HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.q. State Aid System Revisions CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 1 , 1999 AGENDA ITEM: State Aid System Revisions AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDl�,�I�� � � � City Engineer/Public Works Director � � ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions, Map APPROVED BY: / This item is on the agenda for Council consideration to: 1. Concur with the County revocation of CSAH 9 (Dodd Road} as a County State Aid Highway. CSAH 9 or Dodd Road at Diamond Path actually is within Rosemount for approximately 150 feet so therefore we have to concur with the County's revocation of that roadway as a County State Aid Highway. This segment will literally disappear with the new Diamond Path construction. 2. Designate County Road 33 or Diamond Path between 160th Street (future County Road 46) to CSAH 42 as a Municipal State Aid Street. Since this roadway is on our border with Apple Valley, both Cities have to designate this roadway on their State Aid systems to be able to utilize State Aid funds for improvements. This will count as a half mile against our system. 3. Concur with the County designation of 160th Street or future County Road 46 as a County State Aid Highway. This allows the County to utilize State Aid monies for their share of the roadway. If needed, the City could also use it's State Aid on this roadway when it is improved in the next two years. 4. Concur with the County revocation of County State Aid Highway 48 between Trunk Highway 52/56 to the new County Road 46 east of Coates. Approximately a %z mile of CSAH 48 is on the Rosemount/Coates border. After construction of the new County Road 46, this roadway will be turned back to the Cities of Coates and Rosemount. Most of these items are housekeeping items and do not have a major affect on the City's State Aid system. They do however, allow us to utilize State Aid funds if we need the money for improvements on the roadways as described. Staff recommends that the four resolutions be approved as stated below. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH DAKOTA COUNTY WITH THE REVOCATION OF CSAH 9 (DODD ROAD) AS A COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY. MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET: DIAMOND PATH (COUNTY ROAD NO. 33) FROM 160TH STREET WEST TO CSAH 42. MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH DAKOTA COUNTY TO ESTABLISH COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 46 WITHIN THE ROSEMOUNT CITY LIMITS AS PART OF THE COUNTY STATE AID SYSTEM. MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH DAKOTA COUNTY WITH THE REVOCATION OF CSAH 48 AS A COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY. COUNCIL ACTION: 8 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999 - A RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH DAKOTA COUNTY WITH THE REVOCATION OF CSAH 9 (DODD ROAD) AS A COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the road hereinafter described is a County State Aid Highway under the provisions of fhe Minnesota laws; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the road described as follows, to-wit: CSAH 9 (Dodd Road) beginning at the west City limits line in Section 31 , T1 15N, R19W in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, and continuing north along or near the west line of Section 31 and terminating at the intersection of CSAH 42. BE AND HEREBY IS, revoked as a County State Aid Highway of said County subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to forward two f2) certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration. ADOPTED this 1 st day of June, 1999. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in Favor: Voted Against: h,inY. ����, 1999 4. �9PNI ➢AkUT�n CTY HWY ��FT 612�y17127 NU, ��y4 �:�. 3 ppARD OF COUNTY�i'�MMISSI�NERS DAK�TA CQUNTY, MINNES�TA ,7anuary 27, iS88 Ftesolutlon No. 98-98 Mot�on by Commissioner Krause Secondec!by Commissloner Maher �tevocation of State Aid Status on CsAH 9 (Dottd Bo�levartt)trom CSAH 3i to CSAH 4�. WHERFAS,the segmer►t of CSAH S (podd Boulevat�hereinafter desd'ibed should be revoked as a Courtty St�te Ald Hlghway urtder tha provisions oi Mlnnesata Lgw. NOW, THEFtEFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota Caunty Bt�Brd of Commissioners hereby revokes the road described as follows: That paR of Dodd Boulevard in the Cit�t of Apple Valley as laid out and traveled beginning at the intersection with CSAH 31 thence contirtuing in a northeasteriy directlon tb the iritersection with CSAH 42 in Section 3a,Township f 14. Ranga za. _ as a County State Ald Htghway of Dakota Courrty, subjeCt to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportatlon of the State af Minnesota: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLv�D, That the County wlgnway Engineer is hecaby authorized and direded to fonNard two ceRifled copies of this resolution to the Commissionef af Transportatlon for his consideration and approval. STATE �F MINNE50TA CountSl a(Oakott 1�Mw}►S.Schetde.Gfatc bo the Bosrd of the GountY d Oekda.Stab oi �s NO Mlnnssoe,do r,e�eo►r c�uN nm��nave oomcared me+cre�o+r,�oo�r or �re�oaitlan wilh the aipinel m4n�e of the pradee�ot tl�Board of Harris X _— twrrl� Courdy Camm�s,Dalcob Countp,l�Alnr,.anta.at tl�eir ae�aion held Mah�r ���7"day of Jant�ry 1998.now on(d�in ttle C4Unty Admhl�tr�tfon Maher �� p�t1R1t, 8fld haY@ 10llnd tl7q samid t0 bd d trua �17d corf�Ci CONy Hataglia �K� Bdsglif tl'le(�DOf. Muellar _�_ Mw1� uyf�ieeg my 11end and ofticJal sral oi D�ikota Co�e�ty th!s 7'� tlay ot Tur�w �_ TUrner Falxuary 1999. Kra�cse .�_ K►+�� � � &anning�,_ eranning to tne Boerd CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999 - A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREET: DIAMOND PATH (COUNTY ROAD NO. 33) FROM 160TH STREET WEST TO CSAH 42 WHEREAS,it appears to the City Councii of the City of Rosemount that the street hereinafter described should be designated as Municipaf State-Aid streets under the provisions of Minnesota Law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the roadway described as follows, to-wit: � Diamond Path (County Road No. 33) from 160th Street west to CSAH 42 be, and hereby is established, located and designated a Municipal State-Aid street of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said streets or portions thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as a Municipal State-Aid street of the City of Rosemount, as the following Municipal State-Aid streets: • Diamond Path (County Road No. 33) from 160th Street west to CSAH 42 ADOPTED this 1 st day of June, 1999. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999 - A RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH DAKOTA COUNTY TO ESTABLISH COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 46 WITHIN THE ROSEMOUNT CITY LIMITS AS PART OF THE COUNTY STATE AID SYSTEM WHEREAS, the County Board of the County of Dakota did adopt a resolution on May 4, 1999, locating, establishing, designating and numbering County State Aid Highway No. 46 as part of the Dakota County State Aid System, and WHEREAS, said resolution locates, establishes, and designates certain County State Aid highways within the corporate limits of the City of Rosemount. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the resolution adopted by the County Board, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part thereof, locating and establishing County State Aid Highway No. 46 within the City limits is in all things approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to forward two (2) certified copies of this resotution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration. ADOPTED this 1 st day of June, 1999. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in Favor: Voted Against: n�, 1��, 19�9 4: c�PM U��uTn CTY r:'rJY DEF'fi 61��y17117 N4, �4y9 P. � BQARD �F COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINN�SQTA � May 4. 1999 Resolution Na.99-265 Motion by Cammissioner Krause Secondsd by Commissioner Harris p�slgnatlon of Caunty RoBd 46 and 160th Straet as County State AId Highw�y WHER�AS, Dakota County currentiy has 283.78 miles On the County St2te Aid H[ghway System; and WHEREA5,tra�c pB�Bms have Changed as a result of d@velopment since the original County State Aid Hfghway System w�s instltuted;and WMEREAS, tha Dakota County 8oard of Commissioners requested the County State Aid Highw2y Screening 8o2rd to review the requested segrnents;and WHERFAS, khe County Statg Aid Screening Board reCommended the 2ddition of 35.63 mlles-to the Oakota County State Aid system including: ment Terra9�i Lenat lmilesl FuncHonal 1 ss � CR 46 and 164'h Str�et CSAH 5-CSAH 48 14.54 A-Minor Arterla� ;and WHER�4�,U'►e Oakota County Qoard of Commissioners detertnined that Counfy Road (CR}46 and �160�' Street(future CR 46} herelnafter dascribed should be designated as a County 5tate A�d Highway under the pro��sions ef Minnesota Law. NdW, THEREFOR�, BE 1T RESOLVED, That the Daknta County Board af Commissianers hereby establishes, ��atl of the designates the roads described below as County Stata Aid Hlghways of Dakota County, subject t0 the app Cnmmissfoner of Transpo�ta�lon af the S�te of Minnesota: CR 46: Beginning at the intersectian oF CSAH 5 �n Section 1, T'114N, R21W, thence east4rly through 5ection fi, T114N, R20W, thenCe northeasterfy through Section 5, T114N, R20W, all in Lakeville; thence easterly through SectiOn 32, Y115N, R20W in Bumsville, 8nd Sections 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36, T115N, R20W in Apple Velley and SEctlons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, T114N, R20W in Lake�ille; thence easterly through Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35, T115N, R1SW i�1 Rosemount and SecGons 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, T'114N, R19w in Empire Township, thence souiheasterly through SeCtions 1 2nd 2, T114N, R19W in Empire "Cownship and th2 C{ty of COates; thenCe nvrtheasterly through Section B, T114N, R18W in Co�tes; thence easterly thr0ugh Section 5, T114N, R18W in Vermillion Township 2nd Section 32, T115N, R18W in Rosemaunt, thenCe terminating �t CSAH 48, approxim8tely 727.64 feet east of the sauthwest corner of Section 32,T1151V,R18W�n l�osemount. ; and SE IT FURTHER R�SOLVED, Yhat the County Enginesr is heraby authorized and direCted ta forward two cernfi6d cop�es of this resoluUon to the Commissioner of Transportation fcr hls considet�tion, and that upon his approval of thQ designatlo� of said roads or portlon thereof, that same be constructed, improved, and maintafned as a County Siate Ald Highway of the County of Dakota,to be numbered and known a9 County St2te Aid Fiighway 46. S7'ATE OF MfNNESOTA County of dakota I.Mary S.SCheide, Gleiic to the Soard of the County o4 Dakota.Stste NQ of Mlnnesota, tl0 hereby certify tha� � hava Compared tlte bregoing YES copy ot a r�solution with the originnl minutes of the proceedings of tha Harris X Harria Board of Counry CommissiOnArs. Dakot2 County, Mlnneso�. at their X � Maher session ngld on the 4`"tlay of May i99Q, now on fl�e in U�e County Maher _ Atlmfnlstration Department,enQ have fou�d ihe Sd��0 be a true and Bataglla x Baeaglia wrrect eopy thereof. $chouwellar X Schouw�ilor Witness my hand �nd offlcial se8� of Dakota Counry this 6°' day of Tumer X Turner May 1999• Krau90 X Krawe � • B�dnning X 6ranniny Glerk to the Board CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999 - A RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH DAKOTA COUNTY WITH THE REVOCATION OF CSAH 48 AS A COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the road hereinafter described is a Municipal State Aid Highway under the provisions of the Minnesota laws; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the road described as follows, to-wit: CSAH 48: Beginning at the west City limits with Coates in Section 31 , T115N, R18W, in the City of Rosemount and continuing easterly through Section 32, T1 15N, R18W, and terminating at its intersection with future CSAH 46 approximately 727.64 feet east of the southwest corner of Section 32, T1 15N, R18W in Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. BE AND HEREBY IS, revoked as a County State Aid Highway of said County subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to forward two (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration. ADOPTED this 1 st day of June, 1999. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in Favor: Voted Against: � � CS ,'' r' E.s `_ _ p . � �� w . H ��...__--___...; _�.. ..... ..M,�»._ c � : � ' , � . .. - �.. ,. __. . . ��. _ .. . ".�rr , "t�"° ._..V '_`.. y �'_ • K j � � ��� � � � � " . �� " w •t- � z [ O �' �� '_�–/' m } � T � � � �b' � �� � '�. . I . . 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The property is spread out over one and a half miles wide, and a mile north and south and does not contain a significant single traffic generating point, s�ch as a shopping center, so it does not have a significant effect on the City's transportation system. The new traffic generated will be disseminated over many streets. Connemara Trail, Shannon Parkway and Diamond Path are the�major Collectors which will serve this development and were all designed estimating a higher density than what is being proposed. The table below shows the existing and projected traffic on different segments on Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trail. STREET EXISTING ADT PROJECTED ADT SHANNON PARKWAY @ McAndrews 2,000 2,500 @ Connemara Trail 2,300 4,000 @ South of Connemara Trail 3,500 5,000 CONNEMARA TRAIL @ Diamond Path 3,500 12,000 @ Shannon Parkway 2,000 12,000 @Trunk Highway 3 NA 12,000 ADT - Average Daily Traffic or Number of Vehicles per Day 1 �"AM�����II\�� - As shown, Connemara Trail and Shannon Parkway were designed for more traffic than presently exists. Both roadways are designated Municipal�State Aid streets and their design is reviewed by Minnesota Department of Transportation personnel. As a comparison for Shannon Parkway, segments of 145th Street West, a two-lane roadway, carry over 7,000 vehicles per day. In addition, in the design of the reconstruction of 145th Street, it was always intended that Connemara Trail be continued to Trunk Highway 3 from its present terminus and in the 4-lane configuration. The City's 1993 Traffic Study and Analysis concluded that Connemara Trail should be connected to State Trunk Highway 3 and concurred with the current design. 2. The proposed neighborhood Collector between Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway and then continuing to Connemara Trail acts as a reliever to Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trail by taking traffic off of these roadways. The Public Works Department is not expecting this roadway to be significantly larger than a standard residential street which is thirty-two feet wide, possibly it should be thirty-six or thirty-eight feet wide and have driveway accesses. With its meandering route it will not be a main Collector roadway and the meandering performs as a traffic calming device. The Public Works Department requests that the intersection with Shannon Parkway be moved to the south which we realize will require more detailed analysis in accordance with wetland regulations. However, we believe that it is possible to locate this roadway to the south without having a significant impact on the wetland complex. 3. There has been considerable discussion about roadway connections to Clover Lane, Danube Lane and 131 st Street. The Public Works Department requests that these connections be made for a number of reasons. The existing cul-de-sacs at Danube and Clover Lane were const�ucted as only � temporary cul-de-sacs not constructed to City standards. Furthermore, if the City would allow them to remain in their present locations, it would require a variance for setbacks to the roadways for the affected houses. In addition, the City Council has requested neighborhootl connectivity. The existing neighborhoods may benefit more from the connections than will any new homes or residents within the Kelley Trust property. For example, many northbound travelers from the Country Hills area will utilize Danube Lane and the new neighborhood Collector to access Diamond Path. These connections also make it easier for emergency vehicles to reach existing neighborhoods and residents. 4. There are at least twenty-three cul-de-sacs proposed in the Rosemount portion of the development. The Public Works Department would request 2 that the number of cul-de-sacs be reduced for a number of reasons. It is a detriment to finding addresses for both emergency vehicles and regular � citizens. Also, the cost of snow removal is approximately double for cul-de- sacs than regular thru streets. 5. The proposed plan shows a type of "round-about" design on Connemara Trail which the Public Works Department suggests is completely unnecessary. This attempt at traffic calming on such a major Collector is not suggested nor desired. 6. Dodd Boulevard should be connected to the proposed neighborhoods in the concept by some means, but should not have a straight line connection to Connemara Trail. 7. There have been some traffic calming ideas brought forward for the existing segments of Connemara Trai) and Shannon Parkway. Stop signs are not a traffic calming device, but can actually build frustration in motorists. Trees in the boulevard are a wonderful amenity and, when substantially grown, can provide traffic calming. They are however, expensive to install and maintain. A median in Connemara Trail is probably not feasible due to right-of-way width. I� may be possible in the future to construct flashing lights, alerting motorists to pedestrians, at the school on Shannon Parkway, and the park area on Connemara Trail which may provide some calming on these roadways. 8. Public Works supports constructing an underpass on Connemara Trail for the pedestrian/bicyclist trail connection to Schwarz Park. 3 �- ��\ � �� � 4 l� 'C"'� D v�a� (�.�r.�a�� Y�U� '1'Y'� hww�� a--� wv.��-s ��-. � � .�.ac�. ��w�.,�..� �`'1'(�l W`� �X �"���C Z �1 � a�^�1-� �� �� �� a .-1 �t'� ►-cx, �P�, IC�w�Q/Y��1� i�n�ut,` CGVn�.I avKA.w�rw��' `� '�'►� —�� � a ' , ���� CfM(�2.�J,�¢�rov� I�n(�u���e. 10�..� ►�0 1' �\w�.��.C� '77� v � �1PQncn�.lt �v J��-H z�,.c�. in ww.�nQn r�t' u�v.��-� i., a u WJ��n�. �inR 1� S v.�� �c,d- �-t� �uA.�V-1�.1,� C w..1� �vt ur�i"w, � � C� �,�,�.R � � A u�� . �� �-P �,��.( 'C�ct� � z,,,c� �.lA,,.x,i.k,w.�,..-� �, -� h wN,.a,u.� z,,.� ��-t.�,.� u"� V a.l�-r�w�_. am��,�, t1�n ►v..Q✓�w.z���w � .�.y.�.t, ��. .Q a�Z,, s �-�.� rf�—� u�t�.�cw- (�w c.�AJ�_ ct.�.� -�,, - �/z.P w�-,�. cr-( av,. 0.[ t:�r��x�,l � �.l� v'e e w t.�n��` . I'J h�6�. �tnn� tD �{ C W�(_2irJ�- 1�u. � Y�ncw b.�l - ..,�.�w,2 C A u �.Y1,.� cL W,r:.,l.d ,l,,fl w. s.,L�•. ••t' .u.`�I-t,.,.,, Y-t.V',�./.lr- � �. 0�/��C lk.�o w. �(M J l C�-l!\6i,7 I�v►-. P'1 `��1 v�u.Jl � yl.. C lit�� i� C.IAfC.�I mv..tnn.T .