HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Scope of Services with Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban: Commercial Plan and Mining Study ♦ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: December 15, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Scope of Services with Dahlgren, Shardlow AGENDA NO. and Uban: Commercial Plan and Mining Study PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner ATTACHMENTS: November 5, 1999 Proposed Work Program � for Rosemount Downtown Plan and * ��' � November 12, 1999 Draft Letter of Agreement and Scope of Services ' The attached letters detail the process and work strategy proposed by John Shardlow of DSU to perform the planning work for the Central Commercial District and separately, to continue the mining issue discussion. DOWNTOWN PLAN There are four phases to the proposed scope of services: 1. Physical and Market Analysis - This is the inventory of existing conditions and includes an assessment of market conditions with Maxfield Research Group, Inc. 2. Downtown Framework and Master Plan -This phase starts the conceptualization and design process. 3. Implementation and Financing Strategies -This phase completes the design process and focuses on Economic Development,Business retention,recruitment and investment. 4. Plan Preparation—Final completion of the plan and documentation. Total Cost excluding optional services is projected at$72,000.00 MINING STUDY In essence, the services include research,preparation of exhibits and three joint workshops with the City Council and the Planning Commission. DSU would also participate at the anticipated public hearing that would be required for implementation,presumably including adoption of applicable ordinance amendments. The total cost of services is projected at$16,500. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide staff with Council direction concerning the proposed scope of services provided by Dahlgren Shardlow and Uban concerning mineral extraction. COUNCIL ACTION: 11/12/99 15:59 FAT 612 337 �601 DSti, INC. �001 , � ' � � � � , , � , � ► •COAYORA7ED � ���� CONSULTING PLANVERS LANDSCAP� ARCHITECI'S 300 F1RST AVE\TUE NORTH SUITE 210 MINN�AYCfLIS, 1vIN �5401 612�339•3300 P�IONE 612•337•5601 FAX FACSIMILE TRA.NSMITTAL DATE: November 5, 1999 TO: Richard Pearson,City Planner,City of Rosemount FROiVI: John Shardlow,AICP,Dahigren, Shardlo�v and Uban,Inc. Jerry Starkey,ASLA,Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban,Inc. RE: PROPOSED WORK PROGR.AM FOR ROSEMOUNT DO�'VNTOWN PLAN PAGES: 13, including this cover page We have prepared a preliminary work program for the Rosemount Downtown Plan to include those tasks Chat we believe are necessary to produce a meaningful plan. This process may be tailored to meet your objectives, schedule and budget. The four proposed phases for this project are: Phase One: Physical Analysis Pha,ce Two: Dotivntown Frameti>>ork and 1Llaster Plarr Phase Three: • Implementation and Financing Strategies Phase Four.• Plan Preparation Please review#his work program and let us know of any changes and�ve will be happy to modify it to meet your needs and we will put it in the form of a contract to be sent at a later date. Thank you. 11/12/99 16:00 F�T 612 337 5601 DSt�. I\C• C�002 PROJECT APPROACH Our approach to this pro}ect is based on the principle that successful community redevelopment requires a balanced strategy integrating four key components: 2 j ��� so�� 1. CommunatyOrganization �J �� �a�r�' �' +��`�" ``�. ���� �S D,_�,o7,' 2. Economic Redevelopn2ent �� �, �h c�-� c �Q v,y,��`�Y ' 3. Urban Design de 5�� ^ p���,'sio�S �p�S �T 4. Marketirtg and Promotion � �,�, �h�s` � � �w This philosophy has grown out of our experien with"main street"communities and proven experience with very small to mid-size cities. Continued tality must be b ounded in solid, community-based organizing and involvement. Our approach also incorporates the followin components which we believe are necessary for long-term successful redevelopment: ■ Process A clear process that will focus on fitll owntown planning, encourage public participation and ownership of the plan, and will result a unique and progressive identity. ■ Goals and Objectives A clear set of goals and objectives drive the qualitative and fimetional aspects of the design. These goals and objectives should be bas d on discussions with the City staff and public participants. They should also reflect transportation, afety and maintenance needs,and sound urban design principals. ■ Preliminary Framework Plan A Preliminary Framework Plan f the Downtown should be created to insure potential gro�vrth and improvements�vill reinforce ea other and be integrated into the entire community. ■ Palette of Streetscape Amenities A tlexible palette of streetscape elements should be created to be used within the Downtown to creale a distinct and memorable pedestrian-friendly City. These components can be designed as part of a subsequent phase of ihe Downtowu Plan. ■ 1�Iaster Plan and Implementation Strategy The Framework Plan and design elements should be compiled into a detailed Master Plan and report for the Downto�vn to guide future phases and private redevelopment. This report should document the process, goals and objectives, selected streetscape elements,cost estimates, a prioritized phasing plan,projected funding sources and an implementation strategy. This plan should be used as a framework from which to guide future decisions regarding both public and private improvements in the area. ■ Private Developraent Guidelines Consideration should also be given to establishing desia guidelines for private improvements to reinforce the character or theme of Do�vntown Rosemount. These gvidelines could either be implemented on a voluntary basis by property owners or be incorporated into the Cily�J ZORlllo Ordinance. These would include building massing, setbacks,materials and storefront, and parkine !ot landscaping. As�vith lhe streetscape amenities,these components could be designed as part of a subsequent phase of the Downtown Plan. Dahlgren,Slrardlow and Uban,Irec. Pioposal to Prepare the Rose�nounf Downlnwn Plan Page 2 11/12/99 16:01 F�1 612 337 5601 DSU, I\C. C�003 ■ Character Our approach will reeognize the many functions the Downtown serves,as well as the variety of components that contribute to the personality of the place, and that�vill reinforce the positive aspects of Rosemount's history and current conditions that contribute to its identity. ■ Balance Between Pedestrian and Vehicular Uses We will strive to create a balance betwecn pedestrian and vehicular nccds for the Do�mto�vn. Parking strategies and streetscape components such as lightino,street trees,bicycle facilities, coordinated signage and other elements would also assist with creating a safer and more pedestrian friendly environment and foster a sense of civic pride. ■ Community Involvement Our design philosophy emphasizes community involvement. The residents and business owners in the community have a lot to say about�vhat Do�vntown Rosemount should look and feel and how future plans affect their properiy. The success of the design is dependent on ho�v�vell it responds to the needs, goals,and ob}ectives of the community. We suggest that the community should have the opportunity at each stage af the process#o review the plans. This should be accomplished through a combination of individual interviews, open houses and workshops. At every step,tliese stakeholders should be able to provide insights about how the project will affect their properly or respond to their concerns. ■ Artwork Our approach will also.suggest incorporating public art created by local or regional artists to enrich a streetscape design. These pieces should emphasize unique aspects of the City's history, icons,people or spirit of the place and could be incorporated into the desi?n of gateways,distric#monuments, medians and/or gathering plaecs or transit stops. ■ "Too!Kit": Implementation Strategies,Actian Steps,and Phasing '1'he product resulting from this effort should be implementable,easily understood and comprehensive. Our approach is to reduce this potentially unwieldy mass of information down to easily manageable components that�vill provide the parties responsible for implementation with the tools for public and private investment, business recruitment and retention, infrastructure and zonin� changes, design guidelines and enforcement. The tool kit will include implementation strateDies with action steps and assigned responsibilities to selected agencies,committees and organizations. The action steps will be phased in short,mid-and long term objectives to bc accomplished over the course of 1 to 15 years. Seed projects�vill be identified that are easily achieved in the short-term and will build momentum for more complex projects in the future. ■ Task Force �Ve recommend that a task force should be created to guide the Downtown planninQ process and to provide continuity and guidance through the initial implementation steps. This task force should have 12 to 14 representatives of the stakeholders associated with the Dotivntown Plan and include members of the business community, svrrounding neighborhoods,City Planning and Puhlic�Vorks Staff,City Council and Planning Commission. ' Meetings lYe anticipate the taskforce members tivill need to attend one two hour meeting per month for eight to ten rnonths. Drrhlgren,Shardlow and Ubatr,Inc. Proposallo Prepate the Roser�ounr powntow�e Plan Pagr 3 11/12/99 16:02 F.�1 612 33'r 5601 DSU, I�rC. C�00� ■ Community Communication Communication tivith the community at large is important to nurture an informed public and foster support and involvement over the long term. Our work program suggests distributing a newsletter to property owners and tenants within the study area at key points in the process. The newsletter may describe, among other things,the purpose, goals and objectives of the study, findings,participants, as well as incorporate illustrations and important meeting dates and contact people. To keep our costs to a minimum, tl�e newsletter should be produced by the task force in collaboration with DSU_ PHASE 1: PHYSICAL AND MARKET ANALYSIS Phase I will initiate the overall study, organize the local participation process,analyze existing physical and redevelopment conditions, and identify needs and opportunities. TASK 100: PROJECT INITIATION Before actual�vork begins, a project initiation conference will be held to set the framework for the study. Participants in the conference should include representatives of the City Staff,the Citizens Task fiurce and key personnel from the consulting team. The purposes of this conference will be to: (a)revie�v overall study objectives; (b)clarify the scope of work program and schedule;(c)resolve any questions regarding contract interpreta.tion; (d)define roles and responsibilities;and(e)define components of the "Community Vision." Slide Survey: Explore Possibilities The primary purpose of the project initiation meeting will be to explore ideas of what Downtown Rosemount could be. A slide survey of successful urban design projects as well as our observations�vill be utilized to explore the possibilities for po�vntotivn Rosemount. Traditional town planning principles �vill also be presented and to fuel discussion on the possibitities for Rosemount. E1VD PROD UCT. A�: understanding and agreernent betweer:the participants and the coi:sulting tean: regarding the planning and design process, as tivell as the range of possibilities for powntown Rosemount. TASK 101: BASE MAPPI�i TG Accurate and up-to-date base maps are essential to the preparation of the redevelopment plan. Existing base maps will be reviewed to determine if any changes are required to reflect recent development. Modifications will be made as requircd. These maps will then be utiliaed at an agreed-upon scale for recording and presenting information pertaining to the project. END PRODUCT. DSU has full Geographic Information Systems capabilities and we anticipare utilizing the technology to generate base maps and to ar:alyze backgrozrrid information. Alternatively, if the City prefers, DS'U will tivork with the City's GIS staff to shure responsibilities for base mapping. TASK 102: ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Accurate,complete and up-to-date information on existing conditions is essential to a successful planning effort. Background information on several key components will be needed,and these are listed below. ♦ E.risting Planning and Visioning Documents I Comntztnity Organiaution ♦ Existing Conditions ♦ Larid-Uses and Districts ♦ Urban Design Qualities: Landmarks, views, character, scale, density, open space, connections Laltigren,Sliardlow and Uba�i,Inc. Propvsal to Prepare the Rosen:ount Downtown Plan Page 4 11/12/99 16:03 F�1 612_ 337 5601 DSU, I\C. �005 ♦ Tra�c Circulation&Parking ♦ Pedestriar:Circirlation, Linkages, Safety, and Amenities ♦ Existing Bzrilding Cvndi#ions and Uses ♦ Historical Sign�cc�nce ♦ Infrnstructure All previously prepared reports, studies and other documents having a bearing on the assignment�vill be assembled and reviewed. This review will determine: (a)the status and utility of previously collected background data and material; (b)data oaps and deficiencies that must be conected through new surveys and inventories; and(c)the validity of past assumptions and conclusions regarding existing conditions and future potentials. END PRODUCT• A series of graphics and a narrative sumrnarizing the frndings and conclusions of the background inventories and analysis. Pleuse note, to keep costs to a minimum the City Staff could be responsible for providino up to date information on land uses,traffic circulation,parking,existing building conciitions and infrastructure. TASK 103: MARKET ANALYSIS Rosemount's downtown area has been established for many years;however,the continued expansion of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area has resulted in a greater focus on development along County Road 42, and a subsequent decrease in focus on the core downtown area. As Rosemount continues to develop residentially,there will be increased demand for goods and services in the area, and Downtown Rosemount should be able to capture a portion of that demand. DSU will work with M�eld Research Group,Inc. (vIRG)to prepare a m3rket assessment for retail, small office and housing development types, including the follo�ving components: ■ Identification of Draw Area and Demographic Analysis The first step in the research process is to define a study area or"draw area" for the project. This draw area is defined as that area from which the majoriiy of shoppers,residents and/or employees will c�me. The draw areas for the various types of development may vary si�nificantly depending on market factors. The demographic analysis examines such factors as population,household and employment gro�vth, age distribution,household tenure and income and consumer expenditures. This data will serve as the basis for future demand projections within the various dra�v areas. ■ Retail Market Analysis The re#ail market analysis will analyze the Downtown Rosemount area in light of current and projected future developmcnt alonD County Road 42 and retail market trends within the entire Metropolitan Area. We will then focus on the Downtown's unique position within its own submarket. Different types of goods and services will be analyzed including convenience, neighborhood and destination/specialty. The orientation of the Downtown to its markets will be analyzed in light of its potential to attract these types of goods and services. Demand calculations will focus on the market potential and the amount of that potential capturable by businesses in Downto�vn Rosemount. Appropriate tyQes of uses will be recommended. ■ Office Market Analysis The office market analysis will analyze the Downtown Rosemount area in light of office market trends across the entire Metropolitan Area,but more specifically,�vithin the southeast quadrant (northern Dakota County). Small office development will be examined including multi-tenant and DaJilgref�,Sliardlow a�id Ubu��,Inc. Propnsal rn Prepare the Rasemount Downtown Plan Page S 11/12/99 16:04 F�T 61'2 337 �601 _ DSU. INC. C�006 mixed-use. Various types of office users will be identified,those most appropriate to attract to the Corridor. Demand calculations will focus primarily on pro}ected employment gro�vth and the amount of that gro�rth that may occur among businesses that�vould require more traditional office space. Appropriate t�pes of uses and square footage would be recommended. ■ Housing 1�arket Analysis Rosemount has perhaps the greatesl potential for ne�v housing development. as current development patterns push east and south,Rosemount is directly in the path of new housing growth. Much of the ue�v housing devclopment outside of the Doivntown has been single-family with sorr►e for-sale multifamily to serve mid-age professionals,empty nesters and seniors. the Downtown presents a unique opport��nity to capitalize on nearby goods and services and enhance the vitality of the area thrau�h the addition of higher-density residential and mixed-use development. Iviaxfield Research would analyze the cunent multifamily housing market situation in northern Dakota County and identify the number of units and product types that would be most appropriate to develop in Do�rntown. ror-sale and rental product types would be analyzed in addition tot he potential for senior housing. END PRODZiCT.� A report and supporting graphic that describes the preliminary overvietiv of Downto�vn ntarket conditiatrs and how this infof•mation will in,�luence the Dotimtotivn Plan. TASK 104: ISSUES WORKSHOP A community meeting will be held to facilitate participation by local residents and business owners in identifying redevelopment related issues for the Downtown. This workshop�vill be facilitated by the consultant and�vill inform participants about market conditions and the planning process and purpose, secure stakeholders views on the issues,problems and opportunities in the community, and reaffircn the objectives established tlu�ough the initial visioning process. Special efforts such as newspaper and public service announcements on local radio will be made to encourage maximum participation. In order to minimize costs we recommend that this task should be scheduled on the same day as Task 105: Working Conference. END PROD UCT.• Through a participatory process, a prioritized list of strengths, rveaknesses, opportunities, a�td threats will be developed based upo�z participarsts vietivs on the issues facing the community. . TASK 105: �VORKING CONFERENCE A check point meetin�will be conducted with the Task Force and City Staff and other interested parties to present the findings to date,to create a common inforn�ational threshold, discuss design and redevelopment principles,and gain consensus on the goals and objectives prior to raoving on to Phase II of the process. END PR()DUCT.• Agreemettt on issues and opportt�nities and on[he busic direction to be pursued in tlze preparation of alterrrative plan concepts and strategies. Dahlgren,Shurdlow and Uban,Inc. Proposal to Prepa�e the Rose»:oieni Dvwntown Plan Page 6 11/12/99 16:05 F�T 612 33i �601 _ DSU, ItiC. C�007 PHASE II: DOWNTOWN FRAMEWORK and MASTER PLAN Phase II�vill focus on the preparation and testing of alternative plan concepts for physical improvements to the Do�vntown that wili provide a framework from which to base redevelopment decisions. A Master Plan will be produced and will act as a framework to insure that the design for individual segments will be integrated into the overall pian. TASK 200: SYNTHESIS Thc findings and conclusions derived from previous tasks will be brought together into a synthesized statement highiighting needs; issues and opportunities. The key findinas�vould be presented in a manner that will facilitate local review and discussion. It is essential that agreement be reached on problems and needs before any discussion of plan and program choices or strategies. Potenlial Redevelopment Sites will be identified based on strategic location,property and building values,building conditions,market demand, and community significance. END PRODUCT: Written and graphic synthesis that establishes a framelvork to base future redevelopment decisions and for�rzs a basis for evahrating alternatives. TASK 201: INTEGRATE MARKET A1�TALYSIS We will integrate the summary of findings from the Market Analysis in the planning process. The summary�vill: I Ident�key market findings related to potential for retail, office, and housing development. ♦ Determine the appropriate mi.x of uses for the Dotivntown END PRODUCT.• A plan that will ident�sites appropriate for different types of development. TASK 202: COMVIUNITY PLAl\TNING AND DESIGN CHARETT� -- OPTIONAL A community planning and design charette will provide a forum to involve the interested public and key stakeholders in a meaningful dialo�ue about the future of Downtown Rosemount. This potentially two- day workshop could be held at a centrally located place in the project area such as a vacant store. The main intent of the charette is to augment the background studies,brains#orm with the community and generate sketches and plans that illustrate altemative solutions to the physical environment of Do�vntown Rosemount. Agenda items may include the following items: Day One 1. Introductory Presentation Description of the planning process and introduction of the participants, and discuss principles and objectives. II. A visual survey of the Downtown. Slides nf existing conditions in the Downtown (atid other loccrtions)could be shown to illustrate d�erent approaches to zrrban design, circulation,parking and redevelopment. III. Sumntarize Findings!o Dute and the Market Overvietiv. Day Two IY. On-Site Drop-In Design Srudio Prepure Fi•amework Plan Alternatives Dal�lgrete,Sleardlow and Uban,Inc. Proposal to Prepare ilie Rose»iorrnt Downtown Pla�: Page 7 11/12/99 16:06 F�Z 612 337 5601 DSU, INC. tQ]008 Alternative concepts��ill be prepared for the study area focusing on land-use, circulation,parking, open space,and linkages to neighborhoods, parks,and the Downtown. Concept plans wil] address basic issues identified during Phase I of the process and will include alternatives related to: 1)location,type and extent of commercial, industrial,residential and office development; 2) access and transportation systems;3)the location and type of urban design improvements; and 4)f'uture orowth and development, V. Town 1Lleetitig to presettt Downtown Framework Plan Alternatives and illustrative sketches VI. Recup findings and select a preferrecl Framework Plan Alter�:ative. END PRODUCT.• Broad commznriry involver�tent in the direction and foczrs of the Redevelopment Strategy and a Framework Plan thut responds to comrnunity goals and objectives. TASK 203: REDEVELOP�IE�1T RECOiVIl�IENDATIONS Recommendations�vill be formulated by the consulting team regarding the primary components to consider in order to implement the plan over time. The components may include the following: ♦ Open space a�:d pedestrian impruvements ♦ Transportation I Redevelopment I Cornmercial Viability ♦ Land-Uses and Policies I Building Rehabilitation or Removal TA5K 20�: WORi�G COi�TFERENCE A working meeting will be conducted with the Task Force and City Staff and other interested parties to present the findings to date,to create a common informational threshold, and to discnss design and redevelopment alternatives and recommendations prior to moving on to Phase III of the process. END PRODUCT.• Agreement on a preferred plan and discussion o.f'tlie recommendations for physical improvements, transportation, open space/pedestrian improvemertts, commercial viability, bullding Rehab or rernoval. TASK 205: PRELIl�ILNARY MASTER PLAN AlvD VISUALIZATTON The preliminary Master Plan will define, in a conceptual manner,relationships between land uses, circulation pattems and proposed streetseape treatments, such as: gateways, pedestrian linkages,major crossroads,focal points,plazas, and gathering areas. A series of photographs and perspective sketches �vill be produced to illustrate the cliaracter and impact of proposed solutions. END PRODUCT.• A scheniatic level design for the entire Dotii�ntowrz. Other drmvings will include image sketches, cross sections nnd pla�:er:largements illusrrating the design solz�tions. END PRODUCT.• Agreement on overall plan recommendations priar to proceeding with the next tasks. TASK 206: �1EETL�tG�i�ITH TIiE CITY COUNCIL A meetin=will be held�vith the City Council and the Design Team to review and discuss the findings and recommendations. DRhlgren,Shardlow and Uban,Inc. Proposa!to Prepare tfee Rosen:nunt Dowrrtown Plan Page 8 11/12:99 16:07 F�1 612 337 5601 DSL�, I\C. �009 YHASE III: IMPLEMENTATION & FINANCING STRATEGIES This phase�vill focus on the formulation of an implementation strate�}+that balances and integrates the four key components of community based redevelopment and reinforces the community organizationai structure that has been established in the initial visioning exercises. The four components are modeled after the proven approach established by the National Main Street Program and are as follows: ♦ Cornmtinity OrganiZation _ 1 Economic Developrngnt ♦ Urbara Desigts � 1 Marketing and Promotion. Short,mid, and long term action steps will be established for each of these four areas. The appropriate cummittce or agency will be assigned responsibility to eaeh of the action 5teps. Mile posts will also be established f�r the key strategies. TASK 300: CO�YIlVIIJNITY ORGANIZATION Recommendations for augmenting the current organizational structure will be made if necessary to facilitate the implementation of the compnnents of the redevelopment strategy. Strategies for on going recruitment,community involvement, and the creation of a strong Downtown advocacy group will be included. TASK 301: ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURIl�G, BUSINESS RETENTION,RECRITITMENT,AND 1NVESTVLENT The consultant team will work with the Task Force and City Staffto prepare strategies for business retention and recruitment, and strategies for fostering public and private investment into the Downtown. The strategies will explore the potential for public dollars for private development in thz form of low interest loans, gap financing or pump priming,maintenance, leasing,tenant attraction,paricing man- agement,and design_ Alternatiti-e approaches to funding potential physical and organizational improvements will be identified. 'The compl2te range of currently available resources�vill be inventoried with an emphasis on financial mechanisms, including public, corporate and institutional assets. END PRODUCT.• Sumrrtary memorandum on alternate straregies for retaining and attracting business that defrnes specific action steps, a timeline and assigns respansibility. TASK 302: STRA.TEGIES FOR DESIGN AND APPEARANCE This task«•ill focus on developing strategies for implementing#he design, amenities,and infrastructure improvernents proposed in the framework pian that may promote economic redevelopment within the Downto�ti�. A prioritized list of projects will be created, as well as, costs estimates,potential funding sources and responsible agencies wi11 be outlined. Strategies for devcloping, administering,and enforcin�design standards for site planning, architecttire, and historic preservation will be included. Chan�es to the zoning that may promote redevelopment may also be explored such as, a streamlined approval process,the use of overlay districts,more flexible standards, and special use districts, as well as design guidelines that are built into overlay districts. TASK 303: PROMOTIONAL ST'RATEGIES Recommendations for promoting the Downtown,businesses, special events and accomplishments to foster economic redevelopment and a sense of community�vill be formulated. The promotionai strategies should be integrated with the streetscape design so they may be mutually supportive. Dalr[g�en,Shardlow and Uban,L:c. Proposa/to Prepare the Rosemnunt Downtown Pla�: Page 9 11/12/99 16:08 FAT 612 337 5601 DSU, I\C. [�010 TASK 304:IMPLEMENTATION WORK.SHOP Alr'D REV�W The strategies will be presented at the project check point meeting for review and comment by the Task Force and City Staff. The intent uf this«orkshop is to collaborate with the various stakehc►lders to determine the appropriate agencies to assio responsibility for the various action steps to implement the strategies over the short,mid,and long term. END PRODUCT.• Agreement o�i the appropriate strategies, tirnelines, and assigned responsibilities. TASK 305: OPEN HOU5E--OPTIOIti'AL An ogen-liuuse or check point meeting�vil!be conducted for the community at large, and other interested stakeholders to present the findings to date,to create a common informational threshold, discuss alternative shategies for implementation and improvements. END PRODUCT.� An informed public regarding the redevelopment strategies, action steps, timelines and responsible agencies prior to ntovinK to tlle next phase of the process. PHASE N: PLAN PREPARATION This phase will focus on preparin�the final document that summarizes the Rosemount Do�vnto�vn Redevelopment Plan. We anticipate this document to act as a"tool kit"and framework to guide redevelopment of the Downtown over the next 15 to 20 years. TASK 401: PREPARE DRAFT DOCU:VIENT A draft document will be prepared for local review. The siudy�vill include: ♦ A su»vnary of the Analysis, sumniary of the Alarket Study, Design I Principles, Goals and Objectives, L'rban Design Plan, Design Guidelines and hnplementation Strategies complete with action steps, timelines, and assigrred responsibilities. TASK 4d2: WORKi�TG CONFEREI�'CE A�ti'D REVIEW The draft document will be p1'esented at the final project cl�eck point meeting for revic�v and comment by the Task Force and City Staff. TASK 403: PRESENTATION TO THE COMMiTNITY,RECRUITMENT AND CELEBRATION'. A summary presentation will be made of the final plan to the Community at large. This potential major public gathering tivill also provide and opportunity to enlist interested individuals to volunteer on iii�plementation committees of their choice and to celebrate the completion of the strategy and a new beginning for Rosemount. TASK 404: PREPARE FINA.L DOCUMENT_ Based on local review and comment,appropriate revisions and corrections to the drafr document and final copies will then be made. Dahlgren,Sliardlow and Uban,Inc. Praposal lo Prepure tiee Xosefnount Downtown Plan Pagr 10 il/12/s9 16:09 Fal 612 337 5601 Dsli, INC. �oll OPTIONAL PHASES The following phases are sho�vn as being"optional,"but could easily be included as action steps iii the implementation plan. OPTIONAL PHASE IV• STREETSCAPE DESIGN TASK SQO: DEFII\'E THE TYPE AND CHARACTER OF FUI3LIC Il�IPROVE?VIENTS AND STREETSCAPE ELEII�IE�ITS Alternatives will be created for the type and style of public streetscape improvements recommended to reinforce the theme and preferred character for pownto�vn Rosemount. These elements may include: a. Sidewalk paving treatments g. Transit plazas b. Use and type of signage h. Parki�:g lot edge treatments c. Tree rypes and species i. Bantters,plarzters, and kiosks d. Streer fur,:iture j. Gateway treatments, entry nzonztments e. "Theme Lighting" k. Public artwork f. Type of special paving and crosswulk materials END PRODUCT.� Recommendations, illa�strations, and supporting text of the schematic design for the proposed streetscape elements. CI7YASSISTA�VCE: Input on nraintenance practices and preferences for rypes, materials, and style of street furniture and other elements. TASK 501: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting will be held�vith the Design Review Committee and consultant to review and discuss the findings and recommendations and select prefened alternatives. TASK 502: COl�ivIUNITY OPEN HOUSE An open house�vill be hEld to provide an opportunity for property and business owners and interested citizens to review the plans and recommendations and to provide us with their insiahts as to how the project effects their property and meets their expectations. OPTION4L PHASF VI• iNIPLEMENTATXON AND MONITORING The best plans are of little value if they are not implemented. There has to be a strong commirinent to achieving results from the beginning of the process. Implementation of the opportunities that will be outlined in the final document is dependent on the leadership of the community. In order to be successful,the community must be unified in their efforts and embark on this revitalization strategy one step at a time. Outlined belo�v are tasks that are recommended during this phase. These are listed as optional because they are considered short term implementation steps and are not apart of#he actual redevelopment planning document. TASK 601: OPTIOl\'AL FOLLOW-UP MEETll\TGS It is important to act on the momentum established in the community design process within the first six months to a year while the interest is still flourishing. The city may wish to consider follow up meetings with representatives of the consulting team to review and monitor the progress achieved by the community. These progress meetings could be scheduled every 6 months for the first year. Dahlgten,Shardlow and Uban,hic. Proposal to Prepare tfie Rosemount Downtnwn Plate Page II 11/12/99 16:10 FA.I' 612 337 5601 DSU, INC. C�U12 TASK 602: OPTIONAL--SITE PLANNING AND FACADE DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural and Site Planning Guidelines will be established that foster development which reinforces the architectural character,the urban development pattern, and personality of Downtown Rosemount. END PRODUCT.• A series of drativings artd supportive text will be created that illustrate the interzt of the guidelines and that ctre also easily understood by potential develvpers crnd property otivners wishing to renovate their buildings and sites. Guidelines tivill be establishedfor buildingfenestration, materials, scale, setbacks, screening and landscaping. Strategies for administrating and enforcing design guidelines will also be included. TASK 603: OPTIONAL--PRODUCE SUMMARY POSTER Consideration should be given to creating a poster that summarizes the redevelopment plan, including the goals and objectives,proposed physical improvements, implementation strategy,participants and contact people. The poster could be placed in all the places of business, institutions, and public gathering areas to reach a broader constituency and celebrate the communities accomplishments. Daltlg�en,Shardlow and Ubatr,bic. Proposa!to Prepare Ifie Rosemount Downtown Plme Page l2 11/12/99 16:10 F�1 612 337 5601 DSU, INC. �013 COSTS As mentioned earlier this process is a more streamlined and less comprehensive approach than the previous approach. Costs may be reduced by scaling back ur eliminating some of the tasks or phases and by having the city staff or other parties perform some of the base mapping and inventory tasks as outlined in the basic work proa am. We estimate the costs for the basic work program to be $ 4ur intent is to tailor the process to meet your objectives and budget. Out-of-poCket expenses may . include, but are not limited to copying services, postage and delivery services, fax charges, graphic materials, and mileage and may range from $5,500.00 to $9,000.00. A preliminary estimate of the labor cost of each phase is presented below. The costs for optional services indicated in parenthesis are not included in the total cost. PHASE I (Three 1�Ionths) Task 100 Project Initiation Task 101 Base Mapping Task 102 Analysis Task 103 Market Overview Task 104 Issues Workshop Task 105 Working Conference TOT.9L ���'� PHASE II (Three vlonths) Task 200 Synthesis Task 201 Integrate Mazket Overview Task 202 Optional Charette (�2,500.00) Task 203 Redevolopmenc recommendations Task 204 Working Conference Task 205 Preliminary Master Plan and Visualization Task 206 Working Conference Task 207 City Council Meeting TOTAL $13,000.00 PHASE III (Three 11-Ionths) Task 300 Commuaity Organization Task 301 Economic Restructuring, Business Retention, Recruitment Task 302 Design and appearance Task 303 Promotional Strategies Task 304 lmplementacion Wo�kshop Task 305 Optional Open House ($I500.00) TOTAL ' $10,000.DO PHA.SE IV (Three 1�Ionths) Task 401 Prepare Drafr Document Task 402 Working Conference and Review Task 403 Community Presentation Task 404 Prepaze Final Document ror,4l, $9,D00.o0 TOTAL PHASES 1 TO IV $72,000.00 DSU Optional Services Phase V: Define Stteeucape Elements To be dete»nined Phase VI: Implementation and Monitoring To be determrned Dahlgren,Sleardlow and Uban,Lic. Proposal to Prepare the Rosemount Dow�:rown Plan Page 13 12/08/99 13:03 F.�l 612 33 i 5601 DSt�, I\C. l�001 , � � � � � � � , � " � � S�CORPOR�ITED COVSliLTING PLAAINERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 300 F1RST AVEVUE NORTH SUITE 210 h41NNEAPOLIS, 1�1�1 �5401 612•339•3300 PHONE 612-337 5601 FAX FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: December 8, 1999 DSU PROJECT: 4204 TO: Richard Pearson, City Planner FAX NO.: (651) 423-5203 City of Rosemount FR01�T: Jerry D. Starkey RE; Draft Letter of Agreement for Professional Planning Services Related to the Study of Potential Large-Scale Minin� Operations in the City of Rosemount P�GES: Five pages total attached to this transmittal is a copy of the above per your request. Rick. I will not be available to begin work on this project until after January 3, 2000. I always take part of my vacation the last half of December. �Iy last day of work this year will be Thursday, December 16. If you have any questions, please call me before then. In case�ve don't talk before I leave, have a Happy Holiday Season! O:UOB S\4 223�RP 120799.FAX 1�/08/99 13:03 F�l 612 337 �601 DSt�, INC. �002 , � ` � � � � , • 1 , � � � INCORFORaTED CONSULTING PLANI�'ERS L.4NDSCAPE ARCHITECTS �� 300 FIRST AVENUE NORTH SUITE 210 x _ ?v13NNEAPOLIS, hIN 55401 �;� �,.�� � b 12�339 3300 PHO\E <�-'��` ��r 612•337�5601 FAX ��y��� t z�"�'� �s x ��� �t~ `�;.� ,..�t �; ��'�' �`�`:, r�'�y �s November 12, 1999 '� �`�' "'" a+�"�� s�-�-$'� ��4•� T'[l �.�w'�'y.. �i�Y' 7�.-. ��`�' � �=`� .rv' � �,�� NIr.Thomas Burt, Ciry Administrator �'�%j ==`��`p:�� °'�� r.�---' ,r''' �r.��'..�;.�'-�• City of Rosemount � Xl.. ``^�p` '�"`#�`�='� �r�.--�"���,7 .,��� 2875 1d5th Street`Vest � � ��� � �a_ Rosemount,I�4�i �5068-4997 � �'��:� �y �.� �:�r<. ��: �,�r � RE: Letter of��reement for Professiona]Planning Services Relate�l io the�tudy of P�tential Lar'e- G 4 � �� ., Scale I�lining Operations in the City of Rosemoun��� �- � -�,.-_. ��� .�-�. �:;��';�„ ' '`�``- � `"--� �-�-� .�-��` � � �� � s� Dear VIr.Burt: ;�-�"��FF� ��>� s�uw �':�� ��y^�:: We are pleased to offer our professional ass�ance to t��i�} a�I��sEt�vunt regardino the above matter. This letter will sen•e as the Letter of Agr�: ent betw :-n Dahlar��5'�iatdlow, and Uban,Inc. (hereafter c�lled DSU), and che City of Rosemou�3 ���reafter - i ed the��), related to the employment of DSU as described below. ��� ��r ,� .^_ i �' � �. � '�'`'r� � ��� s�.`� �?� OBJECTIVES OF SER�'ICES �` �` Y ' .�..�� �= ,�; �,� �: f,.,: , ��,�:, '" -v` �,, ` �. '� s � �� M��. �r. ` The obje�trre ofyovr servi��s��lfi��t��ssist the Ciry . . manage land use development for Rosemount with aa�reQa�.�n��as a oten� ee��; . 'c use of certain land areas" (Memo: lvlineral Extraction in P �- .x Rosemount Ro�es�a���earson,;��hy� �.999). The Study Area is located east of Hi�hway 52/��, sou[h of Countv l�i�ad,�...,.�.abuts t��i`��s�it��"� erly and easterly boundary of tf�e City. DSU will work with .f'"`��c�.�", ��, �c., the City Staf�:#�c�tes�aEeh.�e�,�otentia] a�2��ability of sand and graveI deposits in this area and to deve op a '� � �`�`-`i"'�"�a o p hasin lan and land use lan. conceptu��peration plar���tr€�z�s��adin Ian, p g p P `z" s����..::£I Q 3��� DSi�ll estimate the pot�ni�a��tfllume of available material and time needed to complete mining and pr.o.�eessing operations bas.�on several extraction rates. DSU together with the City Staff, will present che re�s�'�,h and plans to th�-�anning Commission and City Council in a continuing series of joint workshops ������uss the feasibilit'�'f expanding mining and processing operations beyond current regulatory ��"n��a2� Should ty decide in favor of expanding mining and processing operations,DSU will work �-- .�.a� ,�� ��fi���i� #�..�o draft comprehensive language, includin�, but not linuted to, use, performance,and e�_.��w,,,,.-�_, �;,�-xy- d�s�a��.s�dai�co regulate these operations. h.�:;,<�..�=- SCOPE OF SERZ'ICES To date, DSU has worked with the City Staff to research certain matters relaUng to the future of aogrepate mining in the Ciry of Rosemount. This work has included the review of the City's Comprehensive Plans, Mining Ordinance and examples of existing mining permits. DSU has prepared base rnaQs from Dakota County GIS data for discussions with City Staff and provided additional background inforn�ation at two joint�vorkshops w�ith the City Council and Planning Commission. Finally, DSU has prepared exhibits that 12/08/99 13:05 FaT 612 337 �601 DSli, INC. �J��� Mr. Thomas Burt Ivuvember 12, 1999 Pa�e 2 were presented alon�with testimony to the Aggregate Resources Task Force regarding the City's concern that host communi�ie.c dzrive little benefit from mining operations. DSU will continue to provide professional planning services to the City in pursuit of the abave objectives in[hree phases: ���,r, ��� Phase 1: Generul Researclz y �".� �� ��,r--���`�. ,� l� �7„�;� �;.�x � h�� DSU will continue to research available sources related to the ,,,,,,�»��ial availat����a€i�n�-and orave] �� deposits in the Study�rea. DSU will assemble additional ba�farmatior���`-43'm th�A�g��ate Reso ,�s t of Natural Resources,Minnesota G��gical S�Metrop�I��a�€.��t�� ,� Task Fnrce, Depanmen � Dakota County,Lniversiry of Minnesota and the City of Ros�a��S t�``;nclude existinj anc�ro��.�,�-�d land ,-�- -F::.-� r uses, orthophotograph��, topo�raphical mapping,parce] mapp����s�nappin� and utiljties"`;'�71 �-�,,��-�,. .. information will be digital format. f .�,� � � �''' �,��.�,� �j � � Assuming that the Smdy.4rea proves to contain potentially �anificant�������resources, DSU wiil work �.�. closeiy with City Staff to examine alternative conceptual�o��ra��on plan�;xx�����adina plans, phasinQ plans and land use plans reflective of lar e-scale m���fc��rc�ssin�T op��t,�sn�. To�ether, we will S ��- �.�;: � � �;� idendfy potential en�•ironmental and cultural co t�aii�ts-rt��r�er,3.�de��elop f��`�'most appropriate plans for � the Study Area. DSti «�ill estimate the exten� zT1�17Tllilo ����� �1������1 volume of available material and the time needed to complete mining an ; ocessino�perauon�=�,�as�;€�on several extraction rates. � • �..�� � F Phase 2: E.�hibit PreJ�arc�tiort -�"�` ,��,. � ��" �� DSU will work ���ith the City Staff G��semble ����,searcha»d prepare exhibits for presentation at the loint Plann�ngCommission an�'Ct�Council x�.��iE��fs�.:Possible e�chibits may inclade: existing zoning and land use-���r�posed zonit���d�and use, ae`r��a`� '�o�agraphy, topographic mapping,conceptual plans t�� de�elop��nn��h�pre��ous�i�as��d,potent�al �olumes of available aggregate reso��rces. 'YF� y r �+ �'li- S r . - r - �s�s�se. Phnse .3 �.fr�r��Y�,�rkshop� �����"`�'3. .; „�- =�,. ��-t�'.� :�3 � � �.��,.���.. DSU and the.�'z�r Staf�"��l��r�en� th f�search and plans to the Planning Commission and City Council in a cont' .urnx�series of"w��sr�s��iap�om �vhich we will recei�•e input and direction for expanding or reduci���onin�distncts fi��-��ic�uT�ent regulatory controls to accommodate large-scale mining and � _ � ' proc�sing operacions: ;-� A��� ,.�„�' .� T��� :t�� WORKSHOP#1;.�� SEARCH A?�TD PLAN�tING � ��='�� �=��-�SU will fa���itate a Research and Planning Workshop to be held joindy between the Planning � �`����� -��n and City Council to introduce the relevant research and conceptual plans prepared by �������`d the City Staff. Zoning concepts and process involved in developina comprehensive `���.:.;�- ��inin�District language will alsu be discussed. Partieipants at this meeting�vill be asked to identify the issues they believe are of importance to the project, and to discuss the opportunities pf and constraints to development in areas zoned as�2ining Districts. Assuming the City decides in favor of expanding opportunities for lar�e-scale mining and processing operation�,DSU will work with the City Staff to draft comprehensive language, including,but not limited to, use, performance, and design standards to re�ulate these operations. 12/08/99 13:07 F�1 61� 337 5601 DSU, I\C. C�00� ----F--- - ---- Ivlr.Thomas Rurt November 12, 1999 Pa�e 3 V��ORKSHOP#2:L'sE.PEttFORt�f a�vCE aND�ESIGN STavDARDS�VORKSHOP DSU wili facilitate a joint workshop between the Planning Commission and City Council to present and discuss alternative methods for re�ulatin�for per�nitted, conditional and accessory uses;height,width and bulk standards;performance standards; and design stand �DSU will � ' Q aT�d conclusions from the first workshop and subsequea���'ork�����he City Staff use the find�n�s ���; �..� to prepare the alterative re�ulation scenarios. The�oal of t}has workstrt�p`��l�e to reach consensus among the participants as to the appropriate le���nd lan-�fi������l�lations to be incJuded in the Minina District. DSU will���ork�vith C.�' taff to pre���-�3�ft Qrovisions �� which will set forth use,perfoiznance and c3esign stan�i'�rds for the IV,.�I��, 7n�`D�`�.����ludin�,ti�}St �, ��E A*ys���iF'�J not limited to (a) the purpose and intent of the distrie��i)a defi,� fin of term���� t�� �'of permitted,accessory; conditional and other uses as a�p��z�at��;� d)hei��t, �vidt��,�c��i���' standards; (e)performance standards;and(�desi�n s ndar��as applicable. �--�'" �`�-'--�= f ���� �� `VORKSHOP#3: DR.�Fr 1v1II�TL�IG DisTRlcs fa,�` �::r-�r��' � � �,�������. DSU will facilitate a joint workshop with the P1a��z��,Commiss��s�z�.an�ix,,���3'Council to present the draft Iviining District language for their re�-���aiie�^�-emment. T����up will be asked to ��. �,F. �.����. .�'��. comment on the overall structure, organi�a�n�nd>�?���e prop ed language. Changes, additions and comments received at thz�orksho,�,�:il���:�co� , ed. Based npon the outcome of this workshop, a public hearing d��of the�fmin��3t7���� be prepared by DSU and City Staff. This draft will be reviewe�. ` the Ci�=.rttomey t;�,�Ci�z-�eina presented to the public and any final changes or additions. -� e incor�ated. ;a�-� �' � � ,=�'� � , �� E� �VORKSHOP#4: PUBLIC�-�``RL1�G ��-�� ��� ? +���� �', ��.� �y��' DS��,artend a���c�he�ring session.�c��sent the proposed Mining District, and respond to �`w � ' �t, °a�s � .` � c�ite�tio��`"a�d comm�i�� €�x�e in attendance. At the request of the City Council,DSU wiU ���r��,���.,����Cy QtiorAe����"r��k�minor modifications to thz Mining District language prior to its adop�����%"# , 4 ��,`'x�. � a��-F'�,��.r�,, �� .-r a� .�a. �-l�`'�'�yr '9��;.z.+''�, ,�'�f,.,'v�9"'v> y.� .�+r COST OF SE �` � ��'""'��� `�`'� , '` `��' ..�;�'�.,t-•�� d' ,.��-��r F � �„.���� The c �of DSU's service���,��illled to the City monthly for the work completed durino die previous mon Y n a Time Plus Nlat�k�a��$asis. We estimate the cost of our services to be as follows: ' Phase 1: ��eral Researc{: .� 1,000 � �'`�_, Phase 2: � xhibif.f'repar�ltio�l ,� 4,000 -�:� --� .�10,000 �..����Iiase 3: � Joint 6Vorksliops `'����� �..4 b es: �S 1.500 ,�,r-,� �t3 It� <.••r '.,'.>�v�';;'+'s�.,��� r,�t,c--a<. e.�"x- �.*=��'��� R�I1�iBURS�13LE EXPENSES The City wil] reimburse DSU for all direct expenses relating to the professional services described above according to the attached Standard Rate Schedule. These expenses may include postage,mileage,lodging, delivery charges,reproduction char�es,fax,loitig distance phone, and other typical and normal expenses associated with this type of planning work. Any unusual or larae expenses will be approved in advance by d�e City. 12/O8/99 13:08 F�1 612 33� �601 DSti, I\C. C�005 Mr. Thamas Burt November 12, 1999 Page 4 ADDITIOVAL SERVICES We will endeavor to�vork efticiently and in close contact with City staff and will not perform work beyond the scope of this contract unless specifically requested to do so by the City. Additional mee�gs or other work specifically requested and authorized by the City will be charged extra, according tat�attached Standard Rate Schedule. � Y'� �� 4F.; ��:X�,at�...-""�'�! �s'""--��"`�-� . BILLING � '`�.� �'`" `. `s% '�,`, "'�.��� �� .�.�-,T�,.��:µ� ,�,W� �- � ,�,.� All costs incurred under ai�y of the items covered by this lette 'a�reemen�ril bF��ai�`le��ta„�DSU u� n rece.ipt of a monthly invoice showing the work completed du � the pre���s month an����o��� work,inchidin an ex znses. A service char e of one and on���.lf p�rcent(1.��7�) «ili`�.dd����:€ach ° Y P D � �:�-�, �,�,j a invoice not pr�id�vithin thirty (30)days. .�' , � � �� �� � '�.�r„ >,��:�f=, � r �z� � �' <��..rr�. - TERMINATION .� '��_,,..,�_��,� �� � �_h ��. This a�reement may be terminated with thirty(30)days�Y��n notice b}�`�z���'�%�.Ciry or DSU. In tl�e event of termination, the City aorees to pay DSU foc�;}�v.�-��z�.r��r�?pleted air���enses incurred up to that �� �����,� �a� point. ��k ,� . � �,.� � � �� � � ���,�,�„�,.�,.���� �,�" We ask that you please review tl�e proposed, _ ope of se rices arid�I��iiow of any modifications which �� would better meeting your needs. If the : ,posed sc� e of servi�¢�ts�ets with your approval, �ve ask that you please return one signed copy of '< �, er of� ernent to c��r office. We look forward to our continued work with you. �;��.��� ..� i-� z�;� �,?'�.} '£� e` `' ::`�';�^''4".r=":. � Sincerely, f���.� � S x s.,,, ,y �, .*> �i���A'., �X�, �,-^M- .����_,�. DAHLG ����.���DLO�� 1��i3�'�7&,� '�` "�I'�-,,�,�' � } � N, I1�TC.� � �,c.�� .�Z�-„� <��'��x=� E'�,���%``,Y �r -,-`z"''�£�,.;:� '=s u,;:.� fi'" ' �4�''w�'�,.�' a ''��?a.. �"��...., ���- . . 3ohn W. Shardlo��,<���Pr.e,�id�.nt �"���� Date r���� ���,_.:� ��.- ,�=�a '�'�. <'� �47���.� �cw.�,� .&w'�".."'a�;�i-�=�'. '� ,,����'"'�'` Date C.Jo �� an,ASLA, CE���� � r� G��'DTTIONS AGREE � O: � �� ���� � �``_��.�>. -�. � ���' � a*.,�.�' • ��}�'i��h���;dministrator Date Cit�o�Q�e���int