HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. America's Promise, The Alliance for Youth Update ���n � � RICA'S PROMISE - - _ _ _ _ - T� Ar�.l��CE FoxYo����" �PoRT TO THE NATION 1999 Point a kid in the right direction. ��, .K � � z Board of Directors A.�tERtC�'S PRO�IISE-THE.-�LLL�\CE FOR YOCTH • BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman General Colin L. Powell, L S�(Ret) Vice Chairs LvndaJohnson Robb Chairnzan, Reading Is FL�Vdamental Shahara�hmad-Lle�cell�� ' Vice Chairnzan, Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Company � Secretary/Treasurer f �4illiam H. Shore � Exerutize Director, Share Oztr Stre�zgth President and CEO Peter�. Gallagher Herman Cain Rick R. Little President and CEO President and CEO ti'ational Restaurant:�ssociaaon Internatic�nal �outh Foundation Raymond G. Chambers ��illiam E. :�lilliken Chairman President The:�melior Foundadon Communides In Srhools, Inc. Edward�I. Liddy C. Gregg Petersmeyer Chairman, President, and CE(� Senior�ice Presidrnt, �lliance The�111state Corporation :\cnerica's Promise — The alliance tor�outh Robert.�I. Devlin Chairman and CEO Robert B. Rogers American General Chairman Emeritus Ewin�r�Iarion It�uffman Foundacion r.; 111ichelle Engler � F'irst Lady of�Iichigan Timothy�J. Russert ��K.�--. � �BC \c«�s ��sshin_rton Bureau ChieE% '�� t4,�amie Gorelick �Iocler:itor of�Ieet the Press '._`�''r�z�"'Y�ce Chair �, 4-�w".��;Fannie�iae Donald Staheli �,�.�g��°. Boarci �lember : •�''��Atao�d G. Lan � Points of Light Foundation of che B��ard z�; Company �� � a_::- s`i r .:i� ..,y .. � ��{` 't .-��11:R1c::��� PRc��t1�1:—I�t�i.:V.�.;��c:i: t�r�k 1'c�i rti Message from the Chairman �merica's Promise has bec�me .� natir�n�l rni�:���e. .a - 1 escue mission �imed .�r Jisad�•:inta��cd ���uch has �'-�- t - y ;ro��-n into a mo��ement to nurrure all ou;��oum,pe�>ple— { ! and to reco�-er our sense of ccnnmunin in �he ��rocess. _-�� I tracel throu��h�ut.�nerica. I h�ie heer �wek �,ain and �Pain b�� the «idespread sense that«e nred tu do more - for�>ur kids. _�dult_-lmericans rece��nize rhat thr �,re�ter "� �' incidence ot di�orce in our socien-, coupled ���ith the erusiun of tr.�diti��nsl communin supp�rt st•stems, h��r Irft tc�d��'s ��oun�pec�ple ineressin,�h��ulnerable ce> th� pi�=�lls and temPtadons of modern life. Our cuntecnp�>ran-culture is :uch thac e��en children «hc� enjo�� the ad�-anta,es r�f Ic��-in�= parent�, ;tahle GeneTnl Colrn L. Po4el1, CS-1 (Ret) nei;hh�>rh���,ds. and «�x�d �chcx�l� can ju5; s� r�<ilt ah:orb Cbviz�»rrn..-linrria�'c Promise. [he ���ron�T lessons as tho�r «h<, sre dis,����ant;i,r;d. �rh�; is u h�-, accordin,tc� a recent pe>IL ����er h;�lt of;ill .-lmerir;ins belie��e that ",ertin�, kid� off t<� thr ri�,hc :tart"�huuld be the numher one n�tional priorin•. .-lmerica's Prr�mi�e is the an>�ter to tlli� ur,ren� :�n� _rou�in��national need. The mission of _�rnerica's Prc�mise is to hrlp p��int r�ur I:i�is in ,hr ri�,ht�jir�ction, and to endou� them u•ith the character and competence the�� need to :3chie�c �urcess in life. �te build character and cc�mpetence thrc�u�,h ti�e complrmentan-and muruall�- reinforcin, promises. �1'e prc>mise e�-en���<�un�,ster in .�ilerir:i: � • �1n on,�oin�r relationship ��ith a carin;r�dult: • .-� safe pl�ce «ith strurrurrd acv��itir�durin_�nun-�choc�l hours; • .-1 health�� scan; • .-� marl:et�ble sl:ill throu,rh �ffecti��r educatiun: :�n� • .-1n �ppc�rrunitt- to ;i��e back throu�,h communin ;en-ice. _-�carin�r adult �ri�es a child ;i �;uide. :i mrntc�r. sn� a role rne>del to emulate. a safe place ��ith somechin,construcd�e to do gi��es � child �n :�It:rn;id�-: ;o street corners, aan�s, and un�isciplinecl heha�-ior. .�healthr start means chat a child ��-ill not sho« up for school u-ith hearin„ �ision, or��ther medical problems th:ir can impede the �ital business of learnin�. .� marketable sfcill means that a child «•ill be:�blr tu hnd ���rk in our fast-paced, competiti�•e, Plobslized ec�mom��. Finall�-, a ch�nce co�i��e h.�ck reachc. � child the jo}�of sen�ice to others, and the selt-respect that comes from l:no��-in, thac cme has a conQ-ibudon ro make to the a�orld. �t e l:no« chat if«�e can keep thrse fi�r prc�mise� tu a :hild, «e can endo«• that child �;�ith character.incl competence. Plus. �+r knrn� nh.n ��e ��ut :hese promises into a child, w•e've pointed thar child in the ri_ht direction. Since the h�e prr�miseti «e seek to redrrm �r� mucuall� reinforcing, the��sen�e as a force muldplier. _-� cr,mmi[ment tu suppc�r onr ur nx�rr of thecn eserts a much a-reater impact than if it�t ere made in is�ladon. B�� rallnn,� e�i�tin_r��uth �le�e!opmrnc effons around these fi�•e promises, :�ITIC.''iC�ti I'r<�misr h�wst� thrir effecti�rn�•ss. Bt ;en in<�as a catal��sr, coordinator, and champior for ��outh. .�mrrica', Promise inrrras�ti thc rr.ources ���ailablr to help t•oun�people b�-inspirin�* thc ��h��lc of.-�mrric�n socirn to clu mc�re. Thc dr;*rrr t�> ��hich .�mrrica'� Prorni,c h�� �ssumed ;hr m�nde of leadership in posi�i��e ��outh dc�rle�prncnt can hc eau�c�1 h� thc rxtent t�� ��hich the nadon hat emhraced �ur hasic strate,*�. ll c ha�c rccei�rc1 hunclrcd� uf m:iic>r ce�mmitmcna fr�,m all secturs c�f_-lmerican life: �o��ernmrnt, husincss, ncmprofit. �•oluncrcr, and reli��i�us. This report summarizes the � .�.`�,fl:Kll .�, � (��;:i iAIl�i –� A�, _ : � � .; 1. „ i�li CO[T1fIlICIIlt'IILS C�11i�1 C11C10R11 COI'pOC1UUf��. �)�_:1f:1Z1C:��i;,. :lil'-: :��... . ,.,•.. —.II:.• -- _•'.� .•.." states—ha�-e made co _�rnerica's Promise. [n .ui�iin�,n. ��i�:~.i^ �:��`.; .�...- . . . �: "�'::".:;''-: (iterall�-rhousands of re;ional snd area rr�rt;;;iitn�.a�� il�•,� i���:' :T;.:.:� ,�. � .... _ -....,.-. , . political leaders, businesses. nonprohts, ����iurt<:r�. .tn�l rai-n-h.��..! .:'.�-:- -':,, ,� Equall�tellin�is the estent to ��-hicn .�rr�ric.i�� Pr��r:,�� ��.r ="r_� ; .... ....:�. _ .�i!i.�;•,��� :r.,'. partnerships to meet the fi��e basic needs ��f��ur .��uch. Ir. ;��>� �,��� ; -'��� `�� '��i','� .;;:':�.1�;;� : .: chain reacrion ot acri�-ism for couth all �cr�»� .�r.�ric:i: . ��.. • The Corporarion for�ational Senice i; �rr:iallS' `���� -��������•"r�' '�""� t'c: �����fli�'�. Promise Fellows ser�•e as a cadre of full-dme le:iu�r5. m��hiii�ir,�r lu�;i �:rt��r.� :�1 �r:�t� .in�i �::�C� { around che counm'to ad��ance rhe�rnerics'� Pr��mi�e �cr:t�n. •Junior achie�•ement, the _�nerican ��>cir:-� �>r�,���c:,;�i�m F�t.,:;;��<. .����: ��h„��I-:�;-�.�";-� joined �rzth�merica's Promise to spons�r�h� ;ea,n�1 :inr,�.:.il C�r�>u���'."�;_.!��;, ii:,�,:�,<< D::�.. I ��� s L;.S. Chamber of Commerce added ics le:i�lership rc> he!p :n.il: :� .i �;:�::�-. : �' '��`�'�:� ';" � rt, i � :�.i;�i����.:...:. � �,�, r � ,,. :.::- '. .i,:!::� ' businesses, Proups. :uia or,anizations chrc�u_:,��u: :�� n:ir. :. , . � IIleIICOCS 1I141ie�OUIIo:aS}'11dOR'5�� to spen�l chr ��;il ��IL}1 :}'.�:il .1C 'i`!c':;' ')i.l�_� , :�ll•';1_•,. 1I!i: _1'.. �l:r, �1t��'r rj���l i�ll�l' ., .. .��'��1�,�� 1���.'�� _'.lc`.l ',ll, � them an insiQht in�o�the «-orld of����rl:. T��:� �. � - � inraluable esperience. • The I;nited��av of_�rnerica - is coordinaan� its currenC 'r•_' ` _ _ ' �Iobilizadon Eor�rnerics's ' d ' ' ���`—-� � -��= - J Children Campai�n ��•ith rhe _� ; c _ - �y-- , ."�--_- w-ork ot�merica's Promise. I . _� . .. = _ �,�; �' . • �merica's Promise w-as th� � �I'"__'�� .- ,� _ � -— I ins iradon for an un receden�ed '�- � �.-- P P ",:�-*,%`-�`'�►:-,' '`'+,'y, • a,greement benveen Bi� Brothers *�' _ Big Sisters of�nerica snd the B����s � ':.^� 8: Girls Clubs of�merica «hereb�� - - ���`� the former w�ll pro�ide traineci z�. : '��'` ., �. .g;�.. . mencors snd che latter ���ill pro��icie = ri _ "'�� _"'_ ' �:i safe places for mentors and men�ees ^� �� ���� ' to meet.The Pillsburv C�mpan�� • ', provided S1 million to fun�l pil�,t ' � ";_~'��:`) �.:...: . . . . �„�.._. pro�ects m five c�nes. `yr;, '-'--- .._ . . _..; • The�adonal Conference �>f Gtholic Bishops has ioined with Th�� l.;�:�� .ti'��,r Il:r,-;;: I -,.;,, . � • .. �� , America's Promise in 1 pilot ptvgram to meet the basic nee�is ��t `��`"'Y'�$P�ople in three dioceses I`:ins15 C:ir�. �li.�n�i. .in�l �>!,������, � ' _ ;�n � ��I'�"�- r.` - . �t ��w�Q COZ1II13Ce1Y Ii��O�� VOl11l�SCC1'S1i1(j IS CS���'�:'.'�i [it .Cf�: .l� fi`� ill �. . 't.,:il�" 'oollaboraaon. '��cs 9i ::-. � ��rt of iu 5�6 milli��n cc�mmitnicnt ;�� \ni��i�.��. �> ,, ,:-.. . \: _ � r; ., ,; ,.i' itssupportofSTREETS��L�R"[ --.i ,���, �.�ni. ,t,�� „�, ! ,� �i,, i; � � ,,,.i, � ��.r ��t y � to reduce crime an�i ju��enile ;:ii�, ����ic ��:. �"!T6eOracle Corpr�rad�n has establi,h�•�I i �i��i� n�il':: ;� �� ,:n�!.:,:• . ' : � �r. �,.,,;�,,,�. 21t1p m�le computers s��ailable to pu�,r�•r ,�!,,���i ,li�tr�.r� �r �u:�.,'. �_ � � ��-� VH.�Inc., a major heslth care pro��i�lc: � �� ;. n_ ,. � � � � � � � ` _ ' , school-based pm�rrams a> Supp�,rt rh. �: '�:i�i� ��• � . „ .. I,. � , .� ,,. � ��tAmerican Bankers .�s��ciati�n i� r�..�i�ni�_ it, I, �� �' � . . , � ,,"i, - tfforts. �i . -�Y ,�c. �i .�:;� �i. .�\II:R1C:.1�ti �ltO\II�E:—l'��i: .�t.i.i.��ci. luk l�,i iii ��4" , • I��BO(�.�1'. � nonprc�fit ur�,aniz�tion, has ��lecl«r�] �u huilcl 1 rhousand pla}�,rounds to sen-e more th:in one milli��n children—prim;iril� in nri_hhc�rh�x�ds chat lack safe places for l:ids. C\.-1, the insurance compan�-, another_�meric:�'> Pre>mise c��mmitment maker, is underu-riting this camp:�i;n. .�ppr��im�telt•_'00 corpc�r:�tion� ;ind cc�mmunities �t�ill cnntribute to this effort. • Communicies In Schc�uls is ��-orl:in,��ith .�meric:�'s Prnmise to create -�,000 Schools of Promise ht' the ��ear'O(1� ��hich ���il] ,ene n��o milliun ��e>uth. Schools of Promise undertake to enlist the suppc,rt c�f loc;�l cc,mmuniu�� in rnsurin_r that thc hasic needs of their students are met. � • _-�cross the n:�cic,n, hundrecls of citirti, cc�unties, snd tu��n� ha��e become Communides of Prcmlise. pled�,in`� to keep thr fi��e promi,es of.�nrrica's Prumise tu �-ounQ people in their . itrri>dicti�ns. �ians:�s Cin�, �Iiss��uri, h�: ��,nunit:«I m krep.�ll fi��e promises to �;�,000 local ����un�,sters; Houston, 'O0,000; Dctrr,it, lIinneap��lis. ;�nd Charlotte, Aorth Car�lina ha�•e c�mmitted to 10,0O� local �-ourh each. Phil:��lelE�hi.� �ti�ill «�ork to fulfill 3t least one of the fi�-e promises tc� ]�'O.U00 t�oun��penple. These are just:i fe« e�f the mant� e�:imple. th:�t rc>ulii be citrc! here of the prc�found and pu�iti�r impact th:�t :ltneric.�'� Prr�mi�e i� Il;l�7t1,�c�n th�� li�e� uf millic�ns of_�rnerican t°outh. The details are cont�incd in the b�,d� ��f�hi� repc�rt. � .-�nd che end is ne��ti herr near in si`,ht. (:)ur.�m�ric:�'� Pr��mi>e �rebsite, �+�«�.�mericaspr��mise.�r�R„ a�hich u•as desi�*nrd :m�l de�elope�l ��ith thr assistance ��f.�nerica C)nlinr, :i�cra�,es -�O,UUO to GU,UUU hi[> prr��rck. ti�mie of our Ic:i�iin,cotnmimlent makers— such as Sears and �-nited _�irlines—h��e :i;miticsntl�- inrrease�l cheir inidal promises of support. In addition, �;e sre ;teadil�� recn�itin_;ad�liti�nal comntirments. The .-ltnerican pe��ple n�n� recc�`,nize that ic�cill take a true n:idonal effc>rt to raise all our t�oun�*pe�ple to be responsible citizens. The rnthu;i�sm en,�en�lere�l b�-.-�nerica�s Promi,e to date sho«s that thr .�meric�n penple hrlie�e th.�t «�r h:��e thr �n,��er to this must ur�,ent c�f national cuncerns. It remains onh� tu follun �hrou_rh. � .-�nerica's Pr�mise calls �n all�american� t<� �c:ile u}� their im�rstment in ��ur��outh, co ch�llrn�le thrm u ith hi�*h e�pCctatiun5. :�nd t�� en�,:���e them in ��ppe>rtunities to re:ilize the��e e�p�ctation5 thr��u�,h constructi�c, ch�r:icrrr-huildin,*acti��i�irs. (�ur eff�>rts o��er the ne�r fi��e, ten, an�l hft�en �rars ;irr �rurial. If«e do ne>t act no«�, and act decisi��eh�. «�e �.ill see millic�ns c�f our�•oun«pe��plr �rro�� up unht for;im kind of life other than dependencl� r�r cri«le. But if ue as � natic,n imest in the su-ace_*�-no« bein,pursued b�- .-\tnerica's Prumise, ��e uill �;uide �n entirr ,rener:�tic�n to succe�sfu] a�iulthood. Jlore than that, ��e �t ill ensure chat the c�-cic of success �+ill br rr��eatecl in the _*rneratic�ns that folio«. I�eepin�r _�meric�'� Pruinisr t��la� m:n� ���ll keep it for �he nexr cenrur�-. General C�>lin L. P����ell, t-5_� (Fet) Chairrrl:in. .�:n�•ric�;i�< Pr�>rliise U.i� 1-. 1'����� "Ll,e c�rn't�o foi«��rr-d rrJrl���_�- e���;-��l�odl- uro�•es�foi k��rrd. Ll'e can't belie��e in t1�c� �re.t�t ieiltur�� rr�rtil e�e�-y chilcl � belie�eJ' j7E' 07'S�JE' {.�ll,f [I�7ft11!'E' 111 tI.�P llt'.1't ielltlff'}'. �l e ' u•ill eithe�r- �:.•m-�• tn l�trrl�! otrr cl.�rl�l!-e11, or k'e c�rrt cozztin�ie to I�uil�l fnore j�rrl_;. 6l� �nrt�t Gurlcl ou1- I n�ttio3z's yotrtl.�. " — Gener,�l Culin P���tcll 10 ------ -- ---�_ .-��II:RIC:.��S PRc��tISE—T��r..-1t.Lt.��c i. rc,x 1'u� ��it .S'tates and Communt •" MINNESOTA ROSEMOUNT OrQanization: Rosemount Partnership Program Status Date: 1/�/99 Contact: �Is. Sheila I�lasson Phone: (6i 1) -}_'3-�391 Fa.: (6�1) 3�?-6080 Progress:In Januan- 1999, the Rosemount Cin-Council and JIa�•or Cath�-Busho passed a resoludon declarin�the cin-a Communiri-of Promise. In Februan- 1998, Rosemount held a to«-n meedng to discuss the results of the Search Instituce's Developmental�sset sun-e�-. That meeting set mam-of its current initiaaves in morion. Rosemount routh and adults are mal:inQ -}-8 •�; �; States and Communities .��[EfuC:.�'� Peu�ttsE—Ti{e_�.Li.���ce foR�"o��Tx �. ��' communiry yuilts �vhich �vill be on �iispla�-in public locadons. Rosemoun�also holds Teen r ; �ights r�vice each month attended bv appro�imatel�� '00 e•outh. Ten middle school students run �� the Teen `i�hts n�ith the help of sdult chaperones. Thr�•��uth pfan scri�-ides, prepare budgets. and conduct im�entor�-. Numerieal Goal:Rosemount pled�ed to provide thr h�-z basic promises to all of its �-outh. Best Praetiees:This Februan�, Rosemounc opened �he do��rs of its Fzmil�� Resource Center. �. The Cznter be,an as a modest idea to build a pla�-s-round in an srea of to�cn w�ith �iense subsidized housing bu� fe«�safe places. Communin� lesders be,an to take 1 broader look at ��: community neecls and realized thac Rosemount needeel to endce mam•n�pes of�en ice pro�•iders ;� to che communin�. The new- Famil�� Resource Crnter��-ill operate as a satelli�e office tor pro�zders trom inside znd outside che cia-co respon�3 to lo�sl residrnt needs. The Center alread��hosts acti�-ides for youth snd ��•ill e��entu�ll�- include basketball rourts and 1 pfa�•,roun�l. � Future Plans:Realizin� [hat there was not enough l:nu«�Ic�l,e :ibout e�sdn�cc�mmunir�- tesources. Rusemount Parrnership Pro�ram �vill «ork�cith ��outh lncl luc:al resicients to compilc -' a resource �iirecton� tor the co�munin�. Thc �irertorzs «ill likrl�� be �iiscribute�l ro Families , tfuou;h the �chuols in September 199�J. �� Total Loeal Commitments:The cin� �,<n-ernment�i��nste�i rhe buil�in�„ancl che lan�i f�r ���h.ir ��`t is now• Rosemount's Famih• Resource Center. The Cin Parks :in�l Recre�uon Dep:�ranen� n��«� '� manages the formerl�•w�lunteer-led T�en \�i��ht`,i�in�,it rhe lon�,e��in sn� �tabilin i� needecl. -;.