HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. Police Recruitment Plan CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: July 14, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Individual Sewage Treatment Systems AGENDA NO. � • �• PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: ISTS Chapter 6; Summary Information In 1996 the city adopted Chapter 6 regarding On-Site Individual Sewage Treatment Systems (ISTS). All rural residential properties with systems were required to initiate and complete a maintenance program resulting in a "Maintenance Permit"for a two-year period. As shown in the attached information,ten property owners have not responded at all,three owners have responded but not complied, and two owners have been transferred with no compliance. The Community Development Department has issued two letters since first notifying residents of the ISTS maintenance program: (1) an"Expired Permit" letter in late February, and(2) a"Violation Notice" in late Mazch of 1999. Even though all letters asked for compliance within 30 days,no additional information has been received to-date regarding these fifteen properties. Chapter 6 (Section 9-6-14) indicates that any violation of this requirement is a misdemeanor. Staff is asking the City Council for direction, including the following: 1. Should any additional follow-up be done with each non-complying property owner, or should legal action be initiated(as a misdemeanor)? 2. If additional follow-up is done by staff,what should be the new deadline for compliance, and what should staff be telling them in terms of action at that deadline? 3. What should be staff's normal operating procedure for future renewals of ISTS Maintenance Permits for non-complying properties? (i.e., City Council will proceed to authorize legal action no later than 45 days past a Violation Notice). RECOMMENDED ACTION: For Discussion Only. No contact from resident 7ohn& Georgine Lindseth Gerald& Carol Groff 2680 128`� St W 3255 131�St W Janice Pittenger Charles&Mary Novak 2112 135`� St E 4344 Upper 135'� St W Erik&Rosemary Gundacker Robert&Kim Kamen 12529 Danbury Way 14995 Fischer Ave Todd Franz Dean&Bernice Falls . 13940 S Robert Trail 13836 S Robert Trail David&Rose Ernster Gary Raak Twin City Featherlite 128b0 Shannon Parkway 13425 S Robert Trail Contact from resident but no follow-through by resident William Rudgers Owner called 3/24/99, indicated system was 13095 Charlston Way pumped 3/24/99. No records ever received by city. Jerry&Denise Travers Owner called 5/21/99, indicated perc test 12467 Biscayne Ave was done by Berry Brown. No upgrade ever applied for. Leslie Lehtonen Owner here 4/19/99. Indicated will be 12003 Akron Ave puttina in new system. Told to send letter outlining dates of install. Owner anticipated to have details worked out by May 20, 1999. No info received as of 7une 23, 1999. Change of ownership - no compliance with ordinance GarY N�k�Ya to Shawn& Amy Rasmussen/Weckop 14999 Fischer Ave Lingen&Rene Van to Chase Manhattan Mtg 12305 Cobblerstone Ct .� , - • + �-- -� , - , . . ...::.::::::....::..::,..:,....... , . , � , ,:.::.....-::::.. � � ,... • ...:.: ::::::.:::.::.;:�:.::�.;;:.;:.;:.::�:.�:;:.::::.::::��::... _ ......:::.;:.;:<;.;:.;:::.::;;��;;::.;>;:<;.;;;:;.; :.::::::::........................ ........:::...... ...........:.::::::::::: ,:.::::::_.....:::::.;:;<:.::;:::.;::::.:::.::...... .:::::::....�:::::::::::::: .............,..:.::.:::.:::;;�:.::.....:,.::::::.::..:;.;::;.:::::..::.:...: .:.:::.:::.;.::.,::::.,.:::::::.................::::::::::::;::>::>::»»:;:;;:.;:.;;,::: ...:......:...........::::.�::......................:<:::.;:.:.;:.:.:;:::x;::::::::.;...:<:.,.....:..... ........ .. ;..<;.,;:.:;;>;:.:;::.:::::�::;:;:::�.....:.:....:............. .. ,. ;:.; ,;, ;::»l�fi :>;;:;»>:::<:::>:::>;:<:>;»:::::»::>:_::<>;»:>::>:>;:>:::>:;::>::::::>:`:::>:>;>:<;::<::::'<:>::::>::>;:;;«::<::<`:;�;:::<::<:::::<::<::<::<;:>:::<:<:;;:<::<:::::;::<::<:::<;:«::::<::>;:::<::<:::;:;::<<::<>:::..::::. ] :.:...:::::::::.:....:............:: .......:..� �'t�.::��. 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Date: ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068-3622 ISTS Location:2680 128TH ST W ISTS ID:2877 EXPIRED PERMIT � Dear JOHN G 8�GEORGINE A LINDSETH, A maintenance program for Individual Sewage Treatment Systems within the City of Rosemount is required by City Ordinance Section 14.6. The program is intended to extend the useful life of your septic system, protect the quality of graundwater aquifers and limit the expansion of city sewer. City Qrdinance Section 14.6 requires that a maintenance inspection be completed on each individuai sewage treatment system in Rosemount every two yea�s. Currentiy,it has been more than 2 years since your system was serviced, and as of this date our office has not received notification of a maintenance inspection on your property located at 2680 128TH ST W. inspections and pumping of septic systems must be completed by licensed contractors. Upon completion of required inspection/pumping the contractors must file a maintenance log wrth the Dakota County Environmental Management Depa�tment. By filing this record,you will then fulfill the requirements of City Ordinance 14.6. Please contact a licensed contractor to schedule the required maintenance inspection/pumping and have the maintenance log recorded at the Dakota County Environmentai Management Department within 30 days from the date of this letter. � Upon completion�and verification of the required maintenance,you wiil receive a letter confirming the � status of your septic system. That letter wiii serve as your permit acknowledging compiiance with the ordinance. If you have any questions, please call 322-2024. Protective Inspection Division City of Rosemount JOHN G &GEORGINE A LINDSETH Date: March 30, 1999 2680128TH ST W - ISTS Expir. Date: . ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068-3622 ISTS Location: 2680 128TH ST W , ISTS ID: 2877 VIOLATION NOTICE � Dear JOHN G 8�GEORGINE A LINDSETH, City Ordinance Section 14.6 requires that a maintenance inspection be completed on each individual sewage treatment system in Rosemount every two years. To date, our office has not received information confirming the proper.and required maintenance of your septic system located at 2680 128TH ST W within the required timeframe. � : This is your second notice and requires immediate attention. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to contraet this work with a licensed septic contractor and record the required maintenance inspection log with the Dakota County Environmental Management Department. Inspections and pumping of septic systems must be completed by licensed contractors only. Upon comptetion of required inspection/pumping the contractor must file a maintenance log with the Dakota County Environmental Management Department. By filing this record, you will then fulfill the requirements of City Ordinance Section 14.6. Upon completion and verification of the required maintenance,you will then receive a letter confirming the status of your septic system. That letter will serve as your permit acknowledging compliance with the ordinance. � If you have any questions, please call 322-2024. � � Protective Inspection Division City of Rosemount B. Penalties. Persons,firms or corporations found to be in violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor offense in accordance with Minnesota Statute,Section 609.02. Each day during which a violation of this Chapter is committed,continued,or permitted,constitutes a sepazate offense. CHAPTER 6 DESIGN, INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE OF ON-SIT'E INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS SECTION: 9-6-1: Purpose and Scope 9-6-2: Definitions 9-6-3: Administration 9-6-4: Design of ISTS 9-6-5: Installation of ISTS 9-6-6: Permit Requirements 9-6-7: Testing for ISTS Design 9-6-8: Shoreland and Flood Plain Regulations 9-6-9: Maintenance and Operating Regulations of Euisting ISTS 9-6-10: Limits on Commercial and Industrial Discharge 9-6-11: Schedule for Initial Permits 9-6-12: Failed ISTS 9-6-13: Systems Causing Imminent Threat to Public Health or Safety 9-6-14: Penalty 9-6-15: Inconsistency 9-6-1: Purpose and Scope: The purpose and scope of City Code Chapter 6,Design,Installation and Maintenance of On-site Individual Sewage Treatment System Requirements, shall be: A. For the proper siting,design, construction,installation, operation, maintenance,repair,reconstruction,inspection, enforcement and regulation of new and continued uses of individual waste treatment systems and devices. B. To comply with Minnesota Metropolitan Council mandates requiring the City of Rosemount to require maintenance of existing on-site sewage treatment systems on a regular basis to maintain code compliance. 26 It shall be the primary intent of this Ordinance to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City of Rosemount and to protect the environment and the City's natural resources including soils,bedrock and surface and groundwater. To this end,this Ordinance shall provide for the prevention and control of waste water related injury, disease, and natural resource depletion which can result from the improper generation, storage,treatrnent,removal,transport,utilization and disposal of waste water. 9-6-2: Definitions: For the purpose of this Ordinance, definitions of terms provided in Minnesota Statute, Section 115.03 and Chapter 145A, and in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 and 4715, and Dakota County Ordinance 113 as well as related laws and regulations, as referenced, shall have the same meaning ascribed to them in this Ordinance,unless provided otherwise as follows: A. Abandonment. Shall mean the permanent and proper termination or decommissioning of an individual sewage treatment system or part thereof. B. Approved Testing Methods. Shall mean all those relevant sample collection,preservation, analytical and statistical reporting methods known to accurately and precisely represent physical, chemical,biological and radiological parameters of interest or concem in water,waste water or waste. Approved testing methods shall be regulatory or consensus standards and shall include but not be limited to, standard.methods for the examination of water and waste water, (APHA,AWWA, WPCF), methods for chemical analysis of water and wastes (EPA) and,where applicable,test methods for evaluating solid waste(SW-846, EPA). C. Baffle. Means a device installed in a septic tank for proper operation of the tank and to provide maximum retention of solids, and includes vented sanitary tees and submerged pipe in addition to those devices that are normally called baffles. D. Commercial and Industrial. Means a building or property use other than dwelling,multiple family dwelling, or two-family dwelling, or attached or detached dwelling. E. Contaminant. Shall mean any physical, chemical,biological,or radiological substance or material in water which tends to degrade the environment by contributing toxicity, constituting a hazard or otherwise impairing its usefulness. 27 F. Contamination. Shall mean the presence of certain infections or toxic agents or certain hazardous characteristics capable of causing disease or other hann. G. Dwelling. Means any building or portion thereof,which is designed or used for residential purposes but not including motels,hotels,nursing homes and boarding houses. H. Failed Individual Sewage Treatment System. "Failed Individual Sewage Treatment System"means any ISTS that discharges sewage to a seepage pit, cesspool, drywell or leaching pit and any system with less than three feet of soil or sand between the bottom of the distribution medium and the saturated soil level or bedrock and in addition. I. Groundwater or Ground Water. Shall mean subsurface water in the vadose (unsaturated) and phreatic (saturated)zones occurring naturally in soil and rock formations,whether or not capable of yielding such water to wells, and shall specifically mean that subsurface water present in the saturated zone defined by a perched, free or confined ground water surface. J. Hazardous Materials. Means any substance,which when discarded,meets the definition of hazardous waste in Minnesota Rules 7045. K. Holding Tank. Means a watertight tank for storage of sewage until it can be transported to a point of approved treatment and disposal. L. Imminent Threat to Public Health or Safety. "Imminent Threat to Public Health or Safety" shall mean situations with the potential to immediately and adversely impact or threaten public health or safety. M. Individual Sewage Treatment System. (Hereafter known as ISTS) "Individual Sewage Treahnent System"means a sewage treahnent system, or part thereof, serving a dwelling, or other establishment, or group thereof, and using sewage tanks or advanced treatment followed by soil treatment and disposal. Individual sewage treatment system includes holding tanks and privies. N. Owner. Means all persons having possession of, control over, or title to an individual sewage treatment system. O. Pollutant. Shall mean a contaminant whose form concentration or other attribute in an environmental medium such as soil or water, exceeds established, acceptable criteria and standards prescribed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and,therefore,may be capable of causing disease,injury or death in 28 humans, animals or plants, contributing to the risk thereof,otherwise degrading the environment or creating a public nuisance. P. Public Nuisance,or Public Health Nuisance. Shall be defined as in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 145A,as amended, and shall be restricted in this Ordinance to those conditions in which wastes,waste waters, sewage,septage, sludge and other releases or related activities contribute to the annoyance or endangerment of persons or the degradation of the environment and which require appropriate preventory, control or abatement to resolve. . Q. Pumper. Shall mean any qualified person currently licensed by the State of Minnesota to properly clean, service,pump out and remove all septage, sewage, sewage sludge and other waste water solids and liquids from sewage tanks,pits, lagoons,privies, and other containers or devices,to temporarily store and transport such waste water, and to properly dispose of such waste water in a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency-permitted municipal or other waste water treatment facility or land apply,incorporate and beneficially use such waste water on a MPCA pemutted land application site. R. Reserve Area. Shall mean that portion of a property that is designated to be protected from all vehicular traffic, construction and other disturbances to the original,natural soils such that a future waste water treatment system or device may be constructed meeting all Ordinance requirements when the existing primary system or device malfunctions,becomes ineparable or when it fails to comply with this Ordinance. S. Septage. "Septage"means solids and liquids removed during periodic maintenance of an individual sewage treatment system, or solids and liquids which are removed from toilet waste treatment devices or a holding tank. T. Septic Tank. Means any watertight,covered receptacle designed and constructed to receive the discharge of sewage from a building sewer, separate solids from liquid,digest organic matter, and store liquids through a period of detention, and allow the clarified liquids to discharge to a soil treatment system. U. Sewage. Means any water camed domestic waste, exclusive of footing and roof drainage, from any industrial, agricultural,or commercial establishment, or any dwelling or any other structure. Domestic waste includes liquid waste produced by toilets,bathing, laundry,culinary operations, and the floor drains associated with these sources, and specifically excludes animal waste and commercial or industrial waste water. V. Sewage Tank. Means a watertight tank used in the treahnent of sewage and includes,but is not limited to septic tanks and aerobic tanks. 29 W. Sewage Tank Effluent. Means that liquid which flows from a septic or aerobic tank under normal operation. : X. Soil Treatment Area. Means that azea of trench or bed bottom which is in direct contact with the drainfield rock of the soil treatment system, and for mounds,that azea to the edges of the required absorption width and extending five feet beyond the ends of the rock layer. Y. Soil Treatment System. Means a system where sewage tank effluent is treated and disposed of below the ground surface by filtration and percolation through the soil, and includes those systems commonly known as seepage bed, trench, drainfield, disposal field,and mounds. Z. Standard Systems. Means an individual sewage treatrnent system employing a building sewer, sewage tank, and the soil treatment system consisting of trenches, seepage beds or mounds which aze constructed on ori�nal soil which has a percolation rate equal to or faster than 120 minutes per inch. AA. Water Table. Means the highest elevation in the soil where all voids are filled with water, as evidenced by presence of water or soil mottling or other information. 9-6-3: Administration: Standards for the installation,maintenance and repair of ISTS are as established herein. A. Adoption of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Rule 7080 and any subsequent amendments thereto,and Dakota County Environmental Management Department Ordinance 113,in the most current editions are hereby adopted by reference and shall be part of this Ordinance as if set forth herein. 9-6-4: Design of ISTS: In addition to requirements contained within MPCA 7080 and Dakota County Ordinance 113, all new,rebuilt or otherwise modified individual sewage treatment systems located in the City shall be designed by a person licensed by the State of Minnesota as being qualified to design such systems. Proof of such certification shall be provided to the City at the time the design of the ZSTS is submitted to the City's Protective Inspection Division for approval. The design shall be submitted to and approved by the Protective Inspection Division prior to issuance of any permits for the subject site. 30 9-6-5: Installation of ISTS: The installation of an ISTS shall occur only at the location approved by the City's . Protective Inspection Division. Installation of the system at any other location shall require submission to and approval of revised design and location plans by the City's Protective Inspection Division. The system shall only be installed by a person or company licensed by the State of Minnesota as qualified to install such a system. 9-6-6: Permit Requirements: No person shall install,repair,or alter an ISTS without first obtaining a permit as provided herein. Applications,provided by the City,must be completed in writing prior to issuance of a permit. Pernut fees are established by resolution of the City Council. 9-6-7: Testing for ISTS Design: For all buildable lots and existing lots of record in unsewered azeas,the landowner shall submit to the City two (2) separate ISTS site evaluations for a primary and secondary reserve area sewage/soil treatment system. A minimum of four(4) soil borings,two (2) perculation test results and a complete site evaluation for the primary and secondary ISTS soil treatment system per MPCA 7080.0110 must be submitted. The site a.nalysis must show the existence of adequate land azea for both the primary and secondary ISTS taking into account seasonably saturated soils, soil types and conditions, topographic features, flooding potential and mandatory setback requirements as dictated by City Ordinance and any applicable State and Federal regulations. The evaluation of the soils and the soil borings as well as the two (2)potential locations for the ISTS shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to any preliminary or final plat approval or waiver of platting or permit issuance. Failure to provide the information required by this section or failure to have at least two (2)potential sites for a soil treatment system on each lot shall be grounds for denial of the Building and Septic Pernuts. 9-6-8: Shoreland and Flood Plain Regulations: The design and installation of any ISTS within a designated shoreland or flood plain area shall be in accordance with Section 9.1 of the City Zoning Code and any other applicable federal, state or county shoreland or flood plain regulations. 9-6-9: Maintenance and Operating Regulations of Existing ISTS: 31 � � A. Residential Maintenance Permit. The owner of every residential dwelling with an ISTS system must�obtain an ISTS Maintenance Permit from the City's Protective Inspection Division. An ISTS maintenance permit shall be issued by the City's Building Inspection Division only upon successful completion and proper recording of the sewage � system maintenance log sheet in accordance with Section 9-6-9, Subpart C, of this Ordinance. B. Commercial,Industrial,Public or Institutional Operational Permit. The owner of every commercial,industrial,public,or institutional ISTS is required to have an ISTS Operational Permit for each ISTS from the City's Protective I nspection Division. The Operational Permit shall be issued only upon successful completion of the following requirements: 1.The owner of the ISTS has successfully completed maintenance on the� system in accordance with Section 9-6-9, Subpart C, of this Ordinance. 2. Inspections shall be completed by the City's Protective Inspection Division to verify water use and suitable effluent quality for on-site treatment. For an increase in discharge rate due to a change of use or building addition,the owner will be responsible to complete an ISTS evaluation by a licensed evaluator to determine capacity of the existing system. Permits will not be issued if the existing system is not capable of handling discharge. 3. The owner of the ISTS pays the required permit fee for each ISTS as set forth by resolution by the City Council. 4. A new Operational Permit is required when a change of ownership, building use or building addition occurs. C. ISTS Maintenance. Upon successful completion of ISTS maintenance per MPCA 7080,the licensed pumper/inspector shall submit a sewage system maintenance log sheet to the Dakota County Environmental Management Department within 30 days with the appropriate county recording fee. The log sheet must be completed in its entirety and all information recorded must be verified in writina by the signature and date of the licensed pumper/inspector completing the maintenance. The log sheet must also state the condition of and work done on the following: 1. The sewage or septic tank(s)has been thoroughly pumped by a licensed pumper to remove all solids and scum in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. EXCEPTION: Pumping is not required if a licensed pumper or licensed private inspector detemunes that accumulated sludge and 32 scum layers do not exceed the levels required for pumping per ` Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080. 2. An ISTS evaluation is completed by the licensed pumper/inspector verifying that the baffles and tank(s) are in working order and in substantial compliance with Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080 and if there is any evidence of ISTS surface discharge or failure. D. Duration. The duration of the residential Maintenance Permit and commercial and industrial Operational Permits shall be for a two(2)year period and shall be renewed by the owner after fulfilling the requirements of Section 9-6-9, Subpart C, of this Ordinance again making application to the City for such permit. The permit(s) shall be deemed revoked if the system becomes a failed ISTS. E. Renewal. If an owner has not renewed the ISTS Maintenance or Operation Permit(s) as required by Section 9-6-9, Subpart D,withi.n 30 days of expiration of the permit, a late renewal fee as established by resolution by City Council shall be paid before a pernut is issued. Failure to obtain the required Maintenance or Operational Permits or to renew said permits as outlined in this section may also result in penalty as outlined in Section 9-6-14, of this Ordinance. 9-6-10: Limits on Commercial and Industrial Discharge: No animal waste or commercial waste water or industrial waste water shall be discharged on the surface or into the sub-surface unless the person allowing or causing the discharge first obtains a state disposal system permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Such discharges must comply with the terms and requirements of the state disposal system permit in order to continue. Any ISTS installed prior to May 24th, 1996 and used for the discharge of animal waste or commercial waste water or industrial waste water may continue to be used for such purposes until such system becomes a failed ISTS or the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency orders discontinuance,whichever occurs first; then, in such case the new installed systems must comply with Chapter 6. 9-6-11: Schedule for Initial Permits: The owner of any ISTS within the City shall obtain a Maintenance or Operational Permit by May 24th, 1998 and shall maintain said Maintenance or Operational Pernut under the conditions of Section 9-6-9, Subpart C,of this chapter until use of the ISTS has been abandoned or terminated. J 33 9-6-12: Failed ISTS: The owner of any failed ISTS shall replace,modify or reconstruct the failed system in conformance with MPCA rule 7080 prior to January 30th,2002. The requirements of this section does not preclude the requirements of other sections of this code,MPCA 7080,Dakota County Ordinance 113, or any other state or federal law from requiring earlier or immediate ISTS replacements or upgrades. 9-6-13: Systems Causing Imminent Threat To Public Health or Safety: The owner of any ISTS defined as causin;an imminent threat to public health or safety shall immediately replace,modify or reconstruct the ISTS in conformance with MPCA Rule 7080. 9-6-14: Penalty: _ Violation of Chapter 6 shall be a misdemeanor.Presentation to the City of any false or intentionally misleading statements, certificates or applications by the owner or by the certified pumpers, designers or installers of the ISTS shall also be a misdemeanor. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or upon which a violation occurs or continues. 9-6-15: Inconsistency: If any provision of Chapter 6 is inconsistent with MPCA Rule 7080,Minnesota Statute, or Dakota County Ordinance 113,then that provision which is more demanding or provides a greater level of requirements or restrictions or provides an earlier date of compliance shall prevail and be controlling. If any provision of Chapter 6 is inconsistent with City Code,then that provision which is more demanding or provides a greater level of requirements or restrictions or provides an earlier date of compliance shall prevail and be controlling. � CHAPTER 7 CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AND EXCESSIVE NOISE SECTION: 9-7-1: Application of Provisions 9-7-2: Construction Hours 9-7-3: Exception for Emergency Work 9-7-4: Enforcement and Penalties 34