HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. 2000 Fee Resolution CITY OF ROSEMOUNT : . ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION . CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: 2000 FEE RESOLUTION AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. WALSH AGENDA NO. �/� ASSISTANT TO ADMII�tISTRATOR �� �`'t ' ATTACHMENTS: MEMOS, DRAFT RESOLUTION APPROVED BY: Attached for City Council consideration and adoption is the Year 2000 Fee Resolution amending certain city fees and rates. Staff has provided memorandums explaining their reasons for changing some of the fees. The resolution references Appendix I, general city fees, and Appendix II,Parks &Recreation/Community Center fees. Included in the administration fees, starting on page 12 of the resolution are the proposed liquor fees that shall be considered by the City Council under the public hearing portion of the agenda. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES AND FEES FOR 2000 • To: Sue Walsh, Assistant to the Administrator From: Rick Pearson, City Planner � Date: December 3, 1999 . - Re: 2000 Fee Schedule The Planning Department would like to make two minor changes to the fee schedule for 2000. 1. Administrative Plat would be moved from the Lot Split line to be on the same line as Simple Plat. Typically, Administrative Plat involves more work than a lot split and is similar to a simple plat. Plats usually require processing with signatures on mylar drawings, and are often subject to County and MnDOT review. Lot Splits, on the other hand, are often metes and bounds descriptions and may be exempt from platting requirements. As a result, the City processing usually ends with the resolution of approval. 2. Adding a line item for Transmission Facilities. The essential services zoning text amendment created this permit and it should be included for processing. It probably should have been added last year or the year before subsequent to the adoption of the amendment. . MEMO TO: . CITY CLERK/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT WALSH FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGINE R/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1999 RE: 2000 PROPOSED FEES FOR PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Attached are the proposed changes and fees for 2000 for Public Works and Engineering. The following is a summary in the changes in these fees. 1. As discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting in November the Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Utility and Capital Charges have all changed per the recommendation of the Utility Commission. The User Fees will be in effect for the next five years and the Capital Charges will be increased per the Rate Study. 2. The Metro SAC Charge went up $50.00 to a new total of $1,100 per SAC unit. 3. In the assessment area, the construction cost index showed a 2.2% increase for the last year. The assessments for reconstruction projects were increased 2.2%. emo To: Mayor and City Council From: Mick Kaehler—Building Official Subject: Proposed changes to the Permit Fees for 2000 Date: December 1, 1999 I am requesting the following changes to the current fee schedule for the following reasons. Attached are the proposed changes. WATER, SANITARY, SEWER AND STORM WATER CAPITAL CHARGES Metropolitan SAC Fees—increase from $1050.00 to $1100.00 per unit. See Metropolitan Council letter dated October 11,1999. FIRE PREVENTION PERMITS AND FEES Fuel Tank Installation or removal. This change is to the 1997 Uniform Building Code fee table currently used for building permits. This change is because the Fire Marshall must now review all installation permits for compliance for the City of Rosemount. Formally the State Fire Marshall's office provided the plan review and inspections for any installations, but no longer provides that service for us. BUILDING PERMITS AND FEES Plan Check Fees: Change plan review fees to 65% far all projects (Commercial and Residential) submitted to the City of Rosemount for review. This change is needed because the department will be required to devote a much greater amount of time on all plan reviews because of the new code requirements. . iVle�cropolitan Council , Working for the Region, Pfanning for the Future ' Environmental Seruices MCES Profile Metro olitan counci► ��� Service Availabilit Charge P � Y ) Environmental Services (MCES) is one of four Issue: Currently new development is not paying the actual cost of growth - diuisions of the Metropolitan for the expansion of the wastewater treatment system in this region. Of the Council, a regional public year 2000 MCES total debt service payment of$63.3 million, $21.1 million agency working for the is for new development. New development, however, will only pay $17.4 seven-county metropolitan �llion, leaving the current users paying the remaining $4.7 million. area. Serving 2.5 million residents in 189 Reason: New development should pay for expansion of the Metropolitan municipalities, MCES: Disposal System (MDS) through the MCES Service Availability Charge* • Partners with numerous public, (SAC) System. SAC revenue is used to pay for a specific portion of debt Frivate and nonprcfit gro�ps committed to a clean service. When the SAC system was created, there was no history on which environment. to determine the capital cost associated with new development; therefore the • Contributes regional leadership SAC contribution to debt service was determined based on a "reserved to reduce water pollution capacity" model. This model assumed that the empty portion of the sewer through public education. pipes and treatment plants were reserved for future users and became a proxy • Provides water supply and for growth. water resources planning for three major watersheds: the �mpact: Current users, through their municipal wastewater charges, are Mississippi, Minnesota and St. Croix. paying $3 to $6 million, annually, to subsidize growth in the region. That • Coordinates watershed money could be used instead to reduce municipal wastewater charges or to protection for 46 sub- pay for other environmental programs. watersheds. • Works with 839 industrial Proposed Solution: Changing from the reserved capacity model to a clients to substantially reduce growth cost model would allow the Metropolitan Council to charge the amount of pollution entering development, through SAC, for the real cost of growth. This would require a our wastewater collection change in state law. system. • Owns and maintains 550 miles of regional sewers that collect flow from 5,000 miles of sewers owned by 104 communities. • Treats 300 million gallons of wastewater daily at nine *Definition: Since 1973, a SAC fee has been levied by Metropolitan Council regional treatment plants. Environmental Services (MCES) for new connections or increased volume to the • Continues to achieve, over the Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS). The Service Availability Charge or SAC past 10 years, near-perfect charge is similar to fees used by many wastewater utilities and municipalities. compliance with federal and state clean-water standards. Generically, they are known as "impact" or"connection" fees. • Maintains wastewater service One SAC unit equals 274 gallons of maximum potential daily wastewater flow rates consistently below the volume. Single-family houses, townhouses, duplex units and most apartments national average. each equal one SAC unit per dwelling unit. Commercial buildings are assessed ti�,� .� •-� SAC units based o❑ maximum potential daily wastewater flow value. Industrial buildings are assessed SAC units based on maximum normal daily wastewater flow volume for process areas and maximum potential flow volume for � a� '` commercial areas. � � /�`� ;:- r� �� f� „ � j 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1626 (651)602-1005 Fax 602-1183 TDD/TTY 229-3760 An Et�ual OpportunifU F.mpfoi�cr , IVletropolitan Council � �_ Working for the Region, Planning for the Future October 11, 1999 Environmentat Seruices` TO: ALL CITY MANAGERS SUBJECT: SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE(SAC)RATE FOR THE YEAR 2000 The Metropolitan Council-Environmental Services(MCES)has established the 2000 SAC rates. Effective January 1, 2000, the SAC rate will be$1,100 for communities w7th interceptors, and$1,080 for the communities of Cottage Grove,Hastings and Stillwater who do not have metropolitan interceptor service. The 2000 rates reflect an increase of$50 and$65, respectively. _.. °Year 2000 SAC Rate' : _ $1,,100 for communities with,interceptors , ,_ ;, ;: $1!,080 for communities of Cottage Grove,'.Hastings,and Stillwater (these communities do not'have interceptor service) Your community collects SAC as users connect to the Metropolitan Disposal System for the first time or as a user's potential or peak sewage increases. The SAC funds remitted to MCES pay for the reserve capacity poriion of our debt service incurred to expand and improve MCES sewer facilities. Potential Adiustment to SAC Rate. During 1999,the state legislature ga�•e the Council authority to waive SAC charges for inclusionary(affordable)housing. The Council is in the process of considering the scope,conditions,and fiscal impacts for such waivers. This waiver,if implemented,could increase the SAC rate during the course of 2000. Also for your informadon, recommended changes to SAC,generated by a 1998 SAC Task Force, introduced in the 1999 legislative session,will be pursued in the 2000 legislative session for possible implementation in 2001. A description of the change to a"growth cost"system is included in this mailing. Additional mod�cations[o either the existing or changed system may also be implemented in 2001. Contact Dorothy Goodwin at(651)602-1263 if you would like a detailed description of the proposed changes. Re!2+�!?dPr: P!1 SP.0 fees co�?e;,t� �^�e commur.:� •in 2000 are te be re:r::tt� ..�,,, 'y � d to the Cou^ci!�t L'�;, 2000 rate regardless of when the permitting process began. The rate to be charged is the rate in effect at the time of payment. ' If}�ou have any questions about the potential changes,please contact Sandra Selby at(651)602-1118. If . you have questions about spec�c determinations for non-residential properties,please contact Jodi Edwards at(651)602-1113. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, � --G4/c.CC'c� Jason Willett MCES Finance Manager cc: Building Inspections Department Jodi Edw�ards,MCES Jean Erickson,MCES Renee Gutunan,MCES Sandra Selby,MCES Enclosure \�1ETC FS2�DATA\USERS�ELL[OTF:M�word�SACrate2000.doc 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul,Minnesota 55101-1626 (651)602-1005 Fax 602-1183 TDD/TIY 229-3760 An Equa1 Opportunity Employer MEMORANDUM DATE: December 1, 1999 TO: Sue Walsh, Assistant to the Administrator FROM: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director SUBJECT: 2000 Fees and Fee Policy Attached is a copy of the proposed 2000 fees and fee policy changes for the Parks and Recreation Department. The reason for the increase of rental rates at the Community Center is due to an increase in operating expenses involved with the rentals. Staffing, equipment use and cleaning supplies are a few of the items that are offset by the rental fees collected. This was the first time Community Center rental fees have been increased since the facility opened in 1994. To make sure that we are not pricing ourselves out of the market, staff conducted a survey of similar facilities to our own. The survey revealed that with an increase in our rental fees, we would still be at competitive market rate. Results of the survey are attached. On October 25, 1999, the Parks and Recreation Committee voted on and passed a recommendation that the City Council approve the proposed 2000 Fees and Fee Policy. If you have any further questions about the proposed rates please let me know. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION ' CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 18, 1999 . AGENDA ITEM: Building Valuation Data - 1999 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness AGENDA NO. Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Exhibit A APPROVED BY: In order to comply with Minnesota Statues 16B.70, the requirements for charging a state surcharge fee on all permits issued by a municipality, the attached information must be adopted. The state surcharge (tax) must be calculated based on construction value . The value must be determined by the Building Official by using the current building valuation data as supplied by the State Building Codes and Standards Division (published in May of each year). To assure a fair and equitable method of establishing construction value for other permits, we have included a table of residential building values in addition to the State numbers. Both tables must be adopted to comply with state surcharges statues. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CHANGE IN THE BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE FOR DETERMINING CONSTRUCTION VALUES. COUNCIL ACTION: _ YJ" ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999 - A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES AND FEES FOR 2000 WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the 1998 fee schedule and recognizes the need to amend certain rates and fees for 2000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approved the rates and fees for 2000 as outlined in Appendix I and Appendix II. ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1999. at y us o, ayor ATTEST: usan . a s , ity er Motion By: Seconded by: Voted In Favor: Voted Against: Members Absent: 2 �. Q �1 �1 � � . N � M '-r No vi � � � � � � •--� '�' 6R3 vi v� � `-' F",' f.WLt � .� �"-�, � � o E-, '� F� H � -��- � � � � � � �; �-1 -� � _ cl! cr� v� � � o � � � � Q Q �� � � � � � o �n �n v, �n � Q � � N w � r � � � �"" � � U 6R3 69 � O .� � r-+ /� � � �' � wQ � Qw � � ,� � � � x Q Q � �: � � o � 'o -� :o � o o � *� � Q � '� N Q � � ° � � °�.' -�v3- � � � E-�i � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � e � � s"'`'- x Q..� -��s Q. SSa � xo a� a> a� � S Qx � U, �' � '� i � NM � � � � � � � � � Qr"'i � � � � � '� � � d � � � ¢ � o � d � �1 v� sgcflsgviZ � ZZs9s� c� v� Zc-� � v� v� �nZ �. Zs9Zc-� c� s� Z �, x �sz � � � � � � � Ca w �; � o � � U N h N Q Q vl �" � � r'�( �n � o p '� p � � � � � � � � W sg � � Q Q � H � � w � � � � o o x o :N � � � (_�..i � � � N M � C�1 � � � � � � � � Q � "V � � � � � � �� CT C�y � � v�i v�i v�i � � � � o � �i i•■r � � Q Q O O O � E-�' �' E�+ � O � U O � bA bA bA �" r � � � � � � bq � �-+ � r-+ U] C/� '� � � � �i. s.�, �s..�,, O s.0, s�., s.�. Q ,� Q Q r� Q Q s�'�'' Lt. Q � Q W .� � sa, �.� o o x o �, � Qo .� oQ � � � � � v' `r' o � o� o � '� � � N N O O O 69 O V � � � � O 6f3 � 69 � � ��.L""i� � xi �69 64 � � � � e �� �.y � x a,x � .°'n. x x x � � o v� v� � ti x Q x x � � x Q � � .� 000 � � �r � ¢ � o �n � � .� �n � � o ¢ •� � � � M � � Q � ° � � � � rns`�'�- s��- � v� Zs��- Z Zs��- � � v� Zs��s � �, �, �r�- Z G� Zs9Z �sc� sRZ G�. xs� Z � II � wa � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �' � � C7 � � � C7 � d � C7 � � � C7 � dqC7 � � � C7 � � � C7 � � � C7 � � o 0 � � n ? � y ? � 0 � � O .� � 3 a � � � � � � V � � �� � V � � � ti � � � •�? '� � C o � � � A � � � U �`�' � � a � APPENDIX I SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES FOR 2000 Planningand Zoning Review Fees . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 1 Public Works and Engineering Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 3 Park Dedication Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 11 AdministrationFees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 12 Fire Prevention Permits and Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 14 Police Department Permits and Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16 Building Permits and Fees . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 17 Residential Building Valuations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 22 1997 UBC Table lA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 23 Valuation Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 24 1997 UBC Grading Permit Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 38 APPENDIX II ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION 2000 FEES AND FEE POLICY 1. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 2. Priority for Scheduling Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3 3. Facility Fees. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 A. Purpose........................................... Page 3 B. Fee Class of Users.......................... Page 4 C. Fees...................................................Page 4 D. Deposits........................................... Page 7 4. Building Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8 5. Reservation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 1 Schedule of Ra� Fees Append'u� I - 1999 2000 PLANNING AND ZONING REVIEW FEES Administrative Appeals $ 165.00 Interim Use Permit $ 330.00 Mineral Extraction Permit Application Fee $ 215.00 Annual Fee $ 330.00 Surety Bond $ 3,000.00/acre Subdivision Fees Preliminary Plat $ 545.00 Final Plat $ 435.00 Lot Split/ $ 330.00 Administrative Plat/ Simple Plat $ 435.00 Other Subdivision $ 330.00 Lot Combination $ 215.00 Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Application Fee $ 545.00 Rezoning $ 330.00 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment $ 330.00 Planned Unit Development Concept Plan $ 330.00 Final Development Plan $ 545.00 Administrative $ 330.00 Minor Amendment $ 165.00 Major Amendment $ 435.00 Conditional Use Permit $ 330.00 Variance Petition Application Fee $ 165.00 Site Plan Review Site: One acre or more $ 330.00 Site: Less than one acre $ 215.00 Appeals of Planning Commission Decisions to the City Council $ 165.00 Environmental Assessment Worksheets $ 545.00 Comprehensive Guide Plan $ 25.00+tax Schedule of Ra� Fees - Append'u� I - 1999 2000 Transmission Facilities $ 300.00 � Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance $ 9.50+tax ' Zoning Map Black and White $ 1.00 +tax = Color $ 5.00 +tax City Staff Billing For applications that include excessive staff time, services performed by City personnel will be billed at two and one-half(2.5) times the actual payroll hourly rate. Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates. Joint Applications A planned unit development that includes a subdivision may have the fee waived for a preliminary plat at the discretion of the Community Development Director. 2 - Schedule of Ra� Fees Append'u� I - 1999 2000 PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING FEES 1. Engineering Fees: Administrative Fees: For Chapter 429 or private improvements project charges shall be calculated at 5 � percent of public improvement construction costs. Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates plus 5 percent administrative costs, unless assessed to benefitting property under a 429 project which then excludes the 5 percent. 2. Miscellaneous Public Works Fees: Street Excavation and Curb Cuts Curb Cuts, Driveway Access Permits, Transit Stop Kiosks $ 25.00 Street Excavation minimum bond deposit with City $2,000.00 Private Utility Permits $ 50.00 Sidewalk/Trail Snow Removal $ 60.00 per lot Plat Maps $ 5.00 (+tax) Half-Section Maps (property lines only) $ 5.00 (+ tax) Topo Maps ('/z Section Hard Copy) $ 150.00 (+tax) Asbuilts /Record Drawings (per sheet) $ 5.00 (+tax) Wetland Notification/Application Form $ 75.00 Wetland Inventory Map $ 5.00 (+tax) Geographic Information Systems Fees Single family, town homes or multi-family $ 50.00 per lot/Unit All other - Final Plat $ 100.00 per acre Simple Lot/Parcel split or boundary change $ 100.00 City Street &Utility Specifications $ 25.00 (+tax) Assessment Searches � $ 10.00 (+tax) - 3. Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water Usage Rates A. Water and Sanitary Seiver User Fees Usage - Based on Quarterly Meter Readings Water Use $ 6-9�51.02/1000 gallons Water Fixed Charge $ �-49 8.90 each account Sanitary Sewer Use $ �--�51.40/1000 gallons Sanitary Sewer Fixed Charge $ �9-�9 20.00 each account 3 Schedule of Ra� Fees " Appendix I - 1999 2000 B. Water Surcharge and Meter Maintenance Per Chart Below (Quarterly) Meter Size Surcharge Meter Maintenance � Single Family- 5/8" $ 6-99 8.80 0 Multi-Family - 5/8" $ � 6.80 0 _ - 1�� (�) $ 9�9 13:50 $ �99 6.25 1'/2" (*) $ �1-99 28.00 $ 4-8�9 11.25 2�� (*) $ z'�-.99 31.50 $��5�9 18.15 �1lZ"(*) $ 39.35 $22.20 3" (*) $ 3�--�3 47�00 $�9 26.25 4" (*) $ �4fr.Cr�70.00 $3Er.99 45.00 6" (*) $�� 154.00 $9�-99 100.00 * Commercial, Industrial or InstitutionaU Commercial and Industrial are taxable Sewer Only Users $ 3�99 40.00 per quarter per � SAC unit Bulk Water $ 2.00 per 1000 gallons+tax Irrigation Meters: Pay water usage charge only; exempt from Sanitary Sewer Usage. Fixed Charges. , C. QUARTERLY STORM WATER UTILITY FEES Storm Fee Land Use Land Use Description Unit Fee Category Single-family residential,R-1,2,RL, Multi-unit Residential $9:-t5 1 residential with individual water meters,R-3,4, Unit $8.40 Platted/undeveloped, Minimum charge for all parcels 2 Rural residential, Agricultural,RR, AG Lot $�8r69 $ 8.85 3 Parks, Golf Courses, Cemeteries,PK Acre $�* $ I:80* 4 Undeveloped/unplatted, U Acre $ 0.10* 5 Multi-unit residential without individual water meters, Acre $3939* Apartments, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, $31.20* Government Buildings, Mobil Home Parks, P 6 Commercial, Industrial and Parking Lots, C-1,2,3,4, Acre $ ��* IP, IG, PL, VVM $ 38.95* 4 � Schedule of Ra� Fees Append� I - 1999 2000 . *Categories 3, 4, 5, & 6 are subject to the minimum charge of$6-��$8.40. The largest of either the minimum or application of the above rates, will be used for the fee. D. Miscellaneous Utility Charges . Meter Disconnection Charge $ 35.00 Meter Reconnection Charge $ 35.00 Utility Billing Search/Resident No Charge Utility Billing Search/Non-Resident $ 5.00+tax New Customer List $ 3.00+tax Total Customer List $ 25.00 (+tax) Water Meter Accuracy Check Testing 5/8" - 2 "meters $ 30.00 Testing 3" meters $ 36.00 Testing 4" meters $ 70.00 Testing 6" meters $ 100.00 Water Meter Installation Charges With MN Without MN 5/8" (City installed) ��0.00--��9 200.00 1" (City installed) $+}9�99 414.00 $309.00 1-%2" (Plumber installed) $5�9-99 580.00 $470.00 2" (Plumber installed) $�.'�-98 725.00 $612.00 3" (Plumber installed) $�-13-�99 1,152 $�;93�:�981,038.00 4. Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Capital Charges A. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Availability Charge (Metro SAC) Per Sac Unit, as determined by the MCES, $�-�98 collected by the City with the building permit $1;100.00 beginning January 1, �}�2000 B. City Sanitary Sewer ___.,_.... �.�__a_ ��:_,, ____, Availability`Charges a,) For all developments with final plat approval prior to January 1, 2000: Per Sac Unit as determined by the MCES and collected with the building pernut per the schedule as follows: Single Family(SF) Detached $�--3�r991,400 Mobile Homes $��99 1,400 SF Attached with Individual Laundry $�;3�5-991,400 Apartments, Condo, & SF Attached with Central 5 Schedule of Ra� Fees - Appendix I - 1999 2000 Laundry Facilities $�-�6f98 1,130 Public/Institutional, Industrial, Commercial $�9 1,40Q b.) For all developments with final plat approval after 3anuary'1, 2000: • 1. Trunk Area Assessments Collected with final plat/subdivision agreement as - � follows: Single Family Residential $ 900.00 per acre Mu1ti-Family Residential $ 900.00"per acre Institutional $900.00 per acre Commercial $ 900.00 per acre Industrial $ 900.00,per acre 2. Per SAC Unit as determined by the MCES and collected with the Building Permit;. as follows: Single Family Residential $ 1,000.00 Mu1ti-Family Residential $ 1,000;00 Institutional $ 1,000.00 Commercial $ 1,000.00 Industrial $ 1,000A0 C. City Water Availability Charges a.) For all developments with final plat approval priar to January 1, 2000. , •, , „ , _- - , , •, ,• ., , , , Per Sac Unit as a r - r '�` determined by MCES and collected�vith the Building Permit as follows: Single Family(SF) Detached $�-3�5-99 $2;200 Mobile Homes $�--�5-99 $2,200 � SF Attached with Individual Laundry $��$2,200 , � • OR: 1" (*) Meter $ 5,000 1'/z" (*) Meter $ 7,500 2" (*) Meter $10,000 2'/2"(*) Meter $12,500 3" (*) Meter $I5,000 4" (*) Meter $17,500 6" (*} Meter $20,000 6 � Schedule of Ra� Fees Appendi�c I - 1999 2004 b) For all developmenfs with final plat approval after January l, 2000: 1. Trunk area assessments collected with final plat/subdivision agreement as follows: All zoning types $3,300 per acre 2. And Water Access Charge collected with the Buildin�Permit as follows: Single Family Res. $1,100 Multi-Family Res. $1,100 1" (*} Meter $ 5,000 1'/2" (*) Meter $ 7,500 2" (*) Meter $10,000 21h"(*) Meter $12,500 3" (*) Meter $15;000 4" (*) Meter $17,500 6" (*) Meter $20,000 , � • , • n�� mi n�-rn nn 7 • f • 7 ' D. Storm Water Charges For this charge,Newly Developed Properties are defined as any property, including platted or unplatted parcels, which are improved with buildings, grading, or otherwise creating an . impervious surface. a. Trunk Area E�x�gee Assessments will be collected from Developers on all Ne��vly Developed Properties ' . as follows: Single Family (Urban) $ ��69-2,700 per acre Singel Family(RR) $ 400 per acre Multiple Family $ �}69 3,500 per acre Public/Institutional $ �;9�69 3,500 per acre Commercial $ 3-��8 3;700 per acre Industrial $ 3�-�9 3,700 per acre 7 Schedule of Ra� Fees ' Appendi�c I - 1999 2000 Acres are defined as gross acres of developable property minus pond acreage (at high water level) and wetlands at delineation line,rounded to the nearest one tenth(1/lOth) of an acre. b. Connection Charges (STAC) collected with the Building Permit on all Newly Developed properties including those listed below: Single Family(All� $ -�3� 850 per lot Multiple Family $ 5z'�600 per housing unit (4 plex=4 units) Public/Institutional $ �;969 3,500 per acre of impervious acreage Commercial $ 3;�9�3;700 per acre of impervious acreage Industrial $ 3;�8 3;700 per acre of impervious acreage • . . . ��irarrnrnrPt�c ��cP�drrrara�tlttititm .. �_� T -� T - - -- ' • T, Ii111G1LL UL GL1LL nuutuvai ����j�j�,� �i� vv u�ii ��r � �£� . c. Connection Charges (STAC) Collected with the Building Permit on£��a aIl newly developed properties that have not paid trunk area assessments listed below (Gross Area): _ Single Family $��91,750 per lot Multiple Family $ �9 7,000 per acre Public/Institutional $-5-9�9,7,000 per acre Commercial $ Er;z��7,400 per acre Industrial $�6z'�9 7,400 per acre �l�n� TT'l/ �.i- ---s i � • rv � r. r.__t_ n i _ _i n i i r ain�.iiu auu �.0 'f'� '�'�IIfi'aCIVCWl�"E'S'f'dtCS - • �T, •,., 5. Water Tower Antennas Application fee $ 2500.00 8 � � Schedule of Ra� Fees Append'u� I - 1999 2000 � Per year rent payments based on 9 "panel type" or 3 "whip type" antennas and appropriate $�z;999.00 12,500 outside equipment area � Minimum per year lease payment 5% increase. 6. Assessments A. Street Assessments for Total Reconstruction Projects on existing streets are as follows: l. Single Family/ R-1 Zoned Lot: • With Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $�;96�5-00 2,130 • With Existing Bituminous Curb $�-3�5.00 2,400 • With Existing Gravel Road $ Full Cost of Improvement 2. Commercial/Industrial Parcels: • Minimum Assessment $5-9$5�.00 5,200 3. For Undeveloped Property a. Street • Single Family/R-1 Zoned Property $50/LF • Multiple Family/R-2,3,4/P Zoned Property $55/LF • All C/IG/IPBP Zoned Property $82/LF b. Water Main • All Housing Types (8" main) $12/LF • All Other Land Uses (12" main) $18/LF - c. Sanitary Sewer • All Land Uses Unless High Water $17.50/LF User as determined by the City Engineer 7. City Equipment and Staff Rates A. Equipment- Per hour charge (does not include operator) Pick-Up Truck $ 22.00 1-Ton Dump Truck $ 23.00 Single�le Dump Truck $ 32.00 9 Schedule of Ra� Fees Appendi�c I - 1999 2000 Tandem�le Dump Truck $ 40.00 Tractor E�le Dump Truck $ 15.00 Tractor Backhoe/Loader $ 35.00 950 Cat Loader $ 65.00 Road Grader $ 70.00 Street Sweeper $ 50.00 ' Air Compressor $ 25.00 Sewer Jetter Truck $130.00 Sewer Vacuum Truck $130.00 Groundmaster Mower $ 22.00 6" Pump $ 25.00 Skid Loader $ 35.00 Tree Space $ 35.00 B. Public Works Staff- Per hour charge Public Works Director $ 62.00 Civil Engineer $ 41.00 Technician $ 36.00 Intern $ 26.00 Secretary $ 31.00 Maintenance Superintendent $ 52.00 Maintenance Worker $ 25.00 10 � Schedule of Ra� Fees AppendiY I - 1999 2000 PARK DEDICATION FEES Park dedication fees are outlined in City Ordinance No. XVII.103 which states: In all new residential subdivisions, the City shall require that a sufficient portion of such land be set aside and dedicated to the public for parks,playgrounds or other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways. It shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgrounds for the present and future residents of the subdivision, if the subdivider dedicates at least 1/25 of an acre per dwelling unit that can be constructed in the subdivision. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land be dedicated if the City determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is more appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution by the City Council. In all new commercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated to serve the needs of the resident and working population if the subdivider dedicates at least five percent (5%) of the land in the subdivision for parks, recreation and usable open space. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land to be dedicated if it determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution of the City Council. Land Values for the dedication of land and/or cash contribution: 1999 fees 2000 fees New residential subdivision $�'�;5�6�/acre $�3�64aTac Commercial subdivision $22,000.00/acre �22,000/ac Industrial subdivision $22,000.00/acre $22,000/ac 11 Schedule of Ra� Fees � Appendix I - 1999 2000 ADMINISTRATION FEES City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission, Parks & $ 10.00 +tax/year � - Recreation, or Utilities Commission Agendas (mailed)*no chc�rge to Rosemount residents City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission, Parks &Recreation $ 25.00+tax/year or Utilities Commission Minutes (mailed) *no charge to Rosemount residents City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission, Parks &Recreation $ 35.00 +tax/year or Utilities Commission Agendas and Minutes (mailed)*no charge to Rosemount residents Note: The above items are available at no charge to residents if documents are requested on an individual basis. Videotapes $ 25.00 +tax Minimum fee will be charged for all City Council adopted documents $ 25.00+tax including but not limited to the following: Assessment Policy, Audited Financial Statements, Budgets, Carroll's Woods Master Plan, City Code, Comprehensive Guide Plan, Comprehensive Water System Plan, Drainage Plan- West Drainage Area, Erickson Community Square Master Plan, Parks Master Plan, Storm Water Utility Policy, Zoning Ordinance. Documents such as City Code, Zoning Ordinance,Budget, S .25 +tax per page for Audited Financial Statements, City Specs Book, Parks first 5 pages, and Master Plan, etc. .OS +tax per page >_ 5 pgs. - OR- Actual reproduction cost charged by vendor. Kennel Registration Licenses Residential $ 25.00 Commercial $ 100.00 Cattery Registration Licenses $ 25.00 Kennel& Cattery Inspections $ 30.00 Liquor Licenses On-Sale Intoxicating Class A (new) $4,500.00 Class B (was $2,750) $3,000.00 On-Sale Wine (was $360) $ 550.00 12 � Schedule of Ra� Fees Append'u�I - 1999 2000 Off-Sale Intoxicating (same) $150.00 On-Sale 3.2% Malt (was $180) $ 250.00 Off-Sale 3.2%Malt (was $40) $ 50.00 - Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating («�as $35) $ 50.00/day Temporary On-Sale 3.2°/a Malt (same) $ 30.00/day Special Club On-Sale Intoxicating (same) Membership: under 200 $ 300.00 beriveen 201 and 500 $ 500.00 between 501 and 1,000 � 650.00 between 1,001 and 2,000 $ 800.00 between 2,001 and 4, 000 $1,000.00 beriveen 4,001 and 6,000 $2,000.00 more than 6,001 $3,000.00 Special Sunday (same) $ 200.00 Bottle Club (same) $ 150.00 One-day Bott1e Club (same) $ 25.00 On-Sale IntoYicating Liquor License (same) on Public Premise - Annual License $ 100.00 - per event $ 30.00 Amending an Existing Liquor License (same) $ `` 50.00 Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants $ 50.00 Adult Use Establishments License $3,000.00 Photocopy Fee (8•1/2" x 11") $ .25 +tax per page for first 5 pages � $ .OS +tax per page >_ 5 pages Miscellaneous Documents $ 1.00/page+tax (Example: Survey Sections from City Code or Zoning Ordinance, Resolutions, Sections from Parks Plan) Check Return Charge $ 20.00 Assessment Searches $ 10.00 13 Schedule of Ra� Fees � Appendix I - 1999 2000 FIRE PREVENTION PERMITS AND FEES Recreation Fire Permit $ 15.00 Burning Permit $ 84.00 Pyrotechnic Display of Fireworks $ 168.00 Fire Report (per copy) $ 3.00+tax for the first 10 pages of each report $ .OS +tax per page z 10 pages Fire Photo (per copy) $ actual cost of reproducing Fire Video Tape $ 25.00 +tax Officers Report $ 15.00+tax Portions -First Page $ 1.00+tax Each Additional Page .50 +tax Temporary use of LP Gas $ 15.00 Operation of Haunted House $ 84.00 Day Care Inspection Residential $ 42.00 Commercial $ 84.00 . Storage and Use of Hazardous Materials $ 84.00 Over quantities listed in current Fire Code Edition- Section 4. Permit valid for rivelve months -maximum Fuel Tank Installation or Removal • r� m er� nn r � Ttrt .t ��tiv m t r tt +m � 1 IAl Fuel Tank Installation or Removal: As recommended by Table 1-A of fhe 1997 Uniform Building Code. 14 � Schedule of Ra� Fees Appendix I - 1999 2000 Plan Check Fees: CvmmerciaVlndustriaUMulti-family buildings and structures - Sixty-five percent (65%) of the building permit fee. Residential buildings - sixty-five percent (65%)fifty percent(50%) ofthe` . buiiding permit fee for new single family dwellings. Residentiai Accessory Structures/additions/alterations/repairshemodeling - Sixty-five percent (65%)thirty-five(35%) of the building permit fee. State Surcharge; As recommended by the Minnesota State Code- Section 16B.70. Fire Sprinkler Protection System Per Table lA of 1997 Uniform Building Code. . . , . State Surcharge: As recommendedby the Minnesota State`Code - Section 16B.70.'. Alarm System Permit/Review Per Table lA of 1997 Uniform Building Code plus $.0005 Surcharge. Minimum fee $84.00+ Surcharge. , Special and Miscellaneous Inspections Per Table 1 A of 1997 Uniform Building Code. Minimum fee $84.00 (2hrs.) + $42.00/hr over 2 hrs. Reinspection Fee $ 42.00 Penalty for Failing to Obtain Permit Penalty for failing to�obtain a permit prior to starting work required is three times the regular permit fee established herein. Certificate of Occupancy Inspection/Renewal Fee $ 42.00 15 Schedule of Ra� Fees ' Appendix I - 1999 200Q POLICE DEPARTMENT PERMIT AND FEES � . Police reports $ 3.00+tax for the first 10 pages of each report $ .OS +tax per page >_10 pages Police reports over five (5) pages $ 10.00+tax Drivers license check (non-resident) $ 5.00+tax Background checks $ 5.00+tax Animal Licenses Registration Fees Biennial fee for spayed and neutered animals $ 10.00 Biennial fee for unspayed and unneutered $ 20.00 Duplicate Tags $ 2.50 Applicants 62 years of age or older shall pay fifly percent (50%) of above stated fees. Firearm Permit $ 10.00 Pawn Shop License Fee 0 - 20 pawns a day $1,500.00 yr. 21-40 pawns a day 3,000.00 yr. 41 and over pawns a day 5,000.00 yr. Initial application includes $1,500.00 deposit for investigation fee as set in City Code. Alarm User Permit $ 125.00 16 . Schedule of Ra� Fees Append'u� I - 1999 2000 BUILDING PERMITS AND FEES _ Building Permits: As recommended by Table 1-A of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Plan Check Fees: CommerciaUIndustriaVMulti-family buildings and structures - Sixty-five percent (65%) of the building permit fee. Residential buildings - sixty-five percent (65%)fifty percent(50%) of the building permit fee for new single family dwellings. Residential Accessory Structures/additions/alterations/repairs/remodeling- Sixty-five percent (65%)thirty-five(35%) of the building permit fee. State Surcharge: As recommended by the Minnesota State Code - Section 16B.70. Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Fees Residential (4 or less units) New construction $ 84.50 Alteration/repair $ 42.50 Multiple Housing (5 or more units) New construction $ 84.50/unit Alteration/repair $ 42.50/unit Commercial/IndustriaUInstitutional 1.5% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge $84.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge Sewer and Water Installation Permit Fees Municipal Service - residential (4 or less units) $ 60.50 Municipal Service - multiple housing (5 or more units) 1.5% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge. $84.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge. Municipal Service - commercial/industriaUinstitutional 1.25% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge. $84.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge. Private Sewer- all classifications New construction or recostruction $ 60.50 Dakota County Recording Fee 50.00 $1�56TOTAL 17 Schedule of Ra� Fees ` Appendix I - 1999 2000 Fences $ 30.50 Re-Siding _ , Residential $ 30.50 CommerciaUInstitutionaUIndustrial As recommended by Table lA of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. -plus $.0005 surcharge. Minimum fee of$84.00 plus $.0005 surcharge. Re-Roofing Residential-Tear off&Reroof $ 30.50 - Overlay No Permit Required CommerciaUInstitutional/Industrial As recommended by Table lA of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Plus $.0005 surcharge. Minimum fee of$84.00 plus $.0005 surcharge Single Family Dwelling Basement Finish $ 50.50 Electrical permit separate Signs Permanent Installation $ 84.00 plus electrical permit Temporary sign No charge Manufactured Homes Inclusive of all Inspections & Connections $140.50 Swimming Pools • As recommended by Table lA of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. -plus $.0005 surcharge and Plan Check Fee Moving Permit $ 50.50 Demolition Permit $ 50.50 Fireplaces: As recommended by Table lA of the 1997 Uniform Building Code -plus $.0005 surcharge. 18 � Schedule of Ra� Fees Appendix I - 1999 2000 Residential Satellite Dishes and Antennas: $ 42.50 All other antennas and satellite dishes per Table lA of the 1997 Uniform Buildin�Code plus $.0005 Surcharge. _ . Minimum fee �84.00 plus $.0005 surcharge Grading Permits All fees are established per the 1997 Uniform Building Code Appendix Chapter 33 -Permit fee per table A33B - Plan review fee per table A33A - State surcharge fee of$ .50 - Bond Required, 53,000.00 per disturbed acre: minimum 1 ac. Septic System Maintenance/Operation Permits and Fees Residential maintenance permit $ No fee Commercial, Industrial, Public or Institutional Operational Permit $ 84.00 Late renewal fee for maintenance or operational permits $ 42.00 Special Individual Sewage Treatment System (I.S.T.S) inspections or investigations $ 42.00 Electrical Permits 1. Minimum fee for each separate inspection of an installation, replacement, alteration or repair limited to one inspection only. $ 25.00 2. Services, changes or service, temporary services, additions, alterations or repairs on either primary or secondary services shall be computed separately. 0 to 100 ampere capacity $ 18.00 101 to and including 200 ampere capacity $ 20.00 For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof $ 8.00 3. Circuit, installation of, additions, alterations or repairs of each circuit or sub-feeder shall be computed separately, including circuits fed from sub-feeders and including the equipment served, except as provided for in Items 4 through 9. 0 to and including 30 ampere capacity $ 5.00 (maximum number of 1-30 ampere circuits to be paid on is 30 to any one cabinet) 31 to and including 100 ampere capacity $ 7.00 For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof $ 5.00 19 Schedule of Ra� Fees ` Appendi�c I - 1999 2000 4. In addition to the above fees A charge of$2.00 will be made for each street lighting standard. A charge of$3.00 will be made for each traffic signal standard. Circuits originating within the standard 4 _ will not be used when computing fees. 5. In addition to the above fees: All transformers and generators for light, heat and power will be computed separately at $5.00 per unit plus �. 25 per KVA up to and including 100 KVA. 101 KVA and over will be computed at � .20 per KVA All Transformers for signs and outline lighting shall be computed at $4.00 for the first 500 VA or fraction thereof per unit plus $.40 for each additional 100 VA or fraction thereof. 6. In addition to the above fees (unless included in the fee filed by the initial installer): Remote control, signal circuits and circuits of less than 50 volts shall be computed at $6.00 per each ten (10) openings or devices of each system plus $.50 for each additional opening. 7. For review of plans and specifications of proposed installations there shall be a minimum fee of$100.00 up to and including $30,000.00 of electrical estimate, plus 1/10 of one percent (1%) on any amount in excess of$30,000.00 to be paid by persons or firms requesting the review. 8. When re-inspection is necessary to determine whether unsafe conditions have been corrected and such conditions are not subj ect to an appeal pending before any court, a re- inspection fee of$25.00 may be assessed in writing by the inspector. 9. For inspections not covered herein, or for requested special inspections or services, the fee of$32.00 per man hour, including travel time, plus $.40 per mile traveled,plus the reasonable cost of equipment or material consumed. This section is also applicable to inspection of empty conduits and such jobs as determined by the City. 10. For inspection of transient projects including,but not limited to carnivals and circuses the inspection fees shall be computed as follo�vs. Power supply units according to item 2 of the fee schedule. A like fee will be required on power supply units at each engagement during the season, except that a fee of $32.00 will be charged for additional time spent by the inspector if the power supply is not ready for inspection at the time and date specified on the Request for Inspection as required by law. Rides, devices or concessions shall be inspected at their first appearance of the season and the inspection fee shall be $25.00 per unit. 20 � Schedule of Ra� Fees Appendix I - 1999 2000 11. Fees for services, feeders and circuits operating at over 250 volts shall be double those listed in items 2 and 3 above. 12. A$.50 State surcharge is to be added to each permit. Special and Miscellaneous Inspections As recommended by Table lA of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. With a minimum fee of$84.00 (Min. 2 Hrs)plus $42.00/hr over 2 hrs. Administrative Handling Fee A handling fee of$25.00 will be charged for address and lot changes and for permit and file editing. These changes must be done within thirty(30) days of permit issuance or all prior pernut fees will be forfeited (non-refundable). Permits requiring special consideration will be assessed a$25.00 handling fee. Documentation Fees Building Department Reports $ 100.00/year+tax $ 10.00/month+tax Building Department Miscellaneous Documents $ 1.00/page + tax Blue Line Copies $ 5.00/copy+tax License Requirements Solid Waste Hauling License $ 50.00 Parking Lots: $ 84.00 Plus City Engineering Department STAG Fee for impervious sur.faces. Reinspections $ 42.00 Penalty for failing to obtain a permit 3 times the regular permit prior to starting work requiring a permit fee as established herein. Certificate of Occupancy inspection and/or renewal fee $ 42.00 ZI Schedule of Ra� Fees ` Appendix I - 1999 2000 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING VALUATIONS Cost Per Square Foot for 1999 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS-TYPE V-WOOD FRAME FirstFloor................................................................................................................$ 60.54 SecondFloor............................................................................................................� 40.36 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS - BASEMENT Finished Basements.................................................................................................$ 16.43 Unfinished Basements.............................................................................................$ 12.21 CrawlSpace.............................................................................................................$ 6.11 Unexcavated Foundation Areas...............................................................................$ 3.06 GARAGES: WoodFrame.............................................................................................................� 18.49 MasonryConst.........................................................................................................$ 20.81 GARDENSHEDS................................................................................................. $ 12.00 DECKS (WOOD FRAMED): WithGuardrail..........................................................................................................$ 9.50 WithoutGuardrail.....................................................................................................$ 7.00 FOURSEASON PORCHES..................................................................................$ 60.54 THREE SEASON PORCHES (WOOD FRAMED)........................................... $ 40.36 GAZEBOS (WOOD FRAMED)............................................................................$ 40.36 ZERO CLEARANCE FIREPLACES: With Full Height Wood Chase.................................................................................$4,000.00 � Interior-No Chase................:. , ...................................................................................$2 000.00 DogHoused............................................................................................................. $3,000.00 MASONRY FIREPLACES: OneLevel.................................................................................................................$5,000.00 Each Additional Level.............................................................................................$3,000.00 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING MECHANICAL INSTALLATION VALUES: Plumbing .................................................................................................................$7,500.00 HVAC .....................................................................................................................$5,000.00 Sewer/Water...................................... ......................................................................$ 800.00 22 � � Schedule of Rates & Fees � Appendix I - 1999 . _ �TABLE 1-1�-8UILDING_PERMIT FEES] . TOTAL VALUATION �E 51.00 to 5500.00 $�SO S501.00 to S2,Q00.00 �23.50 for the first 5500.00 plus$3.0�for each addi[ional 5100.00,or fracdon thereof,to and including$2,000.00 52,001.00 to 525,000.00 �69.a for the first 52,000.00 plus 514.00 for each additional S1,0o0.00,or fracrion thereof,to and including$25,040:00 $�>001.00 to$50,000.00 $391.?�for the first 52�,000.00 plus 510.10 for each additional S1,OQ0.00,or fraction thereof, to and including$50,000.00 $50,001.00 to S100,OQ0.00 5643.7�for the first SSO,OOO.OU plus�7.00 for each additioaal 51,000.00,or fraction thereof, to and including$100,000.00 $100,001.00 to$500,040.00 $993.7�for the first S10o,000.00 plus 55.60 for each addiaonal S1,000.00,or fraction thereof, to and including��00,000.00 . $�00,001.00 to$1,000,000.00 $3,?33.75 for the fint 5500,000.00 plus 54.75 for each additiona151,000.00,or fractio❑ thereof,to and including$1,000,000.00 �1,000,001.00 and up $5,603.75 for the first S1,000,000.00 plus S3.65 for each additional S1,OOO.QO,or fra�tion thereof Other Inspections and Fees: i. Inspections outside of normal business hours ................. S47.00 per hourl (mmimum charge—two hours) ......... .......................................... 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 305.8 ........................................................... 347.00 per hourl 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated ...................... . ........ S47.00 per hourl . ................................. (minimum charge—one-half hour) 4. Additional plan review required by changes,additions or revisions to plans . 547.00 per hourl (minimumcharge—one-halfhour) ������������������� 5. For use of outside consultants for plan checking and inspections,or both .................................................... Actual costs'- lOr the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction,whichever is the greatest.This cost shall include supervision,overhead,equipment,hourly wa�es and fringe benefits of the employees involved. ZActual cos�s include administrative and overhead costs. 1-6 . 22 � m `� tnO � O � O � O �.i� O � O � 0 � 00000 � Nlc� �c� d' d' � tnCflCflf` f` oOoOd� � Ott� Ot.C) O � . . �, 000000000000000 � �- NNM � I � ir� � � �' W 3 CflMOCflC� OI� C� Of` d' Of� d' d' d"d' d' m � M i� 'M d: tn � C4 f� f` 00 d� O� O c- �-- N r- O d� 00 � NNi • r- NMd' � d' oOC� a � o0 � i� � NM 'd' � CflI� 00d� � � � r- r- r- r- r- r- �- N N N N N M M d' �." a.I I . � z �; � o � ' _ � � °� � ; � � ; � 00 �O M ti� 00 O M � 00 O C� � 00 O C� C� M C'7 M � � I� �N ;o0C� o0C'� � d' � '�' 0 � 0 � �- CflC� CflCflCfl Q � r- C'� ;d' C� I� d� ONM � I� o00r- c'� d' r' aO � N > a � r- �� c- � �- NNNNNNMMMMd' d' � C� o � � o Q � i r a� , W �' � "� � oOCfl ��d' N � d� t� � 'd' NOoOti � c� r- � � r- � � m � NNNNN � r' � r" � 'r; O0000 �-- NMd' Q � � f` ,d� � M � l� � r- C� tS� f� � �-- M � d' C'7N �-- �-- � �-- r- �-- NNNNNMc'7C� c� Md"d' d' � Cflf` o0 d , � � � U � � � m ' - � � _ � � O � �O � O � O � O � O � Ott') O � � � NN �, � � ;C� CflI` t� oOoO � � 00 � r- NNNN • � � c� Cfl �� N � oOr- d- 1� Od' f� Oc'� Cfl � o�O � `- N r- � NNfNc� c� c� d' �t' d' � � � C� CflCfl r- � ! 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Other Fees: Additional plan review required by changes,additions or revisions to approved plans ............ S�OSO per hour' (minimum charge-one-half hour) *Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdictioa,whichever is the greatest.This cost shall include supervision,overhead,equip- . men�hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. TABLE A-33-B-GRADING PERMIT FEES� 50 cubic yards(38.2 m3)or less............................................................... S23.50 51 to 100 cubic yards(40 m3 to 76.5 m3) ........................................................ 37.00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards(77.2 m3 to 764.6 m3}-337.00 for the fust 100 cubic yards(76.5 m3)plus$17.50 for each addition- al 100 cubic yards(76.5 m3)or fraction thereof. 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards(7653 m3 to 7645.5 m3}-519-�.50 for the first 1,000 cubic yards(764.6 m3),plus S14.50 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards(764.6 m3)or fraction thereof. 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards(76463 m3 to 76 455 m3}-S325.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards(764.55 m3),plus 566.00 for each additional l0,OQ0 cubic yards(7645.5 m3)or fraction thereof. 100,001 cubic yards(76 4�6 m3)or more-S919.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards(76 4»m3),plus S36S0 for each addi- tional 10,000 cubic yards(7645.5 m3)or fraction thereof. Other Inspectioas and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of normal business � hours.... ....... .. .................................................... S50.50 perhour- (minimum charge-two hours) 2. Reinspection fees�ssessed undec provisioas of Seccion 108.8 . .. ... ........................................... 550�0 per hour'- ..... ..... ....... 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically � indicated . ....... . ................................................. S�OSO perhour- (minimum charge-�ne-half hour) • 1The fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work ro that under a valid permit shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown foc the entire project. ZOr the total houriy cost to the jurisdictioa, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment,hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. 37 . APPENDIX II ROSEMOUNT PARK� AND RECREATION FEES AND FEE POLICY 1. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 2. Priority for Scheduling Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3 3. Facility Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 3 A. Purpose...........................................Page 3 B. Fee Class of Users..........................Page 4 C. Fees..................................................Page 4 D. Deposits...........................................Page 7 4. Building Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8 5. Reservation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 � y Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Append'uc II - 2000 • B. Fee Class of Users , l. Community events. 2. Residents, resident civic,non-profit groups and School District#196. 3. Non-residents, and non-resident civic and non-profit groups, and other governmental agencies. 4. Commercial groups. C. Fees l. Auditorium Auditorium Alone*: Fee Class Hourly Rate 8 hours or more Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set-up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $39 35 per hour $�99 250 Class 3 $3�40 per hour $�9 300 Class 4 $60 per hour $h59 500 Auditorium with the banquet room and adjoining lobby*: (all day fee) Fee Class Saturday Friday Weekday (Sun-Thurs)** Fee Fee Fee Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set-up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $650 $600 $225 Class 3 $750 $700 $275 Class 4 $850 $800 $550 * A$10.00 per hour fee will be assessed if using additional audio visual 4 � Rosemount Parks & Recreation � Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 2000 � equipment other than microphones and standard lighting. . _ ** Add $100 for Sunday- Thursday rentals scheduled past 10:00 p.m. 2. Banquet Room Fee Class Saturday Friday Weekday(Sun-Thurs)** Fee Fee Fee Class 1 $450 Fees based upon direct cleaning and set-up costs, and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $�4�5�9 SOQ $�499 450 ��?�5 1'75 Class 3 $559 600 $�599 550 5�-�5 225 Class 4 $G59 700 $699 650 �?�59 300 ** Add $100 for Sunday- Thursday rentals scheduled past 10:00 p.m. 3. Classrooms Fee class Per Classroom Class 1 Fees based upon direct cleaning and set-up costs, and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $�25 per 3 hours per classroom Class 3 $�5 30:per 3 hours per classroom � Class 4 $�5 30 per 3 hours per classroom Regular use of the classroom: The classrooms will be available for regular meetings. An organization in fee class one, two or three receives one classroom for a 3 hours period of time at no charge for one meeting per month. An organization can reserve up to one year in advance of the reservation period, and is charged a$25 reservation fee. 5 ,. J Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 2000 • 4. Gymnasium . Fee class Full Gym Full Day Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set-up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $30 per hour $150 Class 3 $40 per hour $200 Class 4 $60 per hour $500 The Gymnasium Kitchen may be rented for$SO per day. Groups of 50 or more, using the gymnasium will`be charged a custodial fee of 515.00 per hour of use. 5. Portable Audiovisual Equipment Easels, paper and markers may be rented for$15 per use. (Easels are free of charge if no paper and markers are requested.) The remaining equipment including the overhead projectors, slide projector, VCR and TV monitors may be rented for�10 per use. There is no charge for use of microphones and lecterns. 6. Arena (effective September 1, , 1999 to August �600) Prime Time Ice $�3�5 140 per hour(+tax) Non Prime Time Ice $�95 l 10 per hour(+tax) Summer Ice $-8�100 per hour(+tax) � Open Skating Fee $ 3.00 Skate Sharpening $ 3.00 The non ice arena fees to be negotiated by management staff. Prime Time: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 6:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. Non Prime Time: Monday-Friday 10:00 p.m - 7:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday after 10:00 p.m. Summer Ice: April 1 to September 1 6 � Rosemount Parks & Recreation � Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 2000 • The order of priority for scheduling of ice time to major users (+200 hours per year) is as follows: 1. Community Center sponsored programs (open skating, learn to skate, events, etc.) 2. Rosemount High School Girls and Boys Hockey games and practices,based on limits mutually agreed upon. 3. Rosemount Area Hockey Association. 4. Other hockey associations or organizations requesting 200 or more hours per year. After the above groups have been scheduled consecutively, ice time for secondary users (less than 200 hours per year)will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis. D. Deposits 1. Specific to the auditorium,banquet room and gymnasium, a damage deposit of $150 is required two weeks prior to the event. Pending there are no damages, the deposit will be refunded within 21 days after the event date. Fee Class One, Dakota Technical College,Dakota County Offices, State of Minnesota Offices, municipal offices from cities adjacent to Rosemount, and School District#196 are exempt from damage deposits. 2. Specific to the auditorium,banquet room and gymnasium, a non-refundable rental deposit of one half the fee is required within two weeks of permit issue. The renter will forfeit the reservation if the rental deposit is not received within two weeks after the permit issue date. The balance of the room fee is due two � weeks prior to the event. 3. Specific to the ice arena, a minimum non-refundable deposit of$45 per hour is required upon receipt of ice arena contract for use. 4. Specific to the classrooms, a damage deposit of$25 is required two weeks prior to the first meeting date for any organization reserving classroom space for monthly meetings for a period of one year. The damage deposit may also be assessed to one-time users based on the activity etc. 7 • Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 2000 ' 4. BUILDING USE , _ A. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the building. B. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed in the Community Center in designated areas according to the procedures and guidelines of the Community Center and any applicable laws. Liquor must be served by an approved liquor provider as designated through the City of Rosemount Liquor Ordinance. A uniformed licensed police officer is required for rentals where alcoholic beverages are served. Security is arranged by the rental coordinator in conjunction with the Rosemount Police Department. The application of the security rule will be dependent on the activity type and the appropriate staff will have the option of waiving the security rule. (see Reservations N.). C. The renter may arrange food service through the caterer of their choice. All caterers must receive a facility orientation from the appropriate staff before the date of the event. D. Any liquor provider and caterer used are responsible for busing tables after the event and consolidating trash into receptacles. E. The City of Rosemount has the right to exclude caterers or liquor providers if appropriate policies and procedures are not followed. F. The Rosemount Community Center does not provide linens and table skirts. G. Discrimination - The City of Rosemount will not discriminate against or harass any applicant because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance. H. The Rosemount Community Center is not liable for any loss, damage, injury, or illness by the users of the facilities in the Community Center. Neither the City of Rosemount or its employees can be held responsible for any items that are left at the facility by either the renter, caterer or contracted service. I. Fees cover the use of reserved facilities according to the hours indicated on the permit, contract or lease. This includes all set-up time by the caterer and/or the customer. Occupancy of the reserved facility after the time indicated on the agreement will result in an additional rental fee which will be deducted from the deposit or assessed to the renter. J. Specific to the auditorium, the fee includes RCC Staff, table and chair set-up, tear- down, and cleanup. The auditorium and banquet fee includes the dance floor and 8 • Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Append� II - 2000 � portable bar in addition to those items listed above as specific to the.auditorium. _ K. Specific to the banquet room, the fee includes RCC Staff, table and chair set-up, tear- down, and general cleanup, and the use of the dance floor,portable bar, outdoor patio, coat room and caterers kitchen . L. Specific to the classrooms, fees do not cover table and chair set up. The class room will be set up in a standard configuration. The room is expected to be set up in the original configuration before the user leaves the facility. It is also the responsibility of the user to consolidate any trash into receptacles and leave the room in a presentable condition. M. Specific to the gymnasium,the fee includes RCC Staff, 6 basketballs, 2 volleyballs with two nets and standards. If the gymnasium is used for recreational purposes such as basketball or volleyball; no black soled shoes,no gum, and no food or beverage is allowed in the gymnasium. If the gymnasium is used for banquet purposes, the renter is responsible for table and chair set up. N. Additional charges are required for all portable audiovisual equipment. 5. RESERVATION PROCEDURES A. All groups using the center must have an approved permit, contract or lease prior to facility use. One contact person must be designated to make all arrangements with Community Center staff. B. Facility Use Permit requests will be approved by the Parks and Recreation Department on the basis of the community center policies established by the City Council. � C. Tentative reservations may be taken over the phone and space will be held three � weeks or 21 days prior to permit issue and request of a rental deposit. D. Specific to the auditorium and banquet room, fee class one and two can reserve the auditorium and/or banquet room up to two years in advance of the event. Fee class three and four can reserve the auditorium and/or banquet room up to 18 months in advance. E. Specific to the gymnasium, fee class one and two can reserve the gymnasium up to 12 months in advance of the event. Fee class three and four can reserve the gymnasium up to the 9 months in advance. , F. Specific to the classrooms, reservations can be made for regular use of the rooms for 9 • Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 2000 � monthly meetings. Groups must submit an "Application for Regular Meetings". These applications will be accepted initially in the month of June for the next school _ . year, and thereafter. G. Copies of the permit will be distributed to lessee and the appropriate staff as deemed necessary. H. Users take full responsibility for their group's conduct and for any loss, breakage, or damage to the rooms, equipment, or other community center property. The City reserves the right to assign supervisory staff or maintenance personnel at an additional cost to the user, if deemed necessary by the particular function or activity. I. Cancellations will be subject to 50% of the rental fee. J. Once a permit has been authorized, the holder cannot assign, transfer nor sublet to another party the use of the facility they reservecT.— K. The hours stated on the Facility Use Permit must be adhered to as the facility will be opened for the applicant and locked at the times stated on the permit. L. Youth groups (participants ages 18 and younger)must be chaperoned on a ratio of one adult per fifteen youth, or other ratio Community Center Staff deem necessary. M. No decorations, banners, or signs can be taped,pinned, or affixed to the walls, ceilings or windows unless permission has been granted by the appropriate staff. (Refer to banquet room rules and regulations for more detailed information.) N. A uniformed licensed police officer/reserve is required at the cost of the renter when alcohol beverages are served. The Rental Coordinator will arrange all police officers and renter will assessed a charge to be paid prior to event date.