HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Community of Promise Certificate, Minnesota Alliance with Youth � . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 5, 1999 AGENDA: COMMiJ1VITY OF PROMISE CERT'IFICATE, AGENDA SECTION: MINNESOTA ALLIANCE WITH YOUTH DEPT. HEADS REPORT PREPARED BY: CATHY BUSHO,MAYOR AGENIf�� � � Q U ATTACHMENTS: PLEDGE, RESOLUTION APPROVED � To increase awareness of the importance of youth to the Rosemount community and to honor those initiatives that are akeady in place, Donna Gillen from the Minnesota Alliance With Youth will present a certificate to the city. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None required. COUNCIL ACTION: . • � THE ����eso�a,ra��e W��,Yo�h COMMUIITITY 'ulfilling America s Promise ,,,�,�.���,�,.�,,,,T�„m,� OF PROMISE . PLEDGE The community of ROSEMOUNT accepts the challenge to become a Community of Promise. As a Community of Promise,our goal is to ensure that the�oun�people in our communiry•have access to fiva fundamental resource: an ongoing relationship with a curing adult;safe places and structured activities during non-school hours;a healthy start for a healthy juture;markdable and career skills through effective education;and an opportunity 10 give back through service.Rie will meet this goal usin�the following steps in our straiegy. 1. We pledDe to enaase a diverse community team of r•oun�people,non-profits,communities of faith, businesses, schools, local officials, etc.This team will move bey-ond beisiness as usual to ensure tha.t the needs of young people aze lmown and the talents of all in the community are tapped. 2. We pledge to participate in our state resional aatherinDs and/or to hold our own to�vnkommunity meetin�s or similar event,in an overall effort to set goals and develop strategies that will energize and leverage real commitrnents and spark real chan;e. 3. We pledae to set specific, measurable goals to deliver fir•e fundamental resources to our young people � by the end of the year 2000. (America's Promise encour�es a target goal of 10 percent of young people, with special emphasis on those in most need.The��Iin�nesota?►Iliance has set siate goals which are stated on the Fact Sheet, with an emphasis on all youth.)We will do this b�•determinin;which youn�people throu�h.out our community lack these five resources;assessing who can contribute what to our young people in a community-wide effort to collect commitinents, and finally,settin�our overall goal and taigets within each ofthe five resource areas_ 4. We pled;e to secure local commitments from all sectors in order to reach our goal. In addition,we w-ill coordinate amon�commitrnent makers to ensure that the resources are delivered in the most effective and efficient manner to youth most in need. . �. We pletlae to desianate a sinaIe oraanization or person as a lead point of contart,which will shaze the progress we aze malan�with our communiry,other communiries,the Minnesota Alliance with youth, and America's Promise. 6. We pledge to consider the role that neighborhood-based hubs such as schools can play to deliver the five resources and reach our goal. 7. We pledge to track local commitments bein;geaerated and delivered and provide summary information to Minnesota Alliance with Youth and America's Promise.We will also attempt to track the status of youth with respect to the five fundamental resources using a tool of ineasure provided by the Minnesota Alliance with Youth, America's Promise,or our own. 8. We pledae to include youth in the leadership of our Community of Promise. Signaaue of I.ead Poicrt of Coacut(Adult) Date Address Youth Lrsdership R�raauatiee Ciry,State.Zip Code � Lesd Poicu of Coanct Phone?3umbar ..�.�.,,,.ti,.,.• �n�c�r o.r-c�-: -� S�-�=R-��M�� d u1n-��r.w srtOtt�t000 The Pdlsbury Company Foundation . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,NIINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1998-138 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE CHALLENGE FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT TO BECOME A COMMU1vITY OF PRONIISE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount recognizes the importance of ensuring that the young people in the community have access to five fundamental resources: an ongoing relationship with a caring adult; safe places and structured activities during non-school hours; a healthy start for a healthy future; marketable and career skills though effective education; and an opportunity to give back through services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby agrees that the Rosemount community can meet this goal by using the following steps: 1. Pledging to engage a diverse community team of young people, non-profits, communities - of faith,businesses, schools, local officials, etc. This team will move beyond business as usual to ensure that the needs of young people aze known and the talents of all in the community are tapped. 2. We pledge to participate in our state regional gatherings and/or to hold our own town/community meetings or similar event, in an overall effort to set goals and develop strategies what will energize and leverage real commitments and spark real change. 3. We pledge to set specific, measurable goals to deliver five fundamental resources to our young people by the end of the year 2000. (America's Promise encourages a target goal of 10 percent of young people, with special emphasis on all youth.) We will do this by detemuning which young people throughout our community lack these five resources, assessing who can contribute what to our young people in a community-wide effort to collect commitments, and finally, setting our overall goal and targets within each of the five resource areas. 4. We pledge to secure local commitments from all sectors in order to reach ou1� goal. In addition, we will coordinate among commitment makers to ensure that the resources are delivered in the most effective and efficient manner to youth most in need. 5. We pledge to designate a single organization or person as a lead point of contact, which will share the progress we are making with our community, other communities, the Minnesota Alliance with Youth, and America's Promise. 6. We pledge to consider the role that neighborhood-based hubs such as schools can play to deliver the five resources and reach our goal. 7. We pledge to track local commitments being generated and delivered and provide summary information to Minnesota Alliance with Youth and America's Promise. We will also attempt to track the status of youth with respect to the five fundamental resources using a tool of ineasure provided by the Minnesota Alliance with Youth, America's Promise, or our own. 8. We pledge to include youth in the leadership of our Community of Promise. 1 r �� RESOLUTION 1998-138 ADOPTED this 15`h day of December, 1998 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho,Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk . Motion by: E d w a r d s Seconded by: B u s h o Votedinfavor: Carrol I , Edwards, Anderson, Busho. Voted against: N o n e. Member absent: W i p p e r m a n n . 2