HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.p. Receive Feasibility Report/Approve Project/Order Plans & Spec's, Biscayne Point 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #309 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 1 , 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Approve AGENDA SECTION: Project/Order Plans & Specifications - Biscayne Pointe 2nd Consent Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Proje t #309 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA��� �� � City Engineer/Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Executive Summary from Feasibility APPROVED BY: Report, Resolution, Maps The City received a petition for public improvements from Heritage Development on April 20, 1999 and a Feasibility Report was ordered for the Biscayne Pointe 2nd Addition. Attached is a copy of the Executive Summary from the Feasibility Report and drawings of the proposed project. The proposed improvements include all the streets and utilities in extensions of Belfast Street West, Belmont Trail and Birch Street West for 63 single family lots in this Addition. The project includes a short extension of the Brockway Draw Trunk Sanitary Sewer and watermain trunk through a portion of the project. The total project cost is approximately $1 ,123,000 of which S 1 14,000 is attributed to the Sanitary Sewer Core and Water Core Funds. The remaining S 1 ,009,000 would be assessable to the 63 lots. The developer is currently contracting for the grading of the 2nd Addition and all of the future 3rd Addition and will begin within the next month. The plans and specifications for the street and utilities will be received on July 6, 1999 with an award of a contract on August 3rd with substantial completion this fall. Staff recommends that the City Council take the action as described below. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, APPROVING THE PROJECT AND ORDERING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BISCAYNE POINTE 2ND ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #309. COUNCIL ACTION: 7 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, APPROVING THE PROJECT AND ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE BISCAYNE POINTE 2ND ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #309 WHEREAS, pursuant to the resolutions of the Council adopted on April 20, 1999, a report has been prepared by the City Engineer with reference to the improvement of Biscayne Pointe 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #309, and this report was received by the Council on June 1 , 1999, and WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA: 1 . The Council will consider the improvements in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvements pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 at an estimated cost of the improvements of S 1 ,123,000. 2. Such improvements are hereby ordered as proposed pursuant to a petition by the affected property owner. 3. The City Engineer is hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements. ADOPTED this 1 st day of June, 1999. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 0�-`2i!99 THU 1�:09 F�T ��1 �90 21�0 SEH June 1, 1999 Prelimin�ry �tepart Bi�cayne Poin�e - Phas� il St�reet and Utility Improvements City of Rosemount, Minnesota Executive Summ�ry . City Praject Na. 3Q9 provides for the eonstruction of sanitary sewer, �rater main, staz�n drain and street improvemcnes £or Phase l� of the �iscayne Pointe develapment. Phase II of the Bisc�yne Painte development cons�sts of appzoximat�ly 28 acres which will be p(attcd into 63 sing�e-family residential iots. The project is lacated in the NW'/a of Section 28, Township l.lSN, Raoge 19W north of the iJnion Pacif.ic (U.P.} Railroad and east of �iscayne Avenue. Phase II of the$�scayne Point developnr�ent is located immediately east of Phase I.Phase 1 was eonstiucted in 1998.The project includes approximately 2�OU linear feet of sanicary sewer, 3,600 lineax feet of water main,3,600 linear feet of st�rm drain, and 3,3001inear feet o�street con5t�uction. The total estimated project cost is $1,123,00�_ Of this total, approximat�ly$1,009,000 is assessable td 1'hase II o£the Biscayne Pointe development. Spreading the $1,049.000 over the 63 assessable lats �n Phas� II yzelds an agproximate assessment rate of$16,016 per lot_ The remaining cost of approxirnately$114,000 will be recovered throug�i City core funds (�72,000 frpm thc Sewer Care Fund and $42,040 fram the Water Main Core�und). This improvemenC is necessary to provide the subject property with municipal utilzCies and street access.In addition,the improvement is cost- effeccive and feasib�e from am engineering standpoint. bue t�the size of che project and the nature of the construction, this prvjec� would beSt be bid and constructzd as an individ.ual praject rather than combining the project with any other work. Project eonstruction is scheduled to begin in August 1999, with substantial eompletian scheduled for fall of 1999. Final eompleCior� (bituminous wear caurse) is scheduled for spring of 2000. 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