HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of March 16, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting iT�� �� � � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS � REGULAR MEETING MARCH 16, 1999 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday,March 16, 1999, at 7:32 p.m. in the Council Chamber's at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Council Members Cisewski, Carroll, and Edwards present. Also,present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, City Engineer/Public Works Director Osmundson, Assistant to the Administrator Walsh, and Community Development Director Rogness. Mayor Busho led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. A�enda Chan�es Item 7.a. Amendment To Interim Ordinance was pulled and Item 8.b. Construction 70 Rezoning and Concept Planned Unit Development recommended action was changed due to the lack of a 4/Sth majority vote necessary for an ordinance change and rezoning. Year 2000 Readiness Plan Assistant to the Administrator Walsh updated City Council on the process being used to review services and equipment for the Year 2000 potential problem of automated systems that are date- dependent. The recommended Year 2000 Readiness Plan was presented. The policy statement noted that the City of Rosemount commits to make its best efforts to ensure the continuity of essential services. A contingency plan will be coordinated with departments for possible failures of essential City services such as power, water and sewer, transportation, communications, and information systems. MOTION by Cisewski to Adopt the City of Rosemount Year 2000 Readiness Plan. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Three. Nays: None. Motion camed. Consent MOTION by Carroll to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Carroll, Cisewski, Busho. Nays: None. Motion carried. a. Minutes of March 2, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting b. Minutes of February 23, 1999 Special City Council Meeting c. Approval of Bills Listing d. Donation Account Expenditure for Fire Dept. e. Solid Waste Haulers License f. Receive Feasibility Report- Conley Avenue St. & Utility Improvements, City Project 303 g. CMC Heartland Partners Assignment ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR lYIEETING MARCH 16, 1999 Planned Unit Develo.pment Amendment for Rosemount Market Sc�uare Community Development Director Ro�ness presented an amendment to the Subdivision and Planned Unit Development Agreement for the Rosemount Market Square project established June 9, 1994. Rosemount Properties LLC requested the amendment to accommodate a temporary structure for plant sales in the parking lot area in front of Knowlan's Supermarket. City Attorney LeFevere prepared the amendment. Discussion was held on optimum dates for opening and closing the business. The amendment allows for signs with one sign per side of the structure, tow of those signs on the rood, and two 18 sq. ft. flags.Mr.Linder of Linder's Greenhouse explained the set-up process needed for the structure and how weather may affect the set-up and removal. MOTION by Busho to approve a Planned Unit Development Agreement related to the June 9, 1994 Subdivision and Planned Unit Development Agreement for Rosemount Market Square noting changes for the start date to March 16 and closing date of July 7 and noting the signage changes and renewal clause. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Cisewski, Busho, Carroll. Nays: None. Motion camed. Kennel Ordinance Amendment Assistant to the Administrator Walsh reviewed the amendment for kennel and cattery registration that would require a public hearing and notice to neighbors within 150 feet of the property. The current ordinance requires written permission from all abutting property owners within 300 feet.This amendment will shift the veto ability to City Council rather than a single neighbor and therefore allow a more equal and fair process. Renewals are also provided for in the amendment, allowing them to be continued unless four complaints have been filed through the police department. This is the first reading of the amendment. Action on the recommendation will be taken at the next regular City Council meeting. Construction 70 Rezoning and Concept Planned Unit Development Community Development Director Rogness presented a concept planned unit development (PUD) for two new trucking terminals, Wayne Transports and Fleet Development. Also included in the PUD is the Solberg Aggregate property recommending its access on CR 42 be changed to Conley Avenue. Conley Avenue would become a new frontage road that connects 140th Street East to Country Road 42 and the 42/52 interchange. This would improve transportation safety. The proposed storm water ponding may change if the neighboring golf course would be willing to allow some ponding on their fairway. Discussions will follow. Additional landscaping will be added on the western border.No action will be called for this evening due to not having a 4/5 vote present for the rezoning application. Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for Furlong/Cemstone Community Development Director Rogness reported that Tom Furlong is requesting that the mineral extraction permit be renewed with him as owner/operator removing Cemstone from the permit. Activity has been limited to date, but Furlong will be building a golf course in Nininger Township 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR IYIEETING MARCH 16, 1999 and will need material from this property. Tom Furlong, Jr. explained that Shawn Dahl of Ames Construction requested depositing as haul-back a mixture of sand and clay which is unsuitable for supporting buildings but good for an agricultural base. Council noted they will be studying the mineral extraction permitting process and would recommend that the request for haul-back be deferred until after that research is completed. Cisewski commended Furlong for looking to reclaim the land for agriculture. MOTION by Carroll to approve the mineral extraction permit renewal for Tom Furlong for the 1999 season, excluding the ability to import fill material excavated off-site. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Busho, Carroll, Cisewski. Nays: None. Motion camed. Announcements Public Works Director Osmundson said that road restrictions have begun and will continue until May lst. Mayor Busho noted that a Strategic Planning Session with City Council and department heads will be held March 19 and 20. Metropolitan Council representatives will be selected March 19. The next City Council meeting is Apri16. Mayor Busho adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1998-11. 3