HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Biscayne Pointe 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #313 ' '�(L�'�Y•-n.�,� . � �`�. CITY HALL z'����� � `�Y C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875—145th Street West �;:` Rosemount,MN —i � 55068-4997 `� ;; s ;� ���� Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! ��. ,,.t Phone:651•423-4411 �'<- � Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 ����::�'�.,;� Fax:651-423-5203 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BISCAYNE POINTE 3rd ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #313 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota will conduct the Public Hearing at 8:00 o clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, December 21 , 1999 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to �consider th� #olloWing impr�ovement�: � " Project #313 - Biscayne Pointe 3rd Addition Street �&' Utility Jmpro�,ements ' The nature of improvements shall �nclude the constr::ctior� of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain and street improvements. The total �estimated cost of the• improvements is $1,166,000. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements will generally be: Lots 1-9 Block 1, Lots 1-27 Block 2, Lots 1-4 Block 3 and Lots 1-8 Block 4 of the proposed Biscayne Pointe Third Addition (Outlot A, Biscayne Pointe 2nd Addition) and Lot 3 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 . Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinion will be considered. Dated this 7th day of December, 1999. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. �� / , � Su n M. alsh City Cle City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Auxiliary aids and services are available - Please contact Susan Walsh at (6121322-2002, or TDD No. (6�21423-6219, no /ater than December 15, 9999 to make a �equest. Examples of auxiliary aids or services may include: sign language inte�preter, assistive listening kit, accessib/e meeting /ocation, etc. �e. � _. � ��':� �����������>, C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T zs�s-`;TMt"s eet West _ � .� Rosemount,MN >� Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068-4997 ' Phone:651-423-4411 �'� Hearing Impaired 651-423•6219 � �,. _ _ � '� Fax:651-423-5203 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE FOR BISCAYNE POINTE 3RD ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #313 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On December 9, 1999, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and on December 9, 1999 deposited in the lJnited States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notic� of �ublic hearing regarding the proposed Biscayne Pointe 3`d Addition Street & Utility Improvements and appurtenant work for City Project #313, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at ti�e addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. � . / , ./.� � . Su an M. W s City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 � day of December, 1999. � CINDY UORN�DEN �Gr����`� `F NdTARY PUBUC-M�NN��� DAKOTACO�U 3� Notar Public _..;,;My�mm.� • ■ Rosemount Town Pages - '����:1 C[TY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,M WNESOiA AFFIDAVI�' OF PUBLICATION PUBL,�Noi,�E � Todd Heikkila, being dul sworn, on oafli sa s that he is an authorized NoncE oF eusLrc�nxnvc :: I Y Y BISCAYNE POINTE lyd ADDItION 9tREE7` . agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, IC110WII 8S TIlC ANDUTiLITYIMPROVEMENiS ' Rosemount Town Pages, and has fuli knowledge of ihe facts which are c�nrrRo.�c�ra»s , SI.1t0d bC10 W: TO WHOM li MAY CONCERiV: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of flie requirements constituting xor�cE�s�xESYc►v�,v,�c�n�c�rico,��oi ; Gualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues �eCiryofRosemount,MinnesotawllconduMthePnblic' Hearing at 8:00 0�clock p.m.or as soon ihaeaftet as � ' 331A.02,331A.07�nd other a plicable laws,as amended. pa55,bi�.Tu�sa�Y,��,t,c�:�,1999uitheCouncl (B)Theprinted C��j� ��{�����'�-' pl��ie. ChambenoftheCiryHaIl,2875145thStreetWat,to ^ e � consider the following'vnptovemrnts: �� `� � Project p3 i 3-Biscayne Poin[e 3rd Addition SReet&UNiry�'� � Improvemenh . . . �.. . which is atlilched, was cut fmm the columns of said newspaper, and was ""'�""`°fmp`°"`n'm�'n�n'"`'"d`�n``°�°"`°°° � of sanitary sewer,watamain,stotm d[ain and sVeet printed and published once each week for successive improvements.ThetotalesGmakdcostofthe eeks• it was first published on Friday, the �� af �provemrntsisSl,��,000. � --�-�--- �Y ���Y�,C19��_ and was thereafter printed and published on Theareaproposedtobeusessedfortheforegomg . improvemrnts wll grnerally be: Lots 1•9 Block 1,Lots 1_ . every Friday, to and including Friday, the _______day of Z�B1ak�,Lots1-4B1ock3endLoisl-SBl«k4ofthe � 19 ; and printed below is a copy of the propoSedBiscaynePointe'I7iirdAddition(OudotA, lower case al habel from A to "L, botl� inclusive, which is he;reb Bu`as'"°p°��°z^^naa�oon>�,a►.o�snua;tor•S n � y Subdivision No.1. � acknowledsed as beiug tl�e sve�u�d kind of type used in the Compositiou •- Such pecson(s)as da'va to be heard with refttmce to the .. ElII(1�UbI1Cc1t10i1 Ot I:lle I1011CC: proposed'unprovemrnu will be heard at this meeGng.. � � Writtrn or orel opinion wal be considered � � abe:defglujl•Inwopqrswv.vxyz � ` Datedthis7thdayofDecember,1999: - ���I n � / \ � /� i By:�'—�! / /.��D,.I\I\ 1 1_ _� BY OR�DER OF THE CI7Y COUNCIL i [.PX t � lL�� l)l� Susan M.Walsh y � Ciry Clak , 1� �L City of Rosemount of{�,ribeQ�d",� a,�,�nd sworn t.o before me on tl�is L�day n�xo�ca�ty,h,;N,�r� , Auxiliary aidr and.rervicer are avnilable•Pleare tontaet � Suran WoLth at(617J31?•?007,or TDD No.(61?)I13- 1(�C�_. 6379,no fater than Decembe�1 S,1999 to makr a iegueat. � � Esamples ojauxiliary aidr ar xrvtce.t may tndude:tign ' langunge lnterpreter,arsiJtive(i.rtening k!;aeeets161e � meelingJocation,rtc � ota� ublic AFFDAViT ELIZABETH A. RAV.ELtNG NpTAFiY PUBLICr—M�NNESOTA '` MY COMMISSION E%P�p�s�•31•2000< ...R. . , ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 21 , 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing — Biscayne Pointe 3�d Addition AGENDA SECTION: Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #313 Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO: City Engineer/Public Works Director °� � ( . ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Executive Summary from APPROVED BY: Feasibility Report and Drawings The City received the Feasibility Report for the Biscayne Pointe 3`d Addition on December 7, 1999. Attached is a copy of the Executive Summary from the Feasibility Report and a drawing of the proposed project. The proposed improvements include all the streets and utilities in extending Birch Street West, Birchwood Avenue, Belmont Court and Belmont Trail which will create 48 single-family lots. This is the last Addition in the Biscayne Pointe preliminary plat. The project includes a short extension of the Brockway Draw Trunk Sanitary Sewer on Birch Street and Birchwood Avenue. With this project, it is Staff's recommendation to also extend Biscayne Avenue northerly approximately 1 ,100 feet to the north property line of this subdivision. The total project cost will be $1 ,166,000. The improvements in the Biscayne Pointe 3`d Addition total approximately $701,000 and the Biscayne Avenue extension will total approximately 5465,000. Most of the cost will be assessed to the Biscayne Pointe 3`d Addition with approximately S 120,000 to be assessed against the State of Military Affairs property on the west side of Biscayne Avenue. There is approximately 544,000 attributable to the City's Water Core Fund and approximately $209,000 will be used from Municipal State Aid for streets. An additional $49,000 will be utilized from the Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. Staff will review the project at the meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PROJECT AND ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATION FOR BISCAYNE POINTE 3RD ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #313. COUNCIL ACTION: 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1999 — A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PROJECT AND ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BISCAYNE POINTE 3RD ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #313 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount ordered a feasibility report for Biscayne Pointe 3`d Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #313; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the Feasibility Report on December 7, 1999 for City Project#313; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing on December 21, 1999 to receive input on this project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of the Biscayne Pointe 3`d Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project#313. ADOPTED this 215t day of December, 1999. , Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: December 7, 1999 Preliminary Report Biscayne Pointe - Phase III ' Street and Utility Improvements City of Rosemount, Minnesota � 1.0 Executive Summary � City Project No. 313 provides for the construction of sanitary sewer, water main, storm drain and street improvements for Phase III of the Biscayne Pointe development. Phase III of the Biscayne Pointe development consists of approximately 22 acres, which will be platted into 48 single-family residential lots. The project is located in the NWl/a of Section 28, Township 115N, Range 19W, north of the Union Pacific (U.P.) Railroad and east of Biscayne Avenue. Phase III of the Biscayne Pointe development is . located immediately north of Phase I and northwest of Phase II. Phase I was constructed in 1998 and Phase II was constructed in 1999. Phase III is the final phase of the Biscayne Pointe development. The project includes approximately 3,4001inear feet of sanitary sewer, . - 3,800 linear feet of water main, 2,600 linear feet of storm drain, and 3,8001inear feet of street construction. - The total estimated project cost is $1,166,000. Of this total, approximately $701,000 is for improvements within the Phase III development and approximately $465,000 is for the reconstruction of Biscayne Avenue along the westerly boundary of the site. � . Of the $701,0(?0 which is attributable to Biscayne Pointe Phase. III, approximately $49,000 will be recovered through the City's Sanitary Sewer Core Facility Fund. Spreading the remaining$652,000 over the 48 assessable lots in Phase IlI yields an approximate assessment rate of � $13,583 per lot. ' � A-ROSEM0003.00 Page 1 Of the�465,000 which is attributable to Biscayne Avenue,approximately �44,000 will be recovered through the City's Water Main Core Facility Fund and approximately $209,000 will be recovered from Minnesota State Aid Street(MSAS)funds.The remaining$212,000 is assessable to the benefitting properties in the Biscayne Pointe development. . This improvement is necessary to provide the subject property with municipal utilities and street access.In addition, the improvement is cost- effective and feasible from an engineering standpoint. Due to the size of the project and the nature of the construction, this project would best be bid and constructed as an individual project rather than combining the project with other work. Project construction is scheduled to begin in April of 2000, with final completion (bituminous wear course) scheduled for June of 2000. Biscayne Pointe- Phase III,Street and Utility Improvements A-ROSEM0003.00 City of Rosemount,Minnesota Page 2 . _ O � Q_ D _ n e an � La e � � i Q PROJECT � � LOCATION � 3 � BISCAYNE P01 III � CITY N0. ROSEMOUNT oPo �,��� ; ��R � ���ti -��,� P if�.4�.'�G' 4.� dm"..iT 1 \ � f ,? � .`g4 .ti:::� d �S: � ��QP��F�� : �i , = � � N N 2' ���.1,���N�� �� v \O 1 QP� V �UT CF Lti. —S���f` BCQOI/C1�`,O �p� v��kar�t �,�• � 145TH ST. W. CSAH 42 � M Q 2 W F_ N Q U t/) m CSAH 42 > ¢ ' Q �,.; - �r . z w �' � J Q Q U . N Z m Q ' . U . -1000 0 1000 � � �� : 500 � SCALE IN FEET �- O AR SIEM 003.0o g�SCAYNE POINTE - PHASE �i 1 CtTY PROJECT NO. 313 PROJECT PHO�7) 490-2000 f � 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR. DA�' LOCATION y� ST. PAUI, MN ss�tio �2/o7/s9 ROSEMOUNT,M�INESOTA 6 ( /�/ � , t� . �� �. . • F"' � �l,/ /^� �\\r�__, f .:t ', '., m � �'�/ � � `� ` �,J`J '+:�_ j'` ��'. oQ d, /; ���:'`� ,_'f 1:'� - __,% �Cyj` o' �; � � •� � �': fn N Q ��� f' Z �, �~\ � �' ,ja, ���: � r� ,`� ~W O� ' ¢ ' � ^ � �� ' z � i ; ,; � y p, W p �w m _,�,/J'/ i:,�� � ,-' J Z Q �C9 ,. �Q n.�.� � I,: .\ / ,�t � a�u..' � � Q I�CS '"'..,, '��, ;'\\`' r,:'� O v~i w a cv ' >p o=c� �'�%� f '.� �� '� ,� O z a m �.o� � ' ,..\ , .,ti �.•- ; I— ��--� ; �. /� '� '`'� `a . . (�—�_ �_..._.`� a . ���/ .�,�� i� � ''�~� ~ .. w ` � , �,..- '� �;� N .--�'"� w i� m 1 � ,�-� �`; fi,..�� ,`:, w --- ��— - I --- — '_ %, .i'•. LL t w . c i � J �,r'' � � •/J 7 � _�� �� � 4 ` ' 1 a ,�,:/r y ':,`� 1 �,.. O L BI R H WOOD F � o ; �"�_____�. , �,�,,� � � �' - w , , � �,, �. J AVE U E ' z ; i i : ►-- �:. .:- �,i � .�Y' . Q � '2 � ¢ ; ; ; Z '�•-"r. 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SAM HERTOGS � STATE OF MN DEPT � � � � ; OF MILITARY AFFAIRS ^ � ; 5 •• , 3$� . � � � O Fi�E No. g�SCAYNE POINTE - PHASE qi 6 o a 5 AROSEM0003.00 PROPOSED �¢ � � PHO��� aso-z000 C I T Y P R O.�C T N O. 3 1 3 �A�: STREETS 6 5� '� 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR. ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA � `o � ST. PAUL. MN 55110 12/07/99