HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Tattoo Ordinance City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: April 14, 1999 Agenda Item: Tattoo Ordinance Agenda Section: Prepared By: Gary Kalstabakken, Chi f o Agenda No: �_, � -, Police (�� � -� Attachments: Draft Ordinance Approved By: The Council has requested that an ordinance regulating tattoo establishments be drafted and presented to Council for discussion. An ordinance drafted a couple of years ago by an intern in the Community Development Department has been attached as an example of possible regulatory controls. Tattoo and body piercing are discussed as health concerns in the draft ordinance. State statutes and licensing boards regulate most other occupations which are health related, including medical professionals and cosmetologists. Currently, there are no state regulations specific to tattoo and body piercing. It is staff's recommendation that state elected officials be contacted to discuss the possibility of initiating legislation to address tattoo and body piercing. If a city ordinance is adopted, it is recommended that it be much narrower than the draft ordinance, more focused on issues of concern to council members and limited to regulations that can realistically be enforced by existing city personnel. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: Discussion only. +I . ° CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINI�ESOTA ORDINANCE NO XVI. 39 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3,THE BUSINESS REGULATTONS OF THE .�::. ROSEMOUNT CITY CODE BY ESTABLISHING LICENSE REGULA'�#��TS FOR � TATTOO AND BODY PIERCING ESTABLISHN��NTS.�`�r``�' .�'<v::<:�::::., .�:,:. ;>ry�..:w- .�<::: �;:�;<;:;;;;�:��{:.�'�". TF� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMQ...�;;�ORD"i��;:;i�::.�'OLLOWS: ,,..: Ai.vJ.x K......:::• �:::::�'" �`ti �.. .�:<.:;>.```' ,..;. nded�V��'`�'addin n'�`�Cha`��:�;;��:;;�tions:;�:»�-1 Section I. Rosemount City Code, Title 3, is ame �� gr::.:;::, p .:.,:.,:.,:.,,.,,,.:.,::::::::...,.::,.::::::.: - ws: �;:;:::<<.. hrou 3-9 1 0 as fo llo t � �::> �:::: {�:::���:::::::<:: :�::: :<::>:. .... 3-9-1 Findings and Purpose �C•Y>'�'��� - The purpose of this section is to regulate the biisiness.�o�v:����:and/or body piercing in order to protect the general health, safety,.and.>�:u�lfare of tl�:;�ii::�#�ity. :t:�::::«:::;<<<:<:->::::�:«::;::.. :`��::'<>��` . . ' nds that t�:���x����e�e��;::;�i�;;flther c�es mdicates that there is a A. The City Council fi .. .::: P .::..::::::..::..::.:.., ...:.: connection between tattooirt�i�ody pie�'eirt�::�::���:fi�is and other health problems. .�``�=�� f::>�> �;:` `y:'Y :�%•<�' :;�>;�'.. .�":::::`:z;;:' �v<.;v" :?:z:s� �..,::. B. The City CouncilY�s`'that sti€'�ngent reg�tations governing tattooing and body .<:.;::. piercinJ can minirr����the hep�and di�se risk, and therefore protect the general ;<. health, safet�;::an�;:yvelfare a�;�i:�;;���nity. vin n fro m ha li hm e ts e ab s r od ierc in st nd/o b �' a g ' i attoo >�` tub t t the�ri€'�€�. ro 8 �><::>:<;<'�L�>;::<:�t::��::not >::.� . Y P �.. ..,:;:,.;�;��a€�nable op�����,to locate in the city. 3-9-2 ..>::��'���a�:>:::::.: ,,�;>s::;»::<::>:<.;::;;::>:::><:>:::<:>?;::::>::>::::::<:>:.. . .c�;�;;<�<" :�#ie�following wa�`�;�;��rms when used in this Chapter, shall have the following meanings �unless the contex�;ef��y indicates otherwise. �.>: «:: .. �'>r::� Xµ>;�:�� <> A. Body Pierci�: Penetrating or making a hole in or through the human body to place N`���' jewelry or objects of inetal, plastic, wood, bone, or other foreign �;�=v��� material on any area for cosmetic purposes. :.r� .i Ay . 4 f heat cold or an chemical co m ound to im nn� :<;�::;�;;�randing: The use o , , Y P P permanent markings on human skin by any means other than tattooing. G Clean: The absence of dirt, grease, rubbish, garbage, and other offensive, unsightly or extraneous matter. D. Employee: Any person over twenty-one (21)years of age other than an operator who renders any service in connection with the operation of a tattoo � and/or body piercing establishment and receives compensation from the operator of the business or its patrons. E. Good Repair: Free of conosion, breaks, cracks, chips, pitting, excessive wear and tear, leaks, obstructions, and similar defects so asf;.#€���constitute a . ;:.. �:..::. sanitary, workable and sound condition. t�;:;<<..,_ ¢�;'�:::<�'� i:�?;��:;':;::::>;:;::<::::;::>. thorit : The Cit Administrator or hisf#�:�';:design�::;::;::;�:::::::::::::::::: ;..,, F. Iss�ring Au y y .�::::: .�:";;; com .`��. c0 or�cin or�����s�a��:that;�:v�ins G. Operator: Any individual, firm, g;:;::Y, rP :;::;.;:. ,::,;;<: :: ;;;::<:<.;::»:<::::>. or operates an establishme�:�vhere.::�#tooing andfv.���:�i�`�ing is performed and any indi���:;;�i�::;any employee wh�;`:�rforms or practices the art of tattooing�>ari�I�r:��dy piercing on another person. �A>_:::::- .. H. Scari ication: The cutting or tearing o����iumari����€i��t?�::��e purpose of creating a � ermanent mark or des� ,; on the skit��;::;;;;:;::;;:;>:;;;;>> p .:.. � :. � :�son b �sertion of ermanent I. Tattoo, The marking o���e�`ski�:<��'�;�::;::;:> Y,..:< P Tattooing: colors by in�`�i'clucin�:��err�:��;��g�;;�cture of the skin. ::::: .�... ,.... ... 3-9-3 License Required ;;��: �::��' No erson shall operate ati�>�stablishrr��t�.where;_�a�tooing and/or body piercing is practiced, P ::.. ::;:.;::.>::>:. :::.....; nor emaage in the prac�t�e:�i�tattooin�:'�zi�€�r:�e���piercing without being licensed under this Ch '`���.. Jewel >::SCQ�e�;��d access�r�;:StE��'�s that exclusively provide ear piercing services ��>::<:::;»>:.. rY.;::>::>�>::;:.;;;;;;;::;>:.;:. t�i` `':;`€�r�ing guns;:��;;��;;exempt��fr�om this license requirement. The application for a �� tatto��,����for body p������:�stablishment license shall be submitted on a form provided b the`��t::::;��'�s�all inci�u��i:<::::>;:`;;:<;>�� Y .:�::::::::::.:::>:.::. te o f ' h da me r and birt ' nce ho ne nu b ide .>�;�`��}������ '�ic�t:��s..an individual the name, res , p , A`.,.,,>.. �ftfie��p�;::>:::>:::::::«:_>::>:<:::». ' ;€«�`'x the applic����;;;�:�'Ii� applicant is a partnership, the name, residence, phone number, ,:::>� and birth��e:;�.�each general and limited partner. If the applicant is a corporation, °�'� the name�;�residences, phone numbers, and birth dates of all those persons holding .�� �<t �:::�:.>�;. more th�tt five (5) percent of the issued and outstanding stock of the corporation. t:;<>.: .�;<:Y"� ;;;;:;;::�, �°��me, address, phone number, and birth date of the operator of such operation, r nt from the o wners. ee :»iff ;�`:<ct' x�.<>;,: � +,�'"µ�AC..` The address and legal description of the premises where the tattoo and/or body piercing establishment is to be located. D. A statement detailing any gross misdemeanor or felony conviction relating to tattooing and/or body piercing or the operation of a tattoo and/or body piercing � � � � �� establishment by the applicant or operator and whether or not the applicant or operator has ever applied for or held a license to operate a similar type of business in other communities. In the case of a corporation, a statement detailing any felony convictions by the owners of more than five(5) percent of the issued and outstanding stock of the corporation, and whether or not those owners have ever applied for or held a license to operate a similar type of business in other communities. �:.� �:.;;, �<:�; E. The activities and types of businesses to be conducted. : �n. ,:':>::;:;:>:<::::::::::>:'` <�:„:��:., .�:»::�::<::>:::»::»::>::::>::<::.. F. The hours of operation. Y� �.}Ny4r a;�• A<.. �;:;,`..�:•` pi�;':;y'r $:.n:iyA F::•':':::::::;. �iwi ' t�:::+iti.'� � n rs. cess b � 0 'ct ac :'�u re tn n mad e to s i io s .<... h ro vs T >..,. Y G. e .�:r<��'��� P S`.Y;�;::k .tR`:5:�. ���: i;;::;`^��^., Nz?:;:v"�V �:�...;:::::::3:`;�. �.::.:..�::::.. .::::>: �'�:::�i::::::�.:.:i:;.�;.:'':'. H. A building plan of the premises detailing�:�e�al operations and�`a'����t'es. �����:::::::«>:':»::�>:<.. .>�:.>:::.;.;;:.;:<:<:::.;.:.. I. Whether the applicant has previously bee��er�[:e�:�;�i�se of this type by any other overnment unit. '�`' g . ddresses and h�s��;:'����esses of t���;` 3 residents of Dakota, J. The names, street a , :>:;:.;;>;;:.;:.;:.;::::::::.:::.;:.;::::. .:.;::::..� ) Hennepin,Ramsey, Anoka, V�l���irib'o�;:::�c�s��ar Carv���ounties who are of good �, �;:> moral character and whow�`e not z��t��t€:�:�t�;>;:��e::::applicant and not holding any iitviY ownership in the premis,e�<�or busir�ess, who}��:�:�3e'ieferred to as to the applicants andlor operators cha�at��r. ��:i'' ���i� , . ,rtx.- ,�?::':''::`<:.:>":»>:� ,r�:z>• • z::>Y:;:.::>:,:,: :,<;.;` M1�' �'"�'���'� �`'`��''`� taxes that are due and a able for the K. Whether all real e�te and p�t�nal pro��ty p y premises to����c�i�ed have��";�fi':��if not paid,the years and amounts that are <;.:<., 4n:w�:.::-_:::<.��'••>::>:::;;:.> :�>�n aid. w::;;::;::;:::;:�::,<r;::. .P ���:: ::�Y+�� .r�::;?>``:?:::>::>:�>:::i•;. •sv:::?�`~ s-•::::.:.... :�:�:.;:;:.:�:::»t::»:>:;; ''`t�:�::::»:::::�>:?:::>::�>:'•:;. wo rn to. If the r hall b es i ed a nd s ' ris`':."' ::';>. `�r�se u nder this C ha te s L.`».`<:::;::>>�:��::�P�catio :��.r..:�_��.:;: .: P S� '��`��°��pp�f���is thaf'Q��,;�:�person, it shall be signed and sworn to by such person; .:;��`�€�,����orporat�p�; �y an offer thereof; if that of a partnership, by one of the <�:::::'��"""enerat;: ';��s�. and if that of an unincorporated association, by the manager or „�.w� S ..�::::::::.::::;;::::. ,,..:.> �;,r fi managing���r;t�i�reof. Any falsification on a license application shall result m t e .:'` denial of�;�e��e. <:,��� t:<::: ��:>{;< �::>:< �;�,:�,.�=•• <.:::,. �::.�<� �:::,: �.;:�;::.:< •�{::� �:::»>.n::, �_;<. :':'"``"�'`:�� All applicatio�'.�hall be referred to the Issuing Authority for verification and investigation of x<::>:::':::>::::>::::::::::.. ,�x�r. >::;::;;�a...cts set..�.��i m the application, including any necessary criminal background checks to _::::;<::<::>.:;:;.::_�:::::;:::�:>�:;;:. :�;;:::;:;:a�:��;;;�ij�iphance with this Chapter. The application shall be issued or denied by the Issuing y�``���'�`�`�`�`,�.��ionty in accordance with this Chapter. ,.<,„:�:::�. - 3-9-4 License Fee A. The annual license fee is set forth by City Council resolution. B. Each application for a license shall be submitted to the City Clerk and payment made to the City. Each application for a license shall be accompanied by payment in full of the required license fee. Upon rejection of any application for a license, the license fee shall be refunded in full to the applicant except where rejection is for a willful � misstatement in the license application. C. All licenses shall expire on the last day of December in each year. E�'license shall . f:{:"' be issued for a period of one(1)year, except that if a port��s� of t���icense year has elapsed when application is made, a license m.a:.y be iss�e€�;;;��r:;�� remainder of the t�,4 :;:..:.: ::::: year for a pro rated fee. In computing such����any utt���;�;:�':action of a month ,�>:,;..,.;, c�:> e counted as one 1 month. �;:r;='' 1 b f�>�<���. shal ( ) . �'- � Ge. n Sc:e;�" ................... . / .�__�`�'� �nded exce'``:�<::�<€�"�zi`�tated D. No part of the fee paid by any lizcrrsei���J;.be r�z , �:., ., __;;;_.;:;..:� portion of the fee shall be refunded in`�;::;��`���of the complete ��:s�ire of the business and cessation of business activities��;;�ri�;;�€��,�he following reasons and upon � application to the City Clerk within thirty���#)'`�a����s�z;the happening of the event, provided that such event occurs more ti�n thirty<:����;c���;before the expiration of the license: �����: mises:::�i����'�fire or other catast ro he. 1. Destruction or damag�::�z�'fli�e���s�€;:��-e f..,. y P ::::t {?:;:;���. •`•:;.i'�� l~.y'C`;:;:::y:$:ii;v,;:`;jn����. 2. The licensees illn�'Ss. ,;.�:-� �µ:,:<>;.::::<:::;<�� :. . ..,w.. . . :�.:.• YS!:t :U . „/.;::;::f':.•'r,•'� ?:•':; tLi:r.:: a . 3S. ';",tii:t:� ,c�°;:��• �oa 3. The license��:d�ath. �;<:::�,:� �:r�� .r<:::;;;.: ,».>:;;� ...k: . .C:•:'�:;i:>: {�"",:f A ch�'�;a���n the le��`:��t�ts::::�aking it unlawful for licensed business to ., 4. :.:�. �. .... >::;::<�:>>:::. ca��i��..:........ hat a n ' icat in t ' n ind ' tio he a Lca ' no nt Y vi to g r s ' a o :: nt au► P ,..Y;>;::::: °.... �� P E.'���`���::<::>:;:��:��::<aPPlicat 0����t�;:.;;::::. P ���`<���tq���a of infa��4�t?�the providing of false or misleadin�information will be ,;..������::���:.:..denial����ir;;:�evocation of a license. Any changes in the information :�:.::<::::;:.:::<>:>;:::<:>::::;;:>:::..:. .<;`::::`;i<;.:......:.:: ,�><:x>»�•provid�;€�;�::�:::applic�tion or provided during the investigation shall be brought to :�::::;:.. :�:'�<��' the atteritit�;€�����ity Clerk by the applicant or licensee. If said changes take p ace �:�>N .:::.:..:..:..:.::.:.; ��'` during tYi:e<:��:��stigation, said data shall be provided to the Police Chief or the City �;,.:;.: ;;::<<;>� �:::.: .., Clerk in�tii`rg. �h� ;:'i:;;�i;3ii � .{a`:�;' �:::....;..:. �:.:v �;:�:::�;,. Inves��ation Fee :'f.;��` :>:<�`:':>:� i o ne ll de os t 'cant s h a ra licens et he a h ' n fo P ' tt hca o ' la , ' na PP ' eo fo n : �`��`�he t im <i>;:`. � t P >�<::<:::>:�::::<;:::;::.::.:� � P `�>«<:>:.;:.;:..�:::::.::::::..:::::::::� ����'���thousand five hundred dollars($1,500.00)with the City for the investigation fee. The investigation fee for investigations conducted entirely within the State shall be Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350,000). For investigations conducted outside the State, the City shall be paid the investigation costs in excess of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00), but not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars($10,000.00). Any fees due in excess ofthe One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars($1,500.00) deposit must be paid before th City Council considers the application. Any unexpended portion of the deposit in excess of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00) shall be returned to the applicant. Separate fees shall be paid for tattoo and body piercing establishments. 3-9-6 Granting of License . .ti A. The Issuing Authority shall complete his/her investigation within thirt���3�) days after the City Clerk receives a complete application and all lice�::and::�estigation fees. .�``.r::i:.i';r:}..v;::''.:;y : .,:::�:\a.:=:;';;::.;`:::r . . ..•.•`., t.:::;t;�•a••::-T>::::: �..::;`..•;•.:;;•;`.::;::;:"":;:�':• B. If, after such investigation, it appears that the����ant an�;;�::.����:.proposed for th,e business are eli 'ble for a license under the;>��i't�eria set fa������;:�€$:��tion , then.�:ie S� �.:; :>:::. . .:..:::::.....>;:<:;�� .;:>:-. ;,>:<.:: icense shall be issued b the City C��zncil withi�;:��thirty`����;;;d��s...;afte�;:;the 1 Y nie��::::>:><::«::<:;>;;::'::>;:�>:::::::>`:':': investigation is completed. Otherwise, t�e:;�icense���all be de ,.:::...::..;,.,..;.::.,.;; ti...i:•,::..x �rti<i'iC C. Each license shall be issued to the applic��:��:�:;;�d shall not be transferable to another holder. Each license shall be issu�� �tii�:;�r�:'�e premises described in the ,th.. ... application. No license may be transferre�`�to anof�:�:�sr��ses without the approval. of the City Council. If the licensee is;a:��l:nership��o�::�:;��i��ation, a change in the identit of any of the principles,c��`�::�3��rship or c�r�4ration shall be deemed a Y . . �..... ...... �::� .:::. transfer of the license. Any ta���o�andf�:�t��Z piercing..:�stablishment e�sting at the adoption of this chapter sh���be requu�d���t�;:a�:>�annual license. ,�>:: �x,�';;;.5', -:.;> •r �....;. t�;r:F. D. If the license applic��#�:t is deni.e�i€�by the ��iy.��Council, the applicant may, within '�:::;::i?••�r r:�ir fifteen (15) days a�'r.�:v't€enial,cammence��:�action in state or federal court for the <`z::«��. �... , purposes of dete�rung wh�i�r the:G��yl Council acted properly in denying the :;<:::>:;� t:.>:::.>:.>:;:. ::,,. application. �:a.,t�oo and/c��::��y��`eing establishment is lawfully in existence at ;:::: >::'. e time o::�::'�''`�`.ion oftti�:�;;� °;:: t;�the tattoo and/or body piercing establishment <:>:<:� �.�.,::;::>::;<«»::�. � ntiri�i�:::i�:�s��ess until the court action is com leted. Otherwise, the applicant :::>;:<::`z�y.,co P ll resolved. ' n as b ee nfi na i h ' i lacto ' `r��''��. ntil the 'udic a ;�.at comrrie�i:��;;�o�.;:: .business u ) Y :�:�:::<�.;;;::::::.. ...�•.•.�..:::. 3-9-6 ,.;;�'��:�:;����igible �t��;:�icense ,�;j;�:s:>:;:::z;<:>::i:::z:>::::::':::>:i�;:[�»::::>:>�::<:::; V'�''' .f�`r'..� ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ,;�o'�license under���i�'���er shall be issued to an applicant who is a natural person; general �;f �r>ror managing parf��<;a�a�partnership; or, manager, proprietor, or agent of a corporation or .�:•� �;:: � other organizati�;�if such applicant: � u��� �A:, ' A. Is a ,r�or at the time the application is filed. �;�<,< .,��.� �C::::::i4. ' ne da S ' n hce s t io he ccu a t t o ' ctl re lated o ' ed ue n cnm victed o fa b ee n con P :��s Y ::::� Y �:<��:>:<;'>;><>::<..... ' � rescribed b Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 2, and has not shown ......... �`� P Y competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties of the licensed occupation as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 3. C. Who is overdue or whose spouse is overdue in his or her payment of City, county, or state taxes, fees, fines or penalties assessed against them or imposed upon them. D. Who is not proprietor of the establishment for which the license is issued. E. Who has been denied a license by the City or any other Minnesota municipal corporation to operate a tattoo andJor body piercing establishment or whose license has been suspended or revoked within the preceding twelve(12)m�s, or who is . �- residing with any such person. o has not aid the license and investigati.e�#;:�es reqt���e�;:���:s section. £� F. Wh P ..��.� ,�x:>`� . �:�:�:> t e.;�`�:�:�::>. ..... :;<.;:;.;<.::;;;:;:;:.:.. 1 character or re u no to f ood mora G. Is P g ,�2.+�i .Y...: li ible for License <`:�>' r.� 3-9-8 Places Ine g �.:>"•s�:s::»::>:���"'::::>::'»�..... A. No license shall be granted or renewed for¢��r�tz�;�:.any property on which taxes, ,�>..., .. .:. assessments, or other financial claims of�€�e state;�:����€�;'�chool district, or city are due, delinquent, or unpaid. In the evez��:;�.:>�rait has bee�;�;�u�ced�under Minnesota C;::5:::;i::::;:�:r�:::•:;•r:: :y:.;::;:: .... Statutes, Section 278.01-278.03,:.c���tq��:#3e amouri�':;ti�:v�alidity or taxes, the City Q'.>'ii::�:Y:•,:::iii`i1ti�::iiii::.:::::::::i::i::�'• Council may on application �i�te strt�;`���p�ance �r���'�this provision; no waiver ma be ranted, however,��r'taxes o:�:>art�:�����.;��eof which remain unpaid for Yg .>: ....;:..... a period exceeding one �:���'year af�����ecorri��:g�:i���:` 4.:.:5 .iiii :'},.:ti•:i'i'� Y:;ry:�.`'i fti�:...... ::::i::" }+ti>.:::�:::�:i� .<>::iti- .... �•i�:.:L'{�:::C rt�rii� B. No license shall be,�r�ed or r�e�ewed if tl�::property is not properly zoned or does not qualify as a:>'��gal non-�:t�formin�;;€:ise for tattooing and/or body piercing ; establishmen;t�::ur�er Ordina��:�;'�;������of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. nedo r re newe d llb e at ' ense s ha `::"''eve ra es. No hc ��:>::ic$ h 1 �' :.. co 0 � `:.Al '"'"``:`'s�:�`fl� �:><>::«>::<">�'�:��nises I:ree�:::::::::::::::::::. g � mises'�s>:�€�e�s��.:for the furnishin of alcoholic beverages pursuant to Title ��<:;«::�`:.:��i:��:pre g ,..:::`:::�;_;>:`��a�f�r. 1 of t��::��de;;�r is licensed as a sexually-oriented business pursuant to .F.::::.:::�..:�.:.. �.::•::.;:.:;.;x::;.T:::: :>;;�'€�e`;3;;��.ter 8 of��s'��ode. �:_:���� " .:x'�' Conditio��:::i��'<����nse 3-9-9 ,,... .. r�` >::<<�::::; ::<���'� �"`.,: ,},::;>���; �' �::� . ,«:< '����' Every license sha��;:�ie•�granted subject to the following conditions and all other provisions of ���� this chapter, anc�::�f any applicable sections of the City Code the Ci s zonin ordinance,the �;wvr;:: , tY' g <�«:::. Building Coc��e;-��the Fire Code, the City's health regulations, and all provisions of state and ,.�:::.; :�::_�'�.deral.la�>«:�� <�>�� "�€;::::>;»<:::::>:�::>:::;.:>:::::<><::>::;»::>::<::>� `;';;:::;:�;:>::>`' `����No person shall tattoo or pierce any person under the age of eighteen(18) except in the presence of, and with the written pernussion of, the parent or legal guardian of such minor. The consent must include both the custodial and non-custodial parents, where applicable. B. The license granted under this Chapter is for the operator and the premises named on the approved license application. No transfer of a license shall be permitted from place-to-place or from person-to-person without first complying with the requirements of an original application, except in the case in which an existing non- corporate licensee is incorporated and incorporation does not affect the ownership, control, and interest of the existing licensed establishment. C. All licensed premises shall have the license posted in a conspicuous pl��e at all times. D. A licensee under this Chapter shall not be open fs�r busines�;:��r;��£�oing and/or body f re 7•00 AM nor after 10:00 PN�;:><;<:::;; iercing be o . �.:>, P i:K:;:; r:;;::��.�� :r,�: .�<�� �.. r bod iercin establishme�z€��license is:::�``'��'i:e�'e���.'.�Q.�;'€�e co.�p�act E. The tattoo and/o y p g .!�y ' he a '����'���`�ved 1' '�"�'se a licatit��::<:::��`�1�<����nsed and contiguous space specified in t gp�� �,r.,..� pp ,.::..:.....::::;:.;.::;:., premises is enlarged, altered, or extend�€�;;�.,,Eicensee shall inf�a� -��e� Issuing Authority. No person shall engage in the p€����ee;:��tattooing and/or body piercing at any place other than the place or location:;�rri��;��:��ribed in the application and license. A separate room shall be requir'�d'�for bo��r���g and tattooing services. The applicant shall submit a drawir�� #€�:scale of tf��:::���t�.::and/or body piercing fac ilities. h;>;:�� .�€`�>:::>>�' ;�;�� F. No erson shall solicit busi��sses or o.��r��fi�:'��i���:�ttooing and/or body piercing P ,:>.}r. :'::,, services while under lice�e suspe���i�n or re�r��i�in by the City. :�'��''�w' ?_:��.' ,<::: •::::��,•�::<• ,�<.:,< ��'': �:;,>:,;::::; �::<:' G. The licensee shall h�:��sp�onsib����or the ca�:�uct of the business being operated and .�:.> shall at all times r�'�tain con����ons of.c��er. .< j�•`:'•:%;#' ,�;:::., ' ludin 1 e es mc i hori a list o f em 0 <:>``�<:>:ssu n Aut H.::<'<::::::::�'he licens��;��l. rovide ��.;:�h. >;� g tY P Y g � n ' hme t tab hs ' n ed es r iercin at the hce s r �v�z ":::: `'�fcixm tattooiri and/o bod >:::>::::>:Qp�.ato s h�,:�>::>::>::>::»::.: g Y P g �';> ball veri :';;<:�a�»�ach em lo ee has received a co of Health and Safety :::::'�:�..:�.... �.:.::::::::.:.;;;;;;;;;;. P Y PY �.� �c��x��ents ari� �a�t�i�i�is for License Violations as appear in this Chapter. nce issu ed b a n ime a valid certificate o f insu ra I. <::=�`Y�AII'Iic���e�>:::�hall have at all t s Y a'<=�����. insurance;�€pai����licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota indicating that ..��`'�. �;,; the licens�e<�:;�tirrently covered in the tattoo and/or body piercing business by a `�' liability u�iaiice policy. The minimum limits of coverage for such insurance shall be: .� %; ,. � , �> �ii �a':i;i.,:5:fi �Y,. <.:����� 1. (`��ach claim, at least two hundred thousand dollars($200 000). ?'�'zzz<�`'i;`: � � iY�:%`::•`.?::>�'r:�ii:•. Jl:v:ii:Y . �':y".':`.:::?;:;;:;:}<;. ..+{<}lY% y� �,.. MY2v Y{�`?i:%':?2:::;;:;�:�c:..::::,�::�i'::r,i`;z�� <::_>_<���::���.>�<>:::>:<:<:<:::»>::2:>~ Each oup of claims, at least five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). � Such insurance shall be kept in force during the term of the license and shall provide for notification to the City prior to terminating or cancellation. A certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City. J. Inspections. 1. City Initiated. The Issuing Authority or designated health professionals shall, at minimum conduct one(1)randomly scheduled inspection of each licensed facility each year to determine compliance with City requirements. 2. Compliance Certification. A health professional who is retained by the licensed operator and acceptable to the Issuing Authority shall inspect the licensed premises in the month of November of each calet�� year. Said {.:�.: t;:..�. inspection is to determine compliance with City ret�uirert��tf�s and a written .. �:..<:.;. report documenting findings shall be subt�utted to t�e;:���i� Authority within fifteen(15) days from the date on w���:{�e insp��:'��ak place. � :;,i.,,,..,. k;. `�e>:�>::�:'::�:<:::;::<':;::� �a• < .;��i'�J ' Q i n are rohibited:�:����the Cit .o�:�oseiri�:���;`«'`;�':>>... :>:.:.::,> K. Brandm and Scarificat o p .::;::.: Y.::.:,:. a .... .?<�:<f '`'<';:�::<;:oE�:�>:�>::�>:�>::::»::.:;.>;:»>':;% i;.`:;y:;: .. Y::;:.;•+ 4``,`;::�: v.':::{;;:;:�:;:;`:.;;:.v;.';:3`'`: 3-9-10 Health and Sanitation Requirements >;::;::::'::`:;;:;::>:::::::::::::: . ^;>::z:»::::::>;';�>::>::>;;:';..... >>.<z=><::;:;»::>;<:::<?::�:::;:::. �No person shall engage in the practice of tattooin�;``ar�i�����ad�:piercing at any place in the Cit without com 1 'ng with the following regu�ations:�����'���::;;:::;;;�:;;::::;:>:<:::;`::;;::::;;. y P Yl :>:::;>�:�::::.. . �:»<:>:<:�»:::::>°;;::;>: A. Eve lace where tattooing and/¢r:��:���r��ng is pra��d shall be equipped with rY P . ...:......: ,.. . an adequate and convenier������oca�€�t�;�::��i�e�<..:.room:v�nd hand lavatory for the ,..... ,;.v.;: accommodation of employe��`and patr�ns':�:::;�'�Z�:��iii�::��avatory shall be supplied with �::;: hot and cold running wa���under���ssure;�����::�Z�`'maintained in good repair at all `�' ����condition. Toilet fixtures and seats times; and shall be 1��£:�:#n a clea�l<���nd sanit�;ty shall be of a sanita�v�pen fr.o�i£ design.;�d readily cleanable. Easily cleanable, ,�<<;>:: covered receptacl�s�:�all be pta�ied for,t?�aste materials. Every lavatory facility shall ::.. be provided��._�:��adequate:>��::��;�and cleansing compound and single service ,,:.: <:..>:.;:..:.>: :.::.;.;.: ,::::::.: ;:::;:sanitary ta�v��s:�r;�and dryi��.:����e�s. unicab le rc mm ' n r ot he o 'n infe ctio 0 r ki 1 od o s n havi�'"::�:'::;��mm u nicab le b o B.`;`�;��:><::::�a::��so ��.>::>::>::�`:<:::;::::»>:::>::.. � �����£the blo��;;��;s�z���shall practice tattooing and/or body piercing or sha11 be :.. taC������body pi�fie�:>: �.:��:��>:.: :;:::...:::::::::::,;.;.:. ���:�� All dispo�;��t�s,razor blades, sharps or other equipment utilized for penetrating ,��:x: , . .:. ::.:::; �'" the skin ��::t�e��individually pre-packaged and pre-sterilized. No such equipment �.>:,;: /.Si: tiy'4`�4.,'�w ' " v.:'' �;�<` shall be uSec�for more than one customer. All bio-hazardous waste shall be disposed �'.:� �:���;:; of in ac��dance with law, and disposal procedures shall be approved by the Issuing <,.::::::�:::A : Authei��ty. Sterilizing solutions and methods may be used for the purpose of st�zing instruments other than needles, razor blades, sharps or other equipment «<::::<:�:.»>>� ' izin solutions and methods are he skin wh en such stenl ciized for enetratin t S �� p g b the Issuin Authori . ......... `� approved y S tY D. The following procedures shall be used for skin preparation: 1. Each operator shall wash his or her hands thoroughly with soap and water and then dry them with a clean towel before and after. each tattoo or body , piercing. Operators with skin infections of the hand shall not perform any tattooing or body piercing services. 2. Whenever it is necessary to shave the skin, pre-packaged, pre-sterilized, disposable, razor blades shall be used. 3. The skin area to be tattooed or pierced shall be thorough��:>��leaned with . germicidal soap, rinsed thoroughly with water=�:::�nd .;��ilized with an antiseptic solution approved by the Issyuing Aut���:;:;::�nly single service _ towels and wipes shall be used in th���;clearif�g p�,��s, ,�Y::<�'r`v" c�z: .�'<,:>:r v,..y. ' r r area on whi "<:a'V atron re��ives a'�����r:bod .:: :�erce E. All tables, chairs, furrutu e, o ch::.. P F.;:.�:. ;;::.;:.::::.;:.;;:::......Y:::�::; shall be covered b sin le service dis`:'';�able ��per or clean=:::���F;:'��<r3n the Y g �.;:.:;:;.. . alternative, the table, chair or furniture oi�;�����e patron receives�:���o andlor body pierce shall be impervious to moisture``�iti;�'��;be properly sanitized after each tattoo or bod ierce. � - YP �€:> . y.. F. Every operator shall provide single.,.��c.e towels'��z�;:;iv���;€or each customer or � ;:. ��::::>::>:; person and such towels or wip�s;:��� �s�;stored a� �tsposed of in a manner .: ..:.::.;: acceptable to the Issuing Aut�c�rtty�� > :�<�>�`� .... .::.... ; :.. �<,; .�~��" G. Every operator shall wear::�ean, was�ble ga��#�t�:��tVhen engaged in the practice of �;:,. tattooing and/or bod�;�7��rcing���garments:are contaminated with blood or body fluids, such garme��r��ia�1 be r��oved and,�ianged and cleaned or disposed of in a {::::;::, ,.:.,..�: manner acceptabl�:�.v'the Isst�i��,Auth.o..�:#�:� �. ' n noxious ae nts ��'''�ril n free fr m acte na a d nts��`'%�<���tooin s�a�:>�:.�€� e a d o b H:::;'<>;;;:::::>:�i�me g ..,, g ,,, a i n fo r each m ck so lut o s ����� he i ent used fro sto ;:'<::<>::�;substan��::xzic��ii�zn mercu"'�': T s :� rY P� acl and u ch rece tac le and ' er sha��; `":' '``''. in a sin le service rece t e s <::«<::<::�stc�Fn .:�r�::p��.�ed.. g P , P �`��������solutiotr�h��be�iscarded after use on each customer in accordance with g��d�e�a�prove�:��tlie Issuing Authority. �`:>:'^,� � �Y; .�;,: Jewelry ���:;�h�:;���er parts of the body shall be made of implant grade, high-quality w�� stainless s��:;�3f�0 series), solid 14K or 18K gold, niobium, titanium, platinum, or a �y}V ,.>::>: :. �. , dense,lo�;porosity plastic such as monofilament nylon, acrylic, or Lucite. Ear studs ,;�� ��:,`. � :�».y::::, or other.��welry designed for earlobe piercing are not appropriate jewelry for other i;�:}r«.._ .., body,�ts. Jewelry shall have no nicks, scratches, or irregular surfaces which might ��iger the tissues. ;�:tin ;;,�- ::.:;;:::;:::>:.:::��:::<:::::::<"::::::<�`:�`<��`'' �v.fr,.z�:..::;<,:.:::>.><::,�:v �`���"�"�:;t�������'`There shall not be less than one hundred fift 150 s uare feet of floor s ace at the ���<;w: . Y� ) q P ...V..���. place where the practice of tattooing and/or body piercing is conducted, and said place shall be so lighted and ventilated as to comply with the standards approved by the Issuing Authority. K. No person shall practice tattooing and/or body piercing while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs. No customer shall be tattooed and/or body pierced while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs. L. The operator shall provide the person tattooed and/or body pierced with printed instructions on the approved care of the tattoo and/or body pierce during the healing process. �� .�<Y=�' . M. No place licensed as a tattoo and/or body piercing estatx�hme�`:�Iiall be used or occupied as living or sleepin�quarters. .�, .a;�::::�yv:� <:;:<:::::«:>::::::::::::�:::>:.. � ,�_:r . . ... .``vi::::>::r;::>:::�::>::::»»<::»:.. �{,.:<• Y�ti}.:.`v�•r. j.i:�5::3:t�ik%�:::S:i>ri:�i:t,. �S:?�v 3-9-11 Penalty r�'���' �;;<t;:�' ���<�>�� �-`.':;:;' k4ty:;i,: .:•w::'.•:�:;:;>`' hd'i:i::� ...:. ....::::.:::. .......:......n, tin an rovision of tl�is:::eha te�`"£s'�guilty of�a`����a��i:�r and A. Any person viola g Y P :::::::::::.: p >..�;: .:;:;:::::><�>.;�:>::::::�: upon conviction shall be punished nof'::::'�ii�:�`e'::::�ban the maximurir:':g�zraity for a , misdemeanor as prescribed by law. The Ci Council ma , u on ten (10�`:�days �w���:;::i€�ice to the operator and B. ty Y P ..:.::::.<.;:.:::.:�..:;.>: r following a public hearing, revoke:tkle:�i��nse or su���€d:�x�icense if the licensee .::;:>:;<:<::::>:<:>:;<:::>:.. . ..... ,..::::: . submitted false information or o�€���::::�.�nal inforr���#�n in the license process �;::,oz<::.;>::::..::.:<.:;.;:>.::<:;r .... :::::;.:;.. . ;;a required by this Chapter. The.;��ty���'e������:�i?�y..also,r�-v°oke the license or suspend n �=�~. ,.,,<>:>::>: the licens e for a violatio Q... ,:<;;; <��:{;:;;�:::;>::�::>:;>::<:: ,,:� .<��«' �_<:,::>'�:�`:. 1. Any provisia��::��.this Cl�ter or a.t�y other local law governing the same ,...<...:.>:� :::.::. . �.;..:.;:.::� . activity du:�,r�<:�te licenS���period. x<;�:�7�� h::>:>:>� .<:<> ��;.y::: 5:;:::%';:� ':i;�::�:��::. ::::::::i :�,. 2, Any c,��iii�I law dur����:;�i��s�e.period which adversely affects the ability to:::�Q�:��'...:�: safel <=�3�:;���ttly conduct a tattooing and/or body piercing �� Y� '.>t�:�<:>::�::>::>;:<:>:::.. ...... u:<::<;::<:<;::�>::>>::<:::<::.. bu� �<i:»::><::>::»;>:_:>::::<;::<>:. :, e _ ;..:::<::<��:dira�c. ..::: 3-9 12 �:.;;;;::«.;;:.;.;.::.;::.. ;:<::::::r;`:::::;>:<:>: ::<::'<<:::::::�>::::::::>;. A�;�;�'ei-son�t�e��."�he eff�oits of City officials to investigate possible violations of this :x<::;. .:.:.::. ........... . �apter shall be>��t�?;::�i���misdemeanor. ,Y�:. :�::.�>� 3_9'»'��3. Conflict:of C�iapter �>;,� .�`:"� ::«:::. In any case yc�`e a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of any �:;;:x;v:;�:;:::>`>«:;. ,..r.. �.�`_,,.,..>_.;:....:�oning,::hi��;��ing, fire, safety or health ordinance or code in the City, the provision which :»:::;«::�a��s�:�s'�the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of ::�:;`�::���:�>p�ople shall prevail. In any case where a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of any other ordinance or code of the City existing on the effective date of this ordinance which established a lower standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the properry, the provision of this chapter shall be deemed to prevail. The determination of the applicability of this ordinance in light of the above rules of interpretation shall be made by the City and its deternunation shall be final. Section II. This Ordinance shall be effective following its passage and publication. ADOPTED this day of 1997 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. h. f�;: _ _ . . �ti�+f`-:• � � {µi t�iJ . fi�:: �t?��:�:��':�::�:�::�::�:;��:':;:�;:';��:`�:�:•. ,k�';`� ,ki`:y` ....::.............. ..,� ,...y ��'2�%::';`i:i:''ii'::'%;:;i�;:: .,1.�,•`.:?�. y..x;+::. .<�:+ �i:.`,iy'+' ..df}i},�'. hLL'S::i: .{.i:y.�. } .{.?�: Y":{'�M1{}5+; th: ...Jt`ri �`f~�2`.i;;•'.:�:'•,'t�.^•.�•..:.::+.` : •~�,••�•.,:.��`.:::. t;.:::.:::..:.:. ... ):::),k•`.:'.. . �•.'•i:�%:�r::�.�,v:};`.::t'.. '¢':�::•`:':`z:: ::.!. „} . �:'.yx�'i•'.2 iti'>:,>.�:;:';•�. �;w;.y\�>'t�;�:#;;;`.%`•::;�F;.`.:`.. . '` '�'•:`i;:";C�'±�}::::::::r:`•i:. . ••{Zti;..r;::;.:_.::ti{..ti..«..:,.., ��`', '�2 t .q.;•".,`.,•'•`�L y`. ,a'y,:;;•:••::.'•: •: ,,.t:?xz :,{:% .:�:�::��- .�,•...;.:';�:�`::';:;:;�:;:::?'::::5:'•.i:s'?, :Yy.�:�:iii::•`.•;:::'n�:^"��:?:;2£:::::;':.. ��"���: r... ":_v.:••::�;:;::r:s>:•::::::::y, :c2?.'' .�:'•;:i:;:;t;:iii??:::'Y.::ii::., ..f,;•',•`f'''. �:i>�:b"•. 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