HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Payment #1 - Birger Pond Outlet Improvements, City Project #262 . ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #1 , Birger Pond Outlet AGENDA SECTION: Improvements, City Project #262 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO: City Engineer/Public Works Director � � .. � ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #1 APPROVED BY: / This item requests the first payment to Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., in the amount of S 152,294.50 for City Project #262, the Birger Pond Outlet Improvements. Work completed and represented in this payment as of November 15, 1999 is 19% of the contracted work. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with the Contract Documents. All pipework scheduled for completion this year is in place. Approximately 4,000' of forcemain will be installed in Spring of 2000. The lift station will be installed this year. Attached is a copy of the Construction Pay Voucher #1 for your information. Staff and WSB & Associates recommend approval of this first payment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #1 TO BARBAROSSA & SONS, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF 5152,294.50 FOR THE BIRGER POND OUTLET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #262. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 . f�lLtU—��=�-1�'�9 143�4E IJSB & ASSOC I ATES I f�C. E�12�4117��� F'.�4i4^ BA. Mi�tcls«dc,P.E. • 350 Westwood Lake Offics $«L A.wz��,r.E. � � 84�1 Wayzata Boulevatd Pe�er R V�llcnbring,P.F. Minneapo{is, MN 55426 DonaId�'l.Scerna,P,E. _ _ RonaId B.Bray,P.E. � 612-541-4800 &.Assaciates, l�nc. �AX 541-1700 No�ember 22, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Council �ity of Rasemount 2$75 145"' Street �Vest Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Construction Pay Voucher I�To. 1 Birger Pond Outlet City Project No. 262 WSB Project No. 109$.O1 De.ar Mayor and Gouncil Members: Please �nd enclosed Construction Pay Voucher No. 1 for the referenced projeet in the amount of�152,294.50. Please process payment in this amount to Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. /� � ' � �. : Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Vice President Enclosures c: Bud 4smundson, City of Rosemount Barbarossa & Sons, Ync. nm rr;wPK•�r✓o�s.o�,,�.!_n�„�x� �Vl i n n ea p o l i s • St . Cl o u d Infru.structure Bngineers Planners EQU.'�L OPP4RTU�iITY EMPLOYER t•diiV—���-1y'�'� 1���46 1�13E � H��OCIATES INC. E1254117t=u=� F�.��i4� � . �� ; . _ %:ii''di^���'i��fY.;:f �:��w��uw.:t' n.�,�,����r � v�. vv .. �'di i�V..��j.r:`� �...�:.w1�'�yn,i;�� -rJ�- '?r f-�ien • . . C.�' � ,1�,r��. �, :;L•"7�:1:: .,, Q�y�$�.y,. :�. � • . .. . � .._. .��_.... . � ...v�K���a N . w � Li �(�`��ti��,��r-+.�- .r^,�.._�.�.�y iY�. ,_ _ . � '^:�i:'��r�__�C• '..:��,•„�` '`Y�.sf�",[ ,,,r l.3.;�:1����;;�`L�`;:=:ti;':•, , •;� , . '���� — . ��5.�f��,�� �. ."r:^ Voucher No. g -� ' �' ���r.r �,,,..;==��'''=£`::`;:�::.�".: _:.. , . WSB ProJe�t No: 1d98A1 �afs' Nnvemb��t 99,7999 Poriod Ettdlne: Navorttb+ir 15.1899 Project: �Itgef F�ond Outl6t, StOtm 5�w�r Llft Stat3on &q �ocaUon; Ro��m�unt,MN!C,p,�6Z � ppurt Wcrk — Contractor: ��rbirossa�.Sons,fn�, pfJ Box 3B7 1100o g3rr!ayenue NoAh �ssep MN 35369 Contra�t D��B; 4�tv6er20, 199g yy����d: Complo�lan p�te: Work Completed; Originaf contract Amount Sa3�.807 7Q 1'ot2!AddiGOns $p.00 Tat��DedUctians � ' ' �O.Q� Tata( Fund9 Encumbered SB37�607.y0 Tatal Work Certi6ed to pate Less Ret�;�ad PercerliaAe 3160,310.00 Less Previous P�ymenls 5'�Q�O ���Qf5,50 Total Paymancs lnd.This Voucher SO,OQ 6al�anc�C�hried Fornard ��$Z.294.5p Appraved ter Payrner�t This voucher ��5,��3.20 1 94.50 Ap�rora a 1MS8�Assontates, Inc. In atcordance with flelt�pbserv2�tion,as periorme�fn accardance wlth Industry standards �nd based an cur prp����onal opinion, u,e materia�s installed are saGsfacGory and the work properiy p�rfo�d in accor�ance with th3 plans snd speCifications. Tne lota(work esGma{sd to be compJated as pf November�5, 1s99�s a5 indicated herain and we hereby recommend Oayment of this vouchsr. i9x �� Sign6Q: 1 �� � Signed: �..,� I1�J'f Cat�struction dbsgrver Project Marlagerl�ng�neer 8arbaros�a 8 Svns. lnc, . This JS to certify that ta tt,e best ol my knOwledge,irifarmaUon,and bellef,tl�e quantltls�an�i vaiu�s nf wprk cBrOfied hereln Is a fair approximate sstirr�3te for the peripd covered by this voucher. Conh'aGtor. ��S,Ar'20�'SA ��p�g �� � , Slgned: �L kr Date: �/ _ ��„ (� .�,._ r�e:�E,�,c M C�ty cf 12osemount Checiced by; Approved fcr PaYmenr. ._ Autt�arized Represenl�tive Date: Daig: