HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Termination of Employee CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: TERMINATION OF EMPLOYEE AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT AGENDA NQ ,�� � �:�: CITY ADMINISTRATOR I 1 �� �- � � � ; ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: Private personnel data on a city employee relating to this agenda item is attached. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYEE IDENTIFIED IN THE STAFF REPORT. / CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MIIYNESOTA � NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENiS FOR t998 BRUM1i1NOUS OVERLAY 4riPROVEMENTS CI7Y PROJECI'NO.301 Rosemount Town Pages TO WHOM IT htAY WNCEILY: C AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION T��E .�� PLACE �E��. NA-� oF 1 M P R 0 V E M E N_,T. .S. : Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the _, . Ciry of Rosemount,Minnesota,wiil meet in the �. Todd Heikkila, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is an authorized City Hall in the City of Rosemoun4 2875 145th Strect Wesi, agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as Tlae Rosemount,Minnesota,on Ihe Sth day of October,1999 at �5:00 p.m.,or as soon thereafter as possible,to wnsider�� Rosemount Town Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts which are objec[ions to the proposed assessmrnts for bituminau overlay SCt�tCLL VelOW. and appunenant work for I998 Bituminous Oveday Improvements,City Project#301,heretofore ordered by the (A)The newspaper has complied witli all of the requirements constituting c�ty co����� qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues nssessMExr ROLL OPEN To INSPECTION: 331A.02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,1S 11T1eII(�Cd. 7he proposed azsessmrnt roll is on file with the City Clerk and open ro public inspectioa � (B)The printed�'�� C'� �1P�('�f�Q Q����l�r�i'l�� ^�I,Q AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED: ��\ �qq� t./l�\�. 1 lJL J �� {\ �� The area proposed to be azsessed consists of every . bt,piece or parcel of land tienefited by said improvements, which hu been ordered made and is as follows:all that area ¢enerally described as Lots I-9 Block l,Lots 12-14 Block 1 which is attacl�ed, was cut from the columns of said newspaper, c111(1 Wc1S all within the Stonebridge Addition and Lot 1 Block 1 and printed and ublished once each week for_�i� successive Lo�s I-2 Block 2 all within the Stonebridge 3rd Addition in p Rosemounr,Minnesota,as on file and of record in the office eeks; it was firs published on Friday, the __��� day of oftheCountyRecorder,DakotaCounty,Minnesota. , 19 and was there�►fter printed and published on 7ornc. AMOUNT OF PROPOSED; CVC y Friday t0 illlC� lllCill(�111 Friday CIlO day Of Thetotalamountproposedtobeatsessed ' � p ) _______ , 19 ; aiid printed below is a copy of tl�e �5 ai�,ais. lower case alphabet [rom A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby WRITTEN oa owu. OBJECTIONS: Written or oral objections will be considered a[the acknowledged as beiug Qie si•r.e v�d kind of�ype used in the coinpositioii hearing. $Ii(1 PUbI1C$L1011 Ot�1C IlOt1C0: R I G H T O F A P P E A L: An owner of property to be assessed may'appeal the azsessment to the district court of Dakota County punuant to aix�defglujrlmnopqrswvwzyz • Minnesota Stawtes,Section 429.081 by serving notice of the ' /� �_, (� appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of[he City within 30 days Ci` /) �(_ � ' l 1 atter the adoption of the assessmrnt and filing wch notice with B}/: /C/1�.(ll K4.R...,G.+ XA the disVict coun within ten days aRer service upon the Mayor or Ckrk. '�.. LIMITATION ON APPEAL: Sll $CTlb d a Cl sworn t.0 before me �Il tlll$ ��day Noappealmaybetakenutotheamountofany assessment adopted by the Ciry Council unless a written Of � objection signed by the affected property owner is fi.led with 19 the Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or praented to the presiding officer at the hearing.. All objections to the assessments not received at the assessment hearing in the n manner prestribed by Minnaota Statuta,Section 429.061 are �rt waived,unlas the failurc to object at the assessment hearing. N�tc�C� ubllC is due to a reasonable cause. . DEFERMENT OF . ASSESSMENiS: AFFIDAVIT Under the provisions of Minnaota Statutes � Seceions 435.193 to 435.195, the Ciry may,at its discretioq defer the paymrnt of auasmrnts for any homatead property owned by a penon 65 yean of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the � � � - paymrnts. However,the Ciry has elected not to atablish any ` deferment procedure pursuant to those Sections. � ELIZABETH A. RAVELING Dated this Sth day of September,1999. NOTARY PUBUG—M�NNESOTA BY ORDER OF TE�CITY COUNCIL. - � � '......_.S � MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 1•31-2000 �� � Susan M.Walsh � I � City Clerk . Ciry of Rosemount � Dakota County,Minnaota . � � - Ansiliary�aids mxi servrces wr availublr-Please caimN i S+esrmWahhar(612J3:1-1001,or TDDNo.�(6/IJJ23-61l9, ' i�o later �han Sep�ember 28, /999 lu make a req�resf.� £xamplrs oj auxiliury uids or services may irrclrrde:sign' langange interpreter, assistive /islrriing ki�, accrssib/e.� meetiirg localia�,etc. ' � � A by CITY HALL C 1 TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875–145th Street West Rosemount,MN — 55068-4997 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Phone:651-423-4411 ;�'� Hearing Impaired 651-423•6219 Fax:651-423-5203 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE FOR NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS 1998 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #301 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified City Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On September 21 , 1999, acting on behalf af the said City; I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and on September 21, �999 deposited i:-i th� United StatEs Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached noti�e of public hearing regarding the proposed 1998 Bituminous Overlay Improvements and appurtenant work for City Project #301, enclosed in sealed�envelopes, with posta�e therec�n fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Su an M. alsh City CI r City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �-`5� day of September, 1999. � . . ^ . �,. CINDY UORNIDE !,n7qq1�pU�UG–MkNNES T Q�7 ,.��i,.�.;, �,�;KJ�A C ' '` �;r Co;nm.Expires Jan.31,��ary Public ��� �a �:�-�� �r,� Y� �`�=� ��=� C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875 C745th St eet West �:�_' ��; Rosemount,MN -- ;,�� �'" ��`' Everything's �oming Up Rosemount!! 55068-4997 �: �: Phone:651-423-4411 � �. �� ��, �. r ., Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 '�,���� ��, �.� : Fax:651-423-5203 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR 1998 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 301 TO: TIME AND PLACE Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the GENERAL NATURE OF City of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet in the IMPROVEMENTS: City Hall in the City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, on the 5th day of October, 1999 at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider objections to the proposed assessments for bituminous overlay and appurtenant work for the 1998 Bituminous Overlay Improvements, City Project #301 , heretofore ordered by the City Council. ASSESSMENT ROLL The proposed assessment roll is on file with the City OPEN TO INSPECTION: Clerk and open to public inspection. AREA PROPOSED The area proposed to be assessed consists of every TO BE ASSESSED: lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by said improvements, which has been ordered made and is as follows: all that area generally described as Lots 1-9 Block 1 , Lots 12-14 Block 1 all within the Stonebridge Addition and Lot 1 Block 1 and Lots 1-2 Block 2 all within the Stonebridge 3rd Addition in Rosemount, Minnesota, as on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota. TOTAL AMOUNT The total amount proposed to be assessed OF PROPOSED: is S 1 1 ,415. WRITTEN OR ORAL Written or orai objections wiil be considered at the OBJECTIONS: hearing. RIGHT OF APPEAL: An owner of property to be assessed may appeal the assessment to the district court of Dakota County pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of . the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. LIMITATION ON No appeal may be taken as to the amount of any APPEAL: assessment adopted by the City Council unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. All objections to the assessments not received at the assessment hearing in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061 are waived, unless the failure to object at the assessment hearing is due to a reasonable cause. DEFERMENT OF Under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, ASSESSMENTS: Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the City may, at its discretion, defer the payment of assessments for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of . age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. However, the City has elected not to establish any deferment procedure pursuant to those Sections. SPECIFIC AMOUNT TO The amount to be specifically assessed against your BE ASSESSED: particular lot, piece of parcel of land is shown on the attached Exhibit A. PREPAYMENT: You may prepay the entire assessment to the Treasurer of the City until the assessment roll is certified to the County Auditor; after certification to the County Auditor, prepayments of the entire amount remaining due may be made to the County Auditor at any time prior to November 15 in the year this assessment is adopted. 2 NO PARTIAL: The City Council has not authorized the partial prepayment of assessments prior to certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor. PREPAYMENT WITHOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment INTEREST, OR WITH is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the INTEREST TO END OF assessment roll. At anytime prior to November 15 YEAR: of any year following the year the assessment is certified, the owner may prepay to the City Treasurer , , the whole assessment remaining due with interest , accrued to December 31 of the year in which the prepayment is made. INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is not prepaid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate of 8%. Interest accrues from the date to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not earlier than the date of such resolution. Assessments shall be payable in one installment with the installment to be payable with general taxes for the year 1999, collectible with such taxes during the year 2000. Dated this 8th day of September, 1999. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Su n M. Ish City Cle City of Rosemount Dakota County, MN Auxiliary aids and services are available-Please contact Susan Walsh at(612)322-2002, or TDD No. (612)=�23-6219, no later than September 28, 1999 to make a request. Examples of auxiliary aids or services may include: sign language interpreter, assistive listening kit, accessible meeting location, etc. 3 v� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � W . . • � � � � � ' � = m co co co co co co cc co co cc co cD c� cD � n n n n n n n n � n n r� n � � XV' f? +? t? N N N f? {? i/Y N N t? 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