HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.e. Work Plans CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: MAY 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: 1999/2000 WORK PLAN AGENDA NO. PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, CITY ADMII�IISTRATOR 11�� f�' � ;, L ATTACHMENTS: DRAFT WORK PLAN APPROVED BY• Attached is the work plan in a draft format, ready for your review. Staff is looking for direction on layout and additions or modifications. Karen Ray, strategic plan coordinator, has asked that this be done prior to the next meeting in June. Please contact me with any changes, comments, or concerns. RECONIMENDED ACTION NOTES: MEMORANDUM DATE: May 12, 1999 TO: Mayor& City Council FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator SUBJECT: Draft Work Plans The attached work plan is in a draft format and ready for your review. Department's individual goals have also been included. At the work session staff is looking for direction on layout and if you would like to add any results or modify the draft. Karen Ray has asked this be done prior to her presenting them to the City Council in June. a CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1999/2000 WORK PLAN � , 1Y � ♦ May, 1999 City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-4997 651-423-4411 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1999/2000 Work Plan Community Development Department Commercial Enhancements Page 1 Business Growth Page 2 Affordable Housing Page 3 Comprehensive Plan Page 4 Public Works Department Conley Avenue Street & Utility Improvements Page 5 Diamond Path Trail Construction Page 6 East Side Water System Page 7 Police Department Recruitment Plan Page 8 Record Management Page 9 Share Resources Page 10 Property Maintenance Page 11 Community Policing � Page 12 Parks and Recreation Department Marketing Services and Programs Page 13 User Fees Page 14 Summer Ice Options Page 15 Regional Trail Page 16 Increase Evening Services at RCC Page 17 Administration Department Library Page 18 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Community Development Department ISSUE: Commercial Enhancements. GOAL: The city needs to have a plan that gives direction for all future enhancements (e.g., lighting and landscaping)within the public rights-of-way of commercial areas. RESUI,TS: 1. Complete the commercial corridors with a high level of appeal for businesses and the general public. 2. Achieve good public design that attracts a strong interest by the private sector for further investment in existing buildings and/or redevelopment of underutilized commercial sites. 3. Develop a cost and funding plan for public commercial enhancements that allow the city to move forward on a 10-year capital improvement program. 4. Invest in the public spaces (including parks and plazas) in order to create greater opportunities for an active commercial center of Rosemount. 5. Identify an overall design theme that provides a sense of"this place"within the commercial corridors. POLICIES: 1. Commercial enhancements shall only be proposed within the public right-of-way or on public property; guidelines shall be identified for improvements on private property. 2. The design for commercial enhancements shall provide some unique flavor for Rosemount,yet be simple and cost effective; long-term maintenance must also be a criteria for good design. 3. Resources for funding commercial enhancements shall be creatively identified with some limitations given to direct property assessments. Benchmarks: 1. Submit a draft plan to the City Council in early 1999 for review/discussion. 2. Complete revisions, if necessary, and adopt a final plan by mid-1999. 3. Initiate feasibility reports as required in order to proceed with commercial enhancement projects; revise CIP to reflect commercial plan phasing. � 1 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Community Development Department ISSLJE: Business Growth. GOAL: The city needs to foster growth in the business sector in order to provide a wide range of opportunities for residents to work and shop within this community. RESULTS: 1. Fill the 80-acre Rosemount Business Park with high quality employers and development that meets high design standards. 2. Purchase the Quonset hut at the northeast corner of Highways 3 and 42 and clear the site of all structures and materials. 3. Redevelop underutilized property into higher and better uses in conformance with the city's comprehensive plan. 4. Assess home businesses within the city and establish an ongoing communication network that provides support. 5. Retain and attract suitable businesses to Rosemount; four(4)new businesses shall be a goal for 1999/2000. POLICIES: 1. All illegal businesses will be eliminated from being considered for Rosemount. 2. City staff should creatively consider the use of any resources to achieve the results, including public financing(e.g.,TIF)and legal measures(e.g., condemnation). 3. The city's Port Authority should be the primary organization responsible for business growth in Rosemount. , Benchmarks: 1. Set policies for non-conforming businesses within Rosemount. 2. Develop a plan on how best to attract new businesses,including such strategies as targeted marketing, advertising and incubating startup businesses. 3. Review options and the feasibility of developing a local business fund(e.g.,local revolving loan fund). . 2 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Community Development Department ISS�: Affordable Housing. GOAL: The city needs to establish its priorities in relationship to the type and location of additional affordable housing units in conjunction with its 2020 Comprehensive Plan and the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act. RESUI,TS: 1. Achieve high quality standards in relationship to building construction and site amenities for all housing projects. 2. Match the housing demand in Rosemount with future business growth,including the large areas designated for Business Park and General Industrial development. 3. Maintain an appropriate mix of housing units within Rosemount, including owner/renter tenure and single/multi-family units. 4. Locate affordable housing throughout the community,while at the same time, consider its proximity to services(e.g.,groceries,transit and recreation). 5. Complete public educational efforts that aim to achieve a stronger consensus on the need for affordable housing in Rosemount. POLICIES: 1. No affordable housing project shall be viewed as isolated or concentrated based upon an agreed definition of isolation/concentration. 2. The density, style and size of each affordable housing project shall be consistent with its surrounding properties. 3. If a determination is made that no more affordable housing is needed in Rosemount, then revisions should be made to this section of the Work Plan. Benchmarks: 1. Complete a local affordable housing study that reviews the city's housing stock and results in a common definition of"affordable housing". 2. Determine whether or not affordable housing should be added in Rosemount. 3. Define the term"quality"in housing construction and site development in order to achieve that objective through revised codes and standazds. _ 3 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Community Development Department ISSUE: Comprehensive Plan. GOAL: The city needs to complete and adopt the 2020 Comprehensive Plan that includes a formal review process with the Metropolitan Council, and ultimately achieves a vision of local development in the context of the Twin Cities metropolitan area that will add nearly 650,000 new residents from 1995-2020. RES�.TS: 1. Obtain the Metropolitan Council's official review comments in a timely manner that ultimately allows the city to adopt the new document for implementation. 2. Negotiate changes,if necessary,with the Met Council that work toward equal attention being given to local and regional objectives. 3. Use this plan to further analyze specific land use issues, such as aggregate mining, Highway 42 access control,east end sewer/water system,and affordable housing. 4. Begin implementation steps to further the goals,policies and Land Use Plan, especially in relationship to an amended zoning ordinance and to the appropriate rezoning of property that should conform with land use categories. 5. Use the plan to support decisions that ultimately result in a better community in which to live,work and be educated. POLICIES: 1. Local values are significant when addressing Rosemount's role within the Twin Cities metropolitan region. 2. City staff shall work directly with Met Council staff as the regional planning agency identifies plan discrepancies and/or deficiencies. 3. If necessary,the city council shall discuss significant policy differences between Rosemount's plan and the Regional Blueprint with the city's Council representative. Benchmarks: 1. Adopt the 2020 Comprehensive Plan for the city by the end of 1999. 2. Complete further analysis and make conclusions about specific land use issues related to the comprehensive plan. 3. Begin implementation steps that meet the goals and objectives of this plan. - 4 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Public Works Department ISSUE: Conley Avenue Street&Utility Improvements GOALS: To provide a well designed public utilities and street system for new development. RESULTS: POLICY: 1. This project will include assessments to benefiting properties so it must follow the Minnesota State Statute Chapter 429 process. 2. Areas within the MUSA shall be served by City sanitary sewer. Benchmarks l. Order Feasibility Report to investigate the feasibility of providing City services and a street system for the proposed development. 2. Meet with MNDOT and the County to request funding assistance for the project by February, 1999. 3. Receive the Feasibility Report and order a public hearing to consider the public improvements on March 2, 1999. 4. Conduct a public hearing and order preparation of plans and specifications for the improvements on Apri120, 1999. : 5. Receive the plans and specifications and order advertisement for bids for the project on June l, 1999. 6. Receive the bids for the improvements on June 25, 1999. 7. Award a contract for the construction of the improvements on July 6, 1999. 8. Begin construction of public improvements on July 19, 1999. 9. Complete construction in October of 1999. 10. Install final lift of bituminous in June of 2000. 11. Conduct an assessment hearing for the public improvements in September of 2000. - 5 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Public Works Department ISSUE: Diamond Path Trail Construction GOALS: Whether or not to construct a trail on the Rosemount side of the Diamond Path construction provide a well designed public utilities and street system for new development. RESULTS: POLICY: Consistent with policy of having trails and/or sidewalks on both sides of collector streets. Benchmarks 1. Conduct public informational meeting on February 24, 1999. 2. Meet with residents on site on March 29, 1999. 3. Discuss with City Council on April 14, 1999. 4. Provide residents with letter explaining the�vidth of the area between the trail and property lines is 15 feet and the construction will include tree and shrub plantings in this area which will act as a buffer. 5. Open bids May of 1999. 6. Begin construction in June, 1999. 7. Complete construction in September, 1999. . 6 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Public Works Department ISSUE: East Side Water System GOALS: Install potable water system on east side of Rosemount to provide firefighting capabilities. RESULTS: POLICY: Part of project will be assessed,therefore we must follow the State Statutes Chapter 429 process. Benchmarks 1. Order Feasibility Report to investigate the feasibility of project. 2. Receive Feasibility Report and order a public hearing to consider the improvements on May 20, 1999. 3. Conduct a public hearing and order plans and specifications for the project on June 1, 1999. 4. Acquire property for water tower by July l, 1999. 5. Receive plans and specifications and order advertisement for bids on July 20, 1999. 6. Receive the bids for the project on August 13, 1999. , 7. Award a contract for the construction of the project on August 17, 1999. 8. Begin construction September of 1999. 9. Complete construction in July, 2000. 10. Conduct assessment hearing in September of 2000. _ 7 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Police Department ISSUE: Recruitment Plan . GOALS: Develop and implement a recruitment plan to increase the representation of minorities and women in the police department serving as community service officers or police officers. RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Information on recruitment plans from other law enforcement agencies and associations gathered and reviewed by April 14, 1999. 2. Draft of recruitment plan presented to City Council by April 14, 1999. 3. Department annually attends career fairs at colleges, universities, high schools and other sites. 4. Department participates at annual Law Enforcement Opportunity Career Fair sponsored by LEO. 5. Department members regularly present information on law enforcement at area schools at all grade levels. 6. Internship program developed for women,minorities and special skills candidates by June l, 1999. _ 8 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Police Department . ISSUE: Record Management and Mobile Data System GOALS: Purchase record management and mobile data systems that are integrated and Year 2000 compliant. RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Research multiple systems and give recommendation by May 1, 1999. 2. Recommended system is within budget established in 1999 CIP. 3. Purchased system increases effectiveness and efficiency of department personnel by linking with at least two surrounding communities. 4. Purchase and install the system before November 1, 1999 to avert problems associated with the year 2000 computer bug. . 9 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Police Department ISSUE: Share Resources GOALS: Continually explore means to share resources with surrounding law enforcement agencies to increase effectiveness and efficiency. RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Research options for linking and sharing data with other agencies. Report to City Council by May l, 1999. 2. Participate in discussions on Dakota County Drug Task Force. Report to City Council as needed to discuss budget ramifications. 3. Regularly attend and participate in the activities of the Dakota County Chiefs of Police, Minnesota Chiefs of Police and other law enforcement organizations. . 10 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Police Department ISSUE: Property Maintenance GOALS: Properties are well maintained and in compliance with property maintenance ordinances. RESULTS: 1. Active enforcement of applicable property maintenance codes. 2. No negative visual impact of non-conformance to codes. 3. Citizens do not complain about blighted properties. POLICY: 1. Consistent enforcement of codes, everyone treated the same. 2. Timely response to all complaints -- follow-up within two business days of receipt of complaint. Action taken in accordance with time-lines in code. 3. An internal reporting system developed to involve all city employees in the reporting of code violations. 4. Code enforcement is made a high priority using existing funds. Benchmarks 1. Reduced negative visual impact observed in the community by November 1, 1999. 2. Internal reporting system is explained to the City Council by November l, 1999. 3. Complaints are handled within established time-lines in ninety percent of cases. 4. There is a reduction in the number of citizen generated complaints. Reduction will be measured from April 1, 1999 to October 1, 1999. ' 5. Property maintenance questions will be included in the city wide survey conducted every 3-5 years. An increase in resident satisfaction will code enforcement will be expected. . 11 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Police Department ISSUE: Community Policing GOALS: Police Department utilizes community oriented policing philosophy to address community problems and enhance the feeling of safety in the community. RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Neighborhood Watch participation increases by a least five (5)new areas annually. 2. National Night Out participation in the community increase each year. 3. Increase volunteer opportunities within the department for residents. 4. Contact all faith, civic and other community groups to offer presentations concerning crime, law enforcement, and prevention topics. 5. Develop community oriented policing programs that are applicable to Rosemount. 6. City survey includes questions concerning awareness of community oriented policing and residents perception of crime in the community. 7. Survey results show increase in awareness for C.O.P. and decreased level of fear of crime or rating of crime as an issue in the community. _ 12 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Parks and Recreation Department ISSUE: Marketing Services and Programs GOALS: Increase marketing efforts of services and programs. RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Promote available rental space on outdoor sign beginning May 1, 1999. 2. Distribute rental flyers to NDCC members a minimum of three times per year beginning May 1, 1999. 3. Begin networking with other managers of like facilities to determine new marketing approaches beginning June 1, 1999. 4. Investigate advertisement opportunities in event planning resource publications by October 1, 1999. 5. Report findings of department surveys, commend cazds, and evaluations to parks and Recreation Committee by January 1, 2000. 6. Evaluate effectiveness of yellow pages by January 1, 2000. 13 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Parks and Recreation Department ISSUE: User Fees GOALS: Adjust department user fees to appropriate levels. RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Conduct fee survey of other community centers and like facilities by October 1, 1999. 2. Determine profit margin of each rental segment by October 1, 1999. 3. Recommend fee adjustments to parks and Recreation Committee by December 1, 1999. . 14 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Parks and Recreation Department ISSUE: Summer Ice Operations GOALS: Determine course of action regarding summer ice operations. RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Survey existing summer ice customers to determine estimated use for 2000 by October l, 1999. 2. Prepare financial analysis of summer ice operation for the past three years by November 1, 1999. 3. Determine break-even point of summer ice operation by November l, 1999. 4. Investigate alternative uses for summer ice and develop report by November 15, 1999. 5. Recommend course of action to Parks and Recreation Committee by December 1, 1999. ` 15 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Parks and Recreation Department ISSUE: Dakota County Regional Trail GOALS: Dakota County approval of regional trail RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Continue meeting with Dakota County Planning Department regarding the status of the potential trail to span the City of Rosemount from Lebanon Hills Regional Park to Spring Lake Regional Park. _ 16 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Parks and Recreation Department ISSUE: Increase Evening Services at Rosemount Community Center GOALS: Enhance evening coverage at Community Center RESULTS: POLICY: Benchmarks 1. Incorporate the cost of adding evening attendants to the operating budget by June 1, 1999. 2. Determine which types of City Hall information and services can be distributed at the Community Center by October 1, 1999. 3. Investigate and obtain quotes for security cameras and PA system and install by January 1, 2001. 4. Construct work area for evening attendants in the main lobby by January 1, 2001. 5. Hire and train evening attendants by January 1, 2001. _ 17 City of Rosemount 1999/2000 Work Plan Administration Department ISSUE: Library GOALS: The City desires to have a library. RESULTS: 1. The City should have a library available to citizens by the Year 2004. 2. The Building should be consistent with small town theme --look,pretty and not contemporary. 3. The library will provide plenty of parking spaces. 4. The site of the library will be located to maximize public access via bike trails, walking trails, sidewalks and streets. 5: All planning questions will be resolved in a timely manner, driven by the City with consensus by governmental agencies and the public. 6. An effective citizen task force shall be formed consisting of all age groups steered by a central committee. POLICIES: 1. Break no laws. 2. Staff will not talk to County Commissioners; the Mayor will have this responsibility. 3. Staff will not commit to any funds or select any site for the library. 4. A budget for the library will be set. 5. City Council will set criteria for site selection and will consider recommendations from staff. Benchmark: 1. A"nugget"citizen task force will be assembled and met at least once by October 31, 1999. 2. City Council has identified the site selection criteria. 3. Library issue has been discussed at a Chamber meeting and with business represer�tative "resources." 4. City Administrator works with county staff on a commitment. 5. City and County are in sync with library. 6. All departments have identified impacts to the city as a result of this project. . 18