HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Y2K Update CITY OF ROSEMOUNT
Attached for City Council review is the fifth Y2k Action News that the League of Minnesota Cities has provided
to its members. On page 2 are some illustrations of contingency plans that cities can implement. City staff is
currently working on our contingency plans. Police Chief Kalstabakken and I have invited representatives from
our local churches to attend a meeting to discuss Y2k and to find out how the city can work with the faith
community and what services and involvement the churches will have if there are problems.
GTIES AWARE, GTIES PREPARED ��'� - ' - - � - _ _ _ _ _ _ - � ' - - ' - - "
A monthly publication from the League of Minnesota Cities May 1999,Number 5
Onl 31 weeks left until the ear 2000
y y
Cities work with community members to finalize contingency plans
Cities across the state continue police and fire halls,�chich are their communiry.After attending
to diligently address the potenrial all together." They'll soon look at a workshop sponsored by the state
problems related to the year 2000 specificarions and purchasin�.The Department of Children,Families
issue.Please share your city's efforts one for the lift starion"«-ill cost and Learning,Clerk-Treasurer
�vith the League.Send information some money,generaton are not Elaine Hanson explained that the
and lessons learned to Public Rela- cheap,"he said. city is trearing the issue as it would -
tions Coordinator Laura Petersen This spring,city staff continues a major�vinter storm and"��ill focus
at the League,or contact Laura at to work on detailed condngency on emergency service`what ifs':'
(651) 215-4031 or lpeterse@lmnc. plans in case the communiry experi- Hanson then drafred a letter outlin-
org.The effort isn't as ovenvhelm- ences any disruption in ser�-ices, ing ho�v their city is responding.
ing as it may appear.Read how the like electric or gas suppl}=Urbia Garvin residents are asked to
cities of Blue Earth and Garvin are also plans to coordinace«-ith other look out for their neighbors,par-
preparing for the year 2000. agencies and with the counry to ricularly senior cirizens who may
begin community-wide a���areness need extra assistance.The Garvin
Blue Earth (pop. 3,7�7� of potential issues and emergency Fire Departinent and [he Garvin
Blue Earth City Manager Dave management plans. Area First Responders plan to be
Urbia was one of a small group Urbia points out that preparing on alert Dec.31 in case any emer-
of city officials who provided guid- forY2k has community benefits gencies arise.According to the letter,
ance during the development of the even if it"turns out to be a bust," a generator is available at the Fire
League's Cities Aware, Cities Prepared: which is his hope."We're not treat- Hall,�vhich�vould serve as an emer-
Year 2000 Action Guide,helping staff ing it that way,but w-hat«-e'll get genry command center. -
shape how to best prepare our mem- from all this other planning is better The letter also addresses area
bers for assessing and evaluaring contingency planning for other utilities issues,noting that NSP,
theirY2k challenges. situations.It's given us a new per- US West,and Red Rock Rural
The city began its own assess- ception on our operaaons and I Water aIf�ave shared their readiness
ment and inventory of city opera- think we're better prepared:' and conringency plans with the city.
tions last year and since then,staff The ciry of Blue Earch is pre- Residents are responsible for their
has done a good job following up paring to apply for LMCIT's Ex- individual sepric systems,so a city
�vith vendors and suppliers,Urbia pandedY2k Coverage."Right now `vastewater system is not an issue.
said. He and his staff also took ad- we've talked about contingency Hanson said she attended the
vantage of the specialY2k work- plans,but we need to write them �vorkshop to learn more about how
shops held by LMCIT and the down,"said Dave."Once that's done, Garvin and other small ciaes should
League over the last si�c months. we'll be ready to send in the appli- deal with potentialY2k problems
"We've done some testing of carion." and then has�vorked to prepare
computers and had a consultant in her community.r '�`t
on our wastewater plant,"he said. Garvin, pop. 1.40
"We do have a couple of issues The city of Garvin has taken some Laura Petersen is public relations coordi-
though,like backup generators for simple steps to help prepare their nator tivith tlie League of Minrtesota
the lift station, and for City Hall, the cidzens for possible problems in Cities. �
Takin sim le ste s towards Y2k contin enc
g p p 9 y
and emergency planning
Cities are concerned about their • Loss of fire department pagers. police and fire protection,or drink-
ability to cxeate adequate contin- Alert volunteer firefighters that a ing water.
gency and emergency plans for test page will be sent at a desig- Idenrifying needed supplies and
dealing with potenrialY2k problems. nated ume.If it is not received by obtaining them is also an important
Creating such a plan does not have the set time,a designated crew will part of the planning process.
to be as ovenvhelming as it may report to the fire hall and crews Finally,the city must communi-
at first appear.Even the smallest will rotate shifrs until normal cate the plan to residenu and to
city can develop a basic plan to operations are restored. other potentially affected individuals
minimize the impact of potential • Loss of water service. Let residents or entities.If people are informed
Y2k problems. kno�v about water restrictions to about the ciry's ability to continue
Conringency and emergency protect the water reserve.Priori- delivering key services,they are .
planning answers,"What if...?" tize use of resene;i.e.,fire protec- less likely to panic and create addi-
What if there is a problem with the tion,drinking�vater,etc.Identify uonal problems.If they understand
pager system used to not�volunteer other sources of�vater like a that they may need to take steps to
firefeghters of an emergency call?What neighboring community's supply, prepare forY2k,and that they may
alternative methods of communicat- a designated well site with a back- need to follow alternative proce-
ing with firefighters e�cist? What if up generator,Red Cross/Salvation dures,they can be ready.Such per-
the water systern fails?What alterna- Army tanker trucks,bottled water sonal and communiry preparedness
tive water sources exist? Contin- reserves,and alternarive water will lessen dependency on city
gency plans deal with city depart- purification methods.Prioritize services and minimize the risk
ments and functions,and being able access to and use of resources of major problems.
to keep those departments function- if limited. A little prepararion can make
ing. Emergency plans deal with the • Loss of telephone systems. Identify a significant difference in an actual
bigger,communiry-wide response alternative methods of communi- emergency.Developing and explain-
to a problem. carions,such as cellular phones, ing contingency and emergency
By answering these types of radios,and human relay chains. plans will also go a long way in
questions, cities can minimize Designate emergency reporting showing due diligence and reducing
the impact of Y2k-related problems. sites, and place radios in those sites. a city's liabiliry exposure.r'�
In an ideal scenario,the plans will Work with schook to use bus •
mean that residents won't notice radios to ensure an adequate Kent Sulem is year 2000 project coord-
a change in the level of service. number of radios for the city's inator with the League of Minnesota
In a realistic situarion,the level land area. Cities.
of service in the contingency or • Loss of finance computer. Issue
emergency mode may be less than checks by hand,and keep a
what is normally provided,but still manual log of receipts and expen-
adequate to protect health,safety, ditures.Department may be tem- ��G�V{�1f'Crp�h
and welfare. porarily shut do�vn�ntil staffing �- �
is available.Communicate with � �
Contingenry plans credicors. � � i \
Here are some simple contingency Talking to surrounding commu- 1 2
plans your city can implement.If nities and county officials,as well as � 1
t ' Workd�s `
your city has a plan,please send it to key service providers like hospi- � � 1 ` /
to Kent Sulem,Y2k project coordi- tals,the Red Cross,Salvation Army,
• nator,at the League: 145 University and utility providers,is critical to yeQ�2�O
Avenue West,St.Paul,MN 55103. identifying resources that can be
Phone (651) 281-1245 or (800) used as part of the conringency plan. Y2k countdown�nly 162 work
925-1122.E-mail:ksulem@ This is particularly true if the city d�,s left beFore the Year 2000.
lmnc.org. relies on others for key services like Cities Aware—{ifies Prepared?
Making money on a glitch
A number of smaller cities hrne told
Y2k?A fe�v years ago,we all would ber to people you don't know, us that the�/re Finding it diFficult to
have assumedY2k was a new super especially over the phone. find the time to work through the Y2k
computer or a new Internet com- • As always,keep copies of all finan- assessment, evaluation, and contin-
pany.Now we knowY2k is a com- cial records.And,check your genry planning process outlined in
puter glitch that could rinker with monthly statemenu and canceled the League's Year 2000 Action
systems�vorldwide.If we didn't checks for accurary. Guide. In response,we re working
know that our lives were dependent • Ask your bank about theirY2k on a simpler checklist-type tool,
on computers before,we do riow efforts.It's likely you'll hear more Which we hope will make it eosier
Fortttnately,Y2k is being ad- about terminating the bug than for smaller cities to oddress Y2k
dressed by creative minds across the you ever�vanted to know issues.
country and here in Minnesota.The • Watch out for special investment This checklist questionnaire will not
state of Minnesota and private busi- opportunities,worthless books or only guide the smaller city through
nesses are investing millions to help other subscriptions that will"save" �e pr«ess, but will help to docu-
make sure this pesky litde bug does you from the coming"crisis:' ment the cit�/s efforts�n important
not cause any widespread,prolonged • Read up on the millennium.The �onsideration if there should be fvivre
claims against the ciy because of
computer,banking,or service prob- bug has set in motion an unprec- Y2k problems. The completed check-
lems.Unfortunately,there are scam edented,«-orldwide effort to fix list will also provide the information
artists trying to ring in the millen- the problem,but it never hurts to LMCIT's underwriters will need to
nium with fear. be educated.For additional infor- evaluate the ciy's application for
It seems somebody has been mation about theY2k problem, LMCIT's Expanded Y2k Coverage.
trying to convince customers that visit the State of Minnesota's Web We hope to have the new checklist
the banking industry does not have site at:wzvw y2k.state.mn.us. tool to cities by the end of May.
its act together on theY2k computer You can also call theYear 2000 For more inFormation, please call
glitch.The scam artist tells people Project Office at (651) 282-2000 Y2k Coordinator Kent Sulem at
that all bank customers must transfer or (877) 92�-4189, or the Office �651 J 281-1245; LMCIT Under-
their money out of their accon������� ofTechnology at (651) 215-3871 writing Manoger Mike Wozniak
keep it safe.They suggest putting the or (877) 8�7-2200. at(651) 215-4090;or LMCIT
money into a bond account until If you are contacted by a scam Administrator Pete Tritz at(651 J
the bank gets its system ready for the artist regardingY2k,please call the 28�'�265;Qr call LMC's moin toll-
next millennium.The crook asks for Minnesota Attorney General Office's free number at(800) 925-1122.
account information to verify he is Consumer Assistance Hotline at
tallcing to the proper person,and (651) 296-33�3 or(800) 657-3787. ••
asks for verbal authorization to The information you provide may
transfer funds to the special account. help the Attorney General's Office
Watch out for scam artists trying shut down scam artists.TTY num- Y2k Workshop at LMC
to celebrate the new year with your bers are (651) 297-7206 or (800) Annual Conference
money,and share these rips with 366-4812.r:�`
Be sure to attend the special session
your residents: devoted.to the year 2000 issue at
• Do not provide financial account this year's LMC Annual Conference.
information,your credit card Reprinted wirh permission from the The session, Y2k:ls Your Communiy
number,or Social Security num- Minnesota Attorney General's O�ce. R���j,?, is scheduled for June 16,
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.,and includes the
• • following learning objectives:
Cities have a motive to provide information on how their residena can adequately • Who are the p�ayers needec�
prepare their homes and businesses forY2k.The more prepared and secure residents feel to get your community reac�y
about che transiaon to the year 2000,the less fear they may feel if the community for Y2k?
experiences a power outage or glitches in other communiry sen-ices. • Whdt do city officia�s need
Cides should find opportunities to educate their residena and communiry groups to do to demonstrate due
through communicadons avenues like the local newspaper and radio stadon,the city diligence with Y2k?
newsletter,or town meedngs.I,ast month's Y2k Action News included the LMC"Y2k • How do ci y oFFiciols put together
Personal and Family Preparedness"memo.We encourage ciaes to share this memo and a community preparedness plon?
any of this newsletter's information with communiry memben.And visit the"Year • What ore the essentia�
2000"section on the LMC Web site(www lmnc.org) for otherY2k resources,news, Components to being reac�y?
and linlcs.
Due dili ence
� Y2k Action.News
gY KEM$ULEM Y2k Action News is published monthly
While larger cities may have an>- party service providers should also by the Leogue of Minnesora Cities to
increased e�osure toY2k liability be included in the inventory. educare ond inform c�nes about yeor
because of their size and number of • Document contact, or attempts at 2000 issues. For more information, cor,racr
systems,even the smallest city faces contact,�vithY2k-related vendors Y2k Project Coordinotor Kent Sulem at
substanrial consequences if prudent and service providers. • 1651�281-1245.
measures are not taken and some- • Develop contingency plans. Ideally Executive Director:Jim Miiler
body incurs damages that can be all cit}'services will have back up . Y2k Project Coordinotor. Kent Sulem :
traced back to the city's lack of 3F2k plans,but it is essential to at least Edaor. Erica Norris
preparedness.Every city must there- have a plan to deal with interrup- Des�gner:Gayle Brodr .
fore take reasonable steps to address tions in the normal delivery of leogue of Minnesota Gfles
potentialY2k problems.Such efforts CriCiC21 ServiCes. 145 University Avenue West
will increase the likelihood that a • Communicate with community St. Paul,MN 55103-2044
defense of due dili ence can be members and the media. 1651)281-1200
g Fax: (651►281-1299
sustained against a claim for negli- • Document the reasons for allY2k-. TDD: (651)281-1290
gence should the city be named in related decisions,including such www.lmnc.org
a lawsuit. things as limited finances and
While every claim will need to staffing.Don't assume if you're
be evaluated individually,there are a small community that you
some reasonable steps all ciries can don't need to prepare. �' `�y
take to help establish a due diligence • Encourage collaborative e�'orts M�
defense: with other governmental and 1 �
• Complete a thorough inventory. private sector enrities.r'�z� c��,��'���'
At the very least,cities need to
account for services critical to the Kent Siilern is year 2000 project coord-
protecrion of the health,safery,and inator witli the League of Minnesota
welfare of their residents.Third Cities. � -
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