HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Payment #1 & Change Order #1, Wesmann 12th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #287 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 1 , 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #1 & Change Order #1-Wensmann AGENDA SECTION: 12th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project Consent #287 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson �� AGEND City Engineer/Public Works Director �� ����� � � � ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #1 & Change Order #1 APPROVED BY: , This item requests the first payment to Ryan Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $215,194.19 for City Project #287, the Wensmann 12th Addition Street & Utility Improvements. Work completed and represented in this amount as of April 30, 1999 is 59% of contracted work. This work has been inspected and is in compliance with Contract Documents. Most of this payment covers utility work and Change Order #1 . Change Order #1 is for providing water service to the park at 151 st Street and Claret. The curb & gutter on 151 st Street and Claret Avenue should be completed by this Council meeting. The sidewalk should be completed within a week or so. Expect 151 st Street between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Avenue to be open to traffic by the middle of June. Attached is a copy of the Construction Pay Voucher #1 and Change Order #1 for your information. Staff and WSB & Associates recommend approval of this first payment and Change Order #1 . RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #1 AND CHANGE ORDER #1 TO RYAN CONTRACTING, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF 5215,194.19. COUNCIL ACTION: 2 - B.A.Miccelsceadc,P.E. 350 Westwood Lake Office Bte�a w�,P.E. I���� 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Pcter R Willenbcing,P.E. Minneapolis, MN 55426 Donald W.Scuna,P.E. Ronald B.Brry,P.E. 612-541-4800 �' 4yqr�atf,�ic. FAX 541-1700 � yyy Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145�' Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 1 / Change Order No. 1 Wensmann 12�'Addition Street &Utility Construction City Project No. 287 WSB Project No. 1067.51 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Enclosed are three (3) copies of Construction Pay Voucher No. 1, together with Change Order No. 1, for the referenced project. The change order reflects an increase of$3,960.00 to the contract amount. As noted in the attached voucher detail, payment for the change order is included with the voucher being processed at this time. Would you please approve the enclosed documents and process payment for the voucher in the amount of $215,194.19. Please forward to Ryan Contracting Co. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB &Associ tes,Inc. �� ` Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Vice President Enclosures c: Bud Osmundson/Doug Litterer, City of Rosemount Ryan Contracting Co. nm F.��iYP1YlMl067.3!Ivo-lsol�tr.rpd Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER `H -c5=lyyy 15�2� WSB & RSSOCIHTES 1NL. b1��411'f�� r'.��i� . .. . . � .� . . � .. • �• . _ �IANGEOEtUE�•N0.1 Wensmann 12"'/ldtiition$tt+eet 6 UtilIry Con$truation � - � -• •�-� Ciry of Rosemount Project No.28't - , -•' -�-�- • -• - WS8 ProJe�cLNo.i0fi7.5t . . . - Owner. Clcy of Rasemeunt _ Date oi lssuance: Apri130,1999 . Contractor. Ryan Contracting Co. Englneer; WSB�;Assodates,Ina � - You are dire�cted tq make the fcltowing changes in!he Cont�act Dou,ment de�t�ptrort: tnstall water ser�ice Gne ta the CJty paric praperty, CHANCE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANC,�IN G�NTRACTTIM� Original Cotttr3et PtiC�: 5379.349.b� Originat Contract Time: July 30, 1999 .. - . .�_ Pre�+►o�s Change Or�ers: No.� to— _ �4.00 tJet Ch�nge from Aravious Chanpe Orders: None Contrad Price Frior to This Ch2�ge O�der: 5379,349,8T Canlra�t 7in1t Ptiar t0 This Change OrOer. July 30,1959~ . _....,... . . ..,.,_.,... .. . �..�_..� Net{r►cnaZSe of This Change Order; 53,96Q.04 Net ln�resse of Chenge Otder: None Cantract Price YJith Al(Approved Change Orders: �3�3,3Q9,@T Contrad Ti � � ~ � . , proVed Ct�nge OrderS; Juty 30, 1999 �tewmmended By; � • ,• .,____.... .. pr'OVEd . � � 8r+�A.we19s, P.�. ' WSB b{�odabes lnc. R Co tract;n Co. Engineer Contractor ADP ed Approye�8 . Y 1�a69 oi Councel Ad�on: City�ngineer cieyxdmfn�s�ater T07AL P.02 -25-1999 15�22 WSB & ASSU�IRTES IN�. b1�5�1i'r�� r.��:u� • , r�q �r� t;;�: •• • •r' �.'�•���:J'�• � +:•:. ' . . - �1�� .1' _ :li _ ' - ��� ' . � Vouohar No. � D.�t9; M�y 1 r�q$g8 WS6 ProJect No: 1067.5�f Parlod Ending: Aprit 30�799a P�j��: Wanamann 1xtt�Add�lon St�eet 8 Utility Cu�atruct;oe Projecti tocatian: City n�Rosemount Project Na.287 ccntractor: Ryan cvntrae#�ng ca. Shakope�MN Contra�t D�te: July 3Q,1999 Woti'k$uAtted: CoMpletlan Dats: Wark Cvr�npleted: Original Contracf Amount 3379,349.67 Total Additians 53,96�.00 7ot�l Deduttions �4.ap Totat�unds Encumbered $383�309.67 Tot�!Werk Certified to Data 5226,520.20 Less Retained PercenCage 5.00°�S 311,326A1 Less Previous Paymenls �O.Op Tobi Paymenfs inci.7his VouCher $215,194.79 Balance Carried Forw�rd ��sg���r�.�� aPproved tor Payment This Vcucher 215194.i9 A prdvals WS8�Aasoclatae,lnc_ . !n accordance with fe{d obserration,as perfotmed in ac�ardanve with industry standar�ds, and based Qn our professional opinion, the materlais instaUed ar�e satisfactory and dte w+o�c properfy pErforrned in acCordarfce wfth..t�e plans and speeiftc�L'Ons. 7he totai work esGmated to k�Complet�d as of ApN 30, 7599 is as indicat�aci herein�nd we h2reby�mmend i� paymeni of this vouoher. � ���, , �.� .. ' Signed: signe0; ConstrucGon Observer Projec!Managerl�ngineer Rran Cvnt�actMhg Co, This is ta ce�;fy that to the best of t�y kr,oyyladge�inform�ll�n,and belief,ihe qu�ntitie artd lues of wor 'fied herein is a tair approxirrtat,e estim�te for t�e peried covgred by thk voucner. / . , ContraCtor, � � . _ Signed: Date: l8 Tifle: � city at st,4nthoRy checkee by. Approve��or Paymeat te: . Oate: �thor�zed F�pt�esenha6ve TI�TN f� TOTAL P.04