HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Records Management & Mobile Data Systems Purchase City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: April 14,1999 Agenda Item: Record Management and Agenda Section: Mobile Data Systems Purchase Prepared By: Gary Kalstabakken Agenda No: ���� �� � � Chief of Police Attachments: Memorandum and Spreadsheet Approved By: / This item is on the agenda to provide the Council with the staff recommendation for the purchase of a record management system and mobile data computer system The Capitol Improvements Budget for 1999 includes funds to purchase both systems. Police staff have researched numerous systems during the past several months. The recommendation is to purchase the RMS and mobile system from the LOGIS consortium. The basis for the recommendation is outlined in the attached memorandum and will be further discussed with Council at the Committee of the Whole. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: Discussion only, with the intention to bring to Council for action at the April 20, 1999 Council Meeting. - MEMORANDUM DATE: Apri18, 1999 TO: Tom Burt, City Administrator FROM: Gary Kalstabakken, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Purchase Recommendations: Record Management and Mobile Data Systems In a previous memorandum dated February 18, 1999, I had made a recommendation on the purchase of a record management system (RMS). The basis of the recommendation assumed that a collaborative effort between several Dakota County cities was going to happen. Since the date of that memorandum, there have been changes in the collaborative effort which has lead me to change my recommendation. It is now my recommendation that the RMS and mobile system be purchased from LOGIS. The most significant change in the collaborative effort involved the Eagan Police Department's decision to use LOGIS as the provider for their mobile data system. Because we are dispatched by Eagan, their decision does influence our decision making. One of the most important communication pieces of the mobile data system is the link it provides between o�cers in the field and dispatchers. A significant amount of information is exchanged between officers and dispatchers via the mobile computing devices (MCD). If Rosemount selects a different vendor than Eagan, there would be two methods to consider maintaining MCD communication. One solution would be to install separate workstations in dispatch that are connected to our MCD. This is an inefficient solution because it would require the dispatchers to work off two terminals --their main Computer Aided Dispatch terminal and our MCD terminal. Expecting a dispatcher to move between terminals is possible but will undoubtedly result in less use of the MCD for communication and be frustrating for the officers and dispatchers. The second solution is to change dispatch providers to a dispatch center that has the same MCD as Rosemount. Because of the quality of service provided by Eagan at a very reasonable cost, I do not recommend this option. If we change dispatch providers, it is anticipated that there would be a significant price increase. Farmington and Mendota Heights each pay approximately $67,000 annually to contract for dispatch services from Lakeville and West St. Paul respectively. That is $21,000 more than the $46,000 we pay for Eagan's services. In addition,the Eagan staff continues to be very responsive to our needs and includes us in decisions that will impact dispatch operations. BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION As stated in the earlier memorandum,two vendors provided quotes for the systems. Those vendors are LOGIS and Vision Software. The two systems are compared on the accompanying chart. VISION SOFTWARE LOGIS General General ► Y2K Compliant ► Y2K fix installed January 1999 ► Founded in 1989, offers an integrated ' Consortium of local government Public Safety Suite of products, i.e., agencies, stable, with 26 year history. RMS, Computer Aided Dispatch, and ' Purchase systems from various vendors Mobile Data. for police systems, create interfaces to ► Private company. make compatible. ► Installed in Minnesota sites. ' Operating in several Minnesota sites. ► Modern, industry-leading technology. ' Technology is dated but is scheduled for ► Initial training provided for additional replacement of RMS in 2001. cost, new employees trained by Dept. ' Training included in cost and is ongoing staff. as needed. Train new hires if requested. ► Module concept of additional products that may be added for low cost. Includes personnel administration, fire applications, and others. Data Sharing ► Open system is designed for multi- Data Sharing agency use. (Windows-based ' Data shared amongst all member application on N.T. platform). Ease to agencies, includes Eagan,Lakeville, communicate with other systems. Farmington and several Hennepin ► Four Dakota County cities use Vision County suburbs. RMS;Apple Valley(currently); ' Access to Minneapolis, and St. Paul Burnsville,West St.Paul and Mendota through Multi-Jurisdictional Heights in 1999. A network is being Organization system. developed to share information through a ' Access to other systems as they become master server. Costs of the network are needed for additional cost(Automated uncertain because it is not operational. Pawn System and Hennepin Jail). ► Integration with mobile system allows ' Cellular mobile system not currently in data sharing through mobile data use by any members. RF system is computers. operational in several communities. System Support System Support ► 8x5 or 24/7 phone support offered ' Included in annual support fees for 24/7 through maintenance agreement for coverage. software. Major problems will require ' Annual costs include a portion for Vision rep. being sent to site. system development for future ► Network and hardware support through purchases. current city provider. ' Provide research and project ► Maintenance cost includes upgrades. management of future system purchases. ► No funds set aside for future system purchase. Vendor Re[iability and Stability LOGIS has been in existence for twenty-six years and the consortium of local governments is proven. The number of users of the police record management and mobile data applications have grown during the last few years. The cost estimates provided by LOGIS should be accurate because they are based on the history of services provided to member agencies. Services Provided The cost of system support to LOGIS brings with it several services. Training is provided not only at the implementation of the LOGIS system,but available as needed. Trainers are also available to assist and advise on a day-to-day basis. Support of the network and software is provided twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. LOGIS staff administers and supports the systems; including the research of new systems, meeting and negotiating with vendors and handling any RFPs that are needed when new software or hardware is purchased. Based on the amount of time and energy that our staff has put into the review of systems in the past year,this would be a very valuable service for us to have included. The LOGIS staff has the experience and knowledge to deal with the acquisition of new systems. Data Sharing and Systems Compatibility An important consideration of the purchase decision is the compatibility of the systems. Technology has developed to allow the three main data systems to be integrated. Those systems are computer aided dispatch(CAD), records management system and mobile computer data. LOGIS's systems are all integrated. CAD incident data can be transferred to the RMS, eliminating the double entry of some data by our support staff. Access to records and CAD data from the MCD provides officers information in the field. They are able to remain on patrol instead of returning to the station to query records. LOGIS cities are able to share data amongst the member cities. This capability will allow officers to search other cities' RMS for information on persons instead of having to telephone each individual department. LOGIS will provide us access to the records data of three of our neighboring communities --Eagan, Farmington and Lakeville. These connections will be very useful because of the transient nature of many criminals and the fact that the school district's boundaries overlap the city boundaries. Financial Considerations The costs for the initial purchase and installation of the systems and the five-year operating costs of the two vendors reviewed are listed below. A detailed spreadsheet of associated costs is also attached. Initial and Five Year O eratin Costs LOGIS Vision Record Management $196,246 $163,100 Mobile Computing Devices 116 295 95 831 Combined Costs $312,541 $258,931 The $53,610 additional cost of LOGIS is the result of several factors. The LOGIS costs include not only the RMS and MCD systems, but access to the CAD data that is gathered by Eagan dispatch. This cost is not included in the Vision quote. Access to CAD data will result in several benefits to the department. CAD data includes information entered by the dispatcher at the time a call for service is received. This data can be transferred to the RMS application when an incident report is generated. Information such as address, time, and type of incident will not have to be entered by our record support staff-- saving staff time that can be redirected to other duties. CAD data is also useful to generate a variety of reports that are not available in the RMS. The most significant are officer activity logs and address histories for all calls for service. Cost for access to CAD data is $4700 annually or$23,500. A major cost included in the LOGIS quote is the T1 phone line required to connect with the LOGIS network. The cost is $868 a month/$10,416 annually. This cost is high because it involves two phone companies --Frontier and US West-- and because no other city department utilizes LOGIS so the expense is not shared. If Rosemount switches to LOGIS for Internet services or other applications in the future,the line costs would be shared by the other users within the city. LOGIS's cost estimates are conservative estimates based on historical data. The system development estimate of$8000 is higher than the recent historical costs and could reasonably be expected to be lower. The support costs also included an inflationary factor of 5% which is higher than recent years. There is at least one area in which underlying cost savings that will occur if LOGIS is chosen instead of Vision. Because Eagan dispatches for us using LOGIS's CAD system,the Rosemount geo base is already complete. If Vision is selected, several days of staff time will be committed to entering the geo base file into the Vision software. Other Considerations Selecting LOGIS would most likely result in two conversions in a three year period. The first conversion is obviously the switch over in 1999. LOGIS is planning to research record management systems in 2000 with purchase and implementation in 2001. This would require Rosemount to go through a second conversion in 2001. Although staff time would be spent in training to learn the new system, the administrative and management duties involved in the vendor selection would be performed by LOGIS staff. I discussed earlier that our contracting with Eagan for dispatch services impacts our decision making. Although selecting Vision RMS and MCD would result in savings of approximately $54,000 over five years, I also believe selecting Vision would require us to change dispatch providers. It is expected our dispatch costs would then increase up to $20,000 annually -- which eliminates any cost savings in two and one-half years. The MCD decision essentially follows the RMS decision. The vendor should be the same for both systems. There is not much difference in the performance between the two vendors' MCD systems. The proposal does recommend going to a cellular system from the current radio frequency (RF) system. This recommendation is based on current problems with the RF system. There are several dead spots/areas in the city which renders the system useless. Cellular would provide much better coverage. In order to remedy the RF problems,the existing tower should be relocated and another tower added. This would cost approximately $50,000. Cellular does not require any capital investment in the infrastructure, however,there aze the recurring monthly charges of$49 per MCD. The LOGIS MCD system has only been in service about one year. Support costs should be reduced after a history of costs is developed and as more cities begin using the MCD application. Summation Although LOGIS appears to be a more costly purchase option, it is recommended as the best option. LOGIS is a very stable organization and provides quality service. There should be no surprises if LOGIS is selected to provide RMS and MCD systems. � Vision Software Vision Totals LOGIS LOGIS Total RMS Sofrivare 12,090 1776 Network Configuration 875 Included Project Management 1500 Included Consultant Fees 2000 Training 5560 Included Data Conversion 5000 10,000 Sub-Total E27,025 $11,776 RMS Hardware&Other Server 14,800 PCs and Software (8) 20,000 12,800 DSU/CSU N/A 950 Digital Tapes 400 Sub-Totai 535,200 $13,750 Initial Cost $62,225 $25,526 Annual Operating Expense RMS Support—First Year Discount(LOGI 1125 8500 CAD Support—First Year Discount(LOGI N/A 2900 Records Support—Year2+ 1125 14125 CAD Support—Year 2+ N/A 4700 Maintenance of Seroer,PC software 3000 Included T1 Phone Line N/A 10,404 System Development Not Included 8000 • One Year Operating Costs 4125 37,229 Ope�ating Five Year Totai 20,625 170,720 Initial+5 Yr.Annual Operating Ss2,e5o $196,246 Message Switch-Required if not Network 27,000 TOTAL--No Network/No Data Sharing $109,850 NOT APPLICABLE TO LOGIS Participation in Apple Valley Network(yisionl Server,Domain Controller, Router 14,150 Phone Circuit Installation 244 Network Initial Cost Sub-total 14350 Annuai Operating Expense Phone Line 1100 Network Maintenance/Service 400 Nefinrork Administration S.QQQ Sub-total 6500 5 Year Total of AV Network(5 x Annual+Initial) $46,850 Five Year Cost with AV Network $129,700 NOT APPLICABLE Probable Additional Costs(Visionl TO LOGIS Server Replacement(1 in 5 Years) 12,000 Replace Digital Tapes 400 Upgrades to OS and Database 1000 Prorated CIP Costs(40,000 over 10 years) 20,000 Sub-Total 533,400 Total 5 Year--All Costs $163,100 $196,246 Mobile Data System VISION LOGIS Software 14,586 23,000 Project Maintenance 1500 Inciuded Network Configuration 900 Included Training 200 Included $17,186 $23,000 Hardware Laptop 5@ $3890 ea. 19450 19450 Docking Station 5@ $749 ea. 3745 3745 Modem 5@ $1000 ea. 5000 5000 Dispatch Workstations 5000 N/A $33,195 $28,195 Initial Purchase $50,381 $51,195 Operating Costs Annual Software Maintenance/Support 1750 9000 Monthly Cell Charge 5@$49 x 12 2940 2940 Phone Line to Dispatch 2@$100 ea. 2400 N/A Phone Line at LOGIS$90 mo. N/A 1080 One Year Operating Cost $7,090 $13,020 Five Year Operating Cost $35,450 $65,100 CIP Costs (Vision) $10,000 *Prorated $20,000 over 10 years 5 Year Operating and Initial Costs $95,831 $116,295 Current Annual Costs of MDT $4,000 "Based on 1997 and 1998