HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of October 19, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1999 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, October 19, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, Cisewski, Edwards, and Caspar present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt,Public Works Director Osmundson, Parks &Recreation Director Schultz, and Engineer Consultant Brett Weiss. City Attorney LeFevere led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended by adding two items; Consent Agenda—Item 6.h. Cooperative Agreement with MNDOT for Snow Removal on Trurik Highway 3; and,Old Business—Item 8.a. Extension for Review of 2020 Comprehensive Plan by Metropolitan Council and Update. Minnesota Manufacturers Week Proclamation Mayor Busho presented a proclamation that acknowledges the accomplishments and contributions of the manufacturers in Minnesota. The Trade and Economic Development Department of Minnesota promotes October 25-29, 1999 to be Minnesota Manufacturers Week. Busho noted that in conjunction with the Northern Dakota County Chambers of Commerce visits will be made to Rosemount manufacturers to get acquainted and commend them. MOTION by Busho to approve the proclamation for"Minnesota Manufacturers Week", October 25-29, 1999. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Cisewski,Klassen,Busho,Caspar,Edwards. Nays:None. Motion camed. Consent Agenda MOTION by Klassen to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of Item 6.h. Cooperative Agreement with MNDOT for Snow Removal on Trunk Highway 3. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. a. Minutes of October 5, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting b. Approval of Bills Listing c. Receive Bids/Award Contract/Approve Joint Powers Agreement for Birger Pond Outlet Improvements, City Proj ect 262 d. Set Meeting Time for November 2, 1999, City Council Meeting e. Set Special Meeting on November 4, 1999 f. Accept Resignation of Firefighter g. Appointment of Fire Department Captain h. Cooperative Agreement with MNDOT for Snow Removal on Trunk Highway 3 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ' REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1999 Extension for Review of 2020 Comprehensive Plan by Metropolitan Council and Update City Administrator Burt, City Planner Pearson, and Mayor Busho met with a group from Metropolitan Council on Tuesday, October 19, 1999. Metropolitan Council wants Rosemount to approve the Livable Community goals as they have set forth. Rosemount is about 1000 housing units short of their recommendation. The Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive Plan as presented would not be approved by Metropolitan Council. Therefore, an extension of the sixty-day review period is required in letter form. MOTION by Klassen to direct staff to send a letter to the Metropolitan Council extending the review period for an additional sixty days for the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Busho, Caspar, Edwards, Cisewski,Klassen.Nays: None. Motion camed. This item will be addressed at the November 10, 1999, Committee of the Whole Work Session. Announcements Mayor Busho attended the Fire Departrnent Open House this evening with other Councilmembers. It was very well attended by families and they had some interactive demonstrations.Koch Petroleum Inc. donated 36 flame retardant jump suits to the Fire Department. City Council commended the Fire Department staff and thanked them for their commitment to the community. Mayor Busho reviewed the meeting schedule highlighting Dakota County Tours with Met Council on October 20;MVTA meeting,October 20,7 p.m.; Awarding of environmental project funds, SEP, October 21, 1999; October 21-22, MEA Teachers Conference, kids will be out of school; HRA Open House in Apple Valley; October 27, 1999 Sensible Land use Coalition on Mining;November 2,the Port Authority meeting is cancelled,November 16 it will be rescheduled with a work session of the Port Authority. Public Works Director noted that a meeting for neighbors of Valley Oak Wetland will be held on Wednesday, October 27, 1999, at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz noted that two trips are available for the children not in school October 21/22. Mayor Busho also noted that the November 2, 1999,regular City Council meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m. due to the school district elections. Mayor Busho called for a ten minute recess. The meeting was reconvened at 8:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS for Assessments Mayor Busho explained the public hearing process. The Affidavits of Publication and Notification for all seven assessment hearings were on file. 2 � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1999 Assessment Hearing for Wensmann 12"'Addition Street& Utilitv Improvements, City Proi 287 Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed City Project 287 which is part of the McNamara Addition. This is east of Shannon Parkway, off 1515`Street West, and south of County Road 42. The assessments are $8, 298 per townhome and there are 44 townhomes. The assessment is for a five year period. There was no public testimony. MOTION by Edwards to close the public hearing for Wensmann 12"' Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 287. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Edwards to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WENSMANN 12 TH ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVMENTS, CITY PROJECT 287. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Edwards, Cisewski, Klassen, Busho, Caspar. Nays: None. Motion carried. Assessment Hearing for Wensmann llth Addition Street & Utilitv Improvements, Citv Project 298 Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed City Project 298 for OutTots B, C, and D of the McNamara Addition plus the Wensmann 11"' Addition. This is for 98 housing units and a park project. The housing units are assessed $5,420 each at five year periods. There was no public testimony. MOTION by Caspar to close the public hearing for Wensmann 11"' Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 298 MOTION by Caspar to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WENSMANN 11T"ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVMENTS,CITY PROJECT 298. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Klassen,Busho, Caspar, Edwards, Cisewski.Nays: None. Motion carried. Assessment Hearing for Shannon Pond South Street&Utility Improvements,City Project 288 Public Works Director Osmundson reported that City Project 288 is located by Shannon Parkway, 160`'' Street, and Danville Avenue in Rosemount. This has 47 single family homes with each being assessed $10, 941 for a five year period. There was no public testimony. MOTION by Caspar to close the public hearing for Shannon Pond South Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 288. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Cisewski to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR SHANNON POND SOUTH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ' REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1999 PROJECT 288. Second by Caspar.Ayes: Caspar,Edwards,Cisewski,Klassen,Busho.Nays:None. Motion carried. Assessment Hearing for Chippendale Avenue Street&Utilitv Improvements,Citv Proiect 290 Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed City Project 290, to improve street and utilities for Chippendale Avenue from 1515` Street south to 160"' Street West. This included improvements to the parking lot at Winds Crossing Park and corrections and repairs to the streets. The total project cost was $950,000 with 72%being paid through city funding. Assessments varied according to the Assessment Policy. Mayor Busho opened the public hearing for comment. Staff noted that objections had been received from Leroy and Judy Gunhus and Harold Wachter. Attorney Bill Sherry representing Leroy and Judy Gunhus submitted a new letter of objection,noting the decreased amount of the assessment. Sherry maintained that no benefit of value was obtained because an access,which was vital to truck movement on the property, was closed. The Gunhus's business, Evergreen Gardens, Inc., depended on the access onto Chippendale Avenue for exiting the property. The driveway had been in use for 13 years. Councilmember Edwards asked about safety and staff commented that the access that was closed was very close to the intersection and interfered with the turn lane. Attorney Reid Hansen representing Harold Wachter asked staff and Council to reconsider the assessment amount due to the holding pond on Wachter's property. Wachter should be considered a residential lot rather than acreage. The assessment was originally $34,000 and was reduced to $6,940 which they feel should be lowered to approximately$2,306. MOTION by Edwards to close the public hearing for Assessment Hearing for Chippendale Avenue Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 290. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Edwards to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CHIPPENDALE AVENUE STREET AND UTILTIY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 290. Second by Busho. Ayes: Cisewski,Klassen,Busho, Caspar,Edwards.Nays:None. Motion carried. Assessment Hearin�for 145`� Street West Street&Utility Improvements (CR42 to Railroad), CitYProject 291 Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed City Project 291, which was improving 145�' Street West with curb and gutter from the railroad crossing near City Hall, east to County Road 42. This also included storm drains, sanitary sewer, and watermain improvements. The total cost of the 4 � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1999 project was $978,189 with 61%being paid with city funds. The assessments will be paid over a ten year period. Mayor Busho opened the public hearing for comment. Betty Zanmiller, 2745 145"' Street West, did not agree with the assessment amount, even with the reduction from $76,000 to $26,000. She said this will pose a hardship for her and disagreed that interest should be charged over the ten year period as it was originally promised to her some years ago that interest would be waived. She was also required to pay assessments in 1979. Zanmiller did not file a written objection. MOTION by Caspar to close the public hearing for Assessment Hearing for 145"'Street West Street & Utility Improvements (CR42 to Railroad), City Project 291. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Caspar to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL for 145"' Street West Street & Utility Improvements (CSAH42 to Railroad), City Project 291. Second by Klassen.Ayes: Busho,Caspar,Edwards,Cisewski,Klassen.Nays: None. Motion carried. Assessment Hearing for Bloomfield Addition Street&Utilitv Improvements,Citv Proiect 292 Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed City Project 292 for the development of Bloomfield Addition Street and Utility Improvements. This development is located northeast of 145"' Street West and Biscayne Avenue. There will be 157 units with an assessment of$11,135 each. The total cost was $1.8 million over a ten year period. There was no public comment. MOTION by Busho to close the public hearing for Assessment Hearing for Bloomfield Addition Street &Utility Improvements, City Project 295. MOTION by Klassen to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR BLOOMFIELD STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 292. Second by Caspar. Ayes: Edwards, Cisewski,Klassen,Busho, Caspar.Nays:None. Motion carried. Assessment Hearing for Stonebridge 3`d Addition Street&Utilit�provements,Citv Proiect . 295 Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed Ciiy Project 295 for Stonebridge 3`d Addition south of 1215` Street West. The total project cost was $186,775 with an assessment of$23,346.88 per parcel. There was no audience comment. MOTION by Edwards to close the public hearing for Assessment Hearing for Stonebridge 3`a Addition Street &Utility Improvements, City Project 295. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Five.Nays: None. Motion carried. 5 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ' REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1999 MOTION by Edwards to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STONEBRIDGE 3RD ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 295. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Busho, Caspar, Edwards, Cisewski. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mayor Busho adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1999-38 6