HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.o. Payment #5 - Wensmann 12th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #287 ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #5, Wensmann 12th Addition Street AGENDA SECTION: & Utility Improvements, City Project #287 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO: City Engineer/Public Works Director � � �� _: � ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #5 APPROVED BY: This item requests the fifth payment to Ryan Contracting Company in the amount of 517,200.52 for City Project #287, the Wensmann 12`h Addition Street & Utility Improvements. Work completed and represented in this payment as of October 31 , 1999 is 96% of the contracted work. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with Contract Documents. The contractor has completed utility construction and the installation of the first lift of paving. All that remains to be completed is the installation of the final lift of paving and punch list items. - Attached is a copy of the Construction Pay Voucher #5 for your information. Staff and WSB & Associates,.Inc. recommend approval of this fifth payment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #5 TO RYAN CONTRACTING CO., INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,200.52 FOR WENSMANN 12T" ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #287. COUNCIL ACTION: 7 • I�li iV—��-159'� 1�:;5 IJSB & ASSOG I ATES I NC. 6125=�117�Et P.��gi=�� , B.A h{ittclsccadc,P.E. 350 Westwood Lake Office �«c�.vv���,P.E. $441 Way2ata Boulevard Petcr R�llenbring,PE. Minneapolis, MN 55426 Donald lt?Scerna,P.E. Fwnald 8. Bray,P.E. 612-541-4800 &Associates, Inc. FAX 541-1700 .. November 24, 1995� �anorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145�' Street West Rosemount, MN SS468 R�; Construction Pa�Voucher I�a. S � Wensmann 12�' Additian Street & �Ttility Construction City Project No, 287 tiVS� Project No. lOd7.51 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed Construction Pay Voucher No. 5 in the amount of$17,200.52 for the above-referenced project. Wou1d you please process payment and fonvard ta Ryan Contracting Co. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sinc�rely, T3'S� & Asso�iates, Inc. /,�- G��.� �� ` Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Vice President Et�closures . c: Bud Osmundson, City af Rosemount Ryan Contracting Co. run F�iwvwl.�titr.szc��,,,.s•tU.F+ Mi n n eup o l is • St . Cl n rt d Infrastructure Engi�ieers Plrinners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPL�YER NUV-3J-1��39 1���7 WSB �c< ASSOCIATES INC. 61c54117�33 F'.1�/43 . , ;. �.a• "_:.i%+.'-�S'r1'�y�'e. .,�- �L",'��:u'- �T.r+.,. r ;a;�1,�+4� ..� . �.. . ._ .,... . �,^��, :p� �� �. ����. . . .. ' ���"•.t: .S'�1.!-Ir•'��"S'�'��L1r,1/,�.....yy ^. �'� �.}`'n�.�.�;f:.:s��i-,�'���_''..- • � .. : ��}. !:�<��.:LS:.^� �I. ��r� `� - ►�. lr���r_..r��_':.r..�'�w_:,.. �i.. I •:l ' .� --1.'� .;i_� VouChe�No, S D�ta: Navemb�r 23,19g9 WS8 Projeet Mo: 1Q57.51 Period�ndin�: Ocbaber��,i4a� Prolect: Wensm�nn 12th Addition 5treat 6� Utifity ConstruCtlOtt Ptajtct Loc�tion: City of Rns�naunt Pr�j.ct No.�87 �- Cantractor. Rya�Contracting Go. 870013th Avo East �hskOptt�MN SS379 Contratt D�ba: July 30,��� W�ric St�rh�: Completfon D�te: Wark Coi'nplatsd: Otigin8l Cont�aciAmount 53�9,349.67 Total Add�4ona 53,96a.ao Tota1 Daductions Sb,OQ 7ota1 Funds Encurr�ered S3�i,309,67 7otal WprK CerttAed to D2te . S369,7g7.'i3 Less R�tained Per�enqga 9,00% 578,488.36 �eaa Provious Paymene 333d,oT8.26 Tolal Paynfenta IncL 7h(s Vpucher 5351�78.78 Ba►�nce CaMod �orv,rard 532,030.89 Appro��d for Payment This Vouch�r .54 Apprqvils W38 d,A�soafa#e�,lnC. In accordence wiih Reld observ�tlQn,as p�riot'med in accctdencs with industry at�nd�rds,and ba�sd on our prafessional opinian,the mateHaLs installed are s�tl3factory and the wark properfy per�rmed in pCCotdance with t�e plans and speCl6cation5. The tsml woric estimated to be ccmpt�ted�s af November 15, 1999 is e9 l�d�at�d heretn and we hereby � rccommend payment at this voucher, � Signed: �fqned: � ` Consfructlon Observer Pro�ect Manager/�np(neer Ryah Co�trsttinp Co. This is to certify tl,at to t�e best of my knowEedge,inform�tiQn�and balief,t�e quanqtJes and v�lues of work�ertified hare;n is�fai�approxlrttabo esttmst9 for th0 parlod Cavered by�tis Vour,h9r, Contractor. �,r•c ,� � Slpned: �� /� �.r Da�w: / Ttlle; .� �rr r� � � Ctty of Rosemount Chat,3ced by: Approvad for Pnymarrt �� Auth4►iZed Representative O�ts: Date: • �dOV-3�-1�99 1���37 W'�E & ASSOCIATES INC. 61��=1117�7�7 F'. 11/4= . , ; _ - ' Co��',�fc� P� ��t�,�;e.x I y {. ,l�� _ '_"��1 ' _ voucher No. 5 pate: November 23, 7999 WSB Project No: 1067.51 Period Ending: October 31, 1999 Project: Wensmann 12th Addltlotl Street& Utility Constraction Project locatlon: City of Rosemount Pro)ect No.287 •� Contractor: Ryan Contr�cting Co. 870013th Ave Ea�t Shakopee, MN 55379 Contrect Date: July 30, 1999 Work Started: Completion Date: WOt'k Completed: Original Contract Amount �379,349.67 Total Additions $3,960.p0 Total Oeducfions $0.00 Total Funds Encumbered 5383,309.67 Tota!Work Gertified fo Date $369,767.13 Less Retained Percentage 5.00% 518,485.36 Less Previous Payments �334,Oi8.28 Total Payments lncl.This Voucher 5351,27$.78 8�lance Carried Forward �32.030.89 Approved for Payment This Voucher '!7 20o.52 Approvals WSB&Assoclates,InC. In accordance with field observation, as pertormed in accordance with industry standards, and based on our professional opinion,the materials instalied are satisfaciory and the work properly pertormed in 2ccordance with the pl2ns and speCifiCations. The total work estimated to be completed as of November 15, 1999 is as indicated herein and we hereby r 86°h � recommend payment of this voucher. Signed: Signed: � � COnstruction Obser/er Project Manager/Engineer Ryan Contracting Co. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge,information,and belief,the qu2ntities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the periad Covered by this vouChar. Contractor: Sfgned: Date: Title: Clty of Rosemount Checked by: Approved for Payment: Authorized Fiepresent�tive Dat�: Date: