HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Commission Appointment Process • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: COMMISSION APPOINTMENT PROCESS AGENDA NO. 3. � PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR ATTACHMENTS: LIST, APPLICATION FORM, COMMISSION • MEMBER'S CODE, SAMPLE AD � Commissioners that have terms expiring January 31, 2000 will be notified this week by letter. All Commissioners are in good standing and qualified for another term if that is their desire. However, they are required to go through the entire selection process. Commissioners with terms expiring January 31, 2000: Parks and Recreation: Keith Knautz,Youth member Jill Peterson Planning Commission: Jeff Weisensel, Jay Tentinger, and one open position Port Authority: Cathy Busho, and one open position Utilities Commission: Shawn Mulhern An ad can be placed in our local papers for additional applicants if Council deems that necessary. A deadline for receiving applications is usually around January 7, 2000. Often if there are not enough applicants to cover the open positions at this time, the City Council is asked to extend invitations to residents they know who have an interest in the City. Interviews have traditionally been held Saturday morning, the third or forth week in January. Occasionally, an interview has been conducted prior to a City Council meeting to accommodate the applicant. Please consider the above mentioned options and be prepared to choose dates for interviews and application deadlines. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1999 CONIlVIISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS/TERMS Commission/Committee Date Term Be�an Date Term Ends Length of Term . Note: "reapt" means -reappointed Parks & Recreation Committee: Michael Eliason 2/95 reapt 2/98 1/31/O1 3 yrs Keith Knautz 2/99 1/31/00 1 yr* Janet Larson, Chair 2/95 reapt 2/98 1/31/O1 3 yrs Phillip Sterner 2/99 1/31/02 3 yrs Kelly Sampo 2/96 reapt 2/99 1/31/02 3 yrs * due to vacancy Planning Commission: William Droste, Chair 2/95 reapt 2/98 1/31/O1 3 yrs Sheila Klassen 2/99 resigned 9/99* 3 yrs Jeffery Weisensel 2/97 1/31/00 3 yrs Kimberly Shoe-Comgan 2/96 reapt 2/99 1/31/02 3 yrs Jay Tentinger 2/94 reapt 2/97 1/31/00 3 yrs * due to appointment to City Council,position open Port Authority: Cathy Busho 2/94 1/31/00 6 yrs Jeff Caspar 6/95 reapt 2/98 1/31/04 6 yrs Ena Cisewski 2/99 1/31/O1 4 yrs* John Edwards 2/92 reapt 2/97 1/31/03 6 yrs Michael Baxter � 2/97 1/31/02 5 yrs* Sheila Klassen 9/99 1/31/04 5 yrs* * due to vacancy Utilities Commission: Donald Berg 2/95 reapt 2/98 1/31/O1 3 yrs Shawn Mulhern, Chair 2/94 reapt 2/97 1/31/00 3 yrs Paul Heimkes 2/99 1/31/02 3 yrs valid 12/10/991j g:\comis99.wpd � .s City of Rosemount APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL . Name: Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Education: List educational background: Current Employer: Position/0 ccupation: Other Related Work Experiences: List voiunteer organizations/civic groups you are a member of or have been a member of: Cunent or Past Member? Current or Past Member? Current or Past Member? Cunent or Past Member? Have you read the Position Statement or Commission member code? . . J Please write a statement as to why you wish to serve on the City Council. Also state what vision you have or goal you wozrld like to accomplish while serving on the City Council. Please retum this form to Susan Walsh, City Clerk, Rosemount City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount,MN 55068. Thank you. Policy AD-1 Page 4 A CONIlVIISSION NmVIBER'S CODE As a commission member, I believe that the prirriary purposes of a commission are to achieve effective and wise guidance of the City through group thinking and action, to . raise the standards of commission membership and to improve the level of services to the community which suppoRs it. I realize that mine is a community trust, that I represent all the people and that I have a duty to the community as well as to the commission I pledge myself. Therefore, to cultivate an "educated heart" so that I may be sensitive to my obligations and relationships in this trusteeship, I subscribe to the code of an ethical person, remembering that ethics refers to what a person is morally obliged to do or not to do in a given situation. I believe that commission service can be an expression of democratic citizenship, sianifying a willingness to accept community responsibility and the charge to preserve popular control of American public services. Respecting the dignity and worth of the individual, I shall base my relations with people on their qualities as individuals without distinction as to race or creed or gender or color or economic or social status. I believe that a person's greatest possession, as well as his/her greatest contribution to society, may lie in the ways in which he/she differs from me, rather than in the ways in which we are similar. I shall accept these differences and try to build a useful relationship upon them. . I uphold the principles of my organization, recognizing and assuming my responsibility to establish and administer the best possible program and policies for my commission. I shall learn its programs and objectives, give to it a fair share of my time and personal abilities, keep a community wide perspective knowing that, for sound community service, my commission's work must be coordinated with the total community. , I promise to be loyal to my own organization and a good neighbor to other agencies. My attitude shall be one of cooperative open-mindedness and objectivity. In carrying out my assignments, I shall be professional in realizing that it is not possible to lay down absolute rules for all situations. I shall be willing to think things through with the other commission members, weighing alternatives and exercising good judgement in choostng among them. . � ���) (��Q �� . ��� Press Release From: . Rosemount City Hall � Contact: Linda Jentink, Adm. Asst., 651-322-2003 Date: December 1, 1998 RE: City of Rosemount Seeks Residents to Serve On Advisory Commissions and Committees The City of Rosemount needs volunteers, who have an interest in their community, to serve on the following commissions: Parks &Recreation, Planning, Port Authority, and Utilities. There are eight positions open. Parks &Recreation, Planning, and Utilities commissions have three year terms and the Port Authority has six year terms,unless a position is vacated with a remaining term. Terms for these positions will begin in February, 1999. Those interested in serving may stop by City Hall and pick up an application and job description for the various commissions or call Linda at 322-2003 (a voice mail is available after 4:00 p.m. weekdays and on weekends). Application must be submitted by January 8, 1999. Interviews will be conducted on or before January 19, 1999.