HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Approval of Non-Union Salaries and Benefits for Year 2000 . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: APPROVAL OF NON-iJNION SALARIES AGENDA SECTION: AND BENEFITS FOR YEAR 2000 CONSENT PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT AGENDA ° CITY ADNIINISTRATOR �b . � � ATTACHMENTS : TUITION REIMBURSEMENT POLICY APPROVED BY: For City Council consideration and approval is my recommendation to approve a three-percent annual adjustment for the below listed nonunion positions. Based on council direction, the $2100 annual car allowance for department head positions has been incorporated into department head salary ranges. If the three-percent adjustment were approved, 2000 salary ranges would be as follows: Public Works Director/City Engineer $65,476 -- $74,830 Chief of Police $62,129 -- $71,005 Finance Director $60,217 -- $68,819 Community Development Director $57,157 -- $65,323 Parks &Recreation Director $55,436 -- $63,355 � Lieutenant $45,403 -- $60,537 Assistant to City Administrator $41,715 -- $55,620 Public Works Superintendent $41,305 -- $55,073 Building Official $40,076 -- $53,434 City Planner $37,453 -- $49,937 Civil Engineer $37,453 -- $49,937 Community Center Manager $36,308 -- $48,410 Recreation Supervisor $31,030 -- $41,373 Administrative Assistant $28,192 -- $37,590 Planning/Personnel Secretary $26,073 -- $34,765 It is also my recommendation that the Personnel Policy be amended to increase the tuition reimbursement amount of$750 a year to $1,000 a year. The AFSCME contract reflects this increase, and nonunion employees should be afforded the same benefit. Attached is Section 26 of the Personnel Policy which sets out the Tuition Reimbursement Program for non-union employees. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE ABOVE SALARY RANGES FOR THE YEAR 2000 AND TO AMEND SECTION 26 OF THE PERSONNEL POLICY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING THE TUITION REIl�IBURSEMENT AMOUNT FROM $750 A YEAR TO $1,000 A YEAR. � Employees shall take vacations only with the approval of their immediate supervisor. Requests for vacation leave shall be in writing. No employee shall be entitled to vacation leave durin�the first three(3) months of city employment. Vacation leave shall be�ranted at the end of this time as earned for the three (3) month period. Vacation leave for personnel working under a negotiated agreement shall be specified by agreement between the City and the exclusive representative for each bargainin�unit in the City. Section 26. TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM The City encourages its employees to improve their skills and knowledge throu�h education. To assist employees in attaining personal education and career goals, the City offers the followinj tuition reimbursement program to eli�ible employees. Eligibility: Regular full-time employees, upon successful completion of their probationary period, or as individually agreed, shall be elijible to apply for reimbursement of job-related educational courses. All course work shall be completed outside normal working hours. The course or degree program must be directly related to the employee's current job or to a position to which the employee could be directly promoted within the City. Tuition reimbursement shall be considered only for course work taken at recoanized accredited colleges,vocational school or approved adult educational programs. Approval: All requests for course work or a degree pro;ram must receive prior approval from the employee's department head and the City Administrator. Reimbursement: (1) Upon successful completion of a course or class, the City will reimburse the employee for 100% of the course tuition and other associated fees, necessary textbooks, and materials. Expenses for whicli the employee could be compensated throujh other educational incentive programs, such as the GI Bill, will not be covered. The City will pay 100% of all costs of taking a class not to excee ,c�.�.�9-a,year. The City will also pay 50% of costs above the initial'�6- §�°OQ s�� (2) Successful completion of a course shall be considered a letter grade of"C" or better; or a numerical grade of"70" or better; or a pass in a"pass/no pass" system; or a certificate from the instructor indicating satisfactory completion of the course if grades are not issued. 35 + (3) Financial reimbursement will be granted after the following conditions have been met: (a) The employee has received prior approval. (b) The employee has completed the course and submitted proof of successful completion of the course to his/her department head. _ (c) The employee has submitted proof of payment for the course to his/her department � head. Section 27. SICK LEAVE (1) Sick leave shall be a benefit provided to all regular full-time and probationary employees and shall be accrued at the rate of eight (8) hours for each full month of employment and pro-rated to the nearest hour for partial month's service. There will be no maximum accumulation of sick leave. (2) Sick leave may be granted by the employee's supervisor only for absence from duty because of personal illness, legal quarantine, maternity, injury, dental or medical treatment necessitating the employee's absence or for serious illness in the employee's immediate _ family. Immediate family for the purpose of this section shall be defined as spouse, minor children, ward, parent and siblings when living in the household of the employee. In instances of critical illness to a member of the family, who is either not a member of the immediate family or not living in the household, an appeal may be made to the City Administrator to waive these requirements. Sick leave usage shall be subject to approval and verification by a supervisor who may require the employee to furnish a report from a recognized medical authority attestinJ to the need of the leave, and other information the supervisor deems necessary. (3) Exception to the definition of immediate family: The City reserves the right, as a matter of policy, to permit employees to take leave for the illness of an adult child or parent. Further, the City reserves the right to establish this policy under such circumstances and conditions that it deems appropriate, all on a case by case basis. An exercise of this policy shall not establish a precedent or practice. An employee's request under this policy shall be in writing and sent to the employee's immediate supervisor. The supervisor shall fonvard this request, along with the supervisor's recommendation to the City � Administrator for review and approval. (4) To be eligible for sick leave payment, an employee must notify his/her desianated supervisor prior to the starting time of the scheduled shift. This notice may be waived if the supervisor determines that the employee could not reasonably be expected to comply with this requirement because of circumstances beyond the control of the employee. (5) An employee who is absent from duty may be required to undergo a medical evaluation and furnish a report from an appropriate medical authority, at the City's expense, that will enable a department head to determine the employee's fitness for performance of assigned duties. When it is determined that the employee's absence from work is unnecessary, the department head may require the employee to either return to work or resijn. _ 36