HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Cable Joint Powers Agreement CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER, 7, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: CABLE JOINT POWERS AGENDA SECTION: AGREEMENT CONSENT PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGEI����. � lf ATTACHMENTS: RESOLUTION,AGREEMENT APPROVED BY: As the City Council is aware we have successfully negotiated a new franchise agreement with Charter Cable.Part of that negotiation included a$60,000 Capital Grant and PEG fees.It is the intent to use the capital grant to purchase the necessary equipment,to begin broadcasting City Council and Commission meetings. And the PEG fee collected will be used for the operational expenses to broadcast these meetings. Since the time of the three cities of Apple Valley,Farmington, and Rosemount began negotiating the franchise,we have been focusing on developing a cost-effective approach to jointly administer community television operations.The three cities have all identified similar needs for design,acquisition and installation of audio/visual equipment for their chambers. In addition,the need for staffing to televise Council and Commission meetings. The outcome of these discussions has been development of the attached joint powers agreement.This agreement creates a Cable and Telecommunications Advisory Commission,which will address issues associated with community television operations. It is recommended that each city designate their City Administrator and designee to represent their jurisdiction. The attached joint powers agreement was developed with the idea of reducing costs to the cities by eliminating duplication of staff,consulting services and equipment. All policy issues would be brought to each governing body for review and approval. The commission would be responsible for addressing operational,management and franchise enforcement issues. Apple Valley has agreed to hire a Cable Communications Coordinator that will be shared by the three cities and funded in direct proportion to the PEG fees collected.The Coordinator will be responsible to all three cities and will manage, design, acquire,maintain and operate the audio/visual equipment in each of the three cities.Rosemount's annual funding contribution will be approximately 25% of the total budget,Farmington will also contribute 25%and Apple Valley will contribute 50%base on the number of subscribers. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve A RESOLUTION APPROVING A JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING A COMMISSION TO SERVE AS A CABLE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY BODY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM,THE COMMUNITY TELEVISION OPERATIONS,AND TELECOMriiJNICATIONS ACTMTIES AND ISSUES ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING A COMNIISSION TO SERVE AS A CABLE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY BODY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CABLE COMMU1vICATIONS SYSTEM,THE COMMUNITY TELEVISION OPERATION5,AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACTIVITIES AND ISSUES WHEREAS, the Cities of Apple Valley,Farmington, and Rosemount(hereinafter"Cities")have studied the possibility of jointly and cooperatively coordinating the administration of their individual cable communications franchises; and WHEREAS,the Cities desire to enter into a Joint and Cooperative Agreement creating a Commission to serve as a cable and telecommunications advisory body for the administration of the cable communications system,the community television operations, and telecommunications activities and issues within the Cities; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount(hereinafter"City")has determined it to be in the best interest of the City to enter into such a joint and cooperative agreement; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,by the City council of the City of Rosemount: 1. The City hereby adopts and enters into the attached Joint and Cooperative Agreement Establishing a Commission(hereinafter"Commission")to serve as a cable and telecommunications advisory body for the administration of the cable communications system, the community television operations, and telecommunications activities and issues; 2. FURTHER,the City appoints as its director to the Commission City Administrator Thomas D. Burt; 3. FURTHER, the City appoints as its alternate director to the Commission Assistant to City Administrator/City Clerk Susan M. Walsh; 4. FURTHER, authorizes all necessary signatures to be affixed to such Joint and Cooperative Agreement on behalf of the City. ADOPTED this 7th day of September, 1999. Cathy Busho,Mayor RESOLUTION 1999-101 ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member Not Present: 2 Joint and Cooperative Agreement Establishing a Commission to serve as a Cable and Telecommunications Advisory Body for the Administration of the Cable Communications System,the Community Television Operations, and Telecommunications Activities and Issues I. PARTIES The parties to this agreement are governmental units of the State of Minnesota. This agreement is � made pursua.nt to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, as amended. , II. GENERAL PURPOSE The general purpose of this agreement is to establish an organization that monitors the operation and activities of the Members' cable and telecommunications systems; to provide coordination of administration and enforcement oi the franchises for their respective systems; and to conduct such other activities authorized herein. III.NAME The name of the organization is the Apple Valley/Farmington/Rosemount Telecommunications Commission. , IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS Section 1. For the purposes of this agreement, the terms defined in this Article sha11 have the meanings given them. Section 2. "Commission" means the Apple Valley/Farmington/Rosemount Telecommunications Commission. Section 3. "Council" means the governing body of a Member. Section 4. "Franchise" means that cable communications franchise granted by the cities of Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount, Minnesota. Section 5. "Grantee" means the franchised cable operator or telecommunications provider that serves the Members. Section 6. "IVlember" means a municipality which enters into this agreement. Section 7. "PEG" means all the activities associated with the Members' local programming activities provided on the cable television and/or telecommunications systems,including the public, educational and governmental access channels. 1 V.MEMBERSHIP V alle F armington,and Rosemount are the Members of the Section 1. The mu�cipalities of Apple y� of tliese named mun�cipalities, m��l allty geographically contiguous to any become a Member Commission. AnY p h the same Cn'antee,may and served by a cable co��eementsystem throug pursu an t t o t h e t e r m s o f � of this agreement . Section 2. AnY mu�cipalit�' desiring to become a Member shall execute a copy and conform to all requ�rements herein. �f�ative vote of each Section 3. Municipalities desiring to become Members may be admitted by resolution impose conditions upon the of the cunent Members' councils. The Members may bm�ci ality to the Commission shall not admission of additional Members. The admiss�e officni 1 action of the cun'ent Members' councils. become effective for sixty(60)days following VI,DIRECTORS: VOTING er shall be entitled to one(1)director which shall be the City Administrator Section 1. Each Memb le Valley Director shall be entitled or his/her designee to represent it on the Commission. The App to two(2)votes on the Commission. The Farmington and Rosemount directors shall be entitled to one(1)vote each on the Commission. - ' ector shall be appointed by resolution of the Coun�ii hout compensat on from Section 2. "The dlr ointed. Directors shall serve director shall serve until a successor is app the Commission. Section 3. Each M ember shall appoint at least one (1) alternate to the Commission which shall represent the Member in the absence of the d�rector. ons set forth in Minnesota in the office of director will exist for any of the reas Section 4. A vacancy ointment duly filed by a Member Statutes Section 3 51.02, or upon a revocation of a d�o n�entfor the unexpired portion of the term with the Commission. V acancies shall be filled by app of director by the council of the Member whose position on the Board is vacant. Section 5. There sh all be no voting by proxy,but all votes must be cast by the director or the duly authorized alternate at a Commission meeting. but a smaller number may Section 6. The presence of two (2) directors shall constitute a quorum, adjourn from time to time• shall not be eligible to vote on behalf of the directoe'Commisp on D�g he S e c t i o n 7. A d i r e c t o r contri bu ti o n o r p a y m e n t t o t h oses time said municiPal1t}'is in default on any existence of such default,the vote or votes of such Member sha11 not be counted for e p� 2 T of this agreement. Section 8. All official actions of the Commission must receive three (3)votes in the aff'irmative. VII.EFFECTIVE DATE/MEETINGS Section 1. A municipality may enter into this agreement by resolution of its council and the duly authorized execution of a copy of this agreement by its proper officers. Thereupon,the clerk or other � appropriate officer of the municipality shall file a duly executed copy of this agreement, together with a certified copy of the authorizing resolution,with the City Administrator of the City of Apple Valley,Minnesota. The resolution authorizing the execution of the agreement shall also designate the director and the alternate, if any, for the municipality on the Commission, along with said director's and alternate's address and phone number. Section 2. This agreement is effective on the date when executed agreements oi all of the municipalities named in Article V, Section 1 have been filed as provided in this Article. Section 3. Within thirty(30)days after the effective date of the agreement,the City Administrator of the City of Apple Valley shall ca11 the first meeting of the Commission. Section 4. The Commission may adopt By-Laws governing its procedures including the time,place, notice for and frequency of its regular meetings,adopt a procedure for calling special meetings,and such other matters as are required by this agreement. VIII,ppWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMISSIO\T Section 1. The powers and duties of the Commission shall include the powers set forth in this Article. Section 2. The Commission may take such action as it deems necessary and appropriate to accomplish the general purposes of this agreement. The Commission may enter into contracts on behalf of the Members when the contract or services have been previously included within the approved annual budget.If the Commission requires contracts or services not previously budgeted, the Members will consider approving additional funding. The Commission may not contract for the purchase of real estate without the prior authorization of the Member municipalities. Any purchases or contracts made shall conform to the requirements applicable to Minnesota statutory cities. Section 3. The Commission shall review the operation and performance of the Members' cable and/or telecommunications system and consider related policy issues as they pertain to the coordination, administration and enforcement of any Franchise. The Commission will provide recommendations to the Members for their final action,unless specific powers have been delegated herein or otherwise by the Members to the Commission. 3 Section 4. It is specifically understood that each Member shall have final authority for construction plans for activities proposed under the Franchise within the corporate limits of each Member;issues requiring conshuction and street opening pernuts;and inspection of all construction activity within Members' boundaries. Section 5. The Commission shall undertake all procedures necessary to maintain uniform rates and to handle applications for changes in rates for the services provided by the Grantee. Section 6. The Commission,with notice to its Members, may provide for the prosecution,defense; or other participation in actions or proceedings at law in which it may have an interest, and may employ counsel for that purpose. Section 7. The Commission may conduct such research and investigation and take such action as it deems necessary, including participation and appearance in proceedings of state and federal regulatory, legislative or administrative bodies on any matter related to or affecting cable and/or telecommunications rates,franchises, and levels of service. Section 8. The Commission may obtain from Grantee and from any other source,such information relating to rates, costs and service levels, or any other information regarding Grantee or others the access to which is otherwise granted by the franchise or other relevant law to a Member. Section 9. The Commission may,with notice to its Members, apply for and use grants, enter into agreements required in connection therewith and hold, use and dispose of money or property received as a gift or grant in accordance with the powers and purposes of the Commission. Section 10. The Commission will develop administrative,operational and management policies for the Members' PEG access operations. Section 1 l. The Commission may provide policy recommendations to the Members, in areas of telecommunications services, activities, and planning. Section 12, The Commission may take such other actions which are necessary and directly related to its powers and duties specifically,herein. X. FIl`'ANCIAL MATTERS Section 1. The fiscal year of the Commission shall be the calendar yeaz. Section 2. The City of Apple Valley shall serve as the fiscal agent of the Commission. All contracts, orders, drafts, or other legal instruments, upon request and authorization of the Commission, shall be executed by the City of Apple Valley. Section 3. Any staff authorized by the Commission in accordance with its powers and duties as 4 , outlined by this agreement shall be employees of the City of Apple Valley which shall process and maintain such employees within the City of Apple Valley regular employment procedures and agreements. Section 4. The Members shall contribute all annual PEG fees and any additional franchise fees necessary to support the Commission budget. The annual budget shall establish the contribution of each Member to the City of Apple Valley for the ensuing year and a timetable for the payment of said contribution. The Commission by unanimous consent and approval of its Members may � authorize one or more special appropriations to be paid to the City of Apple Valley in any given fiscal year to support the powers and duties of the Commission as authorized by this agreement but not provided for in the annual budget of the Commission. Section 5. The initial budget of the Commission for the remainder of fiscal 1999 and fisca12000 shall be formulated by the Commission and submitted to the Members within 45 days of the first meeting of the Commission. The initial budget of the Commission shall be deemed approved by a member unless within 45 days of receipt of said initial budget a Member gives notice in writing to the Commission of any objections to said budget. A proposed budget for any ensuing calendar year shall be formulated by the Commission and submitted to the Members on or before July 1. Such budget shall be deemed approved by a Member unless,prior to September 15 preceding the effective date of the proposed budget, the Member gives notice in writing to the Commission of any objections to the budget. XI. DURATION Section 1. The Commission shall continue for an indefinite term. The Commission may be terminated by mutual agreement of all of the Members at any time or if any Member fails to make its annual contribution to the Commission budget. Section 2. In order to prevent obligation for its financial contribution to the Commission for the ensuing year, a Member shall withdraw from the Commission by filing a written notice with the Commission by October 15 of any yeaz giving notice of withdrawal effective at the end of that calendar year;and Membership shall continue until the effective date of the withdrawal. Prior to the effective date of withdrawal a notice of withdrawal may be rescinded at any time by a Member. If a Member withdraws from the Commission,the Member shall have a claim against the assets of the Commission in direct proportion to its fmancial contribution to the Commission for the preceding fiscal yeaz. A Member withdrawing after October 15 sha11 be obligated to pay its entire contribution for the ensuing year as outlined in the budget of the Commission for the ensuing year. Section 3. In the event of dissolution,the Commission shall determine the measures necessary to affect the dissolution and shall provide for the taking of such measures as promptly as circumstances permit, subject to the provisions of this agreement. Upon dissolution of the Commission all remaining assets of the Commission, after payment of obligations, shall be distributed among the then existing Members in proportion to each Member's financial contribution to the Commission 5 for the preceding fiscal year. The Commission shall continue to exist after dissolution for such period,no longer than six months, as is necessary to wind up its affairs but for no other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned municipality has caused this agreement to be signed on its behalf this day of , 199_. CITY OF � sy Its U:\cableWppleval 21673-01UT-COOP.02.wpd 6