HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. M&H, Inc. and Dakota County HRA Guide Plan Amendment, Rezoning & Concept PUD Findings for Denial CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COiJNCIL MEETING DATE: February 2, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: M&H, Inc. And Dakota County HRA Guide Plan AGENDA SECTION: Amendment, Rezoning, Concept PUD Findings Old Business PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Director AGENDA NO: 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Memoradum from Mark Ulfers (1/29/99) APPROVED BY: The attached letter from Mark Ulfers, Executive Director of the Dakota County HRA, indicates a request for an extension of applications related to the above mentioned three action items. The application review period would extend until May 5, 1999. If progress has not been made toward this project as determined by the City Council, then action can be taken on or before May 4 (first council meeting that month)to review and approve the findings of fact for denial of the pending applications. The council may also take action within that time period to approve a revised housing project (assuming no greater impacts to the neighborhood or city that would warrant a new public hearing process). RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to Agree to Extend the Applications from M&H, Inc. and the Dakota County HRA until May 5, 1999 for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Concept PUD for Approximately 17 Acres Along Biscayne Avenue. COUNCIL ACTION: „ �-29-33 FRI 04;58 PM DAKOTA COUNTY HRA FAX N0. 6124238180 P. 02 % �/' - DAI�'OT.A CUUNTY �ousing&Redevelopment Authority b�i.;^3.�;;0 �496-145m Sr_��!!.•Fouaw���,?�1�;i:Qo5•T.I),I�.651-4].3..�1S. •F�L\C,i 1.--•-. MEMOR�NntM . TO: Mayor and City Council Member FRO�: Mark S. YJlfers, Executive Director ' DATE: January 29, 1999 � 12E: Rosemowat To��nhome Applicatio�� On behalf of tl�e l�al:ot� County HRA,we would�ike to request an exttnsion af our � application for various]an�d usc a�provals until May�, 1999. We understand from thE cliscussion at the 3anuary• 19, 1999, City Council uieeting, thai addition�l time is nc�ded befoz�e action is taken on tlus matter. 'VV'e would purpose the followizz�: • That the HRA and City of�tosennount hold an,educational meeting for members of the cornmunity o.n the issues related to affordablc housing. • That thc I�A"�il pr�pare educarional macerials for rhis conference in cansultation ��vith members of th�faith community and other interested parties. • Tha.t the�IRA wilI investi�ate other possible site plan options that address Cauncil concerns. The Dakota County HT2_A anc�City of Rosemount have had a long history of working together to address community needs. We feel that providing this extension would enable the HRA and City to work to�ether to ensure a positive outcome that addresses the iieeds of the community. We hope }�ou aaree that this cxtcnsion request is in the best interests of all concerried. cc: Willis E. $ranning, Dakota County Commissioner "AN EQUfV.,OPPORTUNITY�IPLC�'4'�R” CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COIJNCIL MEETING DATE: February 2, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: M&H, Inc. And Dakota County HR.A Guide Plan AGENDA SECTION: Amendment, Rezoning, Concept PUD Findings Old Business PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Director AGENDA NO: 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Memoradum from Mark Ulfers (1/29/99) APPROVED BY: �-- _ The attached letter from Mark Ulfers, Executive Director of the Dakota County HRA, indicates a request for an extension of applications related to the above mentioned three action items. The application review period would extend until May 5, 1999. If progress has not been made toward this project as determined by the City . Council, then action can be taken on or before May 4 (first council meeting that month) to review and approve the findings of fact for denial of the pending applications. The council may also take action within that time period to approve a revised housing project(assuming no greater impacts to the neighborhood or city that would warrant a new public hearing process). RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to Agree to Extend the Applications from M&H, Inc. and the Dakota County HRA until May 5, 1999 for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Concept PUD for Approximately 17 Acres Along Biscayne Avenue. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 2, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: M &H Inc. and Dakota County HRA Guide AGENDA SECTION: Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Concept PUD Old Business Findings for Denial PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Dir. AGENDA�NO.'_ _ � � � �� ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolutions APPROVED BY: Applicant& Property Owner: Dakota County HRA and M &H Inc. Location: '/z mile north of 145th Street West, and west of Biscayne Ave.. Previous Council Action: Motions failed for lack of second SUMMARY The 60 day law requires cities to either approve or deny zoning and sewer service requests. The City Attorney has advised that findings should be prepared as a means of explaining the basis of the denial in case the applicant chooses to challenge the city in court. Separate resolutions have been prepared for the Guide Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Concept Planned Unit Development because they are three separate applications. It is important that the findings be as complete as possible,to reflect all of the reasons that the project could not be approved. Any additional information that could be included with the findings would be useful. The city extension of the review process changed the deadline to March 2, 1999. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt resolutions in support of denial of the Guide Plan Amendment,Rezoning and Concept Planned Unit Development as requested by M &H Inc. And the Dakota County HRA. -or- Motion to direct staff to revise the findings to include additional information provided by the City Council. COUNCIL ACTION: ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT D���� DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999- A RESOLUTION FOR DENIAL OF • A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT REQESTED BY M & H INC. AND THE DAKOTA COUNTY HRA BASED UPON FINDINGS OF FACT WHEREAS,the Community Development Department received an application for a comprehensive guide plan amendment to facilitate a residential planned unit development for residential development involving mixed housing types as identified in attached Exhibit A from M &H Inc. and the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority on December 2, 1998 to be located on a 17 acre unplatted parcel west of Biscayne Avenue %2 mile north of 145th Street West in Rosemount; and, WHEREAS,the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required by the zoning ordinance on December 22, 1998; and, WHEREAS,the City Council reviewed a revised planned unit development as identified in Exhibit B on January 19, 1999 and a motion to approve the required comprehensive guide plan amendment failed. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby denies the comprehensive guide plan amendment requested by M & H Inc. and the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority based upon findings of fact: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is curently guided for Public/Insitutional (PI) land use in the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. 2. The land use designation of the subject property is proposed to be changed to Urban Residential (LTR) in the City of Rosemount draft 2020 Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. The revised Concept Plan as identified in Exhibit B results in an overall density of between 4.5 and 5.0 dwelling units per acre. 4. The City of Rosemount cunent Comprehensive Guide Plan allows a density range of 2-6 dwelling units per acre with an overall density average of 2.5 dwelling units per gross acre on property designated for Urban Residential (UR) use with an increase to 4.0 units per acre based upon specified criteria. 5. Multi-family housing within the Urban Residential (UR) area may be allowed if it meets DRAFT four criteria identified in the City's current Comprehensive Guide Plan: (a) located within the MUSA; (b) does not require the use of existing local residential streets for access; (c) is compatible with adjoining uses; and(d)represents a logical transition from higher to lower density land uses or provides sufficient on-site open space to effectively buffer dissimilar uses or is adjacent to a permanent open space that buffers dissimilax uses or is adjacent to the CBD or represents a logical extension of existing multi-farrrily zoning. 6. The city's housing mix goal in the draft 2020 Comprehensive Guide plan is 75% single family detached and 25%multi-family. Since 1995, the city has approved housing developments close to a ratio of 60%single family and 40%multi-family to the year 2010. The proposed development project is 100%multi-family. 7. The proposed land use is not consistent with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan policies for High Density Housing. The plan states that it is the city's intent to be circumspect about where and under what circumstance it will approve additional higher density housing. 8. The subject property is adjacent to an existing, established manufactured housing development on the west side. The additional moderate density housing contained in the concept PUD would create a concentration of multi-family housing inconsistent with the stated policy of dispersing affordable housin�, multi-family housing and group homes through out the City. Generally, it is in the best interest of the public to maintain homogeneous housing types in a neighborhood, or to provide a logical transition from high to low density unless there are factors which justify mixing housing types, which factors, as detailed in these findings, do not exist in the case of this proposal. The other property east of the Canadian Pacific rail road right-of-way and north of the Union Pacific rail road right-of-way is developing as single family detached housing at a density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre or less. 9. The proposed housing is not adjacent to permanent open space. The undeveloped land to the south is owned by the Minnesota National Guard which has previously indicated to the City that the property may be used for training which could be incompatible with moderate density residential uses. 10. The proposed moderate density housing is not within close proximity to goods and services provided in the city's commercial districts,nor is it adjacent to the Central Business District. 11. The proposed land use is not a logical extension of existing or proposed multi-family land uses. DR,4F�' ADOPTED this 2nd day of February, 1999 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �RA�T DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999- A RESOLUTION FOR DENIAL OF • A REZONING REQESTED BY M & H INC. AND THE DAKOTA COUNTY HRA BASED UPON FINDINGS OF FACT WHEREAS,the Community Development Department received an application for a rezoning of property to facilitate residential development involving mixed housing types as identified in attached Exhibit A from M &H Inc. and the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopmerit Authority on December 2, 1998 to be located on a 17 acre unplatted parcel west of Biscayne Avenue '/z mile north of 145th Street West in Rosemount; and, WHEREAS,the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required by the zoning ordinance on December 22, 1998; and, WHEREAS,the City Council reviewed a revised planned unit development as identified in Exhibit B on January 19, 1999 and a motion to approve a required comprehensive guide plan amendment failed. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby denies the rezoning of property from Agriculture to R-2, Moderate Density and R-3, Medium Density Residential; as well as an alternate request for R-2, Moderate Density Residential requested by M & H Inc. and the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority based upon findings of fact: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is curently guided for Public/Insitutional (PI) land use in the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. 2. The land use designation of the subject property is proposed to be changed to Urban Residential (UR) in the City of Rosemount draft 2020 Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. The rezoning to R-3,Medium Density Residential is not consistent with the existing and proposed Comprehensive Guide Plans. 4. The Concept Planned Unit Development is not consistent with standards for the R-2, Moderate Density Residential and would require variances to the standards for attached housing and townhouses. The standards for attached housing and townhomes specify requirements for two car garages and platting of property for individual home ownership. The proposed development indicates single car garages and 40 to 46 rental units. ADOPTED this 2nd day of February, 1999 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DRAF�' DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999- A RESOLUTION FOR DENIAL OF • A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REQESTED BY M & H INC. AND THE DAKOTA COUNTY HRA BASED UPON FINDINGS OF FACT WHEREAS,the Community Development Department received an application for a residential planned unit development for residential development involving mixed housing types as identified in attached Exhibit A from M &H Inc. and the Dakota County Housing and � Redevelopment Authority on December 2, 1998 to be located on a 17 acre unplatted parcel west of Biscayne Avenue %Z mile north of 145th Street West in Rosemount; and, WHEREAS,the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required by the zoning ordinance on December 22, 1998; and, WHEREAS,the City Council reviewed a revised planned unit development as identified in Exhibit B on January 19, 1999 and a motion to approve a required comprehensive guide plan amendment failed. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby denies the concept for a residential planned unit development requested by M & H Inc. and the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority based upon findings of fact: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is curently guided for Public /Insitutional (PI) land use in the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Z. The land use designation of the subject property is proposed to be changed to Urban Residential (UR) in the City of Rosemount draft 2020 Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. The revised Concept Plan as identified in Exhibit B is not consistent with the current Comprehensive Guide Plan. 4. The City of Rosemount current Comprehensive Guide Plan allows a density range of 2-6 dwelling units per acre with an overall density average of 2.5 dwelling units per gross acre on property designated for Urban Residential (UR) use with an increase to 4.0 units per acre based upon specified criteria. The proposed development overall density is 4.91 dwelling units per acre. 5. The City Council is unable to make the findings required for planned unit development ����� approval; a) The Plan provides sufficient useable open space and evidences a substantial preservation of natural features to warrant the granting of variances through Planned Unit Development. b) The Plan complies with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. c) The proposed development will not be detrimental to surrounding p�operties. d) The Plan is more creative and will provide a better living,working, or shopping environment than is possible under strict ordinance requirements. 6. Multi-family housing within the Urban Residential (UR) area may be allowed if it meets four criteria identified in the City's current Comprehensive Guide Plan: (a) located within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area; (b) does not required the use of existing local residential streets for access; (c) is compatible with adjooining uses; and, (d) represents a logical transition from higher to lower density land uses or provides sufficient on-site open space to effectively buffer dissimilar uses or is adjacent to the CBD or represents a logical extension of existing multi-family zoning. 7. The subject property is adjacent to an existing, established manufactured housing development on the west side. The additional moderate density housing contained in the concept PUD would create a concentration of multi-family housing inconsistent with the stated policy of dispersing affordable housing, multi-family housing and group homes through out the City. Generally, it is in the best interest of the public to maintain homogeneous housing types in a neighborhood, or to provide a logical transition from high to low density unless there are factors which justify mixing housing types, which factors, as detailed in these findings, do not exist in the case of this proposal. The other property east of the Canadian Pacific rail road right-of-way and north of the Union Pacific rail road right-of-way is developing as single family detached housing at a density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre or less. 8. The proposed housing is not adjacent to permanent open space. The undeveloped land to the south is owned by the Minnesota National Guard which has previously indicated to the city that the property may be used for training which could be incompatible with moderate density residential uses. 9. The proposed moderate density housing is not within close proximity to goods and services provided in the city's commercial districts,nor is it adjacent to the Central Business District. 10. The proposed land use is not a logical extension of existing or proposed multi-family land uses. ADOPTED this 2nd day of February, 1999 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho, Mayor - ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in�favor: Voted against: Member absent: C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145th St eet West Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068-4997 Phone:651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 Fax:651•423-5203 January 22, 1999 � • Mr. Mark Ulfers Dakota County HRA 2496 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Rosemount Rental Townhouse Proposal Dear Mr. Ulfers: The City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the revised housing concept for Biscayne Avenue on January 19, 1999 and directed staff to prepare findings in support of denial of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Concept Planned Unit Development. As you may be aware, legislation adopted in July of 1995 requires cities to approve or deny requests for zoning approvals and sewer service within 60 days. Extensions are available via notification by the city or at the request of a developer. Please consider this correspondence your notification that the City is extending the approval or denial deadline for another sixty(60) days, or until March 2, 1999. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter,please contact me at(651) 322-2052. Sincerely, �-�---- Rick Pearson City Planner cc Ed McMenomy Dan Rogness MEMORANDUM DATE: February 2, 1999 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator SUBJECT: HR.A Affordable Housing Proposal On Thursday January 28, County Commissioner Branning, Mark Ulfers, Mayor Busho and I met to discuss the HRA's town home proposal. Commissioner Branning asked for the meeting to facilitate a discussion on the topic. Mr. Ulfers began the discussion emphasizing the need for affordable housing in Rosemount and Dakota County. He identified that May 11, 1999 was the critical date for the funding application for this project and that the HRA would assist the City in a community discussion on the needs for affordable housing. He will also assist staff in assembling information on the housing stock, both owner occupied and rental. The May 11`'' date is when a decision is made on funding the proposed project and Mr. Ulfers indicated he would proceed with the funding request for the site. Mr. Ulfers also identified that he is interested in acquiring the entire site. He is looking into the HRA developing the land to the north of the proposed HRA Townhomes for single family homes first time homebuyers. He also expressed concern that there are further reaching discussions about the impact of this decision and that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) expressed some concerns and that it may impact Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding requests. There are also some concerns that the federal funding, approximately $12 million dollars, for County Road 46 could be affected. Staff has been contacted by Met Council, Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, and Minnesota Family Housing Fund who are all interested being apart in the discussion on the needs for affordable housing in the community. Staff will begin planning an affordable housing discussion as well as gathering statistics on existing housing in Rosemount. � � ■� . , � ; dSM � : � , : _ � : , . dSS � .— ; : ��us� � � � : � -�.-� � : : H W � .� ; : : cQn' � : � a in = � � : ; Il. l � � � ; a� � � ; HJI `� : : : �� � U � : ; Q — : ; s6�sH >. � � : : � �� � : : � � : u�6u�� �. � : ; o �-�— � : U p6p � 4— '— : 3 ■ O � � . : , a����8 L , . , 4� : I ne .� . � o00000000 00000000 � 00 I� �O In �f' M N �--� z ; � ; � � r�-I `I--� �: 4� O � � � ° � � a� � 0 � a� : : � � � � � � o � � ; � � i � ; � O � O pp ; �' °C �' oC � ; : ,� �_ � � � .� � �. �, � � � : ,--� � � i,!) � : c� a� � �.-� 0 . � � o � � L O � : � Q � � � : � � � ; � � o : : � � � � � : � � �a 4� o o : o � L L � �-"� Y..� C� � � : � n � .� .fl ; '� � � N M � l j ; � T T ; O, Q : , � ,--� O O O O O O O O O O O 00 �O d' N .--i � �- �- -bR- � Worki n Doesn 't Alwa s g v Pa For A Home y A traditional standard of afFordability is based on the Department of Housing and Urban Development's 30% Standard. That is a household should pay no more than 30% of its monthly income towards housing costs. To afford an average Two Bedroom Apartment in Rosemount, a household would have to earn $Z6,280 a year To afford an average Three Bedroom Apartment in Rosemount, a household would have to eam $35,000 a year. For Example: • School Teachers starting out in District #196 make $24,693 per year. They would be able to afford $617 per month. � Machine Builders at Cannon Equipment make $12.40 per hour after two years. They would be able to afford $644 per month. • School Bus Drivers working for District #196 make $11.50 per hour. Assuming they are working 40 hours per week they would earn $23,920 per year. They would be able to afford $597 per month. Average Rents in Rosemount are $657 for a two bedroom & $875 for a three bedroom 'J � a � � DAKOTA COUNTY MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING STOCK Met Council Data Center, 1996 Data Multi- Total % MF DAKOTA COUNTY Family Housing Units of CITIES Units Units Totai Units Burnsville 11,351 22,833 50% West St. Paul 4,390 8,933 49% Eagan 10,223 22,741 45% Inver Grove Heights 3,794 9,949 38% Hastings 2,166 6,270 35% Apple Valley 4,738 14,482 33% South St. Paul 2,627 8,323 32% Mendota Heights 950 4,127 23% Farmington 692 3,159 22% O,Se. 0 ' .` 8� Lakeville 1,522 11,724 13% .�-33 MON 12�56 PM DAKOTA COUNTY HRA FAX N0, 6124238180 P, 02 01/25/199y 20:36 612-370-3Q33 MpLS CpD P�GE Q1 �'"L4�D' U.S.Department of Ho ob° ''�, usittg Q11d Utb� Devebpment ,'�`'�t��� Mfinesota 8'tnte Otficn '� I� ,�` 220 s6aond Street South �""+-+a.��°� Minneapolis,Minnesata 65a01-,2795 h:tp�(/www.hud.gOvlloCeflmirl/minhot�m.html Iarcuary 29, X 999 h�*.1L�axk LTi�ers �xecu.tivc T�irector Dal�ota County Housing and Redeve�opment,Authority 2496 245tI1 Stzect �ose�,vt�t,lvL,�T 5�068 Dzar NXx.T�'].fers: Su'bject: Afforflabie I�ousk�g Rosexzzount,MN C:otxununit��I,7eveiopment Block�ant a�ad HONfE Prn�m R�ezx„ents Over the pasi�v weeks,we har•e been watck�the pzogr�ss of the Rasemauzxt Gxty Council diseusszo�s regarding the develo�c�ent of 40-46 a,ffardabla xental u:aitts and 33 for-s�.te twizi and trip�C� units.We�verc dis�ppointed to read o;f thie d�cision by the Gity Couneit to��ject the Dakota Cour�ty �iF,A's pc�vposal. We ar�revzewiz�Q tkzi,s zejection in light af t}�,e obligatians the City 1�as a z�zac.►rnber of the Ur�+ata Dakata Cownty.The County,a.s tb�c CDBG and HQI1�lE gra,�t xeczpient,hr�s fizll z�esponslbz�ity- Thzs includes the res�onsibi�ty:for the cxccution of the coz�uir�ity deveiopnient pzogram,far following its C�rzso�idated Plan,ata.d;for meesn;g the re�uireznents o�its assuran�ces with oiher a�plic�tsle laws such as: • Title�'T of the Cxv�Rights Act o�19611; � Section 504 af i��e Reb.ab�litation Act of'1973, � S�ct�o�,�09 vf the Housing a�d Com.mun.ity Devalop�e,�t,A.ct of 9 974;and far • .Af�'irmatively furtk�eriz�g fuir housing. In the National Aff'ardab�a�ous�ix�.g�at of 1990,Coz�,ress reiterated this�zmative obligation.The nativnal hvusing policy established t�y Congress also r�ntn�a commitrner.t to izap,rove housizag opporiunic�es far aJl z-eside�yts of the United Stztes,particularly mauoz�t�cs,on a nondiscr"�atory basis. �addition it estabI�sb�ed a goat to incxease tk�e s�p�y of deren.t houszug tYzat is affordable to lo�v-income and�naodexate-income fa�ilies.Neither the Houaxz�g and Commaniry peveiop�e�t Act of 1974,as aznended,nor the I�'atzoxial Affotr3able Houa-ing Act,llmit(he a�atively further,utzg ceztaficataon to fedexatly-.funded or federal�y-assisted housing. The Cauraty axad tkze ciry ofRosc�.noant enter�d iuto a legally bit�ding Coopeza�on Program. Thi3 entztted tlze City to parkicipatc in.the Co�nty's Co�ur2iry I'jeyelapmexi,t��oc.�c Grant(CD$�) and HOb�progra.m��. '�'�Ze ag�te�nent expzessly states that th,e COunty and ihe Cilty 3gree to ,l�awy Vcijkbonloedr Or.eAnierkq--CrlsGrate38YarrsoJFafrXouatng .-33 MON 12�56 PM DAKOTA COUNTY HRA FAX N0. 6124�38180 P. 03 t7i/L�;1�99 2d:36 612-37Q-3093 ��5 CpA PA� �� 2 "eoo�erate to uz�dac�tt�:e,or assist in�ndert�lcl�ig,eommwa�ty xez�e�va1 and Iawer ix�conae hvusing assistancc activities. . . ." �n a�idition,bot�paz�kies,mutua�ly agree ta cake atl actions to comply with t�te pxovisions of the aba���statutes. A revicw of the Co�solydated��au�'or the D�kota Ccrunty Coxasortiurn shows tt�as the xnaxzl obj ec�iwe of ti�e Can,sortiuiu,fox the next 5 years(19gs_zp�}p)���e to:�increase th�numb�r of affordable�Zo��s,ing units Fhrougb new co,nstruction"(pg. 57�,Tiie p�ority.Neads Sw�unuy Table (pg. 53)zndacates s high need for affo�lable renter and o�vner b,ousi.z�due to hi�h c�st burd,�us.1�e czty a� Rosemount had an.oppo.�huzity�o pmvid�a�f'ordab]e hottsing recently. Th�p,�posal was rcwiEwed and reccnnmended fox approval by tl�c�Slann3ng ca,oazn�ssion,Yt was rejacted b��th,e G�ty Cou�cil. �zs�ejoctivn is a concenn Ec�the Taepartment,�hen a;�'oXdab�e liousing develo�ments axe voted d���,it gives the appearanc:e that t�ae City is rxot tal�g steps to a�matiticly;Fiuther fair aouszxag x�vz� is it takitag actions to el��imatc barriers to a�rdab�e hduszz�g, WC a�t'e nat yet makiri.g a detezmination or findirr,$s on t�e actioz�s ofthe City,Howevex,�ve waz�t to remind you tha.r tlxe County is prohibited�rozn fundin�acrivities,in or�support of a cooperating uxut of gexzerallocal gove�mat�t that does not aflirma�ively fiuth�r fair housing witi��ts own jtuisdxcti�,on ox that iz�feded t��:co�ty's acbions to comply wiih the cou�ky's fair housing certificatian.It wou�d be unfortuna#e far the xeside»ts of Roscmo�uit if this�v�to oCGt�r.Qut�xe�pi�s show that since 1983,RosemounY has received ove,x$2,ppp,Opp un Cbm�nuni�r 7�eve�op�r�e�t B�ock Grazzt�'uz�ds.The activiti�s ran�e fronn such things es acquisitioz�az�fl cicaa�ance o�'bl�ghtec�propext7ies, to housing rek�abilitation fvr law aud moderat�incoxne persons,tv acquisitiau for sezu.or citi.zen housing. Please keep z�e inf'ormed of the acrio�ns takez�by the City of Rosemoun,t,��'you}aa�e a,�y q�:estzons about this matte.�,p�e�se fccl free to coi�taer 7ohn Stiv�so�at(G1;)3�0-3019�tension 21�}5,or at j ohtt swanso�@EZud.gov, Si.nc,�relY� �".�,�'�`�- Ala;�L.Joles, c r Offica of Commuu�ity P�anxting and Developmez�t .�l..-_�_,___�-. •� .,..,�� � �.,.. Thomas T.Feeney, �� Sex3ior Commim,ity uild � ..;x of affordable housing puts Dakota County in bind(2/02/1999) Page 1 of 3 �DVER-ISEP.i�N� �'r.�� ,e. �LA{��'�:,�. r.F. ..'� � �,� f�F�.�'3"�'IP�RGE8) CARB:�OM .��_B� NO� Published: Tuesday, February 2, 1999 r ;i',cfPlatlt?C I'un[ ' � ��E,:,.;s SUBURBS � Business � SPorts Lack of affordable housing puts Dakota i Entertainment/Just Go County in bind � Living � Tech JENNIFER EHRLICH ST�'F wRITER * Water Cooler andy and Don Daniel have spent three years on waiting lists � Special Reports for affordable rental housing in Lakeville and Rosemount. v Classified Ads r Site index They pay$790 a month for their apartment in Apple Valley-- which is more than the couple�vill soon be able to afford. Don is retired and Sandy has a degenerative disease. "Some days I can walk, and some days I can't," said 58-year old Sandy Daniel. "I want to be able to live where we can get to our church in Farmington, but the rent really takes a chunk out of our income." In Dakota County, more than 1,000 other families are waiting for spaces in affordable housing projects, where rents are hundreds of dollars lower than market rates. The average wait for a space in an affordable housing building is 18 months. But many seniors, such as the Daniels, have had to wait much longer. To keep up with the demand for low-income housing, the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority is hoping to expand its power to tax and finance community development proj ects. The Dakota County HRA is proposing legislation that will turn the housing authority into an economic development agency. That means the HRA will be able to develop land for community projects and can increase its ability to tax by about 25 percent. The reason for the growing affordable housing crunch is an aging and increasing population in Dakota County, said Mark Ulfers, director of Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority "By 2020, the number of seniors living in this county is going to triple," said Ulfers. "If the waits are long for affordable housing http://www.pioneerplanet.com/news/mtc_docs/025663.htm 2/2/99 ..,x of affordable housing puts Dakota County in bind (2/02/1999) Page 2 of 3 now, imagine what they will be in the future if we aren't proactive." As a housing authority, the HRA's ability to tax is capped at$2.2 million annually-- money that is only used for senior housing and has already been spent this year, Ulfers said. Ulfers said the demand for affordable housing has outpaced their ability to raise money. The HRA has built 11 senior housing complexes since 1989,but all are full. When Eagan's newest senior center opened last fall, it already had a waiting list. But even if the changes are approved, the HRA's ability to build affordable housing faces obstacles other than money. If the HRA expands it will still have no new power to force communities to build affordable housing projects. Ulfers is trying to drum up support for a larger HRA at a time when support for building affordable housing projects is not assured in many communities throughout Dakota County. For example, in Rosemount the City Council recently rejected the HRA's proposal for affordable rental townhomes. Rosemount Mayor Cathy Busho said the community was behind her when she decided not to support the project and that some residents told her they would be willing to circulate a petition against the townhomes. Busho said community members opposed the project because they believe that providing low-income housing will lead to increased crime and "social issues in schools." "The issues I heaz is that when kids come to school without adequate breakfast they can't do what they are supposed to and there may be a lack of parental support for after-school activities," she said. Aside from community reaction, the HR.A proposal is still far away from becoming a reality. It must first clear the county commission and then it will need a sponsor to introduce the bill in the state Legislature. Ulfers said the other changes include: . Exempting affordable housing projects from 6.5 percent sales tax on construction materials --to save$1,000 to $3,000 for each unit; . Requesting that the Met Council exempt affordable housing projects from new sewer connection fees of$1,050 per unit; . Renaming the HRA the Dakota County Community Development Agency to reflect its broader mission; . Creating a local government housing trust fund by using part http://www.pioneerplanet.com/news/mtc_docs/025663.htm 2/2/99 ack of affordable housing puts Dakota County in bind(2/02/1999) Page 3 of 3 of what the state collects on deed tax and mortgage registration taxes, to be used to help communities build affordable housing. Even the Metropolitan Council,which has led the effort to finance affordable housing in the suburbs, is not guaranteed to support all of the changes in the HRA proposal, said Tom McElveen, director of housing and local assistance for the Metro Council. But McElveen said the Metro Council is willing to work with the Dakota County HRA because there is not enough money to keep up with the demand for low-income housing in the suburbs. "Our suburban experience is that the communities out there apply for twice as much for housing resources as we have the funds," said McElveen. "That's a pretty steady trend that says to me that suburbs aren't turning their backs on affordable housing." In the metro area, counties have taken different approaches with their economic development agencies. In Hennepin and Ramsey. counties, the HR.A boazds consist of elected officials while in Washington County they are appointed, Ulfers said. Other commissioners were concerned that the process was moving too quickly. They are reserving judgment until they discuss the implications of an expanded HRA, said Commissioner Patrice Bataglia. "Moving forward with caution is really required here," said Bataglia. But for families such as the Daniels, who are faced with rising rents at the same time as they are grappling with medical bills, the expansion can't come soon enough. ,. He� "You get on these lists and you wait and wait and wait," said � Sandy Daniel. "I don't want anything to happen to anyone living r News Archives in those complexes but I do hope something opens up." ;� Feedback Jenni er E lich,w o covers gro an development in Dakota County,can r .;�:scri to�o;� be reached at lehrlich(iu,pioneerpress.com or at(651)228-2171. http://www.pioneerplanet.com/news/mtc_docs/025663.htm 2/2/99