HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Presentation for Options of Moratorium CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: OPTIONS OF MORATORIUM AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: DAN ROGNESS, COMMUNITY AGENDA NO: DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ATTACHMENTS: OPTIONS, RATIONALE MEMO, APPROVED BY: CITY ATTORNEY'S COMMENTS Please review the attached information for discussion at the special meeting. NOTES: �" ��� �`�'�� SPECIAL ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL MEETING �� February 23, 1999 The following options are listed for City Council review regarding the establishment of a moratorium for residential development: 1. FULL MORATORIUM. This option would result in an interim ordinance that prohibits any residential project from being reviewed/approved that has not yet received preliminary plat approval. Any pending application would be deemed to be denied and must start over after the moratorium period has ended. The proposed time period is 12 months with an expectation that it will be removed once the draft 2020 Comprehensive Plan has been adopted by . the City Council. � 2. PARTIAL MORATORIUM. This option would result in an interim ordinance that prohibits any residential project from being reviewed/approved that has not yet received preliminary plat approve, exce t that Concept Planned Unit Development (Concept PUD) applications may be processed. The proposed time period is 12 months with an expectation that it will be removed once the draft 2020 Comprehensive Plan has been adopted by the City Council. 3. NO MORATORIUM. This option would not result in a moratorium with the assumption that the owner/developer of the Kelley Trust property will submit an indefinite extension of the 60-day review requirement. This extension will allow the city to take as much time as needed to review the Concept PUD for the property without time constraints.' Note: Attached is a list of statements that provide justification for a moratorium on residential development in Rosemount. RATIONALE FOR A MORATORIUM RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ALL HOUSING NOT APPROVED BY PRELIMINARY PLAT City of Rosemount, Minnesota � . • The city has submitted a draft 2020 Comprehensive Plan for official review by the Metropolitan Council. Substantive changes from the current (1993) comprehensive plan have been made regarding housing development. The city cannot officially adopt its plan until it has received and reviewed the Met Council's formal review comments. • The city's draft 2020 Comprehensive Plan forecasts a growth rate that results in an average of 225 housing units be added between 2000-2020. � The average has been approximately 190 units per year between 1990- � . 1999. The city's current lot inventory of over 900 lots allows residential development to proceed beyond the typical 3-year housing supply. • As of 12/31/98, the city has the following housing inventory: Final Prelim. Plats Plats Total ------------ ------------ ------------ (1) single family lots = 185 260 445 (2) townhome lots = 300 185 485 ------------ ------------ ------------ Total lot inventory = 485 445 930 • As of 12/31/98, the city's mix of housing units is 77% for single family detached units and 23% for all other housing units (designated as multi- family). The additional 930 residential lots identify a mix of 48% single family detached and 52% multi-family, which will result in a new mix of 72/28 percent. However, the city's policy is to have an overall housing mix of 75% single family and 25% multi-family between 1995 and 2020. • The city of Rosemount needs to evaluate the most appropriate location for future multi-family housing units. Its current policy is to reduce the percentage of multi-family after 2010, due to a desire of having more single family detached housing as the city expands outward toward rural residential and agricultural areas. Multi-family housing is desired more in locations that have a direct connection with the core commercial area and/or major roadways. C 1 TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145tHS�t eet West � Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068-4997 Phone:651-4Z3-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 -�� Fax:651•423-5Z03 PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Rosemount City Council will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, February 23, 1999, at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, at 5:30 p.m. The topic of the meeting will be discussion on placing a moratorium on residential development. Dated this 19th day of February, 1999. Date Posted: Februarv 19, 1999 Place Posted: Rosemount ('it�Hall � ,. � r Signature Sign ture, Cathy Busho, Mayor Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Rosemount City Council City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Contractor Property Deve2opers Comp�ny � February 23, 1999 City of Rosemount Rosemount City Hall 2875 - 145�Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Kelley Trust Site Contractor Property Developers Company ("CPDC") has filed a Preliminary Concept Application with the City of Rosemount concerning the development of the above-referenced property. It has come to our attention that the sixty-day deadline under Minn. Stat. §15.99, subd. 2, may apply to the City's response to our Preliminary Concept Application. This letter will serve as CPDC's approval, as the Applicant, of the extension by the City of Rosemount of the City's time limit for responding to our Preliminary Concept Application, so that the City may complete its comprehensive plan amendment process. Our consent shall extend until such date on which the City of Rosemount adopts its 2020 comprehensive plan amendment. Very truly yours, CONTRAC R PROPERTY DEVELOPERS COMPANY By Homer H. Tompkins, III President 9110 83��d Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 627-0823 • Fax 627-0838 �� Feb-22-99 04:52pm From—KENNEDY & GRAVEN +61233T9310 T-736 P.06/OB F-386 . :. _ J�r\ �RDINAhcE hTO.,-- � AN ORDINANCE F�R PR�T�CTING TH�PLANNlNG � PR�CESS AND THE. H� �NTS� O�H� C� WELFAR� 4r TH� RfiSID PI-.�•C PM�NT �i T THEOCIT OF ROSEMOUNT TIAL '. p�VE THE CTTY COUNClL �F TH� �ITY �F P•OSEMQ��T ���5 � FOLL4W S: Sectian 1. 8ackground. l.ul. Minnesota Stanitzs, Sec�ion 473.8b4, subd. '� requires ihe ciiy t� r��iew and, if necessary, amend iu comprehensivc plan and ofticial concrols by Deczmb�r 31, 19�b. I.U2. Th�ciry's comprchensiv�plan has noc been updatea since 1943. 1,Q3. A+ reyuired by ]aw ihe eity is ar►d will hc reviewin�, updatina and amenciing its comprehensive plan and ofti�ial conuols. 'T'hz ci�y's araf[ 20?el Cumprchensive Plan includes substan�ive chan�es from tiie curr�nt plan re�ardin� housing development. Thc city �dnnot adopt it.s 20?U pl�n unril it ha� rcceived and considzred the f�rcnal revi�w canlments uf�he Metropolitan Council. 1,U.�_ The city council h� decermined that dn ar�a of the ciry which is commonly known as thz Kelley Trus[propeny,is an araa uf appraximately 52(1 acres whi�h requires specia] �are in development because, �mong �ther reasons: ii is under singlz ownersh�p ana curren�ly undeveloped and cherefore represents a uniqu� oppot�unity �0 2►ccomplish the c�ty's 1•dnci use planning �bjz��[ivzs thruugh a t,tnitied, intearar�d land usz desi�n; �c is comprised in rolling iopography wich sczni� visrati, wedands and uak sdvannah foxests which shauld be prucec�ci and praservzd by development which is corapatible with sucb natural ameniues; aIid it i� SuftiCieAtly ]arg� Lbai i� develC�pTneni a.Tid ihz a�nsiiy Of iTs devzlopment will have a substanual effect on the overall residenual d�vel�prnent of che ciiy,thz mix �f hausin�types available in the c1�Y and pubur uul�ties and services_ 1_U5. As of Deczmber 31, I918, th� city's houSiTlg mix W� 77�° s��lz family residential ancl ?3�In rnulti-family uni[s. Thz �uY's policy is co bave a m�x of 75�7� szngle iamily and ���� multi�family becwe�n 199a anc1202U. As�f Deceniber 31, 1998, che ciry has an inven�.ory of undevel�p�'d loU f�r 43U r�sidential uni�s, 4A`7o of which are single family units and S2`7o mulci-family_ 1.U6. The cnuncil has nat yet determined wha[ amendments tu its comQrehensive p�dn ana of#icial �ontrols can bes� �ssure thac future residential deveiopmznt w111 be an appropriate mix uf single and multi-ramily units and tt►�� the various [ypes of residenual bousing are develupcd in agpn}priate areas oi the city. CLL-1���94 RS315-� � Feb-22-99 04:52pm From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN +6123379310 T-738 P.O7/08 F-386 1.U7. In conn�ctiun with can�iderat�an of a proposa] for devclopmen�of the Kclly Trust prapercy and an appkcau�n f�r plannzd unit devzlopment eancepc approval, and winc �ansiaerauon of dmendrnents co th� citY's romprzhensive plan, thz city council has rev�ewed th� existinD and pocenual dzv�lopment in the �uy. �s a result ot that process, che council has d�termined tha� currznt land use con�rols do uot adzqua[ety address [7ie vaxious land use con�ems dzscribed dbove. 1.U8. Therefure ihe councii ba� deterrnined ihat thare is a need fur further studias a n d h e a r i n�s i u b e �o n d uc�ed � part of tihz st�t2 mandated comprehznsive plan rzview pruress so thaj [he ciry may adopt such a�1cndments to lts cumprehznsive p lan an d zoning c�de as are d�emzd necessary or expedient ta ensure prot�ction of t.he public, hcalth, sate�y dnd welfare. Tbe �oun�il has dir��ted that surh studizs be undenaken a.nd iha�auch h�drin�s b�conduc�ed and campleted. 1.49. Due �o ihe pendency �f an appl��ati�n f�r conc2pt appruval ior a planned unil d�velopmcnt which may not bz ��nSisTeni with future amen�iments [o the c�mprehensive plan and uf�cial contrals and rhe potencial for other such develnpment, ihe cnuncil has d�iern�ined [hai ch�re is a need for an interim ardinane:e to be adapted pursuanc co Minnesaia Statues, S�etion 46235�, Subd. �, for �he purpose of protecuna the �lanning proccss �.nd the h�alih, saletY and welfarz ot the citi2ens of ihe ciry, and ensuring thut�he �i�y dna i�s�i[izcns reta.in�he ben�iiU of, and ihe protecuon sou�ht ta be aiforded by, Lh� ciiy's compr�h�nsive plan and zanin; ordinances until chz study prucess is compleie and any muditicduons to ihe ciry's comprehensive p]an and zonine ordinance become effe�tive. Se�[ian 2. Prup2r[ies SubjecT to Mora��rium. 2.Qi. Propenies subjec[ �u iha pravisions uf Sectian 3.01 of th�s �rdinanc� include all pr�penies in�he ciiy with ihe zoning designanons FL, R-1,R-2, 12-3 and F-�. 2,�2, pr�p�rties sub.jec[ �o ih� provisions o� Section 3.Q2 uf this ord�nance include all prop�rtizs m thc city. S�cuon 3. Prahibi�ion. 3.01. Except as pravided in Sectiun �, during ibe period ihis interim ordinance is in effe�c, nu propzr�ies desc:ribed in paragraph 2.U1 mdy he aeveloped, or redzvelopzd and no site plan approvals, r�zonings, przliminary or final planings or replattings, pia.nned uni� devzlopm2n�, lan� divisions ur consoliaa[ion�, or building permits for residential development will b��onsidLrecl,approved or granted by che �ity. 3.U2. Dunng the period this interim ordinance is in effect, no reLanin�s to any zoning classi�icatiun allowing r�sidenual devel�pmen�will be considerzd, approvzd or granted by the citY tor anY PrpP�rty in the ci[y, and no building perniiu for residential develupmet�t will be issu�d far ar�y prQpenY zoned 8P-4 in the city. curi;ss��u R��i�� � Feb-22-99 04:53pm From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN +6123379310 T-738 P.08/08 F-386 Se�uon 4. Exception. 4.�1. S�ctian 3.U1 oi jhis ordinance shall not apply �o: a) d�velopmenu or red�vel�pmenu which have scrured��ll necessaxy approvals oFh�r ihan buildma permits; b) 1SSUAl1CC Uf hWId1T1� pCIT1111� fnT pI0]eCT� Wt1iC� CIU AOL YCc;U1I2 Sl[z plan appraval; or c) final plat ur subdivisiun approval which have rzeeived preliminary plat approval paur to the effeetive date of �his ordinance, provided all cundijiuns ot preliminary plat approval have b�en sacisfied. Scciion 5. 8�cct on Pcnding Application�. �.(�l. All applica�ions �ub,ject t�� ihis moratorium which are pending or which arz re�eived durin� �h� [irne chis urdinance is in eifect shall be deem�d to bz c�enied f�r p�trposes of l�iinnesota �tatues, Secrion 15.y9. The City Administrator �hall �ause natilic�►tiun of such denial ta bz given to all applicanu statin� che ado�zion of ihis ordinan�e as the rcuson therefor. Fees paid in �onne�tion with �uch applicati�ns shail be returnzd or retianded tu the upplicant. Section 6_ EffecTive and Terminatiun Dat�s. 6.01_ This ordinanre shall bc etlecuve on ihe date followinD iu publica�iun_ b.U�. �This ordi unless e�rlli r �cnena dwr p�alzd ar�ex ended by urd na ce duly on FebruAry -3, 2UU4, adopied by th� City Council. Cathy Busho,Mayar ATT�ST: Susan W alsh,Ciry Clerk cu•�s���o KS21 i-� Feb-Z2-99 04:50pm From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN +61233T9310 T-738 P.02/08 F-386 � �" oRpnvANc&No. — l�' � AN ORDINANC� FOR PROTECTII`G THE PLANlv ING PR�� FpTH� R�SIDE TTS� QF Tt-I& C'1'Y'�Y, . WE p�.qclNG A MORATORIUM ON R�SIDEI��TIAL • D�VELOPNi�N7'IN THE CITY 4F F4SEM�UNT TH� CITY COU�I�IL lJF THE CITY �F ROSEMOUNT QKAA.INS AS F�LLOWS: Secuon 1. Back.ground. 1_t11. NTinnesata 5 sa`i�, �he���p1 an�d offici lr�onuols by Az ember131, and, if neccssary, aznend i p 1998. l,p2. 'Thz city'���mprehensive plan has nnt been upda�ed since 1993. _ 1.03. As rzquired by law ihe Ciiy is and will be review�n�, upddting and amending its camprehansivz plan and ufficial conirols. The Cliy's clraft ?U20 C�mprehensive Pl�n inc:ludas suhstantive ehan�es from �he curreAi pldr► regarding huusing develnpment. The eity �annot dd�gt its 302Q plan until it has rerzived dnci c;onsid�red che furma.l review commenis ui[hz Meuopolitan Countil. 1.0�_ Th� ciry couneil h-as deu�rmined ihat an �rea of the c�[y wh�ch is commonly knawn as cha Kell�y Trust prapercy,is an arza ot apgroximately 520 acres wbich rec�uires special care in dev�lopmepc because, among oUler r�asons_ i� is und�r single ownership and currenay undevelop�d dnci [�►erzfure represzn�s a unique opppriunicy to accumplish Thz t%lTy's land us� planning pbjecirvzs throuah a unilizd, integrated land use design; it is comprised in rolling tapography with scenic ti1�r.a�, wetlands and oak savannah fnrests which sboui�i bz protecced and presetvzd by development which is cumpauble wich su�h natural amen�ues; and i[ is sultici2n�ly la.rge ihat its dcvclopmzn� and the density of irs devel�apm�nc will have a substanual zfr�ct un The ovzrall residenual developmeni of�he city,the mix of housiag tYp�s available in the city and public utiliji�s and services. 1.05. As uf Aecember 31, I9y�, thz c�ty'� housing mix was 77�� sin�le family residen[ial anci �3`7� mulci-family units. The �ity's palicy is to have a mix of 75% sin�le �;,unily and 2S�'� mul[i-family between 1y95 and 2U?0. As of December 31, 1998,�he ciTy bas an inven[ory uf undevelop�d lc�is for y30 residenual uniu, �8%u of which ;uz sin�le family uni�s and 52% mulu-family_ 1.06. The c�unc�l has not yet determined what amendment� �o i� comprehznsive plau ;ind off�cial conuols can besi :usure that future residen[ial developmen[ will be an au appropriate mix of single and muIti-tamily units and ihat [he various rypes of r�sidenti housing are devel�ped in dppropnatie area5 of ihz city. c�trlixs�s KS21�•; • Feb-22-99 04:50pm From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN +6123379310 T-738 P.03/08 F-386 1.U7. In connection with cor�sideratiori ot a proposal for developmen[of th� Kclly T�,t pr�peny and an applicaunn for planned unit develo�ment c�ncepc appraval, and wiih c:�nSideraiiaA Of aIlleridri�zD[S Io ihz City's rumpr�hensive plan, th2 city couneil ha� rev�ew�d the eaisting and potenual d2velopment in the city. �►.� a resuli of iha� process, ihe council has d�termined that current land use controls do n�t adzqa�cely address ihe various land usz concerns dzscribed above. 1.ub. Thereiore ihe cauncil has dztecrninzd tha[rh�re is a need for furcher studies and hearinas �o be coneiucted as part of che state mandated eomprellensiva plan review process so tha� che city may adnpt such amendmenu to iu comprahensive plan and ronin� cnde aa arz az�r��a �,e��:ssary �r zXp�dienT io znSUCe pYoiecti�ri ut [ha public, heal�b, safety �►nd w�l�:u�- "I'hz council has duccted ihat such studies be und�nak�n and ihac�uch hearings bc conducted a�nd completcd. 1.09. Due ca che pzndzncy uf a� apPlicatiun for cancep� a�proval far a planned unit development wt�ich may noc be eonsisc�nt with future ameAdmznts io Lhe comprehen�ive plan and offici�l co�uols and the pUt2nual for other such devel��pment, thc ��uncil has detetminea ihat there is a tieea for an interim ordinance t� h� adupted pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Sectfon 462.355, Subd_ �, IOT ihe pufpuse of prOtec[ing the gla.nning proce�s and ihe healr.h, safzty and welfare of thz ci�uens of the ciry, and en.�uring ihat thz city�nd its ciuzens r�tain �hz benefiu of, and thz protectio�suu�h[to be uft'nrded by, iYlz Cliy'S odi�c auons to the c ty'� �rnp zhensive plan a d zon n� rd n•auce is comple�e a.nd any m become effectiv�. Szctio� ?. Propenies Subjzct to Mord[orium. ?.Q1. Proper[ies subjeet �o thz provisions �f 5e�tion 3.01 uf ihis nr�inan�e inclu�i� all propzr[ies in�he city w�t-h the zonin�aeSigAations RI-,R-1, R-2,R-3 and R-4. 2.u?. Propznies subj�ct to the provisians Ui Secuou 3.02 of this ordinance include all pruper[ies in ihe ciry. S�ction 3. Prohibiuon. 3.U1. &xcept a� prnvided in Szeuon �, during the periocl ihis interim ordinance is in efte�t, no prapec[ies de�erib�d in paragraph 2•��1 niay be developed, or r�d�velope�i and no site pian approvals, rezoninbs, preliminary or #mal pla�ting5 Qr r�planings, planned uniL dev�lc�pmcnt, land divisiuns or c:onsolid�tions, or buildinD pztmits for resid�nLial d�velopment will be considere+�, approved ur granied by ihe city. 3.U?. Duc�ng ihe period �his interim ordinance is in effe�t, no r��onin�s to any zonin� c1a.Ssiiicauon allowing r4sidenual clzvzlopment will be eansictered, approved c�r ro ert in che city, and nA building perm�� for re�iden�ial gran�ed by the ciry for any � P y 2oned 8P-�in the e:iry. developmznt wi14 be issued ti�r any property �L1.-15aiJo k�Z15-� • Fab-22-99 04:51pm From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN +6123379310 T-738 P.04/08 F-366 . SeCiiUA 4. fixCEpiioi�. �.Q1. Seruon 3.u1 of ihis ardinaucz sball no�apply�o: a) developments �r redevelopmenv which have secured ail nzcessary appruvals uther than building pzrmiU; b) issuancz of buildin; p►'rmi[s tQr projec[s whi�h do not requu'e site plan approval; �r c) 2ina] pla[ or subdivisi�n approv:il which havz r2�zived preliminary plat approvdl prior co the etferuve da�c of [�us ardinance, providec! all rondiuuns ot pr�liminary plat a�proval hdve been sau5�ied; or a� cnnsidetation of concept gl•annzd unit development proposals receivzd befora �'ebruary ?�� 19y� and Linal planned unit developmen� appllcatiuns �or such proposals; provid2d, however, [hat I�z applic�t SiaT� itS UAdZrSldAdin� [ha[ it is at � risk that �fficial c�nuols adopted at a later dace w�ll noj �llow davelupment ot the � planned unit dev�lopmznt as proposed; that no final planned unit develnpment approv�i �1�. shall bz grantec� and no platun� based on such planned unit aevalopment will be �✓� c�nsidered durin� [he term of this in�erim ordinane2; anci chat the d�velopm�nt of prop�rcies which a.re the subjec� ut such plannzd uni[ d�velopment praposals must cunform to all requirements �f offieial con�rols adopted prior �u the expiration of ihls in�rim ardinanc�except to chz exten[aAy noncunfarmity is explicitly auihuri2ed therein. SzCiion J. Et1eCL OIl PeAc�ln�' AppllCatlUAS• �.l�l. p,11 applicatians subject to this moratorium which :ua pending Ur wluch are rzceiv�d during the Um� �his ordinancz is in efiect shall be de�med co be denied for purpo�� of Minnesoca S�atu�s, Secciun 15.99. Thz Ci[y �drrrinisuaior shall causc nou�icduon uf such d�nial co be givzn io ail dpplicanu sta�ing the aduption uf chis ordinance as the rzasun �erefar_ Fzes pdid in �onner�iou wit,h sucb applicauons shali bz reiumed or refunded co che applieaa[. Secuon 6. Effecuvz and 7'erminauon Daces. 6.U1. This ordin�ncc shall be ei�ectivz on [he date foAowing its publicaiian_ b.02. This or�nance shall be repea.lzd witk►ouc furiher aetiun by Lhe Ciry Council on February 23, 200U, unl�s� ��uz1 ��naed, repea.led or extended by urdinance duly dciopied by jhe Cicy Counc�l. c-t1:��R;96 R�31s-�