HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Councilmembers Appointment Interviews ���f2,��s � ( L(� MEMORANDUM ��,�� -' �O DATE: August 20, 1999 TO: Mayor Busho Councilmembers Cisewski,Klassen, Edwards FROM: Susan M. Walsh, Assistant to Administrator SUBJ: Councilmember Appointment Attached for your review is the information you requested from the three finalists for the open council seat. I am also attaching copies of my letter to the three finalists and to the other eight applicants. The interview schedule for the three is as follows on Saturday, August 2gth: 9:00 a.m. Jay Tentinger 9:30 a.m. Jeff Caspar 10:00 a.m. Keith Knautz. If I can be of further assistance to you,please let me know. Cc: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator August 18, 1999 Ms. Susan M. Walsh Assistant#o Administrator City of Rosemount 2875— 145�' Street West Rosemount, MN 55068—4997 Re: Council Interview Dear Ms. Waish: Enclosed please find the information requested by #he Council for conducting my int�rview for appointment to the City Council. Sincerely, —1 �_ . Jay A. Tentinger Enclosure nmt 1. i am married and have two children. We have lived in Rosemount since July 1989. I am an attorney by profession and since August 1997 have operated my own taw firm, which is located in Minneapolis. 2. Since February 1994 I have served as a Rosemount Planning Commissioner. Presently I am vice-chairman for the Planning Commission. As a Planning Commissioner 1 have been involved in updating the Cities Comprehensive Guide Pfan along with updating and refining zoning regulations. With this e�erience I have a good appreciation with issues involving growth for the City, and how to address and achieve those issues in an orderly fashion with fiscal responsibility. I look forward to being a council member to help define poticy and devetop a strategy for achieving growth for the city into the next century. Also to develop a strategy for maintaining a viable and central downtown which maintains its "small town° atmosphere. 3. By developing short term and long term plans as a council member, those plans can be implemented by the city staff. As a council member I wili also establish policy and goals for the City staff so they can maintain its day to day operations. Finally, as a council member I will listen to the citizens of Rosemount and incorporate their ideas and suggestions into the growth of the community. It is important to maintain an open discourse with the citizens of the community to have#hem involved so the difficult issues confronting the City c�n be tackled with the support of the community. 4. As a council member I want to assist the city devetop a strategy that will bring in retail, commercial manufacturing and industrial businesses. I also want to plan#or additionaf housing as the need arises by providing executive and medium range housing to support the businesses. 5. Based on my experience as a planning commissioner I have observed issues dealing wi#h balancing orderly growth while trying ta safisfy the Gity's desire to attract businesses and housing devetopments without sacrificin� the"small town" setting of Rosemount. Another issue deals with the land diversity in the City and the road systems that provide access to the different areas of the City, and haw to achieve growth without affecfiing the city ftnancially when providing basic city sen�ices. TO• Mayor FROM: 7effrey H. Caspar • Rosemount City Council DATE: August 19, 1999 TOTAL PAGES: 2 RE: CITY COUNCIL OPENING In response to your letter dated August 13, 1999, I have provided the following information as requested: 1. Narrative about Mvself—I moved to Rosemount,Minnesota in 1995 from Cheyenne, Wyoming where I was employed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Wyoming. During my employment with Blue Cross, I started out as the Control Unit Manager and moved up to NMIS/Cost Containment Coordinator and Actuarial Analyst. Since moving to Rosemount, I have helped my wife start our mail order business,Pobjoy Ltd.,by handling all of the shipping/inventory responsibilities as well as personnel issues. Furthermore,I have also served on the Port Authority for the City of Rosemount, Investment Committee for Rosemount United Methodist Church, RAAA Board of Directors and have helped in several fund raisers for RAHA. 2. Whv I want to be a member of Citv Council—I feel the need to help the City of Rosemount and my fellow citizens to see Rosemount grow in a11 azeas and make this committee be the strongest in the area. I believe my vision for Rosemount in terms of economic Development, housing, employment and overall development of the city is very close to the cunent staff and elected officials. Based on my dealings with the city of Cheyenne and their growth issues, I have made several suggestions over the past few years to help the City of Rosemount in its current growth situation. Many of these suggestions have been received very favorably and others have been dismissed. However, I feel many suggestions I made 4-5 years ago, could still be favorable for Rosemount and believe they can be accomplished in the future. 3. Role of apuointed council member—The role of a city council member is to be fair to a11 citizens in the city. Many issues will effect citizens both in the positive and negative manner. Our job is to put the city's interest first, looking at what is right for the citizen's of Rosemount as well as it's businesses. In that light we must bring everyone together within Rosemount on issues or at least attempt to explain why things are being done for those who oppose the outcome. We must look at all issues with an open mind and look at all possible arguments in both the positive and negative light and make decisions based on sound facts and do what we feel is best for Rosemount. 4. Vision of the Communitv—I would like to see the City of Rosemount grow in many different areas. For exa.mple, I would like to see Rosemount continue to build and expand its housing market,while keeping the population of Rosemount under 30,000. This would leave more space for the development of business and industry as they would carry the tax base rather than housing. I would like to see the downtown area consist of small businesses and family owned,to keep the old time small town feeling. Large retail and other corporate owned businesses should be east of downtown, located in places such as the business park, UM Property or near Dakota Technical College. I still feel very strong that the Intersection of Highways 52 and 42 can be the main corridor to Rasemount and we must immediately look at putting major economic development plans in place for the future. I still would like to keep some of the open and rural feel to Rosemount and not turn the community into an Apple Va11ey or Eagan where there is just a big city feel to the area. 5. Describe current issues of the Citv—The issues facing the city are as follows: • Keeping Rosemount financially stable by reviewing Rosemount's Financial Reports on Cash Flow,Funds, Investment Revenues and Expenditures. • Working, reviewing and revising the Comp Guide Plans and Zoning within the City. • Economic Development of Rosemount including Housing, Employment and Industrial Development. • Working with the Planning Commission on issues such as Kelly Trust and other new business opportunities and passing related ordinances. In addition, looking at the evaluation of affordable housing. • Working with the Paxks and Recreation Commission on issues dealing with new City Parks, Athletic facilities and other related issues. • Working with the Utilities Commission on Water and Sewer issues related to new lines and applying the appropriate rates. • Working with the Port Authority on continuing to recruit new business for the Business Park, development of the downtown area and evaluating sites for industrial and commercial use. �t�Drn i�� � T`�-�'�'I ,V,Q lJI.,�Z � 1. A narrative about yourself I am a native of Illinois who moved to Rosemount after I was married to my wife Ellen in April of 1995, We started out renting a townhome on Shannon Parkway until December of 1996 when we bought our current residence at 4288 157th Court West. I am currently the Assistant General Manager/Kitchen Supervisor at Willinger's Golf Club in Northfield, Minnesota. My hobbies include golf, bowling, card collecting and spending time with my wife and seven month old son, Justin. When I was a junior in high school, I spent a semester in Washington DC as a Page in the United State House of Representatives. Watching the political process first-hand led me to continue studying politics at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. In 1992 I graduated from Luther College with a BA in Political Science and History. After graduation, I became an employee for the Village of Glendale Heights, Illinois and was a Recreation Program Supervisor fo� 3 years. Upon moving to Minnesota I remained active in politics by �vorking for the Minnesota Senate off and on for the last four years. 2. Explain why you want to be a member of Rosemount City Council � would like to become a member of the Rosemount City Council because I want to contribute in the planning of Rosemount's entrance into the 21 st Century. As a new father, I want to ensure that Rosemount will continue to be a community that will attract and retain families. 3. State what you think the role of an appointed council member is The role of an appointed City Council Member is no different than that of an elected Council Member. It is the responsibility of the new member to become: • Acquainted with the issues that are before the council • Familiar with the way Rosemount operates. Secondly, it is the responsibi�ity of an appointed Council Member to learn what issues helped to get that person elected in order to understand what is important to the residents of Rosemount. Finally, it is the responsibility of the appointed council member to work hard and to bring his/her own beliefs and standards to Rosemount. 4. Describe your vision for the community. My vision for the community is th��: • Rosemount continues to be a family-friendly community well into the 21 st C entury. • Rosemount attracts companies and businesses that strengthen the community as well as offer the necessary services to residents. • Rosemount focus on enhancing its downtown area which residents consider the heart of the community. 5. Describe or explain your knowledge of the current issues of the City. My knowledge of the current issues that are facing Rosemount comes from my time on the Parks Committee and what I have read in both local and regional papers. One major issue facing Rosemount appears to be land usage. Whether it be strip mine expansion, housing development, or zoning, the decisions concerning land usage made over the next few years will determine the quality of life for the families in Rosemount. ,��= . : # CITY HALL ���N �,� _= C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875—t45th Street West ' Rosemount,MN �= 55068-4997 ��� � Everything's Coming Up Rosemount�! Phone:651-4Z3-4411 � ` e;�-��`' ' �' • Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 `�.;_"� '�,t:'";=�`��` Fax:651-423-5203 August 13, 1999 Mr. Jeff Caspar 4037156�'Street West Rosemount,MN 55068 Dear Mr. Caspar: At the August 11, 1999 Council workshop,the City Council narrowed the field of applicants down to three. I am pleased to inform you that you are one of the three applicants the Council wishes to interview for the open council seat. To assist the Council in the interview process, they would like for you to provide the following information: (1) A narrative about yourself; (2) Explain why you want to be a member of the Rosemount City Council; (3) State what you think the role of an appointed councilmember is; (4) Describe your vision for the community; (5) Describe or explain your knowledge of the current issues of the City. Please submit this information to my attention no later than Thursday,August 19`�. The term for this councilmember vacancy expires at the end of the Year 2000. City elections will be held in November 2000 for this seat and one other council seat. For your information, Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month and committee of the whole meetings aze generally held the second or third Wednesday of each month. Also, additional workshop meetings, tours, seminars and community events may require your attendance. Interviews of the three candidates will be held on Saturday, August 28, 1999,in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Your interview has been scheduled for 9:30 a.m. If you have any questions,please give me a call at 651-322-2002. Sincerely, Susan M. W sh Assistant to Administrator ,. r�4`,. ys. �F � C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145th St eet West ��'r>; Rosemount,MN �-�. 55068-4997 ���� EVeI"Ytf11C1C�'s Coming Up Rosemount.►! Phone:651-423-4411 1��:`� . Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 �" r. Fax:651-423-5203 August 13, 1999 Mr. Keith M.Knautz 4288 157�' Court West Rosemount,MN 55068 Dear Mr. Knautz: . At the August 11, 1999 Council workshop,the City Council narrowed the field of applicants down to three. I am pleased to inform you that you are one of the three applicants the Council wishes to interview for the open council seat. To assist the Council in the interview process,they would like for you to provide the following information: (1) A narrative about yourself; (2) Explain why you want to be a member of the Rosemount City Council; (3) State what you think the role of an appointed councilmember is; (4) Describe your vision for the community; (5) Describe or explain your knowledge of the current issues of the City. Please submit this information to my attention no later than Thursday,August 19th The term for this councilmember vacancy expires at the end of the Year 2000. City elections will be held in November 2000 for this seat and one other council seat. For your information, Council meetings aze held on the first and third Tuesday of each month and committee of the whole meetings are generally held the second or third Wednesday of each month. Also, additional workshop meetings,tours, seminars and community events may require your attendance. Interviews of the three candidates will be held on Saturday,August 28, 1999,in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Your interview has been scheduled for 10:00 a.m. If you have any questions,please give me a call at 651-322-2002. Sincerely, � � Susan M. W h Assistant to Administrator �,+��;: h - . �r, C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T Z875 C145tHSt eet West ��N Rosemount,MN ���' `' Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068-4997 Phone:651•423-4411 � Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 Fax:651-423-5203 August 13, 1999 Mr. Jay A. Tentinger 14013 Daytona Way Rosemount,MN 55068 Dear Mr. Tentinger: At the August 11, 1999 Council workshop,the City Council narrowed the field of applicants dovcm to three. I am pleased to inform you that you are one of the three applicants the Council wishes to interview for the open council seat. To assist the Council in the interview process,they would like for you to provide the following information: (1) A narrative about yourself; (2) Explain why you want to be a member of the Rosemount City Council; (3) State what you think the role of an appointed councilmember is; (4) Describe your vision for the community; (5) Describe or explain your knowledge of the current issues of the City. Please submit this information to my attention no later than Thursday,August 19th The term for this councilmember vacancy expires at the end of the Year 2000. City elections will be held in November 2000 for this seat and one other council seat. For your information, Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month and committee of the whole meetings aze generally held the second or third Wednesday of each month. Also, additional workshop meetings,tours, seminars and community events may require your attendance. Interviews of the three candidates will be held on Saturday,August 28, 1999, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Your interview has been scheduled for 9:00 a.m. If you have any questions,please give me a call at 651-322-2002. Sincerely, Sus M, alsh Assistant to Administrator _�� i� � �' C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145tHS eet West "~�� Rosemount,MN ;� Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! ssob$-499� �� Phone:651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423•6219 �, � Fax:651-423-5203 August 13, 1999 Mr. James Karlin 4435 152nd St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Karlin: This is to advise you that the City Council has reviewed the applications submitted for the open position on the City Council. The Council narrowed the applicant pool down from eleven to three. Unfortunately, you were not selected as a finalist to proceed further in the appointment process. The City Council had a very difficult time selecting the finalists because of the outstanding pool of candidates. On behalf of the City Council, I would like to extend their thanks and appreciation for your taking � the time to apply for this position. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at 651-322-2002. Sincerely Susan M. Walsh Assistant to Administrator