HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.p. Payment #7 & Final Payment Wensmann 11th Addition Street & Utility Improvements City Project #298 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #7 & Final-Wensmann 11th AGENDA SECTION: Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #298 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO: City Engineer/Public Works Director /d"" � � � / ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #7 & Final APPROVED BY: This item requests the seventh and final payment to Ryan Contracting Co. in the amount of $78,902.89 for street and utility improvements for Wensmann 11t'' Addition, City Project #298. The project had a 0.4% cost under-run. Upon final payment, a two-year warranty period begins (until December 7, 2001) on the street and utilities. The City also accepts these facilities for perpetual maintenance. Attached is a copy of the application for payment for your information. Staff and WSB & Associates, Inc. recommend approval of this seventh and final payment request and acceptance of the street and utilities for perpetual maintenance. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #7 AND FINAL TO RYAN CONTRACTING CO., IN THE AMOUNT OF 578,902.89 FOR THE WENSMANN 11T" ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #298 AND TO ACCEPT THE STREET AND UTILITIES FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COUNCIL ACTION: 8 , flOt.:�-3�_�-1'�99 1�=���4 �.J�B �: AS�,OCIATE� It•J�:. h125=3117��=� F'.3��;'4_ . � B.A_ Miaelstead�,P.E. 350 Westwood Lake Office Bret A.Ui/ciss,r.E. 'I��� 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Peeer R.Wil�enbring.P.E. Minneapolis, MN 55426 Donald W Sccrna,P.E. Ronald B. Br�y,t?E. 612-541-4800 &Assaciates, .Inc. FAX 541-1700 l�ovember 23, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 14��' Street West Rosemount, NIN 55068-4997 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. � (Final) Wensman.n 11`�Addition Street&Utility Construction City of R,osemount Project Na. 298 '4VSB Project I�To. 1067.31 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Piease find enclosed Final Canstruction Pay Voucticr No. 7 far the above-referenced project in the amount of�,7$,902.89. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the follotiving items: 1) Satisfaetory showing that tlle contractor has compiied with the provisions of Minnesota Stat�ites 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax and; 2) Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claiz�is against the coz�tractor by reasons of thc contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3) Consent of Surety to Final Payment eertification ftom the contractor's surety. Please mal:e paytnent in this �zmount to Ryan Contracting Co. at your earlicst convenience. Sincerely, WSB &�(ssociates, Inc. . �• ��e�� � Bret A. weiss, P.E. Vice President Enclosures c: Bud Osmt�ndsoT�, City of Rosemount Ryan Contracting Co. �� F:�WPWI.V'J067)I�wn-0d��.+vJ Minnea � olis • St , Cloud Infi'astructure Engzneers Planners EQUAL QPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER hai ilJ-��-�-1'�+'�9 1�=�:�4 IJSE � A�SpCIF�TES ItJC. h1�5=�11��u_� F'.3?:�4^ �' - � � .. , _ . ... - ,. ,� _ . __ - , .::. , .;..,,.;. , .::. , � __ . ... . .... . .:.. . _, . •:... ..... _ . , �',,, .... :`. .. , ....:.. . .: , , ...=....: �. .:.•,°::'<'E'e4�,' �Cl.F'R�'SQf+t'PA-'t''1lOC1CFFER.;`� E5T1MA'TE VOUCHEft NUMBER: 7 (FINA�,) DATE November 1, 1899 WSB PROJ�G7 NUMB�R: 1067.31 PERl00�NaINCa: �ctober 31, 19A9 . , . . . . � r. . .. . , ._ e.. ,.._.�.x�o..:,.�:s�. ._.i� :.��..^���-ra,:.i.�s... .��.__......,..,..:J�:.. �_:>�:.�...... ..... . ......... .. .. . . PROJE4�: wENSMANN �1T"ADDIT�pN 57REE"r 8 U7�LliY CONS'r'RUGnOrv CITY PROJECT N0.298 - ROS�MOUNT.MN CON7'f�iCYdR: RYAN CONTRACTING Ca, 8700 13TH AVE EAST• SHAKOPEE MN 55379 � CONTRAC7 DAT�; Septem6er 16, 9998 WOFiK STAFtTED; COMP�ETION pATE: WORK COMPLETEG: ORIGINAL QONTRACT AMOUN'f S6aa,b��.as TOT1u.AOIIITIONS a32,032.6$ TOTAL DEDUCTI�NS {S28,OQ3.52) 70TAL fUNDS ENICUMBER�D $646,840.62 T4TAL WORK CERTIFIEp TQ pATE $642,75T.91 LESS RE7AINED PERC�fJYAG6 0.00% 50.00 LESS PREVtOUS PAYb1ENTS $563,256.02 TOTAL PAYMEfVTS INCI.�TH�.S VOUCHER $642,157.91 BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD S6,6S2,7'( APPROVED FOR PAYMENTTHIS YOUCHER 578�GZ.89 APPR�VALS WS9 8.ASSOCIATES,INC. tn dCCordance wlth fleld observaY�on,as pe�formetl in accondanoe with industry standartts,anQ Dased on our professio a1 opinion,the ma�e�ials i rs���,_r are sat�5f8aory and the work pra�eriy perfarmed ln atco►dance with the plans and specfic�tion5. Tne total work is timated to be 100%Com�ietec as of Ottober 31, 1999. We herelsy recornmend payment of this voucher. Signed: - ----- - Sign6d: !� � Construdlon Obsen+e� Praject ManageNEnginper RYAN CONTRACT[NC C0. � This is to certify thatto tne bestof my knowledge,infarmation,and belief,the quenpt�e5 and vatues Fwo ce ed herQin is ir approximate estir�tL for tho penotl coverecl Dy this vouCher, /� � /��� � Canb�CtoC: ���•aW%'�re9�c�r.�r✓'t'1.�/C» Signed: Date: !� �'�9/`��, 7iue: .' 7 5igned: 7it�e: � ' CI7Y bF(tOS�MpUr�tT Checked by: Approved for payment: Authorized Representa Date: DatB. - �:�wrwcrntva�,�r.o-�•-� T0iS0'd L02� 768 �T9 JNIlJti�1,1NOJ Nt�J�J 90:5� 666�-0�-�lON