HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.n. Payment #3 - Conley Avenue Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #303 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #3, Conley Avenue Street & Utility AGENDA SECTION: Improvements, City Project #303 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO: City Engineer/Public Works Director r ,�.+�'-, � '�`; � :`� ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #3 APPROVED BY: This item requests the third payment to Richard Knutson, Inc., in the amount of 5351 ,266.97 for City Project #303, the Conley Avenue Street & Utility Improvements. Work completed and represented in this payment as of November 18, 1999 is 78% of the contracted work. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with the Contract Documents. All work is complete except the final lift of bituminous will be placed next year. Attached is a copy of the Construction Pay Voucher #3 for your information. Staff and WSB & Associates recommend approval of this third payment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #3 TO RICHARD KNUTSON, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF 5351 ,266.97 FOR THE CONLEY AVENUE STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #303. COUNCIL ACTION: 6 •,+ NUU—���-1y99 1���31 �1SB & ASSOCIATES IN�. 61254117��t F'.��'i4� B.A.l�fir�els�ead�,P.E. ' 350 Westwood Lake �ffice Bre��,.v���u,t'•E- '�� � 8441 Wayzata Bou(evard Perer R.Will�nbring,PE. Minneapolis, MN 55426 Don�ld W.Sc�mz,PE. Ronald B. Bray,P.E. _ 61�-541-48d� &.A�ssociates, .Inc. FAX 541-i 700 I�Tovember 24, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 X�5`'' Street'VVest Rosemount, MN 55068 . Re: Construction Pa�Voueher No. 3 Conle�Avenue Strezt &Utility Construction and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 303 'WSB Project I�o. 1148.21 Dear Mayor and Council 1�Iembers: Please fznd cnclosed Construction Pay Voucher No. 3 �ox the referenced project. Would you please process payment in the amount of S351,266.97 and forward to Richard Knutson, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, W,SB & �ssociates, I,:c. , � `��� �v�., Bret A. Weiss, P.E. � Vice President Enclosures c; Bud Osmundson, City of Rosemaunt �2ichard Knutson, Inc. ruri f:«'p»-rn i)as.:l�.r3-lrr.,.Ff M i n n e u p o l i s • S t . C 1 o u d I'nfrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUVITY EMPLOYER NOV-s�-19'�'� 10��2 WSB & ASSOC I ATES I N�.. 612�4117�t� P.�3.''4�, 014�ii 1 VL 1 �Vti/ �+ � ;yq�-2�-1999 �9�17 W5b �s H�Sut,t H I t� �rv�, -- — .YouCh�r No: � D�W� 18•Nov8D " .proJect; Cor�ley Avonus St�aat 9�udllty Cor�aaullan�nd Appurtannnt W�rk Pro��ct No; CP�0� PerlDd E�ldinp: 16-N0�-A� s.�, ��oe# wa8 r •at r+c,�1�8.�� Cantr�oror; � �� eion. nc. 1Zb86 Rt��de�al�nd�►verrue�fluth ~ Sav� e MN 6��7� �o��treat aat�� 4•1►u��9 W�rk St�tt�d: Co►riplstion D�te- Wark Compl�ted; - -- -- driglntt�ontraotAmount �i,3�9,�Dy,35 Tokal Addltlons ��1��•� Total beducticns Tofial Funds Encumber�d 51,341,127.3o J �ar�)Wdr}c�ertif,c�d ta Dsta Si��d5,398.07 L�ss Rsta!rred P�rCittte8e 5�4Q°� 55��288.b0 Less pr�vloUe R�yrrrer:�t� ��'4i ��'� ToWI PsymenW InG.7171s Vatlaher 598�,124.57 8�lance�etr�l�d Forw�rd $285,737.28 A,pprovdd for R$ymmnt Thls Vauoher S3 1,Z�0,67 ptoV�ls W9��ANOCI�z�ss,lnC, In aocardance with ff41d abearvseon,�a performed In eccordance wltn inQuqtry standerdi,�nd bdsed on our��hssEonal opinlcn, the materi�ls Inet��ed aro aitiaf�ctory�nd fl��work propert5'�tted i��r�r�ce w�th ihe plans�nd spec�it�qons. Th�tora{work esUrrt�tad tq be compleled as of NOvembqr 15, 18Gg�s s�lndlce�ted h�reln and we hereby �$� recommend p�yrnent of thi�vauchar, 9igned: � __ _ Sign�; � , Gvnstnaetion 4bsenrer Pra�sct M�ni�rJEnDine�� R;oh�rd Knubon, Ina. Thls I�to certfty that ic�the b�st of my ic�l0wled�e,It'ttarmation,and bqflef,ttte�qu�nt�ties 8nd value�o�twork cartifl8d hua�n�s .a�fatr eppr�xirn�estlmatr�or tha p�tiod ooverAd by thle voucher. � Canir�ctor: ��- �I9n�d: o�r�: � / ri�e.-- t/ .��- �ity of Raaamount Approved br �h�ckqd by: -- POYm�nt: R arized Representstivm Cete: � ,�� Mif 14SZG1FxceAvo-,'i.y1� -- _.... . ,........�_ ...�...._._.r.�..-. ., . . __. _....