HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of January 5, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting � � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1999 Administration of oath and installation of Mayor Busho by Councilmember Wippermann and the administration of oath and installation of Councilmember Edwards by Mayor Busho were performed. Newly elected Councilmember Cisewski was absent due to travel delays so her installation will be done prior to the next City Council meeting. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, January 5, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Edwards,Wippermann and Carroll present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Assistant to Administrator Walsh, City Engineer/Public Works Director Osmundson, Parks & Recreation Director Topitzhofer, and Community Development Director Rogness. A flag ceremony and Pledge of Allegiance was performed by Boy Scout Troop 259.The troop leader is Doug Manley who noted that the boys are working on their merit badge for citizenship. The Mayor thanked them for their participation. The agenda was not changed. There were no public comments or responses to public comments. Rosemount Junior Chamber of Commerce Week Proclamation Mayor Busho proclaimed the week of January 17 to 23, 1999 as "Rosemount Junior Chamber of Commerce Week"sponsored by the JAYCEES. Jaycees President Keith Wunder-Joyce was present. Mayor Busho noted that a special invitation by the Jaycees was made to City Council for Saturday, January 23, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for an informal meeting, "Coffee With Council." Communitv of Promise Certificate, Minnesota Alliance with Youth Sheila Klassen reviewed the Community of Promise program which celebrates the involvement with youth in the community. An inventory of all the youth outreach programs in the City of Rosemount will be made. Klassen noted that a community quilt has been started and encouraged anyone to participate with the donation of a decorated quilt square. Donna Gillen from the Minnesota Alliance with Youth, a state program,presented the Mayor with a Certificate of Promise signed by the newly installed Lt. Governor, Mae Schunk, who is co-chair of the program. Mayor Busho accepted the Certificate and thanked Gillen. Consent Ag�nd� The Consent Agenda was approved as presented. MOTION by Edwards to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Four. Nays: None. Motion carried. a. Minutes of December 15, 1998 Regular City Council Meeting b. Minutes of December 15, 1998 Special Committee of the Whole Meeting c. Approval of Bills Listing d. Cigarette License Renewal for 1999 � . ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1999 e. Appointment of Weed Inspector f. Designation of Official Newspaper g. Naming Depositories and Financial Institutions h. Hiring for Mechanic i. Approve Joint Powers Agreement for 1999 Traffic Markings, Cracksealing & Sealcoating j. Receive Petition/Order Feasibility Report for Conley Avenue Street & Utility Improvement, City Project 303 k. Payment #�4, Bloomfield Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 292 1. Payment #3, Stonebridge 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 295 Tavern on 42 Rezoning. Former Tom Thumb, 15040 Canada Avenue Community Development Director Rogness introduced the request for zoning changes to allow a restaurant at 15040 Canada Avenue.It is a.8 acre lot which is zoned C-1,Convenience Commercial, and for which a C-4 zoning, General Commercial, to allow a restaurant is requested by John A. Ursino. The Planning Commission recommended the rezoning after a public hearing at their December 22, 1998,meeting.Many questions followed about the limited parking(1 stall per 3 seats) and building size; separation of restaurant and lounge; results of market studies; and noted that the fuel tanks from the Tom Thumb have been removed. Ursino described a Victorian family restaurant with seating for 100 in the main dining area,a private meeting room for 20, and a lounge for about 30 with televisions. There would be a half wall separation between the lounge and an open grill and kitchen. The interior wood would be light in color in the dining area. Detailed plans are still under development. Council asked to continue this item until after the Public Hearing which is related. A}zplication for On Sale Intoxicating�quor and Sunda��auor L.icenses b�Tavern On 42 Mayor Busho opened the Public Hearing for the Application for On Sale Intoxicating Liquor and Sunday Liquor Licenses by Tavern On 42. Tthe recording secretary noted that the required Affidavits of Posted and Published Notices were on file. Mayor Busho then reviewed the Public Hearing process for the audience. Assistant to the City Administrator Walsh presented information about the liquor applicants,who are John and Susan Ursino, Donald Fluegel, and Robert Yanz. The applicants described their experience and background in the restaurant business. Walsh noted that all background checks were clean, fees paid, and insurance would be submitted prior to issuance of a license.The license period would be from March 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999. Ursino provided additional information. The limited menu would include fish, steak, chicken and daily lunch and dinner specials. The division between the lounge and restaurant would be a five foot high wall with glass above it. There would be tables and booths, separated smoking and non- smoking areas. Pull tabs would be allowed. Council discussed the options of a beer/wine license rather than the intoxicating liquor license. 2 � � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1999 Mr.Fleugel informated City Council a liquor license was needed to make the business successful. Walsh noted there are six liquor license allowed in Rosemount with only three now being used. Mayor Busho opened the meeting for public comment. E.B. McMenomy, 4122 143rd Street West,was in support of the liquor license for Tavern On 42. McMenomy noted that the liquor license is renewed yearly, so that if desired, Council at a later date could revoke it. City Attorney LeFevere noted that revoking of a license would have to be for just cause, and may not be accomplished that easily. It is a reasonable expectation that renewal will occur. Sheila Klassen, 12430 Canada Ct.,was not comfortable with a full service bar and restaurant, but would be with 3/2 beer and wine and more separation between the lounge and restaurant. Two boy scouts, Joe Casey, 15455 Danville Ave., and Vance Haugeman, 14864 Crestview Ave., from Troop 259 asked of the owners of Tavern On 42 if they would have video games to play while their parents finish eating. Ursino said that hand held videos or table top videos may be available. MOTION by Busho to close the Public Hearing. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Four. Nays: None. Motion carried. Wippermann noted that he fully supported this liquor license application and looked forward to a family restaurant in Rosemount. Wippermann noted that the current population has kept chain restaurants from locating in Rosemount and this may be a great opportunity for families and senior citizens to have a fun meal without a smokey, noisy atmosphere. Carroll also supported the liquor application, looking forward to an altemative family dining experience. Busho had concerns for a full service bar mixing with family dining. Busho would not support the application without further information. Edwazds also had concerns and would prefer the restaurant be established first, and then consider a full service bar. Consensus was to table the liquor license and rezoning. MOTION by Edwards to table Items 7. Application for On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor and Sunday Liquor Licenses by Tavern On 42 and 9.d. Tavern On 42 Rezoning, Former Tom Thumb, 15040 Canada Avenue to the next meeting to have plans reviewed and questions answered. Second by Busho. Ayes: Busho, Edwards.Nays: Carroll. Present: Wippermann. Motion carried. C�nrehensive Gui�1p plan Amendment Dakota Count�HR� Rezoning�'or Dakota Countv HRA Recidential Planned Unit Develonment Concent Dakota Countv HRA Community Development Director Rogness noted these three items are inter-related and would be presented together. This is a joint venture by Dakota County HRA and E.B. McMenomy. The property would have two separate developments with the HRA developing and managing the southern side including 60 rental townhomes;the northern side includes owner occupied twinhomes. 3 �. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1999 The location of the site is north of the National Guard Maintenance Facility on Biscayne Avenue and east of the railroad tracks next to Rosemount Woods Manufactured Homes. Kari Gill from Dakota County HRA presented a partnership concept for housing designed to help low to moderate income families to transition to single family homes.The rent is expected to be $460 to $490 per month for a family income of$21,000. The average family size is 2.5 people. The HRA has similar housing in Lakeville, Apple Valley,Hastings,Eagan,Burnsville, and Inver Grove Heights. The HRA has a fifteen year contract for management. Council questioned Gill about basements (none), double garages(only single), play equipment (yes, for use by both developments). Council would like to have lower housing unit density.Many Rosemount residents have commented to Council that there are too many townhome developments and affordable housing projects. E.B. McMenomy described his portion of the development. There would be 33 twinhomes and 3- plexes in the price range of$125,000 to $160,000 per unit with double garages. This is marketed primarily to empty nesters. The railroad has proved not to be a sales problem with other newer developments in Rosemount. Rogness noted that the comparison of single family to multiple housing throughout Rosemount is 63% Single Family to 37%multi-family from 2000 to 2010 and a proposed 93% single family to 7%multi-family from 2010 to 2020. Council discussed process and procedures considering extension of the 60 day period,which ends February 1, 1999. MOTION by Busho to table items 9.a. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Dakota County HR.A, 9.b. Rezoning for Dakota County HRA, and 9.c. Residential Planned Unit Development Concept Dakota County HRA to the next meeting. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Carroll, Edwards, Wippermann, Busho. Nays: None. Motion carried. Meeting Datec for Tanuarv and Februarv Mayor Busho reviewed available dates and determined the best meeting dates for work sessions would be on Mondays,January 11,February 8, and March 8. Carroll objected to Mondays due to his job commitments and the January date was changed to Wednesday, January 13th. Future dates will be discussed at that meeting. Meeting time is 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Other important dates for Council are: January 23,9:00 a.m.,Coffee with Council;January 23, 10:30 a.m. tentative Commission Selection Interviews; January 30, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Kelley Trust Home Tour; February 13, 10:00 a.m. to noon, Grand Opening Family Resource Center. Announcements Mayor Busho commended Finance Director Jeff May for another Certificate of Excellence for budget reporting. Up coming events include the Business Expo for Rosemount, January 31, 11:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m., at the Community Center; and Teen Nite,January 8, at the Community Center. Mayor Busho is attending the meetings for distributing funds from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regarding Koch Refining. 4 � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1999 Mayor Busho adjourned the regular meeting at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1999-01. 5