial area needs to be developed and staff has began discussion and the next step is to involve the Port Authority. • Weigh development plans in keeping with the vision and mission statement of the City and the goals of Council as set out in goal setting. On previous staff reports, staff include as part of the report how plans followed the vision and mission statement. After review by City Council this was stopped at Council direction. Relationship with Council The weekly report format was changed to reflect the information needed by City Council. The format now included current or upcoming visible changes that Council may need to make future decisions on. Relationship with Public/Press This is ongoing. J City Administrator Performance Standards Update Revised 5/112000 Organizational Management • Develop a performance evaluation for department heads. • Get input from Council on what they would like in the performance evaluations at the May work session • Present a revised performance evaluation system that incorporates City Council input for review at the July work session. • Implement revised performance system in November. • Develop a "check -off list" for developers from all departments. • Present a check off list for Council review at the May work session. • Implement upon Council review. • Continue team - building efforts with City Staff. • Within the last six months an attitude survey was conducted amongst all staff. From the survey an employee group was formed that has been working on improving departmental feed back customer service training and an employee newsletter. In addition, I have been meeting with staff at monthly meetings. These meetings are to keep employees informed on status of projects and are used as a time to raise comments and concerns so they can be dealt with on a timely basis. I plan to continue with the monthly meetings and working with the employee group. Progress report in 6 months. Fiscal Business Management • Develop a plan to implement 0% increase for 2001 budget. • This needs to be further discussed. At goal setting priorities were given to look into hiring a full -time code enforcement employee as well as priority was given to implementing streetscape improvements in the downtown. Labor agreements are in place for 2001 with a 3% increase; this equates to approximately $300, 000 for wages and benefits. In a developing city that adds 800 to 1,000 residents per year, 2 to 3 miles of new roads a year, one park per year, growth in the budget is inevitable to maintain existing service levels and to accommodate growth of service. demands. A zero percent increase can be accomplished however, clear direction needs to be given on what services should be reduced or eliminated to accomplish this. I have interpreted this to mean that any changes in the budget needs to be justified. • April and May all departments begin preparing budget information. • June first internal draft is reviewed and modifications made. • July City Council receives draft of agreement z •suotjsanb .io savunzlo doilod pun lnnsiA t1joq a m jnrij sanssi juno.lbuSis dflatky ssa ippn 11p a smoda i aq Z . svoday dl4aa •uopou iiaunoD aimboi Xuui juip;uouiaBrueuz luasi .zo pine `saouLeuipio `Xaiiod;oajja luip sonssi jo sisuq Xiauiil aioui u uo iiounoD uuojuI • paunoa q ;ins igsuoi ;ulag pounoD ,i�to azlj fb uozssgzu pun uoista azlj of juatudolanap pasodo.id n fo dnlsuotjnla.r azlj ajnjs 11tn1 zldn jSn ind 2uluado un `younoo dfj!D pun aa jj nuzuoo `uotsstt tlona o pa uasa id s p oda [ffnj fb j.rnd sV • •dlajnipazuzur pajuazualdzut aq oL . •Suivas Teog ui ;no ;as s a IiaunoD jo sluo.2 oq; put 4D QTJO luaui0114s uo puu uo isi n aq; ip!m Suidaax ui suejd luauidotanap g2iam •sjunna pounoD X10 aqj sazuoojno aq) auto wajap o; lrounoD �f !D aqi zuoif indut dl cna aaloauz Ipm sdals asaglfo 11 Y' • na rn lniodazuzuoo ot.iojsnl at1j .iof unld j uazudolaaapa i a.Sun.r .Suol n a.rbda sd apoo azlj fb suotjoas 2uiuoz 1n13sazuzuoD azlj aszaad uol jno f ssnlo .Sutuoz 1nt,cjsnput asn xnu n dolaaaQ • unld dzuoj zljpna zu rofuoo of punl auoz -add • aq 11p a unld aqj 2uiluazualdzui ut sdajs Is l f aq_[ • •unld aazsuaga.idwoD at4j fb uoi jnjuazualdzui atlj .iof sa!jyot �d.ias 1yA younoD If!D aqj uotssas y iom aunt aqj IV 'ut'ja anisuauaiduioD OZOZ aqi guiluauiaTduq o; gouoidde ai��uia�.sXs a dopAo(I . ;uaui oiaAaQ utgJ o id •uotssas - bona,lnr aql jn naaiaa -i .iof unld j uatua8nunzu j gap azlj fo jfn.i n .Sui.iq 11rM ffvlg • •unld juazua.Snunzu jgap n Suizlsrlgnlsa ,fq pazlstjdzu000n aq una sitl,L . sJUO2 pounoo puu uoisin s,f4iD aip o; sa;ulai }i moq pue iqap pazmauijo digsuoi�eiaz aip jo ommu opuui si iiaunoD Xgaaagnn uzalsXs u a ;uaaD wyaaaa aadgj of onaj zuojf parfvlap aq pinona aotn.ras azlj uazlj `auop al tuna Sutjja2 of ioud uorjnzt iozljnn ltouno j aataoa i of sa injtpuadxa wan auil -uou lln a irnba i pinona jnzlj padolaaap st a rnpaowd nfl - djio aglfo spaau azlj jno Brno of spunl''puads of apnzu a m suotstoap stsnq rfnp of f'np n up *djzo azlj fb sa.inpaooid .8uisnzloind aqj naollof pun sjaSpnq jiatlj utzljtna s!y[ona��njs fljuasa rd •suoissnostp ja2pnq .gur.rnp pab(t.inlo aq lltna sztld • 'IUnoiddV IiounoD Zin n su m! kmjo2pnq ioj Juauianoui puU .iaJsuUJI aqj .i oj ampaaoid puu ssaaozd uzluojD • guyvaq otlgnd iagzuaaaQ papaauf! `suotssas -1.rona jn panaaraa.i jag pnq .iagzuaaoAr - .iagojop • pounoo dq pagsr14njsa dAal dinunurla id iagzuajdas suotssas a1.1ona jn panaataa.i ja8pnq jagzuajdas — rflnr ao.rauiwoD o dagwvyD dl giuoN • lsvAva.lq dagvuvNldodvN dlgjuoN • sSurjaauu dolb4gkzwpv pa2vuvN djunoD vloaynQ �flgluoN s2urjaaw uountaossV luawa2vuvN va iV uvillodo4aN dlgluoN • aaniwwoo ddosrnpV vj osaukiN o eCj raqun dldaldvna aajjruru[oD aaijnoaxg dtgs rauvvd juawdolaaaQ psvg o.uaN rflgluoN s2uijaaw'lgjuozu of JOI-Id sjaaur Vojoa4a Jo p.1vog uoijvroossV juawa2vuvN va IV unjtlodo4aN • .wart .iad s8uuaaw t `aaijiwu {o,7 anumag saurlvdroiunN viosauuiNfo uouviaossV • dvarC .iad s8utjaaw f `say!D o a[njng jvostd aig 2utrtoiduq sa lD vjosaukiN o ano'va7 • saajn! .ro sauuaaw 2upnollof aqj uo aruas .io puajjv fljuasa id j • saT�ua�� opislno q }inn sdigsjaulmd ponupuoa alv suouzaQ aja `jpgdg aqj a.ivgg `srfvQ unvgoa.rda7 `sp ivtKV 400 iu {nqg sv gons `suoglounf djio sow pually dlluasa id I 'pioq noA uogzsod aq} of ioznvgoq moX izoduzoo puu suopounj X;ia airudoiddu pua:4V : • ssaad/allgnd glim aiqsuoi glaH .uoijvw.iofkz .cagpnfpajuvnt ltounoj d'jto ssalun `uoglvjuasa id v 2ui4nba j ;ou swab lvuouvui rofui sv sj coda i ;uauo ivdap .capun vpua2v younoo dj! j aqj fb j ivd aq pinoo sowaw asagj osllr pant rout younoo daa of pasn aq Ipm sumpumowaw, rflaw,j uoijon ltounoj agnba r �fvw jvgj asi Jn soul! sV • t ,,�