HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. NSP Easement CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 6, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: NSP Easement AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA�j���.� '� � City Engineer/Public Works Director � ATTACHMENTS: U C Executive Summary & Letter & APPROVED BY: Easement Agreement from NSP NSP has requested that the City approve an easement for a pad-mounted transformer adjacent to Well #7 and the Chippendale Water Tower near the intersection of Chippendale Avenue and CSAH 42. This transformer is required by NSP due to the upgrade of the electrical system which will improve the service to the area south of CSAH 42. At the June 21 , 1999 meeting the Utility Commission unanimously approved a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Easement Agreement with NSP and that the income from this easement be put into the Water Core Fund account. The City Attorney has reviewed the Agreement and the changes were made per our request. Staff recommends the action be taken as stated below. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NSP AND THAT THE INCOME FROM THIS EASEMENT BE PUT INTO THE WATER CORE FUND ACCOUNT. COUNCIL ACTION: 12 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE Si;fMMARY FOR ACTION UTILITY CONIlVIISSION MEETING DATE: June 21, 1999 Agenda Item: NSP Easement Agenda Section: New Business Prepared By: Bud Osmundson Agenda No: Public Works Director S.d. Attachments: Letter and Easement Agreement from NSP NSP has approached the city to acquire an easement for a pad-mounted transformer adjacent to Well No. 7 at the intersection of Chippendale Ave. &CSAH 42. This is also the location of the Chippendale Tower. This transformer is required by NSP due to the upgrade of the electrical system,which will � improve the service to the area south of CSAH 42. You may remember we have had complaints due to brown-out conditions in the past in the residential area south of CSAH 42. These improvements aze supposed to improve the service to this azea. Staff recommends we approve the Easement Agreement with NSP for the amount described in their letter. Recommended Action: Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Easement Agreement with NSP and that the income from this easement be put into the water core fund account. UTILITY COMNIISSION ACTION: � , / � �� t-�- . Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mali Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1993 Telephone(612)330-5500 .. • • . May 26, 1999 ' � Rich Linqui ct � 2875145`h St W P.O, Box SIO Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear Mr.Linquist: ' Enclosed is the Electric Distribution Easement NSP is asking for the pad mount transformer near Chippendale Avenue. Also enclosed is the survey by NSP. As you can see the eas�ment is 68.0 feet long by 12 feet wide. For consideration for this easement NSP will pay $2,277. A check ir. this amount wiil he sent to Ciry of Rosemount after NSP receives these executed copies of these easement enclosecl. The computation for payment is as follows: � � -68 feet X 12 feet= 816 sq feet of property for ihe Easement. Market valcce of the properry is$5.58 sq foot. - $S.S8 X 816=4553.28 X SO%Easement = $2,277. Please have the easement signed and notarized and s�nd back to me for recording. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperaron. � ' � � Sincerely, . /,', � � � , / v -/c'�� - ��k � �� SCOTT JOHNSON � � 2 � Right of Way Representative Land cec Right of Way 330-6078 enclosures Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401-1993 Telephone(612)330-5500 Jacne 17, 1999 Bicd Osmundson City of Rosemount 2875145��'Street 4Vest Rosemoccnt, MN 55068-4997 Dear Mr. Osnaunc�son: Ericlvsed is the revised ease .ment that yau requested with c�ll the�•hcnr;es made. Please call me if t{:P�-e is��nythirig else I ean help��aar tivith. A�ter the ea.sement is executed by the City Council, please senfl tl�e �recuted copy to n�e arzd[, and,send yuct a check for payment of this easement. Thank yocc for yocer courtesy and cooperation. Sirteerely, •�, �''� ~ > SCOTT JOHNSON Right of Way Representative Land&Right of Way 330-6078 enelosures . ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS,That the undersib ed,hereinafter called"Grantor", in consideration of the sum of$1.00 and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by NORTHERN STATES PO`VER COMPANY,a Minnesota Corporation,the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby aclmowledged, do hereby, grant unto said Company its successors.and assigns,hereinafter called"Grantee",an easement with the ri�h[, privilege and authority to excavate for,construct,install,mark,inspect,operate,repair, alter,replace,reconstruc[, remove and maintain its facilities for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy, including, electric cables>conduits, vaults,pedestals, manholes and facilities related and appurtenant thereto, over, across, under and upon said easement on the following described land situated in the County of Dakota>State of Minnesota, to-wit: AUDITORS SUBDNISION NO. 27. The South 200 feet of the East 217 feet of the West 2�0 feet of said Lot 12. Said easement shall be limited to: a 12 foot wide strip of land being 6 feet on each side of the followinj described centerline. Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 29,Township 115,Range 19; thence North 89 deD ees 06 minutes 44 seconds East(assumed bearing)along the south line of Southwest Quarter of said Section 29 a distance of 33.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 4� minutes 55 seconds East a distance 179.13 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence South 89 degrees 14 minutes OS seconds East a distance of 68.00 feet and there said centerline temninating.; The grant of easement herein contained shall also include the right of reasonable access to said easement across said lands for the purpose of exercising the rights granted herein,together with the right to remove from said easement any, trees, shrubbery,or other object or obstruction which in interferes with said facilities or the removal of which may be reasonably necessary for the construction or maintenance thereof. Grantee shall,after installation of the above described electrical facilities,or after the exercise of any rights granted herein,restore the lands subject to this easement to as near their original condition as is reasonably possible and remove therefrom all debris,spoils,and equipment resulting from or used in connection with said installation. Grantor further agrees that no structure or obstruction will be erected or permitted or any trees planted on or within said easement,that he will not change the ground elevation thereof without the written consent of Grantee,or perform any act which will interfere with or endanger said electrical facilities. Grantor covenants with Grantee,its successors and assigns,that Grantor is the owner of the above described premises and has the right to sell and convey an easement in the manner and form aforesaid. 6/17/99 sdj J:�DSGIGROUPS�L.AND�DIST�DAKOTAV 911529�ciry of roesevilfe.dot This instrument and the covenants and a�reemen[s contained herein are binding upon the Grantor, his personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. It is mutually understood and agreed that this instrument covers all the agreements and stipulations between the parties and that no representation or statements,verbal or written, have been made modifying,adding to or changing the terms hereof. This instrument is exempt from the Minnesota Deed Tax. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has caused this instrument to be duly executed as of the day of ,.1999. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) : The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1999, by of corporation,on behalf of the corporation. NOTARY PUBLIC This instrument was Drafted by: SDJ " Norchern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall,Minneapolis,NIN 55401 Line/Division: Rice Street . 6/I7/99 sdj J:�DSG\CROUPS�(AND�DlST�DAKOTAV91ISZ4�city of roeseville.dot W�+J I "I ���� �� 1� a ac ;I ���� � ac sj ���� � �' €��� o� �� ��M y,, ?1 Y=y o w� m~�W W �I ►=.�tA� N O �' ' N � , � � ` , � � � � ¢ ; O - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -4 OL r - - � ' `� I � <^� � . , , ,��- >- � , , �, ��,; � I 3 0 ��� � � � O I z � / mF� � Z S I F � ,O� I � � d ��O I � � ��� � m I � �r� i � i .� ' � �"N I W � � � �� I 4- � �� mm ' . 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