HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.q. Amendment to Agreement to Acquire TSI Portacount CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCII,MEETING DATE: AUGUST 3, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT TO AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT ACQUIRE TSI PORTACOUNT PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA,��� � ASSISTANT TO ADMII�IISTRATOR � b � ATTACHMENTS: AMENDMENT APPROVED BY: In July 1998 the City Council made an affirmative motion to enter an agreement with the Cities of Apple Valley and Eagan to purchase a TSI Portacount. This piece of equipment is used by fire departments to test the respirator fit for masks on self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA's). The City of Farmington wishes to become involved in this joint purchase, and will pay their fair share of$2,215.04. Since the equipment has already been purchased,Farmington's check will be deposited in a fund for maintenance,repair and replacement of the equipment. This equipment is only used once or twice a year by each city, and there's no reason why Farmington should not be part owner. The City Councils of Eagan,Apple Valley and Fannington have approved the amendment, and it is staffls recommendation that Rosemount do the same. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE TI�AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT TO ACQUIRE A TSI PORTACOUNT , . z AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT TO ACQUIIZE A TSI PORTACOUNT THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of , 1999, by and between the CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ("Apple Valley"), the CITY OF EAGAN ("Eagan"), the CITY OF FARMINGTON ("Farmington") and the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ("Rosemount") (collectively referred to as the "Cities"). 1. The cities of Apple Valley, Eag�n, and Rosemount previously entered into an Agreement to Acquire a TSI Portacount ("Agreement") dated July 7, 1998, which provided for the sharing of costs and use of the TSI Portacount. 2. Except as specifically amended by this Amendment, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 3. The Agreement is amended to include the City of Farmington as a party to the Agreement and the term "Cities" as referred to in the Agreement is amended to include the cities of Apple Valley, Eagan, Farmington, and Rosemount. 4. Paragraph 4 of the Agreement is amended to provide: FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Apple Valley, Eagan, Farmington, and Rosemount have all made equal contributions in the amount of Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifteen and Four/100th Dollars ($2,215.04) for the purchase of the TSI Portacount and for the establishment of a fund for maintenance and any necessary replacements of the TSI Porta.count. Unless otherwise agreed by the Cities or unless Apple Valley withdraws from this Agreement, Apple Valley will maintain the TSI Portacount and invoice all Cities in equal shares for the cost thereof. The Cities shall promptly remit the amount due to Apple Valley. 73068 - t IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have subscribed their names as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY CITY OF EAGAN BY: BY: Gary L. Humphrey, Mayor Thomas A. Egan, Mayor AND �D Mary E. Mueller, Ciry Clerk Gene VanOverbeke, City Clerk CITY OF FA.RMINGTON CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY: BY: Gerald Ristow, Mayor Cathy Busho, Mayor AND �D John F. Erar, City Administrator Susan Walsh, City Clerk i 73068 '�.AY-20-99 09 :47 PM FARMINGTON FIRE DEPT. 612 463 1777 P. 04 CE'I'Y Ol� APPLC VALLEY, a CITY Ofi ROSEMOUN7', a Mitu�esota municipal cotporatiott Minliesola m�itiicipat corporation e �iy'' ,:�ry �lum��hrcy [3 : Cntlt f3i iu Y Y t1s: Mayc�r Jts: Muyor .- (�� . ���L-c. o,� Y '�_.c. c�'•�rC`.��- �, �3y; N1n� ' �. Mucllcr 13y� Susa�i Walsl� Its: City Cferk Its: Cily Clc�•k Ci'!'Y OF �AGAN, �a Miiuicsota tuwiicipal corporatiaii ;, Dy; rl��m�s A. Eban lts: Mayor •� . 13x: c:�e VanOverUeke � lts '!y Clcrk 7 - 1 -�8 . ' �'���aY-20-99 09 :46 PM FARMINGTON FIRE DEPT. 612 463 1777 P- AG�tEEMENT�'O ACQUI�t� A 1'SI PORTACOUIYT ' T�iIS AGREEME[�1T is itiade tl�is 2�_ day of_ "�u� , 1998, by artd bet�viceri lhe C1TY OC AP�LE VALLEY ( Apple Vailey ), �`�t{ c CITy O� rAGAN ("�ab�►��"); �nd lltc City o[' IZosctt�otint ("Itosemount") (collectivety referred tu as tl�e "Citics''), WIIEIZ�AS� Apple Valley has purchased a 'I'S[ Port�count for use i�y tf�e fire cicpart�t�el�ts of t��c Cities; a�id WI�ILI�AS, it is 'ii� tlie best irtlerest of tlie Cilies t� abree concen�inb tl�e ownersl�ip, usc and cost of tlic TSI Portacou«t, NOW, �'I-IE[ZCf ORC, thc Cities hcreby a�ree as follows; i.�� PURPOSE, TI�e p«ry�oSe of tl�is Abrecineiit is to provide for ti�e sl�nri��g oC costs as wcl( ns qie use af tlie TSI Portacou�it for tlie Citics. 2. OWNLItSHIi' OF TSI PORTACOUN'f. TLc 1'SI Po��t�count is owned . �aintly by tiic Citics. Utitess oll�eiwise �t�reccl by tlic pariics or ut�less Applc Vt�lley witlidr�ws frostt ttiis Agreemettt, tlie TSI Porlacount sl�all be lioused at Apple Vaficy �'ire St�itiosi No. 1, 3. USE O� PORTACOUNT, Apple Valley lias purchAscd tl�e TSI Portacount on bcl�alf oF the Cities for use by tlte �re depau�nents of the Cilics. The device is used for tcstinb tbe respirator ft for tnasks on self-cont�ined breaihing apparalus ("SC.13A's"). A City m�y schedule reason�blc use of tlie TSI Partacount for its respective frc dcp�rtiitei�t b5' cos�tacting A����Ie Valley through its rre secrets�y. Wiien not in use, tl�e TSI Port�coui�t sEt�ll be returned to Apple Valley Fire Station No. I in gaod op�ratutb co�iditioti, � . . ._ .. •, � 4. �INANCIAL R.CSPONSInILITY, Eab�», Rosemount and Ap�lc Valtey have all made eq��a! colilributions for the purehase of(he TSI Porllcount in tlie ariicFunt of 'J'wo 1'hous�nd Two tiui�clred Fifieen and Four/100t1is Dollars (�2,215.0���. Unless otl�envisc agreed by llie Cities or uciless Appie Valtcy wiil�draws frorn tl�is Agrecittetit, A�ple Valley will cnaintain tlic 7SI Po�tucount a�td invoice ul) Cities in ec�u11 shaces for lhe cost ll�ereof The Citics sl�nli prolnptly cei2�it tite at��outit duc to Apple Vailey, S. INSUIZANCE AND 1NDEMNIFICATION. E�ch of tl�c Cities shall mait�t�i�t itt full fot'ce 1t1d effect apprapriAtc ittsurazice covci•�be oi� its usc af tl�c TSI i,��iY-20-99 09 :47 PM FARMINGT�N FIRE DEPT. 612 463 1777 P. 03 l'ot�tncount. Caeli of tlie Cities sl�all indeit��iify, dcfend acid I�o(d l�arnitess tl�e oll�er Cities il�iil[ISf 1llY Ilfl(I 1II CIE1FIlIS, dcmands, lc�ss�s, cx��c��scs, costs, inleresl� pcn�i(tics, ii�clucling but :�ot li�iiited to, reasou�bfe att�niey fees t1�1t suclj otl�er Citics �nay ii�cur or suffer, wt�ic;li arise �r relate to th�l City's use, operation, niaintestauce of the TS1 I'ot•tacount. !'rovi�lcd, l�owcver, tl��t ��othing herein sltall be cieccncd a waiver by any of the C'itics of tlic liiliit�ttions on lia6ility set fortfi in Miiinesota Statutes, Ciiapter 4G6. '['hc Cities agrcc lliat eacl� City is ir�dc�e��dently resj�ot�siblc to dclerminc tl�c zclec�uacy �ncl approprinteness of the o��eratiai of U�e TSI Porticfluut, Tlic Cilies are l'U0�)Cf.11111�; i!1 l}iC �IC(�1i15itf(1ti �1f1(I SI1�1'lllb Of tI1C U5C Of(I1C TSI POI'(�tcoiint. O�J1CC LIl£lIl EIIC i�cspoi�siUilitics descril�ed in tl�is AbfeC111C11E, tlie Cities iznve �io duty, oGligalion nor (iaUility towa�<i ��ch other as a result oE' cnterii��; it�l� this Abreemettt, E�cl� Cily sha11 i»dcpcndci�tly conduct ils owii usc of tlic '1'SI Portacounl. Neitl�cr cxccutioii of tliis A�reet�tei�t nor the eo�pernlive purchase or use of the T5i Portacowit shail constitute creallorj OFnn ctltfty �lu10r1�; tllE Cit1CS, �. I�U[tA'('ION. "I'!ie c�ur�tion of ll�is Agreeinent sh�ll be perpclual, p:ovidcd that any Cily inay remove itsel� or �z�ay tayi�inaEe this Agrceinc��t upon wrilte�� noticc to tlie olhcr Cilics. Pro�ided itttther t(�at no Cily s!►n!) bc rciclscci fi•ont iis oblib�tion:; under I'�r',�br���1, S al��vc ���r sl�a11 a��y withdcawi��b City bc enliticd to 1��y rcim�ursc�i�ciit of fiu�cls j�Aid under Paragrapli 4 lbove. I,� tlie cvetit alI tlie remaini�i� Cities at aiy timc agree to ier��iiri�tc tl�is Agreemc��t, uiiless otlterwise agrccd by sucti Cities, tt�e TSI Portacount will Uc sold and, aflcr puyii�b all cxpenses incurred throu�li it�e d�te oE'such saie, lhe proceecls sl�all bc c�ivicied equally :►mvcig tt�c �•en�aiiiing Citics, whci�eupot� this Agreeinelit sliatl be tCCliliriltcd alld of ��o furU�cr forcc atid cff�ct; provicicd howevei•, that Uie obligatio�i of Parngraph 5 AUove shall survive tc�-miu�tioi� oE this ��reer�iei�t, 7• �:FFECTiVE DA�'C. ��ch City ,n1y sign a scpar�lc origiaal of 1liis llbreeii�eizt aiid all tlie oi•i6i���t1s sltaf) coUe:etively cottslitute ti�is Aba-eettte�it. 'I'i�is Agi•eemeilt shall be ii� ful! forcc and effect wtien all piu-tics si�n tl�e A�rccij�ent, 'I'lic signed Agi-eeit�ents a1on� wi(h a certiFed resolulion auiltot•izing ttie A�recuzcnt, shall bc Cted with tiie City of Applc Va11cy, whicl� sttall tiotify all Cities in �vritinb of Ute effec:tive clnte of tl3is Abrcet»eitt. IN WITNESS W�-IGREOF, tl�c Cities l�ereto i�ave c�used tl�is A�recittent to be executed,