HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Payment #4, Geronmine Pond 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #293 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 2, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #4-Geronime Pond 2nd Addition AGENDA SECTION: Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #293 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA��� � � � City Engineer/Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #4 APPROVED BY: This item requests the fourth payment to Erickson Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,414.90 for City Project #293, the Geronime Pond 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements. Work completed and represented in this amount as of January 15, 1999 is 95% of contracted work. This work has been inspected and is in compliance with Contract Documents. This payment covers rip-rap installation at the storm sewer outlets. The paving of the final lift of bituminous will take place in the Spring. This project should be finished by June. Attached is a copy of the Construction Pay Voucher #4 for your information. Staff and WSB & Associates recommend approval of this fourth payment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #4 TO ERICKSON . CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,414.90. COUNCIL ACTION: 3 JAN.26.199939�11�10AM� W5B 8 ASSOCIATES INC, yw053 P.22 �—�� 6N 700 r.uz/05 �CON$TItUCT10N PAYVOUCHER '. • • — ,. ESTIM2ITE VOUCHER NuMBER; 4 DATE January 25,1999 WSB PROJEcT NUMBER: 1061�1 PERIOD ENDING: January 15,1999 PROJECT: GERONInnE POND 2"OADDITtON STREET end UTILITY CO[vSTRUCTION AND APPURTENANT WORK ' C1TY PRaECY No.?.93 CONTRACTORo ERICKS�N CONSTRUCTION,ING . 13616 PlEA5AN7 LANE BURNSVILLE,MN 55337 CONTRACT DA7E: JUIY 8,1999 WORK SYARTED: •---._....__.. COMPLETION OATE: WORK COMPLETED: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 5219,479,71 TOTA1.ADDITIpNS 5,9,665.00 TO7AL DEOUCTiONS 50.00 TOTAL FUNDS ENCUMBERED S?29,1e34,7� TOTAJ,WORK CERTIFIED TO�ATE 5215,i70,46 LESS RETAIHED PERCENT{lGE 5.00°� 510,788.52 IESS PREVIOUS PAYhtENTS 5202,567,04 TOTAL PAYMENTS IHCL TH18 VouCHER $2a4,981.94 BALANCE CARWEp FORWARD $23,162.7T APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER 2 4,gp � APPROVAL3 . W58 3 ASSOCIATES,INC. In acccrda�oe with field observadon,as perfortneC(n accordancewit�industry standards,anE basad on our professional opinion,the materlals instslled are satisfadory and G�e wark properly pe�forfn�d m aocordanee wit�the plans and speoificaGons. The total work is sBcnated to be 959b campletad as of January 15,1999. We hereby recommend payment of this rroucher. Signed: Slgned: t� CenstrucGon bserver roject ManagenEnginee� ERlCKSON CONSTRUCTION,INC. This is co ee�tif�that to the best of my knowled�e,infarmatlon,end beGe�,the quanGties end values of v�nork certified he�ein�s a fair approximate estfmate far the period covc�ed by this voucher. _ � ' • /f . Contractor, l/�Y1/�f/ �. `�{/L/L�Dr1� Signed: l� Date: � oj� /��� ., r�e: Q/U/� cirr oF rosEnrtout�T Checked by. Approved for payment Authcrized Reyreaen 've . Date: Da te: Z`"l(�' .