HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.f. Police Work Plan Update CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: OCTOBER 13, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: POLICE WORK PLAN UPDATE AGENDA NO. 2. F. PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGE D NO. ATTACHMENTS: COMMUNITY POLICING, COMPLAINT APPROVED BY: FORM, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WORK PLANS Police Chief Kalstabakken will update Council on the benchmarks obtained and any changes to the work plans. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: WORK PLAN -- Police Department ISSUE: Community Policing GOAL: Police Department utilizes community oriented policing philosophy to address community problems and enhance the feeling of safety in the community. RESULTS: POLICY: BENCHIYIARKS Neighborhood Watch participation increases by at least five (5) new areas annually. 3 Meetings held through September 1999. Three other blocks that participated in National Night Out may hold meetings before year end. National Night Out participation in the community increases each year. 1999 participants - 11 areas including Rosemount Plaza, condominium building and Limerick Way Townhomes.. 1998 participants - S areas, all single family neighborhoods Increase volunteer opportunities within the department for residents. Reserve officer program set to expand in 2000. Contact all faith, civic and other community groups to offer to make presentations concerning crime, la�v enforcement and prevention topics. Presentations made to Seniors Group, .Iaycees, Post Office, numerous presentations at schools, including Mock Crash at RHS, Bike Safety at Rosemount Woods, Home Alone presentation for after school program. Contacted faith community and Cameo Place to offer presentation, but to date there has not been a request from either group. Develop community oriented policing programs that are applicable to Rosemount. Safety Camp, D.A.R.E., School Breakfast Program, Neighborhood Offices at Rosemount YYoods and Family Resource Center, Public Safety in the Parks (6), Comfort Pals, Bt�siness Surveys, Crime Forum Meeting, Speed Trailer and Radar Gun.. Ftrtz�re Plans: Citizen Academy, Formalize Crime Free Multi-Housing, Expand Chaplain Program, Business Phone Tree and E-Mail Alert System City survey includes questions concerning awareness of community oriented policing and residents perception of crime in the community. Survey results show increase in awareness of C.O.P. and decreased level of fear of crime or rating of crime as an issue in the community. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT COMPLAINT FORM � COMPLAINANT: DATE: DEPARTMENT: PHONE #: ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: NATURE OF VIOLATION: PLEASE FORWARD TO THE COMMUiYITY SERVICE OFFICERS AT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. WORK PLAN -- Police Department ISSUES: Property maintenance GOALS: Properties are well maintained and in compliance with property maintenance ordinances. RESIJLTS: 1) Active enforcement of applicable property maintenance codes. 2)No negative visual impact of non-conformance to codes. 3) Citizens do not complain about blighted properties. POLICY: 1) Consistent enforcement of codes, everyone treated the same. 2) Timely response to all complaints-- follow-up within two business days of receipt of complaint. Action taken in accordance with time-lines in code. 3)An internal reporting system developed to involve all city employees in the reporting of code violations. 4) Code enforcement is made a high priority using existing funds. BENCHMARKS • Reduced negative visual impact observed in the community by November 1, 1999. Fewer violations remaining or reoccurring in the area that previously had the most violations. Roughly, 145`h to County 42 and Chippendale to Diamond Path. • Internal reporting system is explained to the Council by November 1, 1999. Reporting form attached Explained to city employees at August '99 City Wide Meeting Explained and given to Post O�ce employees on October 1, 1999 • Complaints are handled within established time-lines in ninety percent of cases. Initial response handled same day received in almost all cases Of 86 cases initiated through August, 76 corrected- 10 pending • There is a reduction in the number of citizen generated complaints. Reduction will be measured from April l, 1999 to October 1, 1999. Citizens generated S of 86 complaints from.Ianuary 1 -August 31. No citizen complaints have been received since July 1 -- but please note that some complaints may have been received that involved cases already started by CSOs or officers. • Property maintenance questions will be included in the city wide survey conducted every 3-5 years. An increase in resident satisfaction with code enforcement will be expected. Some complaints are received concerning issues that are not currently violations of any ordinance. Revisions or amendments to the ordinances may be desired to address the following: ❖ Parking on unimproved areas, i.e.yard or boulevard ❖ Parking of RYs on the street side or corner lots and on unimproved parking areas ❖ Parking of buses, RYs, trailers, etc. on residential streets