HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Payment #3 & Change Order #2, Wensmann 11th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #298 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 2, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #3 & Change Order #2-Wensmann AGENDA SECTION: 1 1 th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project Consent #298 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA��� � � � City Engineer/Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #3 & Change Order #2 APPROVED BY: This item requests the third payment to Ryan Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $2,875.77 for City Project #298, the Wensmann 1 1 th Addition Street & Utility Improvements. Work completed and represented in this amount as of December 5, 1998 is 71 % of contracted work. This work has been inspected and is in compliance with Contract Documents. A portion of this payment is for Change Order #2 which was a change in the construction of a catch basin. The remainder of the payment covers street signage. The paving of the remainder of 151 st Street and Claret Avenue will take place in the Spring. Attached is a copy of the Construction Pay Voucher #3 and Change Order #2 for your information. Staff and WSB & Associates recommend approval of this third payment and Change Order #2. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #3 AND CHANGE ORDER #2 TO RYAN CONTRACTING, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF S2,875.77. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 JAN-25-1999 13�22 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.18i1� CO�t�1STf�,tCi10M P�Y VOt1Ck1ER � � ����� � � ES7IMATE VOtfCM�R N1J118F� 3 bATE ptc�mber 18,t99fl WS6 PR0.tEC7 NU�IQER: t067,3p pEH10D EIiGIMG: DeoemDer 75,1998 PRO�Ecr: vYEN5M�rtr��TM�poiTION ST1�T&U7wrr CO�S7�zUCr10N cs�Y�ROJECr No.298 ROSSlNOUNT,MN cOKTR�C7nR: RYaN CX?NTRACTtNG,�NC. e7C013Tti wVE FJ1ST - 5l�AK�OP�MN 55379 • ., . ._.� ..... �.... ._ .. • . ._. ... .... ... .. . CoN't'iiACT nw1'E: Septrn�er 18.ls9a WORK ST�RT�G: Cd1�1PLETWN bATE: W0�(�P�p: o�c��uu.ca�mucs�ourIT sssa,e».as �Te�aca�rONs ss,saf.3s T47A�nEDUC[fC�lS �S+t,683.78) TOTwI.�UNti3 E)iCUMB�A s$46,069.Q3 TaT�L WoaK e�rn���u tG Da� s�s7.s80.so . ��ss�rAlN�O p�stCEt�fT�� s.oa� m.sse.a2 l.ESS PRE�/tOUS PA�REtiTS s432.t8652 YOTu p�►��r�rrs�tc�.TM�a voucN�a s�s,osz.zs BALANCE CARRIF�]FQkWARA t2ti3Oa6,75 APP�.D FOR PAYMENT 71�IIS YQlICHFR � APPROVALS wse a�SSoCw�3,iric. In accordance vrith 6aki opaervabon.as perionned in acaordiqce w;tl�;ndus�y se�ncJsrds,and based on cur pro/�sional epin�an,the rtWter�a�inscaUed qre setisiactory and the rwrk Dr'aDerly p��tormsd in aaeo�danw wiCti the ptarts ond specif�ttions. 1'he total wprk is g rmated to De 7�y.rAmplaced as or Dscernbor 3t,t898. Ws hereby reconunend pay�ent of thi#vouche�, Signqd: . . Signed: nstrv�acn erver rojea en4ge� ng�neer RYJW COM7RJlrCT1NG,IttC. This is to cortity p�at ta tne bost o1 my hr�owledge,inforn+�har�and beUe(,Ihe qwntities end vatues aiw�ork pe�ea hereiA is�fair approx�mate esumate far Ne�rlod covtred by th�s vatrther. � . Contracter; �/_'�Y�n/ ��/7�Acri�/�, .�/L. g���; , D�te: 1 Z 7'�le: � � `� C�T1f OF ROSE�YlOUAt?' CheCkod sy; Ilpproued!or paymPnt c cnxe resentahve Date: p�: -Z_Z_Cl N�PwLvNaa�J Pval TOTAL P.1�� JAN-25-199� 13�22 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 61254117a0 P.16i18 � ' . . CHANGE ORDER N0.2 Wanan�anR 11'"AddEtior�Sltest�Ublily Gbr�truetivn ; City at Ro�envWnt Project Mo.�98 WSB ProjeCt Na 106T.3A •--"-�--�--,-�• -- .,, �.�... Owner: , c.ity af I�osemouM _. .� Oate o�)sst�n�e: January�5�i999 ~._�...... ' �--� �--...�`�.�........ . Contractor. Ryan CanlracGng�Inc Engineer. WS��assoGates�tnc. . .. You are dircrled to m�ke ehe follcwing chan9es i�tha Contrsct Dowmerrt desaiplion: Induds itsm`CB S07Z Re�;��cn,as outfined on attached schedule. CFUNGE IN CQNTRACT pRtC6 CHANGE IN CONTRACi'TiME Origine(Conb'aG Rrioe: �64a[,81 t.46 Originat Corttrac�Tune: _�.... .luly 15,1999 Prevcous Change O�ders: No,- to- �-y Nei Changa from Previaus Change Orders; None Contract PriCt Prbr to 7his .�..^.. . . . _..._....... Chertge Order. y_ 5645�'114.p3� Contrac!ilme Prior ta This C�ange Order; July 15, 199s Net increase Ot7his Ct�nqe O�er. �955.Q0 Net lna+e�s�pt Ct�ar�qB�rd9� Y.. .. None Contract Pfice W;c�Ali .�...".. ..,._.—'�.� ...----....... ...r.... Approved Chpnge Ord�s: 5646,06S.o9 Con�ad Tima With Approved Change Orders: .luty 1$, 1999 ��.w.. _.. Reoommenaed 8y. -... . .. ApproVed ey; � � ! Bre�A.We�Iss, P.E. �� � c Cp in Ih Enginee► ����r Approved 8y: Approved By: . Da28 of Coancil Ad;ot�: City Enginoar Ceyr Adm;ni5trator